Who really is Paul Ryan, this may help you understand the man.
Who is Paul Ryan? Well let's see if this helps a bit, (from a friend via email.)
"Who Is Paul Ryan?
You asked, who is Paul Ryan? Well, here's a response.
Well, early Saturday morning we learned that Congressman Paul Ryan, Republican from Wisconsin, is to be Mitt Romney's pick for the next Vice President of The United States.
What are we to think of this selection? He's not a graduate of Columbia University. He's not a graduate of Harvard. He wasn't selected as the President of the Harvard Law Review. He didn't get a special free quota scholarship ride to any prestigious university and, instead, had to work his way through Miami University of Ohio. For God's sake the man drove the Oscar Mayer Wiener Truck one summer and waited tables another!
One morning when Paul Ryan was sixteen years old he went in to wake his father up and found him dead of a heart attack. He didn't write two books about that experience (like Obama did). Instead, he assumed the role of adult at an early age, never having the luxury to pursue youthful drug use and the art of socialist revolution.
Instead, Paul Ryan and his mother took his grandmother, suffering from Alzheimer's, into the household and served as the primary care provider for his grandma. His grandma wasn't the Vice President of the Bank of Hawaii (like Obama's) so she could offer nothing in return, except the element of "need".
Once Paul Ryan got his BA in Economics from Miami University of Ohio he was hired as a staff economist in Wisconsin Senator Kastin's office. The job must have not paid well because young Ryan moonlighted as a waiter and fitness trainer. No one offered him a "token honor" position at the University of Chicago and a $200,000 dollar a year salary.
When a still young Paul Ryan returned to Wisconsin to run for Congress he didn't demonize his opponent and dig up dirt to shovel against him. He waited until the standing Congressman vacated the office before seeking the office. In Janesville, Wisconsin they don't have a big political machine to promote you, to criminalize your opponent; instead Paul Ryan had to go door to door and sit at kitchen tables and listen to his future constituents.
After getting elected to Congress Paul Ryan didn't triumphantly march into Washington, buy himself a Georgetown townhouse and proceed over to K Street to rub elbows with lobbyists. He bunked in his Congressional office and used the house gym for showers and a fresh change of clothes.
Paul Ryan then married and took his bride back to Janesville. He lives on the same street he lived on as a kid and shares the neighborhood with eight other members of the Ryan clan. He hunts with the local Janesville hunt club and attends PTA meetings and other civic functions.
For those who can't make those public functions, Paul Ryan bought an old bread truck, converted it into a "mobile constituent office" and drives around to meet with those who need his help and attention.
No, I don't know if we can vote for a guy like this. He doesn't have a regal pedigree; he's Irish for God's sake! No one awarded him a Nobel Peace Prize two months after getting elected. No one threw flowers or got "chills down their leg" as a he took his seat in Congress.
What is most despicable about Paul Ryan is that he has had the nerve to write the House Budget for three years in a row. He's is brazen and heartless in advocating in that budget for a $5 trillion dollar reduction in federal spending over the next ten years! The House passed his budget three years in a row and three years in a row the Democratically controlled Senate has let it die in the upper house, without ever proposing a budget of their own. What is wrong with this guy? If Congress were to cut $5 trillion dollars from the budget where would the President get the money to give $500 million dollars to a bankrupt Solyndra? Or $200 million dollars for bankrupt Energy 1? Or $11 billion dollars to illegal aliens filing INIT, non-resident tax returns to claim $11 billion big ones in child tax credits, even for their children living in Mexico?
I don't know. Paul Ryan seems heartless to me. He keeps wanting to cut government waste, he keeps wanting to put a halt to those big GSA conventions in Vegas and, worse, he keeps trying to make people look at that $16.7 trillion dollar deficit! The guy's no fun at all!
Who wants a numbers cruncher? Who wants someone spoiling the party by showing folks the bill? Nothing will spoil a party quicker than sending the host the bill before the party's over."
Tom Ford
NO. 1047
"Who Is Paul Ryan?
You asked, who is Paul Ryan? Well, here's a response.
Well, early Saturday morning we learned that Congressman Paul Ryan, Republican from Wisconsin, is to be Mitt Romney's pick for the next Vice President of The United States.
What are we to think of this selection? He's not a graduate of Columbia University. He's not a graduate of Harvard. He wasn't selected as the President of the Harvard Law Review. He didn't get a special free quota scholarship ride to any prestigious university and, instead, had to work his way through Miami University of Ohio. For God's sake the man drove the Oscar Mayer Wiener Truck one summer and waited tables another!
