Monday, October 22, 2012

Round three tonight, FOREIGN POLICY on display!

The subject for tonight's debate is Foreign Policy, or where do we go from here, and why.

I have posted this article reference the debates from the New York Times to give our progressive / liberal friends a 'heads up' from one of their own house organs, so here it is.

Watch the entire debate and then we can discuss it tomorrow. It matters not which side your on, it only matters that the 'give and take' be aired so we can fulfill our sacred duty to vote in November a bit more enlightened, or not.

Tom Ford

NO. 1063


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uninstalling Obama......... █████████████▒▒▒ 90% complete.

2:41 PM, October 22, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yawn, move along, nothing to see here, just typical Democrat stuff.

While Senator Claire McCaskill has engaged in political subterfuge by pushing a “war on women” against her opponent Representative Todd Akin, her husband’s Illinois business is being sued for sexual harassment.

A female marketing employee of Sugar Creek, one of the largest and most valuable of Joe Shephard’s properties, filed suit against the company in 2009. Shepherd is the husband of Senator McCaskill who has before come under fire for having been accused of being “slumlord.”

The plaintiff alleges that she was repeatedly subjected to sexual harassment while employed at Sugar Creek and that management routinely participated. Documents show that the plaintiff worked at an apartment complex managed by Sugar Creek and her deposition details how tried to notify upper management at the company of the situation.

3:01 PM, October 22, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

From a friend via email on not to like Romney, ow, compelling?

Top Ten Reasons To Dislike Mitt Romney:

1. Drop-dead, collar-ad handsome with gracious, statesmanlike aura.

Looks like every central casting's #1 choice for Commander-in-Chief.

2. Been married to ONE woman his entire life, and has been faithful to

her, including through her bouts with breast cancer and MS.

3. No scandals or skeletons in his closet. (How boring is that?)

4. Can't speak in a fake, southern, "black preacher voice" when necessary.

5. Highly intelligent. Graduated cum laude from both Harvard Law School

and Harvard Business School...and by the way, his academic records are

NOT sealed.

6. Doesn't smoke or drink alcohol, and has never done drugs, not even in

the counter -culture age when he went to college. Too square for today's


7. Represents an America of "yesterday," where people believed in God,

went to Church, didn't screw around, worked hard, and became a


8. Has a family of five great sons....and none of them have police records

or are in drug rehab. But of course, they were raised by a stay-at-home

mom, and that "choice" deserves America's scorn.

9. Oh yes.....he's a MORMON. We need to be very afraid of that very

strange religion that teaches its members to be clean-living, patriotic,

fiscally conservative, charitable, self-reliant, and honest.

10. And one more point.....pundits say because of his wealth, he can't

relate to ordinary Americans. I guess that's because he made that money opposed to marrying it or inheriting it from Dad.

Apparently, he didn't understand that actually working at a job and

earning your own money made you un-relatable to Americans. My

goodness, it's a strange world, isn't it?

Tom Ford

3:13 PM, October 22, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Speaking of 'foreign policy' take a look at this video of the First Lady a a campaign rally.

Your toilet may be "counter flowing?" And this is the smartest First Lady we have ever had?

Tom Ford

3:37 PM, October 22, 2012  
Anonymous John Morrissette said...



Of the six males in the family, not one served any time in the military, either voluntary, or drafted.
When asked about this, Mrs. Romney said that during the times they were eligible, they were "on a church mission" whatever that is.

I guess they feel it is the job of us common folks to protect them.

8:12 PM, October 22, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Mr. Romney said the way his sons serve their country is to get him elected. Mr. Romney himself didn't serve because he also used the "Mormon mission" to get several deferments.

10:12 PM, October 22, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:13 post: Who has ever once said Mitt Romney is good looking? Every woman I know says he is very much the opposite. I have no opinion on that, but I do think him being good looking or not is a bit shallow for a presidential election.

10:48 PM, October 22, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, unless I'm mistaken, not serving and getting all those deferments and being in France during Viet nam....that kind of all adds up to Mr. Romney being a draft-dodger, doesn't it? I don't care either way, but that sure is what it looks like to me.

7:50 AM, October 23, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:12 PM Blogger: John, you and I both know that only 7% of ALL Americans have ever served in the military, an of that 7%, only 2% were ever overseas, or in a combat zone.

You and I were both in that 2% (both overseas and in a combat zone) for whatever reason, and we can both be proud of that service. However there are many ways to be "patriotic," correct?

Amazingly enough it may be said that you and I, as well as everyone who posts here are "being Patriotic" by writing on this blog. After all political discourse is the backbone of our Republic.

By the way, if you look closely you will see that I did not write the 10 reasons, it was sent to me via email from a friend, so..........

