PGAV rejected as "planners / consultants" for the District at Crestwood."
The Board of Alderman voted 4 t0 4 with the Mayor abstaining to reject the RFP from PGAV. (Actually it became a moot point when the tie was not broken.)
I will "flesh this out" as more facts become available.but for now we will be sending out a new RFP for a planning consultant for the Centrum project (assuming there is a Centrum project.)
The new year will bring some very interesting things to Crestwood, a new City Administrator (Chief Kessler retires 31 December, 12) and when the new C/A is aboard we will start the RFP for a planning / consulting firm as well. Then we will also have a new City Attorney as our young friend will be leaving to do other work.
Now we come to the bill that PGAV had the nerve to send us even though the had NO contract with crestwood!
My suggestion? Well for openers we give the portion that was generated by Alderman Mimi Duncan (at $200.00 per hour) to her to pay! I see no reason that taxpayer funds should be spent by one Alderman without the knowledge of any of the rest of them, so how about getting your check book out?
Last but not least, I know that people become upset by a lot of things, but does that mean that they should resort to making rude remarks to a citizen, and a sitting Alderman in the foyer? Has our educational system deteriorated to such a point where civil discourse is no longer in fashion?
Tom Ford
NO. 1076
I will "flesh this out" as more facts become available.but for now we will be sending out a new RFP for a planning consultant for the Centrum project (assuming there is a Centrum project.)
The new year will bring some very interesting things to Crestwood, a new City Administrator (Chief Kessler retires 31 December, 12) and when the new C/A is aboard we will start the RFP for a planning / consulting firm as well. Then we will also have a new City Attorney as our young friend will be leaving to do other work.
Now we come to the bill that PGAV had the nerve to send us even though the had NO contract with crestwood!
My suggestion? Well for openers we give the portion that was generated by Alderman Mimi Duncan (at $200.00 per hour) to her to pay! I see no reason that taxpayer funds should be spent by one Alderman without the knowledge of any of the rest of them, so how about getting your check book out?
Last but not least, I know that people become upset by a lot of things, but does that mean that they should resort to making rude remarks to a citizen, and a sitting Alderman in the foyer? Has our educational system deteriorated to such a point where civil discourse is no longer in fashion?
Tom Ford
NO. 1076
The sound of crickets...that will be the response to the new RFP for a planner/consultant. This whole thing has gone from ridiculous to insane. I'm sure that many of you are grinning pretty big over this new hurdle to the project. You won't be grinning so big when they try raise our taxes next year. Even the folks at Lindbergh are coming around to the idea of having half of something instead all of nothing. It's time the BOA get on board and move this thing forward.
Whats the rush, developer had the property for 4 years and sat on his hands, now in the last 6 months he wants the City to give up a stream of tax revenue for 23 years while he is made whole using a TIF.
There are 4 seats on the BOA up this April, why dont you take out papers to run if you feel you know a better way?
1:24 PM Blogger: This is no hurdle, this is a group of concerned citizens watching out for US!
Perhaps PGAV could give you a position in their firm? if they can see their way clear to, I would do it, or are you now employed by them or the bond counsel boys?
TAX and spend has been on the Crestwood ballot so often that County has a tin type of the ordinance on file!
However the last one failed by 72% to 28%, not a good set of numbers for the ":tax and spend" clan.
Make some much needed cuts in purchasing, duplicate positions, and expenditures, then ask for a tax increase!
Tom Ford
Could someone explain to me why the city is issuing a RFP for property development that they do not own?? I don't get it. Why is the city spending time (money) when the owners of the property should be coming to the city.
6:21 PM Blogger: Simple, the RFP is for the "planner / advisor," not the developer. Centrum is going to be the developer (unless they sell out first.)
Tom Ford
Could someone explain why rude people are the education system's fault? manners are generally taught at home, I believe.
The cause for rejection of PGAV is their lack of support for the project. If you review the testimony given at the last BOA meeting that Centrum presented at you will find that PGAV did not speak in favor of the project. I am certain PGAV would happy to accept payment to tell us again what was already revealed publicly at the BOA meeting.
You have to ask the question. Why would you pay for advice when it has already been given in a public testimony?
Listen to the testimony available on city website. It is all there for easy download. If you experience difficulty post a note here and I will be happy to provide directions or post that part of the testimony on you tube.
I also have to applaud the mayor for realizing he should not break a tie on a decision that belongs in the hands of the legislative body representing the people. That body is our BOA.
8:42 PM Blogger: Once again simple! The parents do what they can, the kid goes on the College where he / she starts believing their own bravo sierra, and before you know it they know it all, ergo, rude people since they coulden't possibly be wrong, now could they!
Tom Ford
8:54 PM Blogger4r: True in every respect! I join you in thanking Mayor Schlink for watching out for us!
Now on to the holiday break after which we shall go shopping for another company to do the job.
Tom Ford
What job? Their is no approved proposal. Neither the St. Louis County , the Crestwood BOA, or the Crestwood TIF has approved a proposal.
We do not require any consultant until a proposal is approved.
6:15 AM Blogger: Correct, but I believe the BOA and the Mayor think we will have to pop for the usual TIF, TDD, CID before Centrum CAN do this (notice I said CAN not will.)
Again it's my understanding that they want the ducks in a row before any of the negotiations start.