One morning when Paul Ryan was sixteen years old he went in to wake his father up and found him dead of a heart attack. He didn't write two books about that experience (like Obama did). Instead, he assumed the role of adult at an early age, never having the luxury to pursue youthful drug use and the art of socialist revolution.
Instead, Paul Ryan and his mother took his grandmother, suffering from Alzheimer's, into the household and served as the primary care provider for his grandma. His grandma wasn't the Vice President of the Bank of Hawaii (like Obama's) so she could offer nothing in return, except the element of "need".
Once Paul Ryan got his BA in Economics from Miami University of Ohio he was hired as a staff economist in Wisconsin Senator Kastin's office. The job must have not paid well because young Ryan moonlighted as a waiter and fitness trainer. No one offered him a "token honor" position at the University of Chicago and a $200,000 dollar a year salary.
When a still young Paul Ryan returned to Wisconsin to run for Congress he didn't demonize his opponent and dig up dirt to shovel against him. He waited until the standing Congressman vacated the office before seeking the office. In Janesville, Wisconsin they don't have a big political machine to promote you, to criminalize your opponent; instead Paul Ryan had to go door to door and sit at kitchen tables and listen to his future constituents.
After getting elected to Congress Paul Ryan didn't triumphantly march into Washington, buy himself a Georgetown townhouse and proceed over to K Street to rub elbows with lobbyists. He bunked in his Congressional office and used the house gym for showers and a fresh change of clothes.
Paul Ryan then married and took his bride back to Janesville. He lives on the same street he lived on as a kid and shares the neighborhood with eight other members of the Ryan clan. He hunts with the local Janesville hunt club and attends PTA meetings and other civic functions.
For those who can't make those public functions, Paul Ryan bought an old bread truck, converted it into a "mobile constituent office" and drives around to meet with those who need his help and attention.
No, I don't know if we can vote for a guy like this. He doesn't have a regal pedigree; he's Irish for God's sake! No one awarded him a Nobel Peace Prize two months after getting elected. No one threw flowers or got "chills down their leg" as a he took his seat in Congress.
What is most despicable about Paul Ryan is that he has had the nerve to write the House Budget for three years in a row. He's is brazen and heartless in advocating in that budget for a $5 trillion dollar reduction in federal spending over the next ten years! The House passed his budget three years in a row and three years in a row the Democratically controlled Senate has let it die in the upper house, without ever proposing a budget of their own. What is wrong with this guy? If Congress were to cut $5 trillion dollars from the budget where would the President get the money to give $500 million dollars to a bankrupt Solyndra? Or $200 million dollars for bankrupt Energy 1? Or $11 billion dollars to illegal aliens filing INIT, non-resident tax returns to claim $11 billion big ones in child tax credits, even for their children living in Mexico?
I don't know. Paul Ryan seems heartless to me. He keeps wanting to cut government waste, he keeps wanting to put a halt to those big GSA conventions in Vegas and, worse, he keeps trying to make people look at that $16.7 trillion dollar deficit! The guy's no fun at all!
Who wants a numbers cruncher? Who wants someone spoiling the party by showing folks the bill? Nothing will spoil a party quicker than sending the host the bill before the party's over."
Tom Ford
NO. 1047
No bias here, eh? lol
I get that you like Ryan and all, but you do realize that whole Solyndra thing is pretty much bunk, right? maybe not all, but mostly.
10:14 PM Blogger: I admit to a "bias" of sorts and that is i am totally "biased" toward the United States Of America!
I took an oath to "protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from ALL enemies foreign and domestic," and tha oath has never been rescinded.
I am a bit to long in the tooth to do much more than comment on it these days, but when I see creeping socialism and the possibility of actual communism being introduced into the American way of life I WILL comment on it!
So, am I "biased?" Darn right I am, I am "biased" toward the Republic, aren't you?
Tom Ford
11:58 PM Blogger: No I do not realize the "Solyndra thing" is bunk. They got the money from US (tax payers, via obama's energy department) and went bankrupt a short time later.
No fraud charges, no cooking the books allegations, and no complaints from obama or anyone else I have heard of, so how is it "bunk" pray tel?
Tom Ford
11:58 PM Blogger: speaking OF "Fakes," try this one on for size.
Tom Ford
"whole Solyndra thing is pretty much bunk, right?"
Provide sources please to support your statement.
3:43 PM Blogger: Now that's the best try I have seen in some time my friend!
The owners of factcheck.org" is none other than the Annenberg Foundation which was started by Bill Ayers, ETAL along with barack Obama in Chicago, IL. (Google it for yourself.)
Any better sources, as this crew would lie if you asked them if it was daylight outside!
Tom Ford
that's interesting, as the website roasts Obama on a regular basis. Is it only lying when they verify what he says, or also when they say he's full of it?
