New Poll from USA Today gives Romney the lead with women voters.
Well this is interesting coming on the eve of the second presidential debate scheduled for tonight airing on all the alphabet stations not to mention cable.
The latest Gallop poll is shown above, so what do you think of the results, and do you believe that Candy Crowley can be "neutral" enough to moderate a fair and honest debate? In case you haven't been following the discussion on debate moderators, there has been a mini furor over the conduct of the ones chosen to moderate.
Tonight we shall see both sides come out ready for bear (they called it "rope a dope" this morning on the radio.) I for one, have a very hard time believing that most all of us (except the so called independents) have made up our minds on this by now. This will be an affirmation of what we believe, so I think it will come down to WHO actually goes to the poll's and votes.
Your thoughts please.
Tom Ford
NO. 1061
Well this is interesting coming on the eve of the second presidential debate scheduled for tonight airing on all the alphabet stations not to mention cable.
The latest Gallop poll is shown above, so what do you think of the results, and do you believe that Candy Crowley can be "neutral" enough to moderate a fair and honest debate? In case you haven't been following the discussion on debate moderators, there has been a mini furor over the conduct of the ones chosen to moderate.
Tonight we shall see both sides come out ready for bear (they called it "rope a dope" this morning on the radio.) I for one, have a very hard time believing that most all of us (except the so called independents) have made up our minds on this by now. This will be an affirmation of what we believe, so I think it will come down to WHO actually goes to the poll's and votes.
Your thoughts please.
Tom Ford
NO. 1061
I'm sure there are whole binders full of women who will vote for him.
More lies from Obama and liberals about the"war on women".
A deliberate effort is underway to rebrand Planned Parenthood as an integral provider of healthcare services, without which untold millions of women would lack basic medical care, or so the story goes. Thus, whenever any effort is made to cut off funding for the nation’s largest abortion provider and stalwart financier of leftist politicians, we’re told there is a “war on women.”
But it’s not a “war on women” when a state simply places a higher priority on funds for true health services that Planned Parenthood doesn’t perform Take, for example, mammograms.
Yes, mammograms. Perhaps there is no greater falsehood than the deceitful, and largely successful, attempt to persuade Americans that Planned Parenthood performs mammograms. It doesn’t.
Anytime someone suggests to you that Planned Parenthood performs mammograms, I encourage you to share with them this letter from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services demonstrating that it’s untrue. No Planned Parenthood clinic in the country is authorized to perform mammograms. If they are nevertheless performing them, they are violating federal law.
Under the federal Mammogram Quality Standards Act, administered by HHS, “[n]o facility may conduct an examination or procedure…involving mammography” without a certification from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. While a 2004 amendment to this law permits some states to also authorize mammography facilities, these certificates are still issued under the authority of the FDA, and the FDA records all certificates and investigates facilities holding such certifications. In short, there is no uncertainty: if Planned Parenthood could perform mammograms, the FDA (and HHS) would know it.
When President Obama and other Planned Parenthood partisans were making their mammogram claims, Alliance Defending Freedom filed a Freedom of Information Act request to seek any certificates held by any Planned Parenthood clinic or affiliate in the country. The response from President Obama’s own HHS is that no such certificates exist. No Planned Parenthood affiliate in the nation possesses the necessary certification to perform mammograms under federal law. Subsequent e-mails to the department further confirmed this fact.
Federal law provides that anyone operating a mammography device without such a certificate is subject to substantial fines of up to $10,000. So when Cecile Richards, Kathleen Sebelius, or President Obama tell you that Planned Parenthood performs mammograms, they’re telling you that Planned Parenthood is subject to serious fines for violations of the Mammogram Quality Standards Act.
Some Planned Parenthood clinics may provide much less effective manual breast exams. And some encourage women to perform self-exams, which breast cancer organizations like the Komen Foundation actually discourageas counterproductive to women’s health. And, in some cases, Planned Parenthood employees may tell a woman she should go get a mammogram from one of the public facilities that could have provided one to her in the first place. But in order to get a mammogram, a woman needs to go to someplace other than Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood and the politicians it supports must persuade Americans that Planned Parenthood is a full-service women’s health provider—a critical part of our health infrastructure—in order to keep the spigot of taxpayer dollars open. And so continues the deliberate campaign to deceive the public into believing the falsehood that Planned Parenthood performs mammograms for women who otherwise wouldn’t have them.
