Presidential debates coming soon, watch what they do, not what they say!
A bit of wisdom from C.S. Lewis that came to me via a good friend (and fellow Navy Vet. ret.) This bit of "advise" from Mr. Lewis is more than timely as we shall be hearing all sorts of verbal promises that are in fact just that, promises, not deeds!
“Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” ~ C. S. Lewis
As you watch the debates (if you do indeed watch) please look past all the rhetoric to what the candidates have actually done. Ask your self honestly if your better off than you were four years ago, do you believe the Nation is better off, do you believe that socialism is right for America? This debate is the first time we will see a very clear difference in the vision for America each of the candidates has. Be honest in your evaluation, and forget what the pundit's have to say, your educated enough to make up your own mind on this.
Whatever your conscience tells you to do, get out and VOTE for your choice, and while your at it, work diligently to insure your person makes it into the White House in November. You will please notice that I will not tell you who to vote for, but I will tell you the reason I am voting for the person I believe to have the correct vision for the Republic in the coming years.
Tom Ford
NO. 1059
“Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” ~ C. S. Lewis
As you watch the debates (if you do indeed watch) please look past all the rhetoric to what the candidates have actually done. Ask your self honestly if your better off than you were four years ago, do you believe the Nation is better off, do you believe that socialism is right for America? This debate is the first time we will see a very clear difference in the vision for America each of the candidates has. Be honest in your evaluation, and forget what the pundit's have to say, your educated enough to make up your own mind on this.
Whatever your conscience tells you to do, get out and VOTE for your choice, and while your at it, work diligently to insure your person makes it into the White House in November. You will please notice that I will not tell you who to vote for, but I will tell you the reason I am voting for the person I believe to have the correct vision for the Republic in the coming years.
Tom Ford
NO. 1059
I am, in fact, better off than 4 years ago, thank you for asking, and I will be watching the debates with great interest. I think Mr. Romney will have his toughest opponent, himself, to battle first. Then we'll see what he has to say about Obama.
4:06 PM Blogger: Good for you, now what about the rest of the Republic, think they can say the same thing?
I am glad you will watch, we will discuss it on Thursday if your so inclined.
Tom Ford
I have been reading that much of the media feels that if Romney remains upright he'll be declared the winner, no matter what Obama does or doesn't do. Talk about slanted! I plan to work hard to judge for myself.
9:21 PM Blogger: Forget the media no matter who's side you think they are on. The real "slant" comes in when they tell you what you heard is not what was actually said!
obama will not have a teleprompter to speak from, Romney is much better at "walk about" O&A, and the media knows it. All they want to do is to give obama a soft landing tonight.
As I have said many a time, forget what they say, what have they DONE? That is the important thing!
I am not (nor will I ever be) a socialist ERGO I will be somewhat slanted, but that means nothing to you, what you must honestly ask your self is "are you ready to become a communist Nation?"
Tom Ford
Well folks the first debate is in the can, the talking heads have all dissected it to the point of _________ (pick your own words,)
Now what can we expect to happen that will change anything in the minds of the faithful?
It is interesting to note that at the time of the Revolutionary War 33& of the people were against it, 33% of the people were for it, and 34% had no opinion.
Fast forward a couple of years and guess what, no change, or so it seems, right?
As P. T. Barnum once opined so eloquently, "You will never go broke underestimating the American people!"
Tom Ford
Michael Moore (movie producer) not happy with the results of the debate last night.
Tom Ford
Sure hope Obamacare covers "getting your ass kicked"!
10:51 AM Blogger: I guess you must mean "assets," no?
The poor guy did in fact look totally out of place minus a teleprompter did he not?
fact is the obama supporters will still stand by him, the Romney supporters will stand by Romney and the so called "undecided" will do whatever it is they do.
November is the real poll, and then we shall see what direction the Republic wishes to pursue for the next four years.
Tom Ford
VP (still?) Joe biden admits in Iowa today that they want to raise taxes by one trillion dollars in the next term!
Is anyone sure he is not on the Romney payroll?
Tom Ford
The wisdom of then and now, as expressed by Mr. obama in this video.