8:22 PM Blogger: Neither my friend, have you ever heard of "Perestroika?" (it's a Russian term, please look it up.)
Is it possible? You bet it is.
Tom Ford
okay, I looked it up. The term did not answer my question, though. You made a sweeping statement that factcheck is not reliable because you feel the person who founded it is associated with Obama. Therefore, your statement said, anything on the website could and very likely would be a lie. I then stated that often they take Obama to task for things he says, and have even rated some of his statements to be untrue or at least exaggerated. So, when they roast Obama, are they lying, indicating that he was telling the truth, or when they verify his statements are they lying, indicating that he was in fact lying? I am trying to understand your perspective here.
7;41 AM Blogger: My perspective is simple, the founding fathers of this group in Chicago (Ares and Obama) are not exactly the most reliable sources on the planet.
I choose not to believe a word that they utter for many reasons. Now as this is still a free country (so far) you are free to trust them implicitly
I doubt however that many others follow them as the "be all and know all" of the truth, but that's America for you.
Tom Ford
thank you for the information. I did google your claims of who started factcheck and found the only source backing up your claim is a known conservative website, which I then chose to disregard. I have been a member of the Republican Party and now I am not. I dislike the direction the Party has taken and am now an Independent, so you needn't start accusing me of being a liberal. I am not a liberal. But I cannot hold with what this party has become.
11:56 PM Blogger: Do as you wish, remember I said this is STILL America, and were STILL free to use or disregard.
Be what you wish while your at it. You, nor anyone else has ever seem me tell you on this blog who to vote for, only to get out and vote your conscience.
If you do that you will be a true American, and part of the solution, and not the problem.
Just for the record, can you hold with what Obama has done to date, and if so why?
Tom Ford
the jury is out on Obama. I like some things and don't like others. I don't want to get lectured, but I use kind of an old term for Romney. I call him a "rino". I know that might seem disrespectful but it's how i feel. i saw your long entry talking about how much you like Ryan so I won't comment on him at all.
2:23 PKM Blogger: Please comment on whomever you wish to. The only rule here is that you sign your real name if your going to be insulting them.
Did you also notice that I put the disclaimer (from a friend) on top of the "long entry?"
The Republican party is heavy on "rino's" as the Democrat party is heavy on socialist / progressives.
That said I know we can't afford another four years of "trickle down poverty," high taxes, and no jobs which is what we will get if Obama is reelected.
Tom Ford
An interesting message written by J.B in Illinois, (Chicago area,) On the Culver pages.
I present this for your thoughts, pro or con.
"A story for what ever you make of it. You can't make this stuff up. Read the NY Times Oct 13, 2011 to verify ownership.
Do you know the park in NYC that the Wall Street protesters occupied?
It's Zuccotti Park.
Did you know this park is NOT owned by the city of New York?
It's owned by Brookfield Properties.
Brookfield Asset Management received an Obama Department of Energy Loan guarantee of over $160 million within 10 days of approving the take over of the Park. Brookfield is a Canadian company with assets of $70 billion. Google it , It's all on their website - and WHY is the US Taxpayer guaranteeing a loan to a VERY wealthy Canadian company?!?!
Who was just hired by Brookfield Properties as an attorney?
Vice President Joe Biden's son.
Who sits on the board of Brookfield Properties?
NYC Mayor Bloomberg's live in girlfriend.
Now, guess what company just received some of the last of the Obama Stimulus $$$$$$$.
Thaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, Brookfield Properties (a Canadian Corp). Isn't life great in America !
Now, guess what, on a completely unrelated note? Wisconsin is shaping up to be the swing state in the 2012 presidential elections. Not Florida. Not Ohio. But Wisconsin.
Now, guess who owns the company that will be tabulating all the electronic votes in Wisconsin.
Thaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, the biggest contributor to Obama, the puppeteer George Soros. Whaaaaaaaaaaaat a coincidence!
And now for your quick refresher in World History :
Remember what Stalin said. "He who votes does not have the power. He who counts the votes has the power".
And you thought this election would be a fair one!!!!"
Tom Ford
"which I then chose to disregard" which is not unlike most open minded liberals today.
I tend to disregard any news source that is closely tied to either party. Sorry if that offends.
8:21 PM Blogger: No offence taken here m friend. It's always interesting to see just who is really behind the curtains when it comes to "the news."
As the man said, "follow the money, and you will find the real agenda of those presenting the truth."
I know one thing, and that is though we were told prosperity and good would come of "hope and change" it's obvious by the unemployment, the under employment, and those who have stopped even looking for work that we need a change to a very different direction!