Planned Parenthood doesn’t perform mammograms. And President Obama’s own administration agrees. Perhaps with this lie exposed, we can now have a serious discussion about the hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies for Planned Parenthood and its political allies.
8:40 AM Blogger: I am one of the "old breed" that actually used the dreaded "BINDER" to hold such things as resumes and the like for quick reference, and possible subsequent hiring.
I know it's hard for the younger generation to fathom, but there was a time when the office computer was all but non-extant, and you needed somewhere to store files other than a drawer.
I think you may agree that Mr. Romney was using the correct word when he said "binder's."
Tom Ford
"Miracle" jobless claims from last week show a complete turn around this week.
What, oh what will we see next week prior to the debate?
Tom Ford
I am fully aware of what a binder is, thanks. I use them daily myself. that is not even close to what I was referring to.
10:23 Am Blogger: Well I for one am glad to hear that.
However you seem to be too intelligent to be taken in by any reference to a binder being a "code word" for women being denigrated by the Republican Party (or for that matter the democrats,) so what gives?
I guess your aware of the report by the women who USED to work for the White House under obama and the democrats that clearly states that if anyone is an "enemy" of women (no one really is by the way,) it would be the democrats.
ALL of this silly rhetoric reference the degeneration of women is just what it is, silly campaign bravo sierra! I really doubt that by the time you get to that level you would even consider being an "anti woman" person, as that would surly cause you to loose 51% of the vote out of hand.
Tom Ford
well, no, no code word issues, just annoyed at the fact that what he said was a flagrant lie.
8;35 PM Blogger: And you know that it was a "flagrant lie" for a fact, or you think it was?
Here is a new study that will open a lot of eyes I think.
Tom Ford
As an afterthought to no one in particular, is it me, or do you feel the words "issues," and "awesome" are ridiculous in most cases?
Let's face it, if you have an "issue," don't you really have a "problem?" And how many things are truly "awesome?"
Have we downgraded the language that much, and if so, why?
Tom Ford
Two Ohio State University students in a parody of the old Kenny Rodgers song, "You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille."
Tom Ford
there were resumes of qualified women for the new governor's cabinet collected and ready to go for whichever candidate won the governor's race. Both candidates had signed an agreement stating that they would give an honest look at the female candidates in the resume stacks, regardless of who won. Romney won, and was presented with the stack of quified female candidates that had been gathered and collected. So, his statement that he self-lessly went out, asking for candidates that were female because he was so upset about the lack of them is a lie, pure and simple. He was not some warrior for women, out seeking equality for them. I realize this is a small thing, but it really got under my skin, along with his refusal even now to even comment on the Lily Ledbetter fair pay act. Don't support it? Okay, say so and say why. Do support it? Fine, say so and say why. I hate the evading on such an important subject.Lying about championing women of Massachusetts was just unnecessary and it rubbed me the wrong way.
9:57 AM Blogger: I don't know why this should bother you so much as I really don't know ANY women who have said word one about it.
I know we all have our causes, and I respect that, however are you sure your just not trying to find guilt where there is none?
One more thing, why if we are to pursue political correctness (as some feel we must,) should a man, or a woman be "selected" to please anyone?
In the age of P / C it is said that equality must be defined by the qualifications of the best candidate for the job man or woman, correct?
Following that logic, it's a moot point what he, or obama said, right?
As I have said before, "forget what they say, watch what the do, and have done in the past." By now no "honest" person on the planet is still "undecided" when it comes to this election, everyone knows who their going to vote for, so the debates are really a waste of electricity.
The obama voters are still as rabid as before, and ditto the Romney voters, there is no so called bounce that will put either of them ahead, so......
Tom Ford
it had nothing to do with political correctness. It had to do with Romney telling an outright lie. It bothered me. And you're right. November 6th will tell the tale.
1;59 PM Blogger: I understand your feelings reference any candidate telling an "outright lie," (or a moderator swearing to it,) Imagine how I felt listening to obama and Crowley during that fiasco (my Bride said I was speaking in tongues.)
This is an excellent slide show with music that is non party oriented, yet none the less extremely moving. I will be interested to read your thoughts on this one.
