Friday, November 09, 2012

Veterans Day, 2012, Please, if you see a Veteran this weekend, that him or her for their service!

Ladies and Gentlemen, please take a moment of your time to thank the people who gave of themselves freely so we may ALL enjoy the day with our loved ones.

There re a thousand cliches by now that can be used to tug at your heart strings, but for now, please think of the 7% of all Americans that have and do protect us from harms way, and in doing so give up their youth to do it.

I am reminded of an old Navy song that went something like this, " I knew a lad, I knew him well and now I cannot find him. I knew this lad he went to sea, and now I canno't find him.

Away, away, he went to sea, and now I canno't find him, away, away, this lad was me, and now I canno't find him!"

The moral of that old sea chantey is simple, we signed on to protect America, we took an oath to do so, and lo and behold some of us ended up "over the horizon" in a shooting war that forever changed us, so please understand and thank a Veteran when you see one.

We Vietnam Veterans have a saying, "All gave something, some gave all!"

God bless you and your families.

Tom Ford



Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Here is a link to Vet's day discounts for my fellow Veterans and their families.

Tom Ford

8:41 AM, November 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flags out, it's Vets Day weekend

10:07 AM, November 10, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Posted at the request of Ms. Jackie Stock, Thanks Jackie.

"Sunday, NOV. 11th, the local SAPPINGTON-CONCORD-
located on the triangle at Sappington, Gravois & Denny,
across from the( former ) JOHNNYS MARKET.
Pres. Stephen Hanpeter & his Dad, both local Residents,
placed the Wreath on behalf of all Veterans."

will present their Program on Wed. Nov. 14th at
2:00pm, at CITY HALL.
Remind your friends to attend."

Tom Ford

6:10 AM, November 12, 2012  
Anonymous Sandy G. said...

I will pray on this veterans day for all who served past and present.

These are our real heros. Not singers, nor movie stars - even though they may be worth of praise - they did not give up their lives for us. They did not die for our greater good.

Every time I see a picture of the men in combat holding up the flag - that's Imo Jima and that picture represents my Uncle Joe.

He was a hard working man, handsome and kind - never to say a bad thing about anybody.

But when he came back from the war, he was never the same. He lost that beautiful part of himself that defined him. He never was married and died here in St. Louis at a very young age considering the life expectancy here in the United States.

I will never forget his funeral and the veterans who honored him at his funeral. I was too young to understand why the honor guard was even there. Then one of them sang the song "My Buddy" - and tears flowed down my checks as well as our whole family.

My Uncle Joey never had riches, never had a wife or children. But he had so many nieces and nephews and cousins and a mother (my grandmother) and a father (my grandfather) and a family that loved him.

Because of the sacrifices he made and those of other veterans, to me and our family, he is a real hero along with all the rest.

I am proud to say that I knew my Uncle and he was worth much more than what money can by - just remember that those who served and gave their lives deserve praise -- for if not for them -- we may all be seeing a war here, in our own backyards. Fight them far away - or here! Which would you rather see?

1:42 PM, November 12, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Sorry but say that this makes me sick to my stomach!

John Kerry, the three time "purple owie" winner and anti Vietnam (with Hanoi Jane Fonda) protester as SECDEF?

God help us!

Tom Ford

12:17 PM, November 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:09 PM, November 13, 2012  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:09 PM Blogger: DA#M right! This waste of human skin is a stench in the nostrils of every Vietnam Veteran (and true American I know!

He wrote his own request for his "Purple owies," (His CO refused to do it,) he was reviled by every man he ever served with on the PBR's (swift boats,) as well as every serving Navy person known to me.

The "man?" caused undue harm to our POWs in the "Hanoi Hilton" by his anti war protests, and I for one despise his very being!

Tom Ford

5:16 PM, November 13, 2012  

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