Tom Ford
Here is what I mean about follow the money.
"GM has moved their Research and Development Division to China and is building 11 plants in China. I listened to the CEO of GM say in a speech that the future of GM is in China. He then proceeded to give each member of the Chinese equivalent of Congress a Cadillac (over 300 hundred Cadillacs, all of which were built in China). GM also sponsored China's big anniversary celebration of converting to communism."
Not good for the American worker no matter how you look at it, but the hierarchy of the unions will still make a handsome profit along with the GM bosses, and to think "we paid for it!"
Tom Ford
The question is "Who really is Paul Ryan"?
The answer is, he's Joe Biden's debate nightmare.
as I said, the jury is out on Obama, but I am no fan of Romney. I didn't like him last time he ran, either. I have never liked him. I feel he is untrustworthy, and I sure don't want to feel that before he's even in office. I can't help it, I don't trust a thing that comes out of his mouth. I think he says whatever he needs to say to pander to whatever audience he has at the moment, and I hate that. In my opinion, he's not a conservative at all...he just says that now so he can get the nomination. So, I am still riding the fence, undecided.
GM according to Bloomburg and News Busters,and Americanvision, via a good friend, you decide.
Subject: Fw: Fwd: GM Sales: Bloomberg report.
You decide if things are as they seem.
"Could this be?
79% of GM’s sales last month was government purchased
July 12th, 2012
Remember how Obama keeps telling us how he saved GM, and how our economy is getting better, it seems the car company he bought is being saved by Govt employees using our tax money to buy new cars. 79% of GM’s sales last month was government purchased.
GM’s sales figures for last month were the best since 2008 , up 16% for the month of June. YIPPEE! Well, wait just a minute. It seems that those rosy sales figures are due primarily to a 79% increase in fleet sales to the U.S. government in June. That’s right. Our tax dollars are being used to pump up GM’s sales figures ahead of next month’s quarterly report so that Dear Leader can point to Government Motors as a huge success. The incestuous relationship between GM, the UAW and the Regime has never been more glaringly apparent. I've said it before and I’ll say it again. GM is unsustainable without government subsidies and will ultimately go bust again, taking billions of taxpayer dollars down with it.
We bailed out General Motors to the tune of $50 billion. $30 billion of this is effectively a loss, mostly sunk into fattening the United Auto Workers union—fierce Obama supporters—while the actual bondholders were shown the elevator shaft.
Meanwhile, as News Busters reports, “We the Taxpayers are still stuck holding 500+ million shares of GM stock. Which we need to sell at $53 per. Which debuted post-bankruptcy at $33 per. And which is currently trading at just over $20 per. Meaning we’ll lose about $15 billion.”
But it gets better. Despite the overwhelming negatives, the tiny bright spot of positive June sales numbers is being heralded by Obama and the leftist press as proof the auto bailout was a “success.”
Obama is now campaigning on the “success” of – the government buying cars from…the government’s car company. With our money.
Americanvision says That’s like you setting up a lemonade stand for your kids. You buy them the lemons, sugar, cups and pitchers – and then buy most of the lemonade yourself.
The pressure is on Government Motors to appear financially strong as this may be the last earnings report before November elections and sets the stage for how “successful” GM is. One of GM’s past tricks to help fudge earnings numbers has been to stuff truck inventory channels. Old habits die hard at GM. According to a Bloomberg report, “GM said inventory of its full-size pickups, which will be refreshed next year, climbed to 238,194 at the end of June, a 135 days’ supply, up from 116 days at the end of May.” 135 days’ supply is huge, the accepted norm is a 60 day supply. The trick here is that GM records revenue when vehicles go into dealership."
Tom Ford
nothing in government or politics is EVER as it seems. The article was informative, but I am under no illusion that Romney will be Mr. Transparent. I have been very upset with the way he conducts himself and I just need to do some more thinking and listening, I think.
OMG, just vote for who you think is the conservative.
the one who says he's a conservative actually isn't really, so I will make my decision closer to November.
I guess we are starting to read it and we are now finding out whats in it. More centralized govt control of our lives under the liberal democrats. Why am I not surprised.
When the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act–a.k.a. Obamacare–was enacted in March 2010 it included (in Section 2713) a non-specific requirement that health care plans must provide “additional preventive services” to women….
In developing the regulation to define these “additional preventive services,” HHS commissioned a federally funded committee at the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to recommend what they should to be.
In July 2011, this committee issued a report that said: “The committee recommends for consideration as a preventive service for women: the full range of Food and Drug Administration-approved contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures, and patient education and counseling for women with reproductive capacity.”
The committee report said that “with reproductive capacity” meant “from the time of menarche to menopause.” Menarche is the beginning of menstruation–again, on average, about the age of 12 for American women.
