Saturday, November 03, 2012

Election Day on Tuesday, November 6, 2012.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Tuesday November 6, 2012 is a day that ALL of us have a sacred duty to fulfill. Yes, we have to get out and vote for the person of your choice, no matter whom that may be.

Unless your a brand new reader of this Blog there should be no doubt who I am for, but that's not important now. What is important is that YOU ALL go to your polling place and cast YOUR ballot.

I have said it before, and I say it again now. I will never tell you who to vote for, but I will tell you to do your civic duty and vote, yes, it's that important that you do.

There is and will be voter intimidation, voter fraud, threats, and comments by fools on so called comedy shows, and all the remaining dirty tricks that either party can, and will toss in your way, but YOU must push that aside and VOTe!

Tom Ford

NO. 1065


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Redskins loose at home, bad omen for the party occupying the White House?

Tom Ford

8:19 AM, November 05, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Twas the night before election,

And all thru' the town,

Tempers were flaring

Emotions ran up and down.

I, in my bathrobe

With a dog in my lap,

Had shut off the TV,

tired of political crap.

When all of a sudden,

There arose such a noise,

I peered out my window,

Saw politicians and their boys

They had come for my wallet,

They wanted my pay

To hand out to others

Who they needed that day!

They snatched up my money,

And quick as a wink,

Jumped back on their bandwagon

As I gagged from the stink.

They then rallied their henchmen

Who were pulling the cart.

I could tell they were out

To tear my country apart!

'On Fannie, on Freddie,

On Chrysler and G. M.!

On Acorn, on Solyndra'

They screamed at the pairs!

They took off for their cause,

And as they flew out of sight,

I heard them laugh at a nation

Who wouldn't stand up and fight!

So I leave you to think on this one final note...


Author unknown

(With thanks to the party that sent it to me, and modified by me for a two party parody.)

Tom Ford

10:11 AM, November 05, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:52 PM, November 05, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

More cheating folks? When does this stop?

This should lead to automatic disqualification of the people doing this sort of voter fraud!

Tom Ford

10:13 AM, November 06, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you on this one. Can they not see the damage they to do us all with that kind of insane behavior?

9:16 PM, November 06, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, as it turns out, Ann Coulter was in fact psychic. I am, though, sorry that your choice lost the election. I am, at the same time, very relieved that my choice won. Democracy is a good thing, and to see it in action is truly awe-inspiring.

10:58 PM, November 06, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:58 PM Blogger: That's why America is still the greatest Republic on the face of the earth. About 7% of us fought, and some of us died to insure all of us had the right to select our Government.

We will never all agree, nor should we but we now must see if the party that has emerged victorious will do what they said they would, or is it no change from Monday?

I hope we can all see that Billions of dollars were spent on this "silly season," and when the smoke cleared this morning, we find ourselves in exactly the same configuration as Monday! Interesting.

Tom Ford

12:32 PM, November 07, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, having been watching the news for the last week, we aren't in exactly the same position as we were before. I see that the GOP is at least trying to figure out what went wrong, and to search for answers is always a positive step. As a quiet, middle class, working Democrat, I could have told them, but I never got the email. 2016 may have very different results is their soul searching turns up what many already know.

10:11 AM, November 13, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Canada Free Press: America Commits Suicide
America Commits Suicide Here lies the United States of America Born: July 4, 1776 Died: November 6, 2012

The Will of the People Has Spoken, and America Died - The End of an Empire
by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh - Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Our Constitutional Republic died a peaceful death on November 6, 2012. Having reached the point of no return in a comatose state after years of progressive and illegal immigration assaults, the fabric of conservative society is now completely unraveled and Uncle Sam’s America is no more.

The United States of America is now relegated to the dust bin of history as a “has been” empire. The Shining City on the Hill, the hope of so many millions since July 4, 1776, no longer exists. What rises from the ashes is a country that few of us will recognize, like, or learn to accept submissively.

After 236 years of existence, a new country emerges today, run by secular progressives who rejected our Constitution, what we stand for, and who we are as a nation. The Supreme Court will be forever altered after its last conservative members will be replaced by the liberal academics who call themselves “progressives.” The rule of law will be implemented by Executive Orders, making Congress irrelevant.

The communist motto “Forward” that resonated with so many ignorant Americans will plunge us into many years of darkness from which we will never be able to recover. We have proven our Founding Fathers right, they did give us a Constitutional Republic and we were unable to maintain it.

