Democrats want ONE TRILLION DOLLAS tax hike this year!
Well the ink is not dry on the final election results when obama and his minions decided to make sure we, the great unwashed must kick in yet more for his socialistic programs!
That's right, unemployment is back up and growing worse, businesses are closing left and right, food cost's are through the roof and yet the democrats want more from you and I!
I find this to not only be amazing in it's scope, but arrogant to a degree not seen since Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich. Now to be sure our republican friends will cave on this under the lackluster leadership of peasant Boehner, it's just a matter of time.
Speaking of time, are we close to the time when a second revolution will take place? If you read some of the Blogs out there you will see that the unrest on both sides is building to a boiling point. I pray that cooler heads prevail, and nothing of the sort takes place, but then the stamp tax on tea of all things was the tipping point the last time, so...........
Tom Ford
NO. 1081
well, personally I feel that if no one revolted over the God-forsaken presidency of Bush, then no one ever will. Those were horrible years, which broke this country almost irrepairably. If no revolution happened then, I can't imagine it would now. Of course, the threat always seems emminent from the militia fringe in Montana who have 3 year stores of food and underground bunkers,but that is always the case and they hate every president and every form of government there is.
Anonymous Anonymous said.
11:58 AM, January 07, 2013
Guess you got a point, the majority of voters like the past four years and want the same for the next four years.
Now explain what that has to do with GWB?
well, I thought I was pretty clear. I said simply that if Bush didn't cause a revolution with what he did, then I think we're pretty safe now.
3:56 PM Blogger: Yes indeed, you were very clear about what side your on, and thank you for it.
When the debt hits 20 Trillion I guess you and all his other supporters will be cheering wildly for the "success" he has shown in moving this Republic from rich to poor.
One last thing if I may, this is not and will not be the fault of anyone but obama, not Bush, not even George Washington, just your little buddy obama.
Good luck!
Tom Ford
11:58 AM Blogger:
This ones for you!
Gee whiz, what happened to young Chrissie here? Looks to me as though he got his assets shot off.
Tom Ford
Crestwood ward four alderman is suggesting a tax increase for the citizens. You will have an opportunity to voice your opinion at the BOA meeting Tuesday.
What say you?
so...Obama's is the only administration to ever increase the deficit?
Doesn't matter if Obama isn't the only one to increase the debt. He is the President now. During his first term our debt, due to Obama's spending programs, grew faster than ever in our history. Our current spending shows no sign of slowing down. Under Obama we are hiring 100 new Federal employees a day. Obama and his fellow liberal democrats will raise taxes, and they will continue to spend money we do not have. And fools will still blame Bush.
Now, blame all of that on Bush if you want or blame it on Nixon, or Ike, or FDR. or Carter or Johnson. The problem we face is not a revenue problem, the Federal revenues before the tax increase of last week, were at 2008 levels. Our problem is a spending problem. And this last election proved that the majority of voters do not care if we spend more than we can tax. They are quite happy if spending increases and if some one else pays more taxes. But this majority is now seeing in their payroll check, (for those who voted for Obama who have earned a pay check) their S.S taxes have gone up on them for the first time since the hated Bush tax cuts for the "rich" when into place. You see the what these socialist of "tax the rich" fame are now finding out is their S.S with holding when up 2% thanks to the tax increase on the "rich". Blame Obama
Wonder why? We now have the highest number of non-retired people on S.S. disability in the history of the program. Why, because it pays better than unemployment does and by being on SS disability you don't become a part of the unemployment numbers. Which makes Obama's programs look like they are doing better than they really are. This has caused the need for the s.s. being withheld to increase. Not because their are more seniors on it. And if the liberals get their way about taxing your 401K you will see another increase in you S.S. tax being withheld as more people have to rely on it 100%.
But as has been said before, over 50% of the voters in America, like what they got during the first Obama term and have returned him to office for four more years of the same stuff.
Enjoy your future, I'm sure you will blame Bush for something on the last day of Obama's day in office. It's in your low educated brain to do so.
Come on, I dare you, blame Bush or any one other than our President.
Sometimes, watching a Democrat learn something is wonderful, like seeing the family dog finally sit and stay at your command.
With President Obama back in office and his life-saving “fiscal cliff” bill jammed through Congress, the new year has brought a surprising turn of events for his sycophantic supporters.