Tom Ford

8:18 AM, October 23, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:48 PM Blogger: Well it certainly wasn't me. I have never noticed a "good looking" man in 70 years that I am aware of.

To each his own as they say.

Tom Ford

8:22 AM, October 23, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

For what it's worth: Did you see and hear Mr. Obama state that he has "never apologised" for America to anyone while he was overseas?

Now that is truly amazing as we have it on video (Egypt speech, bowing to Saudi King Faisal, etc.)

I believe you have to be either very forgetful, or somewhat delusional to utter a statement like that in the face of the truth we all know, and saw.

Either way, we really don't need that in any sort of leader who has control over any segment of the Republic.

Tom Ford

8:30 AM, October 23, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

How not to be PARTIOTIC, as show by obama supporters!

What would be the comments, screams, hue and cries if these were Romney supporters? Have we turned into a Fascist state where brown shirts and thugs attempt to intimidate the electorate?


Tom Ford

8:45 AM, October 23, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

By the way, if your a Romney supporter, your fueled "by racial hatred of Obama," in case you didn't know it!

Time for Chris Matthews to retire to the "home" for a few Thorazine shots and some apparently much needed rest.

I am glad he is not a Romney supporter as the embarrassment that man has, and is causing is more than I can bear.

Tom Ford

8:54 AM, October 23, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Who 'won" the foreign policy debate? Let's hear from the London Telegraph, a 'foreign" newspaper with no real dog in the fight.

Humm, interesting take, no?

Tom Ford

10:41 AM, October 23, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Except that the Telegraph is a conservative paper and always has been. No news flash there. What's more interesting is that the Salt Lake Tribune DIDN'T endorse him.

2:29 PM, October 23, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salt Lake Tribune which is a liberal paper.

2:37 PM, October 23, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:29 PM Blogger: If your referring to Mr. Romney, the Post Disgrace won't either, so..........

Tom Ford

2:51 PM, October 23, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, they may be liberal, but given Mr. Olympics and that he's a Mormon, I would think that he'd have their endorsement no matter what. Personally I would also prefer a president that actually knows where Syria is....

3:53 PM, October 23, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:53 PM Blogger: Have the endorsement of a liberal paper? Come now, we all know that won't happen.

I guess you know the latitude and longitude of the Syrian capitol? If your answer is no, don;t worry as the military does, ans it's locked into a cruse missile someplace, guaranteed.

You see, the fact is obama didn't know it either until he went on his bowing tour, so I don't see that as a problem.

I noticed yo mentioned the Mormon faith, I guess you have a problem with that now? What's next, a wrong colored suit and tie?

Tom Ford

5:46 AM, October 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I say I have a problem with the Mormon faith?

And I was referring to Romney thinking that Syria is Iran's gate to the ocean. I am not sure from that statement that he knows where Syria is, or that he realizes that Iran has its own way to the ocean, called the Persian Gulf. No need to get so testy.

7:06 AM, October 24, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:06 AM Blogger; Sorry about being "testy" this morning but I had just learned that obama KNEW about the Benghazi attack before it happened and did nothing!

In other and better words he stood by to the murders of four Americans when he could have done something to prevent it!

What you say? Well we have Navy and Marine units in the immediate area that should have been sent in to extract the four BEFORE they were murdered!

Please don't say that the couldn't as a lot of our troops were extracted in Vietnam from right under the noses of the VC and NVA.

So far please notice that I have not mentioned the LIES coming from the White House or State, for to do so would further elevate my B/P to a point not good.

Sorry but we have four fatalities that never should have happened that were allowed by a man who bows to Saudi Kings,and so help me God, failing to come to the aid of fellow AMERICANS, and bowing to any foreign dignitary's are acts totally foreign to me.

Tom Ford

11:36 AM, October 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is what I read:

The first email, with a subject line of "U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack," sent about 25 minutes after the attack began, states: "Regional Security Officer reports the diplomatic mission is under attack. Embassy Tripoli reports approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well. Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four COM (Chief of Mission) personnel are in the compound safe haven. The 17th of February militia is providing security support."

The next email sent at 4:54 PM states that the shooting has stopped and the compound was cleared, adding that a response team was "onsite attempting to locate COM personnel."

What information did you see?

12:20 PM, October 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looked all over and I can't find anything that says the attack was known about ahead of time. Please advise.

12:57 PM, October 24, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

There are 7 or 8 at least on google. Just google advanced warning, Benghazi attack.

The Libyans have a post there that says they warned State three days in advance. (posted in the Daily Times, London, UK)

Please don't tell me you think the obama and clinton skirts are clean on this one!