On Aug. 1, 2011, HHS announced that it was adopting the IOM committee’s recommendation almost verbatim. In fact, it added just one word–placing “all” in front of “women with reproductive capacity.”
Thus, the regulation issued by the Health Resources and Services Administration said: “Non-grandfathered plans and issuers are required to provide coverage without cost-sharing consistent with these guidelines in the first plan year (in the individual market, policy year) that begins on or after August 1, 2012. … All Food and Drug Administration approved contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures, and patient education and counseling for all women with reproductive capacity.”
HHS said nothing about restricting the provision of these free “preventive services” to women who were 18 or older, or 21 or older, or even 15 or older. The regulation simply said “all women with reproductive capacity.”
More proof as to why no obama in 2012
please explain...what is the issue with providing contraceptives and women's health services?
you are opposed to a woman having her tubes tied or having a hysterectomy? I am trying to ascertain what you're referring to.
I am referring to under the age of 18 females being able to sterilized who out parental notification
I will trust you, but I have never heard of a young woman under the age of 18 having herself sterilized.What kind of doctor would do a tubal ligation or hysterectomy on a 16 year old girl?? But if you have knowledge of this, then I guess it must be so.
1:33 PM Blogger: "What kind of doctor would do a tubal ligation or hysterectomy on a 16 year old girl??"
The "doctors" who are affiliated with Planned parenthood for openers,and there are many more on the side of murder and infanticide who will not bat an eye!
Please remember that Mr. Obama voted as a Senator in Illinois to permit third trimester abortions, which is no doubt why it's in the "obamacare" debacle. In case you forgot, Nancy pelosi said that "we will have to pass the bill to see what's in it!"
Well they passed it, and now look at what is going to happen!
Tom Ford
I wish I could understand why everyone hates Planned Parenthood so much. Yes, they perform abortions, but they do SO many other things, and they provide vital health care to millions of women who cannot afford it otherwise. I can never look at an organization and define it by only one aspect. I have a slightly different take on being pro choice than many, though, and I recognize that.
9:50 PM Blogger: To start with, please, I ask that the term "pro choice" not be used here as there is NO CHOICE given to the baby, they are just murdered, period!
Now, on to these "group's," one of the "many other things" that they do is to work very closely with "acorn," and I trust you know who they are.
These two groups are using OUR tax money to perform abortions, OUR tax money!
I guess you also know that there is a law on the books that implicitly states the Government cannot use tax monies to perform these murders, but these two groups get a "pass" as they are the voter registration wing of the democrat party.
Now if so many women think that abortion is so wonderful let THEM pay for it as I do not want my monies being spent on murder!
That's why I loath and despise them, the burning question is why don't you?
Tom Ford
actually, I meant to type "pro life" rather than "pro choice". My apologies. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, and that's fine with me. I would love to see abortion eliminated from our society, our lives, even our vocabularies. Until many, many other things are fixed, I do not believe it will happen. I dislike some of our government funds providing abortion, but I also have looked it up and realize abortions are the smallest percentage of what they do. They also provide mammograms, examinations, along with many other health screening and services vital to a woman;s health.I also am able to see that many, many women simply cannot afford these services without Planned Parenthood. So, though I dislike the abortion aspect, am I willing to shut down an entire organization to have my way? No. That is why I don't loath and despise them...I hate a service they offer. I do not hate the rest of the 90% of what they do offer, and I am simply not that narrow minded as to remove the network that supports so many women and their health.
7:20 AM Blogger: Well at least your 90% there.
Now how is it that these women who can't afford a trip to the doctor (medicare will pay for it!) have the funds for a cell phone, illegal drugs (in some cases) and alcohol?
W do not need a third party place (planned parenthood) to have their risky behavior validated, rather they need to take responsibility for their actions!
Tom Ford
first of all, Medicare is for seniors, and while that may apply to a percentage of the population we are speaking of, I was more generally referring to younger women. Your blanket stereotypes were unexpected and I am a bit suprised. Given that you cannot possibly have first hand knowledge of anything all these people do or why, that you would feed into a stereotype is disappointing. I myself certainly do not fit the stereotype of most republicans by a long shot. Assuming women(or men, for that matter) who need assistance with health care costs all have expensive cell phones, cocaine in their pockets and a fifth of whatever in the cupboard is ridiculous, and frankly it seems like a statement that is a little beneath you. I was getting a respectful feeling from you, and those are not respectful statements.
11:02 Blogger: No, medicare and the associated MEDICADE program are for the indigent, remember?