Tom Ford
you lost me. What are you talking about? Do you mean when the moderator backed up what Obama said was the case? I'm sorry I'm not following you, but I agreed with that. No one should be allowed to stand there and speak an untruth, and I further believe that if we're going to have debates, there needs to be fact checkers sitting right there to call ALL candidates out when they lie. The fact that the moderator happened to tell Romney he was wrong wasn't a problem for me, because he WAS wrong. And yes, I'd have felt the same way if she'd corrected Obama. I get crazy when lies are told and no one calls them out right then and there. I hate it and usually start yelling at the tv. I know, like that's going to help...I can't seem to help it.
7:55 PM Blogger: I was speaking of the flat out statement she made backing obama on the Benghazi "statement from the White House."
She said that obama HAD called the attack a "terrorist" attack within four days, when in fact he HAD NEVER called it a terrorist attack. In fact the White House told us it was in response to a UTUBE entry that had been seen by only 754 people before the attack. (What's the chances of ANY Arab having seen this, and calling for an attack?)
Within two hours of her comment MS. Crowley had to go on CNN (her show) and retract it to keep her job, as the flood of calls were against her completely!
Moderators moderate, they do not facilitate, she crossed the line (as most alphabet station and MSNBC, CNN on air people do,) she was caught, and I hope she is removed from her position forthwith.
Now as to obama lying, good grief, if ALL th statements about Federal land drilling were fabricated, All of the Coal leases he has blocked, ALL of the off shore drilling he has funded in South America were not enough for you, you are indeed a dyed in the wool obama supporter.
I hope that clears up my statement for you, but if not please advise and I will attempt to be a bit more direct this afternoon.
Tom Ford
well, then, someone photoshopped the video of him saying "act of terror" in the Rose garden on that day, and somehow time stamped it to look like it ran on that day, and all the news sources that carried the press conference were complicit in this lie and ran the fake footage of him calling it "an act of terror".Someone out there is quite good.
And I disagree. I don't have the least little problem with the moderator settling that dispute. If you recall, Romney was addressing her, repeating himself, so she answered him. As I said earlier, I think there needs to be regular fact checking at all debates for both sides. And Candy Crowley never retracted anything. Look it up. As a matter of fact, she has said since she will NOT retract it and that there was nothing wrong with answering a question to move the topics along. I agree with her.
I have a problem with Meatloaf's sister, MS Candy, having the "transcript" with her and Obama knowing she did.
More from the "most transparent administration" in our history?
The $831,000,000,000 economic “stimulus” that President Obama spearheaded and signed into law requires his administration to release quarterly reports on its effects. But “the most transparent administration in the history of our country” is now four reports behind schedule and has so far not released any reports whatsoever in 2012. Its most recent quarterly report is for the quarter than ended on June 30, 2011.
she had no transcript, she just knew the information, as did most of the rest of the civilized world that receives that new-fangled TV into their houses.
and really, calling names and making fun of how someone looks? Seriously? Most grown people outgrew that in 3rd grade. That comment just made you look small and petty and did nothing for whatever point you were trying to make.
7;40 AM Blogger; "since she will NOT retract it and that there was nothing wrong with answering a question to move the topics along. I agree with her."
I expected no less from you, for to do less would force you to admit to yourself that obama has been, and still is lying through his teeth!
Tom Ford
12:11 PM Blogger: Sorry but SHE did in fact have a list of the questions before the debate started (look it up.)
Now when I went to the one room schoolhouse in Ohio, the old schoolmarm called that a "list, or a "TRANSCRIPT" of the proceedings!
If she is still with us, you may wish to argue that simple point with her, but if i remember her correctly, I wouldn't!
Tom Ford
so, the list in advance of questions means she knew Romney was going to say that? man that is a scripted debate!!
lying through his teeth about what? That he called the attack an act of terror? There is video footage of him saying it at that press conference!It has been shown again and again.
6:17 PM Blogger: Come now, look at the dates on that (four day's later,) please!
Tom Ford
6:06 PM Blogger: No, the list of 'questions" held the one that she and obama failed to tell the truth on, namely, the Benghazi failure!"
Tom Ford
Has anyone seen this yet? If not, please turn up the speakers and marvel at the way in which it is presented.
By the way, there is no 'State" on this blog so don't worry about the "separation of same which is NOT in the Constitution to begin with!