Tom Ford

5:00 PM, October 24, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Here is a note from a Marine Officer (ret.) you may be interested in,

I value his opinion as he is usually correct when it comes to today's military.

"Either one of two things happened. Either the Ambassador asked for more protection and it was directly refused, a case of open denial. This scenario would account for Oblammer wanting to be able to strut around like a Banty Rooster saying, "Al Qaeda is on the run".

Or they figured, "Naw, they don't NEED any protection", which would be a case of incompetence.

Does anyone have any idea what just 20 - 30 well armed Marines, who are given free rein, could have done? Actually just the sight of them would have probably had the perps saying, "Uhhhh, never mind".

That's the reason why someone with some idea of how the military works, someone with more than Community Organ Grinder training, would have headed this off before it ever got to murder."

Tom Ford

5:54 PM, October 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't find facts. i only see speculation. I'm afraid I don't put much stock in what the Lybians say, sorry. I need actual, legitimate sources to believe anything, not speculation and "here's what I think".

6:06 PM, October 24, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:06 PM Blogger: I thought you couldent find ANYTHING on it at all? Now you see it and you don't beleive any of the sources that wern't there a while ago, intersting.

Why don't you ask "honest" hillary clinton, I am sure she will tell you the truth, Lord knows she won't thell it to anyone else.

Now I must bid adu to watch the World series game on (gasp) Fox sports.)

Tom Ford

7:00 PM, October 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ranto"I need actual, legitimate sources to believe anything, not speculation and "here's what I think".

Dear Leader Obama follower, have you gotten enough news abut the our presidents complete failure to act in Libya while four of fellow citizens were murdered?

7:42 PM, October 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

look more closely and you'll find that what I said was that I couldn't find anything about knowledge of the attack prior to the attack. I looked up the link you provided, and it showed emails that happened as the attack happened. I googled what you suggested and saw month-old guesses and speculation. If that's all there is, then never mind. It's like another huge announcement from The means nothing.

8:45 PM, October 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:45 PM, October 24, 2012
The WH had real time video while the attack was going with in an hr of the attacks start. The attacks lasted 7 hours and Obama did nothing?

There was a drone flying over the murders sending real time videos back to the WH. What would this man have to do for you to see he is an abject failure as a President and as a citizen, not a patriot. You want links, google them your self, that way you cant put down the source I give you as conservative.

8:55 PM, October 24, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here is a classic example of someone's opinion along with "here's what I think" and "Oh my gosh, what a horrible story". I saw it, and immediately disregarded it. Until it comes from a credible news source and not some liberal zombie or right wing conspiracy nut sitting at their keyboard with a beer in one hand, I want nothing to do with it.

9:02 PM, October 24, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:42 / 9:-2 PM Blogger: No, what you want and apparently desperately need is any so called proof that your leader Barack Husein Obama can do no wrong.

Well, fear not as the liberal media, assorted moon bats on the daily kos, the huffington press, and the like will be all to glad to provide It for you.

This Blog however, is NOT a place that you will find it because it's a total lie! I am reminded of a phrase, "To those who fought for it freedom has a taste the protected will never know!"

Many years ago, Mr. John who posts here,many others who also post here, and even I did just that, so anyone can post as they wish.

The only thing I ask of you is to please not try to tell me what I see, or what course this President is taking as it's way too obvious, and even the MSM can no longer cover for him!

(lower case where used is intentional.)

Tom Ford

6:24 AM, October 25, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Gee whiz Kiddies, the White House lied?

Tom Ford

6:55 AM, October 25, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

ow as the time draws near we see obama looking extremely presidential! Unfortunately he looks and sounds like the President of a punk Chicago gang.

Did Harvard LAW Teach him to say "bulls^*tter," or was that an acquired trate as a community organizer/

I knew it wouldn't be long before the real obama showed up, and here he is in all his lackluster form

3:15 PM, October 25, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Golly wowzers, first New York, then Florida, and now Nevada! If I were a betting man, I would say the denocrat party is rigging the vote.

Oh, heck with it, they are trying to rig the vote, after all it's all they have left!

Class, pure class, no?

Tom Ford

3:38 PM, October 25, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Detroit News (of all papers) endorses Mitt Romney for President!

Memo to BHO, better rig a few more voting machines, your in real trouble when an African American City and it's paper don't want you!

Tom Ford

3:50 PM, October 25, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, While I don't approve of that kind of language from the president, can we please not act prim and outraged that a president knows swear words? And, while I don't disagree with your assessment of the Detroit paper, please also note that
Romney is nearly 10 points behind in the state, and was not endorsed by the Salt Lake City Paper, where he should have been a lock. I think who papers endorse means very little. That said, I agree with you about it being strange. As for rigged voting, those are some ugly charges. Even with Romney heavily invested in the company that makes voting machines(something that gave me pause)no one is swinging around those nasty words. That's a heck of a charge to lob at anyone.