The knowledge I possess of the citizens I spoke of comes from my experience on the street (18 years in south and north county) and the experience of two sons (police officers.)
Did you read anywhere my saying that ALL of these citizens are in that model? No you did not, did you. What you did read is that enough of them are and it has to stop somewhere, why not now?
Tom Ford
I will respectfully disagree that basic health care needs to stop somewhere. I do not feel health care ever needs to stop somewhere, it is a basic human necessity. I would personally never choose to shut down an organization that provides basic health care to so many so that I may see my personal beliefs fulfilled. Sorry to disagree.
1:03 PM Blogger: Come on now you can't possibly believe that I said basic health care has to be stopped!
I was (and you know it) referring to the free removal of a living being on demand! Not to mention the free ride given to those who use the system as a way of life on OUR nickel, while still being able to afford the amenities I spoke of above!
Tom Ford
well, to de-fund planned parenthood would be to stop the basic health care they provide, wouldn't it?
Anonymous said...
well, to de-fund planned parenthood would be to stop the basic health care they provide, wouldn't it?
Well, since Planned Parenthood is a business not a branch of the govt, why should they be funded by our tax dollars to provide free abortions?
Has any one looked into the history of Planned Parenthood's original goals and mission statement?
I think you'll recall my point wasn't actually about abortions, it was about all the other basic health care it provides to women.
"all the other basic health care it provides to women"
And you overlooked the truth that they are the largest provider of abortions in our country and are using federal tax dollars to do so.
and you appear to be deliberately missing my point. I did not in any way deny that they perform abortions. I stated I am opposed to that aspect of what they do, but that I acknowledge that it is the smallest part of what they do. That does not, I realize, make it any more palitable. What I was referring to was the other services they provide for women's health concerns.
"I stated I am opposed to that aspect of what they do, but that I acknowledge that it is the smallest part of what they do."
support that performing abortions is the smallest part of what planned parenthood does.Explain why they should receive federal tax dollars? Does the Salvation Army?
I don't know. Does the Salvation Army provide health care services? Do you have some sort of point? If so, please make it, because I already fully understand you are opposed to abortion, and now it seems like you are just trying to pick a fight while you very carefully try to miss the point I was attempting to make.
No, the point I am trying to make that you miss is this.
Regardless of Planned Parenthood claim that abortion providing is a very small % of what they do, they still are the largest abortion providers in the USA.
Why should my tax dollars be used for this service? Why should Planned Parenthood get any money from the Govt? Is Mercy Medical Group getting Federal money to operate? Is St. Marys Hospital getting money from the govt to operate?
Why should a clinic, which is what Planned Parenthood is, get federal money to operate? How can they provide medical service designed for women, receive federal money and not offer medical services for men? Could there be a men's health clinic that provided health services for men only? Could it get federal money to operate? Why not?
there are men's health centers all over the country. Planned Parenthood also offers health services for men, such as screening for testicular cancer, erectile dysfunction, infertility, etc. Public hospitals receive funding, do they not? The fact is, whether you or I like it or not, abortion is legal in the US, and until it's not, it should not be a defining factor in getting funding or not. I dislike it, you dislike it, but it is what it is at this point. Railing and yelling doesn't change the fact that it's legal. And I personally am not willing to shut down facilities or organizations that provide comprehensive health care over one aspect of that health care.
so what are you personally willing to do?
I tend to prescribe to a pro life stance dictated by Sister Joan Chittister, a Benedictine nun:
On Nov. 12, 2004, Sister Joan told Bill Moyers: “But I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking. If all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed, and why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of what pro-life is.”
I cannot change much about national laws. But I can help in this way, and I do.
But I can help in this way, and I do.
By doing what
helping, donating, volunteering, mentoring the children that are already here.
9:34 PM Blogger: have you ever considered going to a planned parenthood clinic to see for yourself what it is they actually do?
Or failing that, have you ever researched the company (yes, it's a company and not a charity) to see what portion of their "services" are abortions (read murder, infanticide) VS the health care you speak of?
If the answer is no on one or more of the questions may I suggest you do? There is a very good chance you would be surprised at the "work" of the group you tout as be so "caring."
Tom Ford
quite frankly I never once have thought they were caring. Providing a vital service to people doesn't mean you're caring. It means you provide a vital service and nothing more. But I do recognize the significance of that vital service to those who need it.
9:20 AM Blogger: Be very careful what phrases you use (vital?) as the new " word police" have a list from which you may not say, write, or consider!
It's possible that the word "vital" may well be a "code word" for more inflammatory words.
Don't believe me? Try this on for size:
Tom Ford
PS: You haven't answered my two questions yet.
their published statistics state that abortions are 3% of what they do, and providing contraception is 35%, and STD testing is 34%. cancer screening is about 17%.