The forces of the failed communist fundamental transformation that were driven underground in many places around the world, resurfaced with a vengeance in the United States and have now taken over. How long we will still have freedom of speech, movement, assembly, and control of our private property remains to be seen. Faith and churches will be driven underground; allowing secularism to prosper and take deep roots among the progressives whose God is Mother Earth.

The welfare-dependent Americans, unions, and illegal aliens have chosen for the rest of us the dark path of serfdom to big government and to socialist utopia.

Who would have guessed that the very people who were complaining that the government is not extricating them from disaster or giving them the help they needed in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, would vote for the very politicians who turned their backs on needy Americans after the lights went dark when the political photo opportunities ended?

Who would have guessed that Americans were as ignorant and irresponsible as to choose fiscal destruction over fiscal sanity for their children and grandchildren, secularism and communism over faith, dependence over personal responsibility and self-reliance

(part one)

Tom Ford

12:00 PM, November 13, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

(Part two.)

Americans have been protesting for the last four years the dismal state of the economy and the direction of our country, the corruption of our politicians, and the loss of personal and economic freedom. Rallies in support of conservatism overwhelmed venues for Mitt Romney while rallies for our bumbling President became scarcer and scarcer. Yet, miraculously, at the ballot box, our President won all over the country.

We lost seats in the Senate. Americans chose liars and cheats to be their Senators and Representatives, rejecting those who protected the Constitution. The candidate from Massachusetts who claimed direct American Indian lineage to Pocahontas is now a Senator, having defeated Scott Brown. Representative Allen West lost his seat by a narrow margin to the infamous Wasserman Schultz from Florida.

Americans chose high unemployment, reduction of our military, communist indoctrination of their children, and loss of personal freedoms unlike we have never seen before in this country.

I am saddened by the loss of millions and millions of American soldiers who have died to preserve freedom yet we lost it on November 6, 2012. Those buried in cemeteries around the world and at Arlington must be rolling in their graves today. We shamelessly allowed their sacrifice of blood and treasure to go in vain. We have no honor because we let down all the soldiers who fought in recent times and returned home limbless with lives shattered from physical and mental wounds of war.

I mourn today the loss of my adopted country. I have fought hard over the last four years to prevent its overt and accelerated destruction but the darker forces stronger than many of us have overcome concerted efforts by millions of Americans to maintain the Republic. Mediocrity, sloth, godlessness, dependence, cowardice, using the law selectively or ignoring it, and hopeless corruption will define the new country. Only God can save us now with his mercy and grace.

12:01 PM, November 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Lord. Over dramatize much? Well, maybe not, as that is how I'd have felt, almost exactly, if Romney had won.

1:07 PM, November 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but please, for the sake of sanity, get over the communist stuff. It's simply not true and is pretty insulting. I know several people who actually lived under communist regimes, and they laugh out loud at that silly assertion from the right. They have told me anyone who thinks that has no CLUE what a communist regime is like or what the symptoms are. There is nothing communist in this country and, since the chicken-without-a-head era of Mccarthy, there never has been. Indicating that only you and certain special people have magical and secret goggles that let them see this is both ridiculous and somewhat alarming that anyone would think that. But, as I have said before, so much for everyone pulling together, eh? I tend to agree with Jindal's quote from today about his own party.

1:14 PM, November 13, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:07n and 1:14 PM Blogger: Did you happen by any chance see that THIS WAS WRITTEN BY SOMWONE OTHER THAN ME? (Canada Free Press)

However if you really want to get into it over a "communist regime," I am your man! I have toured them, seen them, I fully understand the works of Karl Marx, Sal Alinsky, Bernadette Dorn,and the Rev Wright.

Our leader himself has stated to ALL OF US that he is a firm believer in the "redistribution of wealth."

Now, if you have any inclination to challenge me on the combined works of communist leaders such as Stalin, Mao, Kim Jung IL, Putin, or pick your favorite, say so and we shall let the conversation begin.

By the by, "a communist is a socialist / progressive in a hurry," plain and simple.

Tom Ford

3:54 PM, November 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I realize the piece was written by someone else. I also realize that by posting it here you endorse the content.
Pardon my ignorance on the subject,but I feel touring a communist country doesn't make you an authority on living in one.

Why don't you tell me a specific thing you feel is communism that is happening here so I can try to understand what you're talking about. Thus far I have no idea where you're getting this line of thinking.