4:17 PM, October 25, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:17 PM Blogger: Are you saying that Romney's company (which he does not run) set up the machines on purpose?

Are you saying that although three states have now seen this same "voter fraud" type of problem, the democrats have nothing to do with it?

If you like I will post the Virginia video of a democrat showing voters how to lie and cheat when voting, do you need that?

Sorry, it's not "strange" it's completely normal for a group of people who believe that "The end justifies the means!" (Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky, obama mentor.)

Sorry, but they called the play, not me. so I call it as I see it, "rigged voting machines" to save obama!

Tom Ford

5:32 PM, October 25, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:17 Blogger: Why wait, here is a fine young democrat man instructing on the finer points of "Voter fraud!"

Now tell me this does not happen in the democrat party.

Tom Ford

5:43 PM, October 25, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually what I'm saying is that your moral outrage is correct and justified, but please don't make the mistake that it exists only on one side. There have been enormous, state-wide efforts from the Republican side to suppress voting in many ways, in several states. I don't care for it on either side, and will call it out any place I see it. What I AM saying is that here it is only pointed out on ONE side, which indicates that on the other side it is perfectly fine. There are "ends justifying the means" on both sides, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, and no matter how many examples you show of dishonest Democrats, it doesn't remove the dishonest Republicans that still exist out there.

7:42 PM, October 25, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and here is one example of what I'm talking about. Notice I didn't say this means it doesn't exist on the other side. So, is there equal outrage for this? I can tell you there should be.

7:46 PM, October 25, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:42 / 7:46 PM Blogger: Agreed, voter fraud, voter intimidation (which eric holder refused ti prosecute in the last election) MUST be prosecuted to the limit of the law, no matter who it is!

There can be NO ONE, be they Republican or Democrat that is allowed to foul our sacred right, and duty to vote.

When these people set out to do such egregious things they know exactly what the law is, they know exactly what the punishment is, and they do it anyway,!

The only remedy for that in my eye (one dosen't work) is a stiff prison sentence where they will be allowed to "play with Bubba."

I say quit playing around, the law is clear, lock up the perp's no matter what side the are on!

Tom Ford

6:16 AM, October 26, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

As an adder, the fool that did this needs to have a bit of "therapy" before the trial, and then locked up!

Tom Ford

6:26 AM, October 26, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There have been enormous, state-wide efforts from the Republican side to suppress voting in many ways, in several states." Support your statement with examples or take your assumption back.

10:55 PM, October 26, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:42 PM Blogger; I don't know how I missed tat "numerous" Republican voter suppression remark, but now that I see it, well it's a flat out fabrication!

Like the man said, "show us, or remove it." I will go you one better, remove it I will if you have no CREFDIBLE proof by 6:00 PM tonight.

Tom Ford

8:37 AM, October 27, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are a few, but they are not all from small individually run conservative blogs, which I realize invalidates them. Here they are anyway. These are just a tiny sample.
"In 2011, Republican Gov. Rick Scott and a compliant GOP-dominated state Legislature passed a law limiting early voting to a maximum of 96 hours over eight days. One effect of this was to eliminate early voting the Sunday before the election Why is that significant? African-American churches, it is well known, have made a tradition of going as a congregation to early voting sites to vote on that day. In 2008, early voting lasted a total of 120 hours over 14 days and African-Americans utilized it in huge numbers: 54 percent of Florida’s black voters, overwhelmingly Obama supporters, voted early — twice the rate of white voters — and Obama won Florida."

From Bloomberg:

2:23 PM, October 27, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:23 Pm Blogger; Let me see if I have this straight. You are all over me like a cheap suit when I post ANYTHING that is not alphabet, or CNN, or MSNBC approved talking points, and now YOU want to use these liberal blogs as a reference?

I'll give you this much, you have a colossal store of 'chutzpah" on board to even try this, but hey I like that in a blogger.

No good facts, pound the table with bluster and bravo sierra, the democrats think it works, why not you.

OK, your post stays so everyone who reads it, and the follow up has a chance to see liberal / progressive thinking on full display.

Thank you for one of the best demonstrations on why liberalism is a failure that I have seen in a long time!

Tom Ford

3:54 PM, October 27, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rolling Stone, Harvard, Fox News, and Bloomberg Business are not blogs, liberal or otherwise.

5:46 PM, October 27, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHHHH, but "voter-supression" is not illegal.

AHHHH, being "accused-of-dumping-voter-registration-forms", was the person convicted or just accused?