"We've Heard It All Before" (Extended Cut)
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Albert Einstein
Tom Ford
does it bother you all the changing of positions Romney does? I find it has been bothering me.
4:08 PM Blogger: I will gladly tell you what bothers me, in fact here it is.
Yes indeed, record high food stamps and yet obama has the nerve to say, "were coming back?"
B the way if you mean the 47% change of heart comment, I wouldn't have done it, that little item was ill advised if you ask me (and I guess you did.).
Tom Ford
Oh, and one more "bother" if I may please.
Tom Ford
i was more referring to Mr. Romney selling himself as "severely conservative" and now is jumping into the moderate boat. His position has no basis...he just floats wherever he thinks the votes are and it upsets me. The 47% comments were stupid and ill advised, but at least it was a position. Now he didn't mean it. I hate this. i am trying to vote for this man and he's making it VERY difficult.
7:04 AM Blogger: The closer we get to the day of decision the more ALL of them will shift center!
I said it before, don't listen to what they say, look at what they have done, that will tell you who the better choice is.
By the way, have you seen this from the B.L.S.? It seems the books have been, dare we say it, cooked!
Tom Ford
that is utter and complete hogwash. No one at the BLS cooked anything. The unemployment rate dropped 3/10 of 1 percentage point. That isn't real great. There have been much bigger drops during the last 4 years and no one was throwing around paranoid accusations then. This is the sort of thing that makes me so can anyone dare to say they love this country, then be against the country's improvement?? The 7.8 rate released yesterday isn't much to crow about.
8:58 AM Blogger: Really? what would you call the 86,000 jobs added to the GOVERNMENT SECTOR that she included in the total "private sector" jobs report? Creative book keeping?
It is what it is whether you want to accept it or not my friend!
Tom Ford
I put no stock in conspiracy theories. Where I part ways with my party is that they only seem to want the country to do well under their watch. If it shows growth or improvement under anyone else, then it's cooked books and graft and you name it. That makes me furious. I love this country and am happy that there are some more of my fellow citizens who have found work. You keep looking to the dark side and finding deep dark conspiracies if you want to.
12:07 PM Blogger; The beautiful part is that thanks to obama and his party I really don't have to look too hard!
By the way, have you received your free "obamaphone" yet? I see the taxpayers have spent 1.8 Million on them so far and I hope it's not being wasted.
Tom Ford
well, when the BLS opens their new office in the grassy knoll, let me know.
10:57 PM Blogger: Let's see now, they covered up this much more egregious lie, and you don't think they would "maneuver" the numbers to their liking, right? Take off the tin foil hat and let his sink in for a change!
Tom Ford
I thought that the auto industry was back, and not only that but Detroit is totally a Democrat town, what the heck is this?
Tom Ford
my hat is fine, thank you, but perhaps yours could use some tweaking. Let me ask this, then: what proof has been offered that these numbers were wrong? I don't mean stern-browed, lowered voiced can-you-believe-this-oh-my-goodness speculating, I mean facts. Actual proof this has happened. Given the insane levels of security at the BLS, I am truly interested in reading your sources of proof.If I see proof, I will jump on board and condemn it with the loudest voices out there. I'm from Missouri: show me.
9:33 AM Blogger: Last try to save you! If you don't know who Mr. Jack Welch is, please look him up before you read this (not that you will believe anyone but obama.)
Also do the math and tell us how a gross gain (numbers not yet verified,) and possibly drop the unemployment number by that percentage?
In case your lost on that one, if you drop the number of unemployed NOT LOOKING FOR WORK, you can get close, and that is "manipulating the numbers," ERGO, "cooking the books!"
Now for the last time my friend, a bit of enlightenment.
Tom Ford
Obama campaign, "misrepresenting" Princeton economist study.
And were to believe the job' numbers are right? Please!
Tom Ford
you win. I will bow to your superior knowledge and unwavering belief in speculation and innuendo. I prefer absolute proof to people saying "hmm. This doesn't make our guy look good and it loses him a major talking point. I think these numbers are bogus...yeah, that's right, bogus!!" I will wait until actual proof comes out before I condemn anyone on any subject. It's how I was raised, it's how I am wired. But for now, you're right and I am abjectly wrong. BTW, I am voting for Romney. i thought you might need that adjustment to your hat as well, as you appear to think you can read my mind.