4:33 PM, November 13, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:33 PM Blogger: Good enough, how about we start with socialized medicine (AKA obamacare?)

Every communist country on the planet has it, and it dosen't work, else why would the leaders of those Nations come to America to be treated as so many have?

Tom Ford

4:55 PM, November 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think access to health care is a very different thing than skill as a health care provider. Giving millions more Americans access to the health care they currently don't have is in no way related to why foreign heads of state might come here for treatment. I genuinely believe it's because we simply have better doctors. It has nothing to do with how many actually get to see one.

next point:

5:23 PM, November 13, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:23 PM Blogger: We already have it, it's called medicaid and it's unfortunately used by millions.

I think you and I should have a public debate, say at the City Hall BOA chambers?

If your so much of a believer in your position you will of course be glad to do it. It will require you to divulge your identity, but to a real believer that shouldn't be a problem.

Say it's a go and I will reserve the room.

Tom Ford

7:07 AM, November 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tell me, why is it that you tend to shy away from discussions here on your own blog and always want to up the ante? I am merely trying to understand your point of view, which, up until now, you've been very gracious in helping me to do. So...stating my view isn't acceptable...just asking about yours is? Well, okay then.

What is your next specific example of communism in the US?


8:21 AM, November 14, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:21 AM Blogger: well, "Missy": it's simple as it can be. I do not like having a conversation with anyone who will not sign their name to what they claim to believe!

Your view (when properly vetted) is just fine here, what is not is the problem I have with those who hide behind Anonymous and will not come out of the shadows!

Now, when you have answered my questions on obamacare we will move on, not until. You see coming here to toss out a couple of comments and then want to "move on" is no longer acceptable to me.

Your boy wn, be prepared to defend your attempts to convince me why I should back his socialist proposals, or ............

Now, when your fully stocked with your ammo supply, the next comment is yours.

Tom Ford

12:17 PM, November 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I answered your concern. You asked why, if their socialized medicine worked so well, do many foreign heads of state come to the US for medical treatment. Your statement, as I read it, was to put forth that their socialized systems don't work so they come here.

My response was that I think our doctors are better, but that I didn't see how general population's access to health care had anything to do with whether our doctors are superior. Doctors and their professional skill are based on our medical schools and university systems, not health care and level of access to it. I do not see a connection between foreigners coming here and Obamacare. Please clarify.

1:12 PM, November 14, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:12 PM Blogger: My concern was, and is, "Every communist country on the planet has it, and it dosen't work,"

What in the world makes you think that obama and his crew are the ONLY ones to do it right?

Now, your homework assignment for tonight is to give me, (and all of us by extension) your reasoning behind that question.

When we have thoroughly discussed the "obamacare" debacle we shall move to another item, but first.....

Tom Ford

3:26 PM, November 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, firstly, your condescending, patronizing tone hardly puts one in a mind set for intelligent discourse. It actually causes me to wonder if discourse is your goal.

Secondly, you STILL haven't told me how Obamacare is in any way connected to foreigners coming here for medical care. Our doctors' skill is in no way connected to citizens' access to health care. Perhaps your concern should be honed in on why other countries have lesser medical schools. So maybe that could be your homework since we're so hot to trot for homework. I cannot understand how to address something you refuse to clarify. So perhaps we are at a stalemate, eh?

4:24 PM, November 14, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:24 PM Blogger: Well "Missy," (you forgot to use your name,) I at least know you better now!

How can you, or anyone else discern my "tone" in an email? Get over it, or just say, "I give up."

"Secondly" who said that obamacare is connected to foreigners coming for care, (besides you of course?)

"perhaps" your concern should be wrapped around the impending rate hikes for "medicare," and, by the way, your homework assignment is still pending, so...........

Were at a stalemate if all you have left are snide remarks "Missy," so it's your call.

Tom Ford

4:50 PM, November 14, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Here is a "Cliff Notes" for you "Missy."

Tom Ford

4:57 PM, November 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually, you said it:

Every communist country on the planet has it, and it dosen't work, else why would the leaders of those Nations come to America to be treated as so many have?


5:20 PM, November 14, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:20 PM Blogger: Wow, your right on that one "Missy", I did say it, and I am waiting for your reply to the first part, "Every communist country on the planet has it, and it dosen't work,"

So, what do you think, will you have a response by tomorrow? (I am going off line for the night.)