9:01 PM, October 27, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:46 PM Blogger: Of the house organs you touted here, only Fox News has any real credibility as far as I am concerned,

Other significant items in you post concern "early voting." Now as you should know, that was done to eliminate voter fraud as perpetrated by the likes on Acorn and other democrat fringe groups.

Do you really believe Gov. Scott' only intention was to keep African Americans from voting?96 hours is more than enough time for anyone to get to a polling place, and you know it.

Now, pray tell, what is all this democrat furor relative to photo Id's? Everything outside the home requires a photo ID, check cashing, Unsigned credit card use, driving, flying, ETAL, so what's the problem here? Can it be that some may want to vote more than once, and that pesky photo ID gets in the way?

Incidentally, all your complaints seem to be old, do you have anything you can PROVE from this election, no? Well take heart, your friends in the party with a "D" will be more than happy to dump a load of Bravo Sierra in your lap just prior to this election.

Tom Ford

7:47 AM, October 28, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

True? False? Please state your position,and more importantly WHY you hold that position!

Tom Ford

9:49 AM, October 28, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's what I know. Voter suppression is an atrocity, no matter who commits it. Here's an example of it on the Democratic side:
Anywhere it exists, it must be stopped. There seems to be a myth out there that only Democrats do it, but that's not true and everyone knows it. It comes from both sides. I see Mr. Ford on here debunking the stories, and even calling Rolling Stone, Harvard and the others "blogs". Even that doesn't matter. It shouldn't matter what side of the aisle you sit on, either side should be outraged and should condemn any hint of it. Chris Hayes(whom I dislike)did say it well when he said "there's something profane about stopping people from exercising that right to vote". He's right, and it simply should not matter which party you associate yourself with. And to unabashedly claim it can't come from one side, that it all has to be the other side, well, that's ridiculous.

10:35 AM, October 28, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:35 AM Blogger: Well if you read my missive above (8:16 AM--10/26/12) you will find that I too abhor any sort of 'voter intimidation," or suppression.

Back in the days of sailing ships I once wore a Navy uniform and I am proud to say that I "fought" (a relative term) for this Republic and it's Constitution.

That said, I believe that anyone doing either of the above (or worse) should be removed from society for the remainder of their days so they at least will never do it again!

Remember, "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely." (Disraeli) That is the underlying reason for any party to foul the voting system, and as for me, well you read it above!

If you read my posts for a while you will find out that "rolling Stone, and Harvard are not something I will EVER read as they are of the progressive / liberal bent.

Tom Ford

11:17 AM, October 28, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

be that as it may, they are not blogs. And I applaud your position on voter fraud.

2:38 PM, October 28, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:38 PM Blogger; What are they pray tell if not a "weblog" of their "ideology"

If you will, read the Times and the Call reference the same subject. Two very different editors, with two very different views, right?

Same thing goes for a weblog, or an on line "news and views" source such as the ones you touted.

Tom Ford

3:54 PM, October 28, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

perhaps I have a different definition of what a blog is.

4:04 PM, October 28, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:04 PM Blogger: Perhaps we in fact do. I will try to remember that in the future when I respond to your comments.

Tom Ford

4:31 PM, October 28, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

From the Racine Wisconsin "Patch." Is this sort of willful hazarding of the public acceptable to anyone you know?

Did you note the "obama" stickers on the truck of the criminal part of the story, and if you did, how do you feel about that?

Tom Ford

4:40 PM, October 28, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberal campaign suppression

The Tea Party faithful gathered Saturday for a loud and enthusiastic rally aimed at to getting out the vote on Nov. 6 and putting Republicans Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in the White House.

A crowd of around 1,000 grew to about 2,500 at the rally, which took place inside the old Sam’s Club on Regency West Drive.

The list of guest speakers was a Who’s Who of conservative leaders — including local Republican state legislative candidates Pam Stevens and Tom Weatherston; and state Rep. Robin Vos; former Navy SEAL Chris Heben; U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson; Ryan’s brother, Tobin Ryan; former Gov. Tommy Thompson; Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey; and conservative talk show host Vicki McKenna.

Before the event could get under way, though, organizers say a truck affixed with “Obama” stickers drove through the parking lot and dumped quantities of nails.

“We went outside and picked up what we could,” said Lou D’Abbraccio, holding a cup filled with nails. “But this was just wrong.”

Lora Halberstadt, a Tea party member, said the group did call the Racine Police Department to file a report.

Patch asked two RPD officers outside the venue if they could confirm the report, but they only said they couldn’t comment about a truck. We have a message into the RPD and we will update this story when we hear back from them.