“What happened that my Social Security withholding’s in my paycheck just went up?” a poster wrote on the liberal site “My paycheck just went down by an amount that I don’t feel comfortable with. I guarantee this decrease is gonna’ hurt me more than the increase in income taxes will hurt those making over 400 grand. What happened?”
Shocker. Democrats who supported the president’s re-election just had NO idea that his steadfast pledge to raise taxes meant that he was really going to raise taxes. They thought he planned to just hit those filthy “1 percenters,” you know, the ones who earned fortunes through their inventiveness and hard work. They thought the free ride would continue forever.
So this week, as taxes went up for millions of Americans — which Republicans predicted throughout the campaign would happen — it was fun to watch the agoggery of the left.
“I know to expect between $93 and $94 less in my paycheck on the 15th,” wrote the ironically named “RomneyLies.”
“My boyfriend has had a lot of expenses and is feeling squeezed right now, and having his paycheck shrink really didn’t help,” wrote “DemocratToTheEnd.”
“BlueIndyBlue” added: “Many of my friends didn’t realize it, either. Our payroll department didn’t do a good job of explaining the coming changes.”
So let’s explain something to our ill-informed Democratic friends. In 2009, Mr. Obama enacted a “holiday” on the payroll tax deduction from employees’ paychecks, dropping the rate from 6.2 percent to 4.2 percent. But like the holidays, the drop ended, and like New Year‘s, the revelers woke up the next morning with a massive hangover and a pounding head.
How else do you expect Obama to pay for his $20 million dollar Christmas vacation?with his own money???
again with the name calling and still the post remains.
So Mr. Ford demands name-callers sign names or the post is removed ONLY if he disagrees with what is being said. If he agrees, then all the rules of polite engagement go out the window? Unbelieveable.
And, Mr. condescending 10:26 post, I was merely pointing out that there have been many other presidents that have doubled or even tripled the national debt, and I didn't hear anyone screaming about it then. Your rude, disrespectful post was not called for, yet you HAD to start calling names and demeaning those who post here. Good job, and I'm sure you are very proud of yourself. SUCH a smart guy, calling names and being hateful. 4th grade called, they need you to return, please. Now I guess we'll see how quickly my post is removed.
I was merely pointing out that there have been many other presidents that have doubled or even tripled the national debt, and I didn't hear anyone screaming about it then.
Reread your own post, you didn't simply state any thing. You simply asked a question for which you don't like the answer.
Without much effort you can find many, many examples of voters being upset with the debt a President has rung up before this one. My advise to you is if you going to join in the debate, know what the heck your talking about. That way you wont feel like your being picked on when your post is torn apart with facts and history.
Interesting that obama received no less than 4 Pinocchios for his effort's in telling the truth. Oh, wait he is a politician, and thus unable to tell the truth!
How do you all like the 2% less pay this period ? obama snatched it for one of his liberal policies like free cell phones.
Tom Ford
7:09 AM Blogger: Don't worry I will leave your post right where it's at! I want that post up there to point out the difference between what America was, and has become.
If you think that name calling is a problem, you haven't seen anything yet. Now as to Mr. Ford's reasons for removal, they are many, but luckily for you your post illustrates the absurdity of the left, as you worry about what you perceive to be name calling (unless your doing it.)
Now as I am relatively positive you won't like these comments why don't you start your own Blog right here in Crestwood? Do that and you too can enjoy the ultimate power of the "bomb switch" as well.
Tom Ford
and yet, through it all, no one has addressed my first point: huge increases have happened before, under republican administrations, and those appear to be fine with everyone. May I please ask why that is? I have, as anyone does, facts and numbers from those administrations, so I wonder why only this administration is at fault.
"huge increases have happened before, under republican administrations, and those appear to be fine with everyone"
examples please to support your claims
1.huge increases under GOP have happen before
2.everyone seems to find with them.
4:10 PM Blogger: That will never happen as those comment;' are straight from the daily kos, or the like.
You know it's "bravo sierra" when the word, "everyone" is used in their argument.
Just who is "everyone" pray tell? I was never a part of that thinking, or mind set, so who is everyone?
Tom Ford
10:03 AM Blogger: Do you trust Forbes Magazine? Because if you do (and you should) you will see that obama is "the largest government spender in history!"
Not Bush, not Reagan, not Kennedy, not even Lincoln or Washington, but obama!
Tom Ford
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