Personally I am against giving one dime to Centrum as I believe they will use the 23 year "tax subsidy" to pay themselves back the $17 Million they paid for the place, and use the rest to level it and bail out leaving us with nothing but a high tax area for a long time.
Look at their track record and tell me I am wrong here. They have a history in Illinois and Florida of not finishing a project, or selling it.
It's simple, with Centrum, no TIF, no project because there is no bank on the planet that will loan them the total needed to do this minus the23 year political subdivisions, so why give them (or anyone else) anything?
In my mind, were "all Tiffed out here" we have used it so many times that it seems normal, well believe me it's not.
Tom Ford
Isn't one of the duties of the Mayor to break tie breakers on the BOA? why else would there be an even number of Aldermen?
It's called leadership.
8:29 AM Blogger4r: Close, the job of the Mayor is to protect the interests of the City and his constituents.
Tom Ford
The charter does not require the mayor to cast vote in the case of a tie.
The mayor is not part of the legislative body.
The vote exists for the purpose of emergency actions.
The Centrum proposal is certainly not an emergency.
7:32 PM Blogger: Thank you for the clarification reference the Mayor's vote.
We have a very good man for Mayor of Crestwood. I have both agreed and disagreed with him on some things (I call and let him know,) but overall I am quite pleased with his performance to date.
Now as you said, the Centrum property deal is not an emergency by any stretch, so for once let's take our time and get this one right.
Please remember that once this goes up it will stay there for a very long time. Get ti right and it's a win-win, get it wrong and were stuck with the "elephant in the living room!"
Tom Ford
"Isn't one of the duties of the Mayor to break tie breakers"
No it is not a DUTY, it is a privilege to be used when the Mayor deems it in the best interest of the city.
Most politicians wait until after elections to make their mind up and vote it.Watch and see.
Anonymous 11:58 AM, December 14, 2012
Examples please to support your statement.
11:58 AM Blogger: Watch and see what? I doubt that anything reference this thread will be up for a vote prior to the election.
The C/A and the Attorney search will not be on the burner until after the holidays, and we won't be selecting either one for a while.
Until they are on board there will be no search for a "planner" so.............
Tom Ford
"Look at their track record and tell me I am wrong here. They have a history in Illinois and Florida of not finishing a project, or selling it."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe those projects were in the 2008-2011 depths of the credit crisis and real estate collapse. You would be hard pressed to find a developer with a 100% track record during that time. Many developers went under even. The developers that survived those years are doing something right.
Besides, each deal needs to be evaluated on its own merits.
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
The only thing you can rely on is death and taxes and that crestwood will always have a 9 til 5 animal control officer 5 days a week no matter what happens...Ordinance change or not,,,
Add to the list.
Crestwood will always have a code enforcement officer that is supported with free room and board, a stipend for cleaning Sappington house, and free utilities.
I will not approve a tax increase.
To 12:02 PM Dec. 15th
You're right - each deal does need to be judged on its own merits.
Centrum's financial position is weak, and even in the depths of the mortgage crisis, it was still accumulating properties. Centrum was gambling on a market recovery but it didn't happen fast enough, and now the hundreds of millions owed to various banks make it highly unlikely that Centrum could get any new construction loans.
Centrum did make it through the crisis (so far), but they are having trouble getting tenants for their developments. Centrum could not get tenants for one of their Chicago properties, and had to sell it at a loss. The new developer was able to find tenants, which begs the question: Why was one developer able to make the property a success while Centrum could not?
Take a look at a local Centrum property - Fountain Plaza in Ellisville. According to the SierraUS website, there are 12 spaces available in that development. It's less than 50% filled, yet Sol Barkett claimed at a board meeting that it was 90% filled.
Given Centrum's weakened financial position, flipping the property (complete with a TIF)could be a tempting option for them, but a less than attractive outcome for the city and school district.
Martha Duchild
10:31 PM Blogger: Well if we do, I will do whatever I can to insure that NO TAX INCREASE will pass as long as I am still "vertical!"
That buffoon Bohner may cave (he did it already) on the "fiscal cliff,) bu I will not vote for any increase here unless, and until our house is in order!
I have seen 17 and 18 year old Sailors and Marines display better leadership skills than some on this Board have displayed when it comes to "putting our fiscal house in order."
You may want to get re-elected to whatever, I want to see the community I moved into 44 years ago survive, so what say you get on it!
Tom Ford
12:02 PM Blogger: There is little I can add to Ms. Duchild's comments other than to say the "older" projects reflect a lack of ability to "fill the space." (Amazing as we all know that nature abhors a vacuum)
No tenant's, no sales, no sales, no tax revenue, no tax revenue, equals FLOP!
(ZT (-) NS (-) TR = F)
Unlike the old Barbie Doll toy which said when you pulled a string, "math is hard," this is simple.
Tom Ford
Any way to put strings on setting up a TIF for Centrum, specifically to prevent a quick sale (something along the lines of they must hold property for at least 10 years)?
The city could make the TIF non-transferable, or dictate how many years Centrum must hold on to the property, but Centrum would never agree to either stipulation (nor would I if I was in Centrum's position).
That's what makes this an untenable partnership: Centrum has every reason to flip the property with a TIF, and the only means the city has to ensure that won't happen are contractual stipulations to which Centrum is unlikely to agree.
Martha Duchild
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