4:58 PM, October 28, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While this was not trying to keep people from voting, I nevertheless abhor this kind of behavior. Anyone who participates in this kind of thing should be tracked down and prosecuted. Democrats OR Republicans. I am afraid I make no distinction when it comes to these low-brow tactics.

5:47 PM, October 28, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:47 PM Blogger: Excellent, we agree on that. Now please tell our liberal courts to run out the string on these types of people whenever they are found.

Tom Ford

5:39 AM, October 29, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Chrysler (of bail out fame) is considering moving to China or Italy, obama's feelings hurt!

By the way Mr. Obama, your first car was a Ford Granada, not a jeep, please!

Tom Ford

8:45 AM, October 30, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's a rumor that has been disproven.

9:35 PM, October 30, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and he was referring to his first new car, not his first car ever.

9:42 PM, October 30, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:48 PM, October 30, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:42 PM Blogger: Oh, you were there, you know exactly what he was referring to? Amazing! HE SAID it was HIS FIRST CAR, not his first new car, get over it!

I will track down the "Jeep" news later today when I have some extra time, but for now it stands as far as I am concerned.

By the way, is this some of the typical ad's we will see in the next week from your democrat house organ "move on. org," and Michael moore?

These fool's car barely get out of bed much less attack anything!

Tom Ford

5:51 AM, October 31, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

michael Moore is a moron.

No I wasn't there, but I am able to read, and I can tell when the word "new" is used and when it isn't.

Here are the quotes:
"I have to confess; my first car was my grandfather's car," Obama told AAA in an interview. "Which was a Ford Granada."

"Obama's first new car was a Jeep Grand Cherokee, but was 39 years old when he bought the 2000 model, not 30, as Clinton stated earlier today."

8:38 AM, October 31, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8;38 AM Blogger: Good, we have established that you can, and do read. ( We knew that, so,not trying to be a smart Alec here.)

Now may I assume you heard obama SAY that his first CAR as a Jeep? (look it up.)

Let's face it, this is a very small and silly point that will be moot after 11/6/12, but it does go to his habit of just talking before he knows what's going to come out, no?

Now, why the media slam on Mr. Romney for doing church work when he was handing out food packages to the Sandy victims? There was no "photo Op" note sent to the media, no 'come see me" message, just him doing what he dose.

On the other hand we have obama desperately trying o look Presidential with NO MENTION of media opportunity even thought of.

PS: Do you really want to invoke Bill Clinton of the "I didn't have s*x with that woman" fame as being the gospel here?

Tom Ford

10:07 AM, October 31, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:38 AM Blogger: From another forum (neutral no less) that is what it is.

"If you happen to read the latest iteration on this news, ol' Sergio of Fiat says that Chrysler 'will remain the backbone'. He doesn't say NO JEEPS will be made in China.

Fiat owns a majority in Chrysler - thanks to Barry. Chrysler really has no say in this.
Dan is correct. As it exists right now Chrysler Corp. is a subsidiary of Fiat.

To me this is almost a non issue. "Outsourcing" is a political football in a lot of countries, just look at Germany and Japan where, because of the high percentage of their products like cars bearing their nameplates are made in other countries, like here for instance, are very high. It's all economics. Buicks are the most popular cars in China, in fact if it were not for Chinese demand Buick would probably have gone way of Oldsmobile and Pontiac. To maximize profits G.M. for a few years thought about building a Buick plant there but decided not to because they felt they couldn't be sure of continued demand. It's money, pure and simple. That's why the vast majority of Japanese nameplate cars (Hondas, Toyotas, Nissans etc.) sold here are made here and all Ford Fiestas and most Volkswagens sold in this country are "Hecho en Mexico."

For what it's worth, it may well be out of obama's control.

Tom Ford

10:32 AM, October 31, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never brought up Romney and church work and food packages, so I must assume you are introducing a new topic. I have no opinion on Romney and his charity work other than to say...good for him and I hope he continues to work for good causes.

Smart aleck? Well, I admit to it sometimes, but you are skilled in that area too: "Oh, you were there, you know exactly what he was referring to? Amazing!" I don't consider being a smart aleck a bad thing, actually.

Bill Clinton? What do you have against Bill Clinton?

I can't speak to what Obama was or wasn't trying to do, but it seemed to have passed muster with Mr. Christie, and that's plenty for now. Surely you're not going to accuse Chris Christie of lying to benefit Obama?

10:58 AM, October 31, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:58 AM Blogger: I brought up theRomney / Church issue.

Please read what I said above, "( We knew that, so,not trying to be a smart Alec here.)" I am clearly talking about myself.

Bill CXlinton/ Well let's start with the FACT that he was disbared for lying, and you want to use him as a charector wittness.

