Board meeting last night, yes there was a Board meeting that infact turned very interesting!
If you were there you know what happened when the Aldermen discussed that small issue of conversing with an outside source (In this case Centrum people) without telling the others what they have done.
Now at first blush one would think that this would be a violation of the Sunshine Law. I checked, it is not, however what about that thing called ethics? Again, we have an ethics commission in Missouri set up for? (they don't worry about ethics so it seems.) Once again, I guess that would be in the eye and heart of the beholder.
Well last night Alderman Mimi Duncan stated that she had been in contact with a person or persons from Centrum Properties, and that she saw no reason to stop doing it unless the Board passes a resolution or ordinance to stop it. Now one wonders just exactly what she and that person, or persons were discussing? I have, courtesy of a FOIA form, a copy of an email sent to her by Mr. Vic Pildes (Centrum consultant) dated 10/23/12 saying the following, "Mimi, Please call me if possible before the Board meeting tonight Thank you." Now I would wonder just why that conversation would have to take place when Mr. Pildes was going to be at that meeting anyway?
Alderman Duncan, I believe you owe the Citizens of Crestwood an explanation as to what exactly you hoped to accomplish with these calls, and what was discussed.
Were waiting.
Tom Ford
NO. 1073
Now at first blush one would think that this would be a violation of the Sunshine Law. I checked, it is not, however what about that thing called ethics? Again, we have an ethics commission in Missouri set up for? (they don't worry about ethics so it seems.) Once again, I guess that would be in the eye and heart of the beholder.
Well last night Alderman Mimi Duncan stated that she had been in contact with a person or persons from Centrum Properties, and that she saw no reason to stop doing it unless the Board passes a resolution or ordinance to stop it. Now one wonders just exactly what she and that person, or persons were discussing? I have, courtesy of a FOIA form, a copy of an email sent to her by Mr. Vic Pildes (Centrum consultant) dated 10/23/12 saying the following, "Mimi, Please call me if possible before the Board meeting tonight Thank you." Now I would wonder just why that conversation would have to take place when Mr. Pildes was going to be at that meeting anyway?
Alderman Duncan, I believe you owe the Citizens of Crestwood an explanation as to what exactly you hoped to accomplish with these calls, and what was discussed.
Were waiting.
Tom Ford
NO. 1073
Mrs. Duncan would have been better off if she had followed the golden rule. Silence is golden. I listened to the dialogue and no one called her out. Now we all know that we should question any of her future votes on this topic.
How many others on the board are less than ethical.
Something to consider - does Ms. Duncan know how to be silent?
I'm not saying that she should always be silent, but there are times when it is appropriate. It's unsettling that one alderman is communicating with the developer.
What is the topic of each conversation?
Is she making any promises? Any commitments?
Does she think that she and she alone represents the city and can speak for it?
Ms. Duncan has some explaining to do, although I doubt she will - she'll probably continue what she is doing.
Tennyson admitted he had talked privately to Centrum in the BOA meeting last night. At least he didn't start crying that he felt like he was being attacked!
Poor Alderman Duncan, felt she was being targeted by being exposed by her own big mouth. The best part is she said she plans to keep doing this, and if the voters don't like it, they can vote her out next April. Really?
So Duncan is up for re-election in April? :)
11:11 Blogger: She is in fact "up" in April, providing the Citizens of Ward One do not recall her first!
Tom Ford
Fellow Citizens of Crestwood, one more question if I may. What's this "email filtered by the Mayor" remark?
Ms. Duncan knows, or should know that ALL the items in her packet are done by the Department heads, Tina Flowers, or the City Administrator, NOT THE MAYOR!
I fear that this was a lame attempt at damage control, none of which would be necessary had she not "outed" herself.
Tom Ford
The fact is how does Duncan know the info she gets in her "private" meetings aren't filtered by the developer? The place to ask the prospective developer is at the BOA PUBLIC meeting where a record is kept of what is said.
7:26 AM Blogger: Exactly! What she should have realized is the simple fact that developers are out for themselves, not Ms. Duncan, not Crestwood, themselves!
She should "pass her own ordinance" and stay off the phone with Centrum and PGAV (we already have a bill from them, part of which is a phone call from her, and they aren't even hired yet.)
If she wants to feel important we surly can find another "bridge to nowhere" for her to work on, no?
Tom Ford
Another reason talking to Centrum or PGAV is going to be a waste of time, it's called taxes!
Don't expect any bank to line up to lend funding under this cloud manufactured by Washington.
Tom Ford
In my view, the developer did nothing wrong in talking to Alderman Duncan, they are NOT held to the same standards as an Alderman. If they found an Alderman willing to talk to them in private, why wouldn't they do so? This is not saying that Centrum should be the developer or get a TIF etc. I am saying that they are doing what they believe is needed to get their way, at any cost.
It is the Alderman who must hold themselves to the higher standard. They hold the public trust which demands complete transparency when interacting with future developers or vendors.
10:30 AM Blogger: That's what I said a couple of posts up from here.
Are you saying that if an Alderman violates the public trust they should resign their seat?
If you are, I agree completely, it's time for new representation in Ward one, period!
Tom Ford
Alderman Duncan said that she was not going to stop doing what she has been doing. She said if the voters of Ward 1 don't like it they can vote her out of office.
Aside from the brash arrogance and based on her statement above, I doubt the Alderman will resign. If the citizens of Ward 1 really don't support her actions they can contact her now and tell her so. And at the same time when the paper work becomes available to run for her seat this coming April, someone take them out and get them signed. It would be interesting to see if the Alderman knew she was going have to run in a race for office, if she would run again and take the chance of losing.