No, I have not been in a planned parenthood for many years. In college I had a friend who used their services for her birth control prescription and I went with her a few times to pick it up.
9:50 AM Blogger: Let's take a look at the REAL statistics as stated here.
3%? I really doubt it my friend! It looks as though the "STDs" may be used to convince the mother to abort the baby.
Who is to say that the tests performed by a company that profits from abortions has the correct test results? (ever heard of "false positives?
You asked us to read all sides a while back, and I have, have you?
Tom Ford
"3%? I really doubt it my friend! It looks as though the "STDs" may be used to convince the mother to abort the baby.
Who is to say that the tests performed by a company that profits from abortions has the correct test results? (ever heard of "false positives?"
Their website statistics say 3%. Don't know what else to tell you. Your other statements are assumptions made to support your pro life opinion. While I share that opinion, I will continue to not make sweeping assumptions based on no facts whatsoever. My original statement stands: I cannot change the laws by myself, I must work with what we currently have. Planned Parenthood performs abortions, yes, and I hate that. But I still say I would never do away an entity that also provides health services to so many people. I would much prefer that the abortion part was not even in play. But it is, and I am a realist. That's the way it is at the moment. I also would not get rid of every doctor and hospital that performs them either. I simply do not have the stomach to limit where people get their health care to what pleases my sensibilities.
"I simply do not have the stomach to limit where people get their health care to what pleases my sensibilities."
Like all moderates, you do not have the spine to stand up for what is right.
well, I prefer to think of it as not being so full of my own superiority and indulgent self righteousness. I am not so arrogant and full of myself as to think that I have all the answers and that I am the sole guiding light of all mankind. As I said, I cannot change the laws all by myself, so I do everything I can to work with what there is around those laws. So tell, oh guru of conservatives everywhere, tell me about "standing up for what is right". How do you do this? What actions do you take regularly that change the world and all its policies, thereby effecting the sweeping national policies that fit with what is right? Are you running for office?
6:19 PM Blogger: "Their website statistics say 3%. Don't know what else to tell you. Your other statements are assumptions made to support your pro life opinion."
First of all a very wise man (my Father) once told me that "Figures don't lie, but liars can figure."
Secondly if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it's a duck.
Don't just stop at their website, take a look elsewhere and maybe you too will make some "assumptions" of your own.
By the way, as you seem firmly convinced that your position is the right one wont you please sign your real name to show us the courage of your convictions?
Tom Ford
that's just it. I don't think I'm right on any subject. I think I have no idea what the right answer is at all times. I think I have to work with what's in front of me and deal with the reality as I see it. That is why I get so upset when I hear members of my party spouting party rhetoric and regurgitating sound bites with no thought at all about what the larger implications might be. For example: while conservatives I know(which is close to everyone) has been chanting to repeal Obamacare..."repeal and replace....repeal and replace", I said, great! But replace it with what? Our leaders have never once told us what they plan to replace it with. For this I got branded a "moderate" and a "democrat" and a "liberal"...for simply asking a question. I have a conservative mind set, but I ask questions.
9:52 AM Blogger: Well thank you for the name Jules, well done!
Now as to what to replace obamacare with, well I believe there are suggestions in the works, but due to the lack of media support for the conservative side you will have to really look for them.
One of the ideas being tossed out is to allow "cross State" insurance sales and "pool" policies that will bring down the cost of insurance, the other is to provide catastrophic casualty insurance at a low cost to those that can't afford the current costs.
Please remember that the indigent are cared for now (by law) at any health care facility, and they will not be turned away, period.
As you know health care has gotten out of hand due to the litigious society we live in where an one seems to think that suing a Doctor, or Hospital is winning the "mini lottery."
But there is another reason also and that is the amount of people showing up at an emergency room for an aspirin or a minor abrasion. I have witnessed ambulance calls for a "headache" because they didn't have any pain relievers in the house, and that type of behavior is what is driving up the costs as well.
Would you agree that our taxes are high enough already, and that we do not need an increase to pay for a type of health care that has failed in every Country where it has been initiated? (Else why do they come here for treatment if it's so wonderful there?)
So Jules, the bottom line is yes, we do need to help our less fortunate, and get the health care system on the right track, no doubt. However we do not need to use a system that was done in secrecy by only half of our elected representatives (Republicans were purposely left out, look it up.)
I do not believe we need to provide for those (White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, or whoever) who will not work, and can (and do) afford cell phones, expensive vehicles, nail salons, narcotics, alcohol, and other "amenities" to which they seem to think they are entitled.