Mr. Christie is looking for quick FEMA funding, should he have "dissed" obama? Think that would have helped New Jerseys cause?

Tom Ford

3:42 PM, October 31, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:38 AM Blogger: "Michael Moore is a moron."

May we then deduce that you hold the same view of joe biden?

The lad is not the brightest bulb in the harbor!

Tom Ford

3:59 PM, October 31, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not dislike Biden or like him. He is just....there.

Clinton..wasn't asking anyone to receive a character reference from him, he simply made a statement. Good Heavens, don't over analyze.

I have never known Mr. Christie to reign in anything he says about any subject. He is a very vocal Romney supporter, as I think should be expected. I can't understand why anyone would try to find fault with the president or anyone else over the response to this storm...the president is doing what he needs to do, governors are doing what they need to do... what is the issue?If Obama hadn't gone, he'd have been roasted. He does go, and it's only for a photo op. You feel about him the way I feel about Romney. NOTHING will make me like or trust Mitt Romney. I truly feel he and his 1% friends are a huge part of the mess we're in, and I don't trust him as far as I can throw a grand piano. I have reasons for those feelings, just as I assume you have reasons for your feelings. I can agree to disagree, and no, I will not try to talk you out of your reasons.

4:18 PM, October 31, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4;18 PM Blogger; The problem is that "joe" is one step away from the Presidency, and that's a very scary thought.

Second, bill clinton was your champion reference the jeep deal, not mine, so....

Correct, the storm is what it is, Romney did what he felt in his heart was the correct thing, and obama went to look.

I% friends? I trust your not falling for the class warfare idiocy the democrat party is so enamoured with, your really much to intelligent for that rouse!

Are we to believe that the Government is there to provide for us from womb to tomb, or do we take full advantage of freedom and earn our money the old fashioned way, work it? I have noticed one thing, that being that the longer and the harder you work, the more you have (or should have,) and I see no 1%rs taking anything from me at all.

Democrats believe in complete control by the Government (the bigger, the better) including health care, your business, and even life and death taxes.The Constitution says that the Government is to provide for the common defense, not the common largess.

I am what is commonly known as a "Reagan Republican." I have lived with both democrat and Republican Presidents (and complete one party control of both Houses by both parties) from FDR on, and never have I seen such a "Government" minded group such as obama, and the democrat party of today. (JFK is spinning in his grave.)

We can indeed agree to disagree, and no doubt we shall, but meanwhile I enjoy your defence of your beliefs, and I do wish to have you vote your conscience next Tuesday.

Tom Ford

7:54 AM, November 01, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

REAL job creation cut in half from the original September job's report, or figures don't lie but, liars can figure.

Tom Ford

8:18 AM, November 01, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, since this is such a rare happeneing in my life, I invite you to tell me why I should vote for Mr. Romney. I certainly have nothing against the man, I just think he'll be a really bad president. But here's the catch..please, if you would, explain Romney's positives without even mentioning Obama. I have yet to hear an arguement for Romney that is able to leave the president out of it. Makes me wonder if Romney's only attributes are so directly linked to Obama that he'll melt without him. For example, recently I said I thought Romney would be very bad for the country because he cannot seem to pick a position and stick with it. The response was bashing Obama and how terrible horrible no good very bad he is. Not one word actually praised his candidate. That tells me he didn't particularliy like Romney as a candidate either. I have seen this again and again.

9:20 AM, November 01, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:20 AM Blogger; OK, let's see if i can rise to the challenge for you.

Mr. Romney has had a few "changes" in position (we all have,) he has explained them, and now stick's to his beliefs.

He has pulled the irons out of the fire for many small businesses, ( not to mention the Olympics) and knows what it takes to succeed in business.

Mr. Romney is fully aware that it's the small business man who creates jobs, not the Government.

He is a strong family man, married to the same woman with no hints of impropriety against him or his family members.

He is a God fearing man who not only attends church regularly, but practises his religion as he sees it in every day life.

He possesses the leadership qualities and knowledge to stop the bleeding, and start a recovery that is so badly needed in this Republic today.

He has a knowledgeable and honest running mate that shares the same qualities as he does and is therefore an asset from the first day.

And last but certainly not least, as a Vietnam veteran, and a patriotic American I trust him with the sacred honor of defending this great Republic, and the Constitution of the United States of America. God knows that should be enough reason in and of itself.

"I never met a veteran who voted for socialism!"

Tom Ford

6:39 PM, November 01, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks. You're the very first Republican who has actually been able to do that without bashing Obama. Well done and I appreciate it.

8:43 PM, November 01, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:43 PM Blogger: Thank you for the kind words. It's not a hard thing to do at all. The American people have been trained to see "negative, attack ad's, so that is ALL we see on TV and the radio during the "silly season" (AKA the elections.)

