Friday, October 12, 2012

I regret to inform you of the passing of Mr. Patrick "Jim" Murphy(senior.)

At this time I have no details as to where and when the funeral will be held, but as I receive them I will of course post them here.(see below for the details as promised.)

Jim was a community minded man who served at the State level, and was a good friend and mentor to me as well as many others, he will be missed.

I shall miss his Irish humor, his quick wit, his warm smile, and his ability to fully explain anything I wanted to know about the body politic.

"Fair winds and a following sea" my good friend, and "may you be in the hands of the Lord ten minutes before the devil knows of your passing!"

Please read the top post below (10/12/12) by Mr. Jimmy Murphy that outlines the funeral arrangements for Jim (senior.)

Tom Ford

NO. 1060


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Tom! Dad's funeral services are as follows: Visitation Monday, 4:00PM - 7:00PM at Kutis in Affton, 10151 Gravois Road. Prayer service Tuesday morning at 9:30AM at Kutis followed by a Funeral Mass at 10:00AM at Our Lady of Providence Church, 8866 Pardee Road. Burial at Resurrection Cemetery at the corner of Watson (Chippewa) and Mackenzie Road. A luncheon buffet will be held afterward at Helen Fitzgerald's, 3650 South Lindbergh. - Jimmy

9:27 PM, October 12, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:27 PM Blogger: Thank you Jimmy, I will be in attendance, as will so many others who knew, and respected your Father. We shall all miss him deeply.

Tom Ford

10:03 AM, October 13, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Please note the change on the time of the viewing:

I apologize - I initially sent the wrong time for the visitation this evening. The visitation this evening lasts until 9:00PM - not 7:00 as I previously posted.

Dad's funeral services are as follows: Visitation Monday, 4:00PM - 9:00PM at Kutis in Affton, 10151 Gravois Road. Prayer service Tuesday morning at 9:30AM at Kutis followed by a Funeral Mass at 10:00AM at Our Lady of Providence Church, 8866 Pardee Road. Burial at Resurrection Cemetery at the corner of Watson (Chippewa) and Mackenzie Road. A luncheon buffet will be held afterward at Helen Fitzgerald's, 3650 South Lindbergh.

Tom Ford

11:41 AM, October 15, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I stopped by the Kutis Funeral Home to visit a bit with my departed friend Patrick "Jim" Murphy.

I met the family members who I had not yet met, and we reminisced about the life and times of Mr. Jim, AKA,("Himself!")

Patrick James Murphy was a good man, he gave freely of himself to help others along the long journey known as life.I shall miss him, and I pray that I do no less when and if I am called to do it.

I am reminded of the phrase, "Home is the hunter from the hill, and the sailor from the sea." Rest well friend, your earthly tasks are finished, and may the Good Lord comfort your loved ones in the knowledge that you are indeed in the bosom of the Lord this day.

Tom Ford

5:24 PM, October 15, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On behalf of my mother Carol,
sister Karen, and myself, I wish to thank all of you who have sent warm wishes and expressions of sympathy. Your support has helped us through these difficult times, and I thank you with all my heart.

Jim (Jr.)

7:20 PM, October 22, 2012  

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