Tom Ford

5:34 PM, November 14, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, "Mr. Ford", you did say it, so I will now try to move through this as carefully as I can, given that we seem to have a break down in communication.
1. You stated that,"Every communist country on the planet has it, and it dosen't work, else why would the leaders of those Nations come to America to be treated as so many have?"

2. I then proceeded to seek clarification on the following: How does foreign heads of state coming here for medical treatment in any way connect to a system such as Obamacare? I indicated that they probably came here due to superior skills found in our doctors. There is still no connection to that and Obamacare
(or the like).

3. So now I must assume that you are either unable or unwilling to connect these to disparate ideas.

4.Lastly, "Mr. Ford", I will state this before we move on or retire the whole topic: In this very country, the United States, the richest and most powerful nation on the planet, there is a state, Mississippi, whose infant mortality rate is equal to Sri Lanka and Botswana. That state has 19% of its population uninsured. That is just one state. What, if you would please tell me, is so terrible about making health care available to everyone? How does improved health of the US population fly into the face of anything you stand for?


7:20 PM, November 14, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:20 PM Blogger: Missy, the quotation marks on your Nome DE plume are there for a reason, I don't know you, I have no idea if you really are, "Missy" or not. Since I put my photo up here with my name we can all be sure that this is me writing, get it?
Now when you understand that part we will continue.

Missy, there is, and has been health car available to ALL in every State of the Union since long before this was even thought of.

I firmly believe (it it was stated on MSM) that the reasons behind "infant mortality in most all cases is directly attributed to ignorance, not the lack of available care.

Improving the health is going to take the person who is less than healthy to do something about it themselves. In other words they will have to get up, get to a health center (they are everywhere and run by the States,) or no matter what is done the end result will be the exactly same thing.

You seem to be under the impression that those without an insurance card are as good as dead. Nothing is further from the truth, and I think by now you know it.

Now if you please, tell me why the cost of insurance MUST go up for ALL Americans to cover what is being covered now?

I think that I would like to hear from you when the train wreck starts in 2013-14 as I wonder how you will feel when it's coming out of your pocket as well as any Seniors you may have in your family.

Tom Ford

8:07 AM, November 15, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Missy, here is but one direct result of your favored "obamacare."

There are several more that I can put up here, but your a big girl, look them up for yourself.

Tom Ford

8:14 AM, November 15, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, fine. So, health care reform is a communist plot. I realize this is one of the tentacles of communism you see slithering out of Washington to stangle us all and destroy our lives. What's another? We're going to become a communist block country because of health care reform? There must be other things besides insurance that will ruin us.

MISSY (not a pen name...I have been called Missy all my life)

11:47 AM, November 15, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:47 AM Blogger: Careful Missy your starting to sound like a liberal here!

It sure didn't take very long for you to become completely derailed from the debate.

That is one major reason debating with a liberal is such a waste of time, they can't stay on topic, but must launch silly, emotional attacks when they run out of facts to back them up.

If you would care to regroup and try again I will be right here to debate it. However if you come back like your last comment, forget it, you lost!

Tom Ford

2:28 PM, November 15, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:29 PM, November 15, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:29 PM Blogger: what was the one thing I asked people to do if they wanted to hurl personal attacks here?

SIGN YOUR REAL NAME! you coulden't even do that so like a good little liberal, your history!

Tom Ford

5:36 AM, November 16, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, where does the Republican Party go from here?

9:15 AM, November 17, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:15 AM Blogger: Very good question. I have no answer other than to forget the east coast blue bloods and find a common sense person to cary the standard.

It will be all up hill from here as once the entitlement mentality has taken hold, and everything is free without work or consequences, well, you get it, I hope.

Tom Ford

9:39 AM, November 17, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I was told this would happen if I voted for Romney!

A pair of foreign-owned solar companies that benefited from a combined $84 million in Energy Department tax credits have announced they will lay off employees.

One of the companies, German-owned SolarWorld, was integral in the fight for tariffs against the importation of Chinese photovoltaic solar panels. The other, Chinese company SunTech, blamed those tariffs for its own layoffs.

Both companies benefited from the Energy Department’s stimulus-funded Advanced Energy Manufacturing (48C) Tax Credit. The 48C credit is worth up to 30% of the cost of manufacturing qualifying green energy projects.

SolarWorld received a credit worth $82 million, while SunTech’s was worth $2.1 million.

3:13 PM, November 17, 2012

5:28 PM, November 17, 2012  

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