3:51 PM Blogger; Outstanding 'sesquipedalian verbosity" my friend!
Nice to see that your going o vote for Romney after all.
Oh, by the way, this is from a Crestwood resident who is highly regarded, and IS a math major.
"Date: Oct 8, 2012 9:32 PM
Try this on for size. Perhaps the people who favor Obama will change their minds when asking the question are you better off now than you where four years ago."
The Unemployment Surprise
No please feel free to "read his / her mind and tell he / she they are wrong!
Tom Ford
Virginia democrats show more "class" as they vandalize Romney / Ryan signs with, well read it!
Brings to mind the 60's song, "it takes a worried man to sing a worried song."
Keep it up until all the obama supporters are disgusted by the party, please!
Tom Ford
well, that does it. Mr. Romney may be up in the polls, but he just lost me. No way will vote for him now. I cannot believe what I am seeing.
7:14 AM Blogger: " No way will vote for him now. I cannot believe what I am seeing."
Just what are you "seeing?"
Tom Ford
I held on while he changed positions, while he did what they kept calling "flip flopped". I wouldn't budge. I defended, talked, reasoned. But now he has flipped AGAIN, and in the span of one day he was moderate on abortion, then back to pro life, then back to "severely conservative". I can't take it anymore. I can't trust him. He is not conservative, he is self serving, saying whatever he needs to to get the vote at the moment. He seems to stand for NOTHING. I will not vote for him, so I guess I won't vote at all. I am very disappointed, because I relaly thought I had found my candidate. But he has completely lost me.
10;15 AM Blogger: Sorry to be so long in getting back to you but pressing issues disrupted the schedule for me.
Now as I see it you have four ways to go in November;
1. Vote for obama and guarantee a socialist / communist takeover of America.
2. Vote for Romney and help honest patriots take back our Republic.
3. Vote for a 3-4 or 5th. party and do nothing for America.
4. Do not "bother" to vote.
What pray tell is your choice, and why?
Tom Ford
because I don't care to vote Obama and I no longer trust Romney. I was even further disheartened last night with Ryan debate. I silently pleaded with him to give me something...anything. But he didn't. He refused to give any details of any kind and I thought he didn't do very well. I cannot trust Romney on the issues that matter to me. Too many position changes on subjects that are of personal importance to me.
7:46 PM Blogger: I am saddened by the thought that you may not vote at all.
Please think about that Iraqi woman holding up a purple finger (proof of voting) after she stood in line being shot at and threatened by the Taliban! She voted because it was her right, can WE do any less? Think about it.
I am also struck by the comment about the biden / Ryan debate. biden was such a bombastic buffoon that not much of anything substance wise got out.
I have mentioned it before but, forget what they say, look up their voting records on the things that matter most to you. Once you do that, the picture will become Crystal clear for you.
Please never forget the fact that your watching skilled career politicians on parade, they can, and will tell you that it's daylight outside when you know it's dark! It's your (our) job to find out what they really do, not what they say.
Tom Ford
I am glad you mentioned the Iraqis voting. It really got me to thinking. I must say, though, we must have been watching 2 different debates, because that's sure not what I saw. The lack of substance was because Mr. Ryan refused to give any. That's one of the things that has upset me so much. But you are, in fact, absolutely right. i will search my heart and I will definitely go and vote.
11:16 PM Blogger: Perhaps what you saw can be summed up by this Bible passage, PROVERBS 29:9.
"When a wise person debates with a fool, the fool rages and laughs,and there is no peace and quiet."
biden used an old lawyer trick, when you have the facts, pound the table with the facts, when you have nothing, pound the table.
Mr. Ryan had no chance to put forth anything of substance as he was interrupted 86 times by biden and the moderator, so what did you expect?
Obama and biden cannot win on their record, so we see the foo; trotted out to obfuscate the issue.
Please remember to look at their records, then, and only then can you or anyone make an informed decision.
Tom Ford
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