So Tom, I believe it is up to the citizens of Ward 1 to decide if they like or don't like her none public meetings with potential developers and vendors. I really hope the voters of Ward 1 understand what is at stake and make their demand for open and transparent govt at our City Hall.
The short answer to your question is, however, yes she should resign.
I am needing more details here. What was stated that the meetings were about? What was said? Is there truly a rule about this or is someone just in a snit needlessly?
Anonymous said.
"I am needing more details here"
You have all the details that are know. The Alderman was meeting with the developer in closed meetings where no transcripts of what was discussed were made. No one knew of the meetings until the Alderman's (Duncan) name showed up in a billing from a prospective vendor (PGVA). Then emails from the owner and prospective developer of the property formerly know as the Crestwood Mall were found via the City's email system, proving the Aldermen (Duncan and Tennyson) were in private communication with Centrum. Duncan has voted yes for the developer each time and Tennyson after voting no, made contact with the developer and then voted yes for them. There is no record of what was said as there would be in an open public meeting. Those are the known details. There is no way to verify any claims made by the Aldermen that they said one thing or an other.
"What was stated that the meetings were about?"
While both Aldermen admitted to meeting by phone and email with Centrum, they have not stated what the meetings were about, what was said and what if anything, was agreed to.
If the communications, discussions, questions and answers had been done in a public meeting, then every one would know the answer to your question. The fact that they were not is the problem. What was the discussion about that couldn't be talked about in a public meeting? What agreements were reached that couldn't have been made in a public meeting?
Since there is no public record of what is the public's business, how can the citizens of Crestwood be sure that the votes of these two Aldermen are not biased or compromised on this issue?
7:09 PM Blogger: "Is there truly a rule about this or is someone just in a snit needlessly?"
Needlessly? No I don't think it's "needless," as after all I really doubt any of us want our elected officials going outside the "loop" for whatever.
Do you really need a rule for everything that you encounter every day? ALL Alderman take a class on "right, wrong, and questionable" when they are elected. All of them took it, all of them once knew what to, and what not to do.
We have no idea what was said by those who were parties to these conversations, but we should as it's the people's business, and as such should be discussed in open forum.
The very least that should happen here is that the Alderman in question must recurs themselves from voting on this issue.
IF they do that, I believe the Board can then be trusted to cast their vote on the issue of the "District." If not, well I don't believe too many Crestwood Citizens are going to be happy with ANY of the resulting votes reference same.
Tom Ford
while we're on the subject of Crestwood, has anyone else tried the new deli that opened where the old Imo's was? Ate there the other day and I can highly recommend it! Give it a try!
8:51 PM Blogger: I have heard the same from others. I will visit today and see for myself.
Tom Ford
I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. I was. I really enjoyed the burger and fries.
1:09 PM Blogger: Good things to be had indeed, now back to the wait for Alderman Duncan's explanation.
By the way we encored a bill from PGAV (God knows why) due to Alderman Duncan having a "telecom" (at $200.00 per hour) between PGAV, Alderman Duncan, "city staff?" and the City Attorney,
Alderman Duncan, stop wasting MY TAX MONEY! Face it, you have no authority to make a deal anyway, so If your so glued to that phone of yours, you pay these, and future "telecom conference" bills!
Tom Ford
I just wish Alderman Duncan would share her "unfiltered information" with the rest of Crestwood's citizens.
I doubt she will. Is there any one in Ward 1 that will run against her?
I cannot understand why Mimi has to spend money we do not have to understand an incredibly simple concept. What follows is a simple explanation of TIF.
The value of property slated for a TIF-approved development is frozen before any construction or improvements are made to the property. Depending on the negotiated terms between the city and the developer, the frozen tax rate can last as long as 23 years. As improvements are made to the property the difference (called increments) between the actual value of the property and the frozen value of the property is invested in a “special allocation fund.” The city also transfers 50 percent of its incremental sales and utility tax revenues into that same fund. All or a portion of the money in the fund can then be used to pay directly for redevelopment project costs or for public infrastructure needs like sidewalks.
Developers can only receive TIF-status for their projects if their proposal demonstrates “a substantial and significant public benefit” such as creating new jobs, eliminating blight and the conditions that may lead to blight or strengthening Crestwood's economy. The project must also not be possible, but for the tax break from the city..
Do you think TIFs are a good idea for the district at Crestwood development? Do you think the developer meets all of the requirements?
Leave a comment and tell us what you think.
I forgot to add one additional rule. The government is not responsible for any effects on the school district. The district is responsible for its on negotiations.
Alderman Duncan is a hold over from the previous Mayor and as such, does not favor current Mayor. This possibly could be the reason behind her stupid "filter" comments.
I would be surprised if Alderman Duncan did much talking about TIF with developer. I imagined she was talking about what type of business the developer was going to bring.
In any even, there is no legitimate reason I can think of for having private, unrecorded, costly meetings in smoke filled rooms behind closed doors with developers or possible vendors for the City.
Think, what could the developer told her that they couldn't or didn't want to tell her in public? Then go from there.
0:40 PM Blogger: Well an even more interesting piece of the puzzle arrived today courtesy of my last Friday's FOIA form request.
I will be giving this it's own thread as soon as I can "flesh out" all the players in this fiasco! Stay tuned, it won't be long.
Tom Ford
Excellent editorial!
2:52 PM Blogger: Indeed it is, see the new threat reference it above.
Ton Ford
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