Tom Ford
"she(Meatloaf's Sister)had no transcript, she just knew the information, as did most of the rest of the civilized world that receives that new-fangled TV into their houses."
YES SHE(Meatloaf's Sister)DID HAVE THE TRANSCRIPT! Were you not watching the debate on that new-fangled invention TV when the Prez turned to MS. Candy and asked her to look it up on the transcript, and there is was in her hand. Now tell me, while I can see MS. Candy having the Prez's speeches on hand for fact checking, don't you find it just a bit odd that the Prez knew she had them but The GOV didnt? If The GOV had know that MS Candy had transcripts of the PREZ's speech, do you think he would have made the point about the word "terror vs the word terrorism"?
BTW what have you against the way Meatloaf looks, you got a problem with big boned people? Are you Fataphobic or something?
12:09 AM BLOGGER: Well the "whole" Meatloaf flap may boil down to a common error when describing the human body.
Personally, I am in shape, (round is a shape, no?) However there are many out there who recoil at the notion that they may not be on the current list for "Glamor Magazine, or the Chippendales," ergo may I suggest the word "Rubenesque" in place of meatloaf?
Now that covers the BMI (body mass index,)BUT it does not cover the extremely bad hair day she sported. Sigh, life goes on!
Tom Ford
Yes, round is definitely a shape and I too share round as a basic shape.
and yes, we all know the reference to Meatloaf was purely innocent, no name calling intended. That was obvious and clear. Can't imagine how I missed it.
here is the point I am trying to make: Yes, she had a list of questions. Yes, she knew what would be asked. I am saying there is no way she could possible have known that Romney would try to make that exact point, and how the president would respond. Therefore, I do not believe there was any conspiracy between the president and the moderator against Mr. Romney. If there was some sort of conspiracy, then Romney was in on it too, or he wouldn't have known when to say that and how to set the response up correctly. Ms. Crowley did not stop to look up anything. She simply knew it, as did I and anyone else who watched the press conference. Go back and look at the debate. She did not look down and look up an answer. What was in her hand may have been a copy of the speech,(doubt it) but A) that implies my original point that she had to have known how the questions would go, and B) she didn't look at the paper before she answered Romney. And, fyi, Obama DID use the words "acts of terror" the very next day. It was about 2 weeks before they dropped the video idea, so Romney was correct about that. But that he used that phrase the next day is a fact, backed up by half the known world watching the press conference. I have no particular horse in that race either way. But a fact is a fact and calling someone Meatloaf and indicating that the moderator was in cahoots with Obama is ridiculous. By that theory, Romney and Lehrer were in cahoots in the first debate...Lehrer agreed to be a moist lump sitting the chair while Romney rolled over him like a tank, disregarding everything he said? Again, ridiculous.
Obama in trouble for "FIB" told at the second debate, 2,000+ women call planned parenthood to schedule "mammograms."
Now that's just sad, where are these supporters to go, and what must they be thinking?
Tom Ford
8:10 AM Blogger: Me thinks "Your chopping but no chips are flying."
Crowley was wrong, I know it, she knows it, and i dare say most of the TV debate watching public would agree.
Forget the "conspericy," there was BIAS, plain and simple, and it showed (as usual.)
Tom Ford
"Yes, she knew what would be asked. I am saying there is no way she could possible have known that Romney would try to make that exact point, and how the president would respond"
3:11 PM BLOGGER: Mr. Obama is a very skilled debater, who he is supposedly looking at means nothing.
I have seen him "look through" an opponent as if he wasn't even there, so "looking" is not Germain to the question.
The moderator had all the questions and as was stated at the beginning of the debate, she knew which person from the audience would ask them.
Now that to me is not a problem, however the problem began when she said that the Obama people said that it was a "terrorist" plot from the start.
If you remember the White House and-SS Clinton along with another female Ambassador said it was due to a U tube clip, and was a "demonstration," not a coordinated attack. By the way the video producer is still in jail with no arraignment until after the election. Why would that be?
If it looks like a duck, and it walks like a duck, well.........
Tom Ford
No he didn't, he said it to Candy who held the transcript in her fingers. And since both Romney and Candy were in from of Obama and the camera behind Obama, how could you tell were Obama was looking?
okay, whatever you say.
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