I have noticed that BOTH republican and Democrat ad's for anyone all say the other person is a crook who hates---------- (pick a group or thing.)

That said, if both parties are running "crooks," who is left to vote for? Pretty sad that it's come to this, but alas it has.

Well only four more days till the ad's are gone for a while. I am betting that there will be a hail storm of accusations from________ stating that the election was stolen, what do you think?

Tom Ford

4:47 PM, November 02, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Joe Biden has a "Joe' moment some say. I say it's only the truth coming out in another "Freudian slip."

Tom Ford

4:58 PM, November 02, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think no matter who loses it will be blamed on Hurricane Sandy. The states that were hit are Democratic strong holds, so I guess it could be them. I really don't know. I am a quiet voter usually...I have strong opinions and reasons, but I don't trumpet them. I also pretty much never try to talk anyone out of their position. There's no point and all that ever does is make the other person mad.

6:25 PM, November 02, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6;25 PM Blogger: Correct, no matter what the outcome (unless it's a landslide,) the other side will complain and moan us all to death.

Again I agree, talking a person out of their position won't work unless that person had no real position to start with.

'Taking them through' their position is always worth a shot, as when you take them on that journey they may well change it.

At any rate, that's one reason I enjoy Blogging as I have the chance to change a mind now and then. True it's not often, but it has happened.

Tom Ford

8:34 AM, November 03, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

certainly no disrespect to your powers of persuasion, but anyone who can have their position shifted that easily probably wasn't particularly solid in their beliefs in the first place. I have never understood people who don't have a position. All these so-called undecided voters baffle. How can you not know for whom you wish to vote by now? I honestly think they are just saying that.

1:29 PM, November 03, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1;29 PM Blogger: Again we agree on the no position taken crowd. I too have a very hard time believing that they still don't know.

However, that is the very same group that I mentioned above when I said, "At any rate, that's one reason I enjoy Blogging as I have the chance to change a mind now and then. True it's not often, but it has happened."

Tom Ford

5:00 PM, November 03, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Is this really the America we knew and loved? Are we to stand down because a pathetic so called comedian says this?

This sort of thing has no place in America, this fool should be arrested, booked, and arraigned for attempting to incite a riot, and voter intimidation!

Tom Ford

5:08 PM, November 03, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am an ardent Obama supporter and do not care for Mahr at all.however, he was clearly joking. He just did his usual bad job at it.

5:31 PM, November 03, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:31 PM blogger: Suppose I, or Sean Hannity had said that? Can you imagine the furor?

"Taint funny Mcgee," (Fibber Mcgee and Molly radio show.)

He needs to go, period!

Tom Ford

6:30 PM, November 03, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I guess a 12 hour period is not enough time to vote in Florida? Pathetic to say the least!

Tom Ford

2:02 PM, November 04, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, with people standing in line for 5-8 hours, maybe it's not.I do have an honest question: I am truly flummoxed as to why the general response from Republicans about Christie's praise of Obama. Why is this upsetting? I thought bipartisan working together is what people wanted!

6:40 PM, November 04, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6;40 PM Blogger: Well most all real Republicans that I know are fully aware that "BIPARTISANSHIP" to a democrat is the democrat way, or nothing. (obamacare, Harry Reid's Senate, ETC.)

That said I guess, when someone is perceived as "giving in," or doing anything that give the hint that they are ready to cave, well.......

I am not sure that this is gospel, but it looks that way to me. Think of this as Nancy Pelosi co sponsoring a bill to end obamacare and I think you will get the idea.

Tom Ford

8:10 AM, November 05, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It baffles me. How anyone to could take exception to coming together to see what can be done for the storm victims is beyond me. The president and Mr. Christie were doing exactly what they were supposed to be doing. What was Christie supposed to do? Spit in his face and tell him they didn't want help? I guess tiny little ineffective government is a great idea until you need some of the money. I am not including you here, and I don't mean to rant on, but this sort of thing upsets me a great deal. The one thing that should bring people together, and still someone HAS to find fault. It is a sad and sorry condition we are in when fault and accusations can be made over people working together to help ease suffering. Good Lord.

8:58 AM, November 05, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:58 AM Blogger: Welcome to politics, 2012 style!

Your right, no argument here, it should bring people together, and in day's gone by it would have.

TRUST is the major ingredient here (there is none,) and until BOTH SIDES mean what they say, and DO IT there will be no movement at all, sad, but true.

By the way, have you noticed that the very people we helped during their time of need (Japan, Indonesia, etc.) are extremely conspicuous by their absence?

Interesting, no?

Tom Ford

9:53 AM, November 05, 2012  

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