Common sense is what is needed to bring this Nation back to reality, not heated rhetoric (on either side) or the simplistic idea that, as Ebenezer Scrooge said, "every thing for everybody!" It cannot work, and it will not work because to continue it will require "class warfare" and the ensuing hatred that it spawns, unfortunately we see it's ugly head reared now don't we.
Tom Ford
Anderson Cooper, of all people, takes apart Debbie Wassermann Schultz!
Now there is a party to believe in!
Tom Ford
well, I am an independent voter. i have voted for both parties at one time or another, and I really hadn't made up my mind until the conventions. I watched them both, and it made my choice clear.
6:09 AM Blogger: I am wondering what it was that swayed your decision?
You need not tell me who your going with, just give me an indication of why please, as I too watched them both and to me it was also crystal clear.
Tom Ford
Peggy Noonan writing for the Wall Street Journal, subject, the Democrat Convention, interesting take I believe.
Tom Ford
I was very annoyed with the GOP convention. I was shocked at the self centered speech Chris Christie gave...he appeared to think he was the nominee. I was a bit turned off by Mrs.Romney, but I can't put my finger on why. I was disgusted by the 2 prevailing lies Ryan and Romney kept/keep telling. My take is this: We all know politicians lie, it's part of the game. We get it. But, when the 2 predominant lies have been disproven several times over, move on to new ones. It's insulting to me as a voter to have these lies shouted and chanted at me again and again, when I know full well they are lies. At least move on to different ones.I am my own personal fact checker. I look these things up before I make a decision, and I find it iriitating to have them keep telling me lies that have been disproven nationally as well as on my own computer in front of my eyes. That's just my take, no intention to offend.
this was an interesting opinin as well:
7:33 AM Blogger: In that case you must have been driven to apoplexy watching the Democrat convention, here is a sample truth on that one.
The said job growth was excellent, Au contraire.
Tom Ford
I was disappointed in the Republican convention. No apoplexy for either side, fear not.
8;33 AM Blogger: I have been 'disappointed" in nearly every convention since I have been interested in politics (50 years or so.)
What you see on that stage is a total play to the base of ________ (pick a party.) It is imperative that you not listen to what they say, but watch what they do before you vote them in.
Did you notice that God and Jerusalem were put back into the Democrat platform in a voice vote that was clearly not a 2/3? majority (Just listen to the audio?)
That is what I am talking about, to hades with the delegates, we will do as the base wants period!
Now I think that was the right thing to do, but it will hurt their voting block come November and they know it which is why they had three voice votes, and then did as they pleased.
Tom Ford
God dosn't belong anywhere near government or politics. It is a gross mutation of our founders and their intentions. This "I'm more religious than you are" nonsense in politics has gotten way out of hand. Religion has its place: in church/temple, in my private home. Not in public schools, not in politics, and NOT in the federal government. I disagree with Democrats putting it back in,and I very much disagree with the clinical obsession the GOP has with governing with it.
11:39 AM Blogger: OK so we are to take it that you were OK with the "No God, or Jerusalem" platform before the Democrat's changed it?
Now, how do you square your comments with the "In God we trust" part on the monetary supply, or the "Under God" portion of the Pledge of Allegiance?
Our republic was founded under the guiding principals of Judeo / Christian ideals, and as far as I know they haven't changed since that time.
Now had you said that there is nothing in the Constitution that says "The separation of Church and State." I would agree with you, as there is not.
Don't believe me? I have a copy of it here, come show me where it is please.
Tom Ford
Perhaps the founders were quite Christian. But nothing was set up in the government with religion as a part of it. In fact, in the Treaty of Tripoli in 1796, it was clearly stated that the US was in fact NOT founded on Christianity or any religion. It is widely thought that many of the founding father were Diests, not Christians."In God we Trust" was not put onto coins until the 1800's, and not onto paper money until the 1950's. God was not part of the Pledge until 1954 during the McCarthy years, when everyone was running around like insane people over Communism. None of these dates have anything to do with the founding of this nation, and Jefferson's words on the Declaration were altered to include "Creator". He did not use that language originally, just as his words against slavery were removed. I still hold my opinion: religion of any kind has no place in government.
6:16 PM Blogger: Well your right on the fact that the founders were quite Christian indeed.
I guess you know that the reason for the Pilgrims coming to this area we now call the USA was to escape religious persecution by the church of England, right?
I believe that religion had a great deal to do with the founding of this Republic, but alas since neither you or I were here at the time we will never know for sure.
Unfortunately the history books can and have been "altered" to take in, or leave out "facts" in order to suit the agenda of the writer, so ..............
Tom Ford
Where do you stand politically? Please take this quick quiz by PBS and find out.
Tom Ford
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