Free obamacare for alieans as part of a "welcome" to America package!
Well now don't you all feel warm and fuzzy knowing that the extra tax money you send in will now fund obamacare for ALIEANS as a "welcome" package? (read the article below)
I guess this is set to go when obama tries to force the ILLEGAL amnesty act through Congress. Folks, were now at 200% spending against GDP, were broke, they want to abolish the debt ceiling, and NOW THIS?
Wow, I bet ALL the obama relatives from Kenya to Lord knows where will be coming over for the so called health care, after all, they have none now, right?
Tom Ford
NO. 1088
please elaborate on your comment on the debt ceiling.
6:10 AM Blogger: Well both the democrats and the republicans have "agreed" to raising the debt ceiling so far. The actual raising is but a formality now.
As you may or may not know, the debt ceiling is a cap on the amount of borrowing this Nation can do. they have raised it every time so far, and all that's done is put us so far in debt we will never ever see the other side!
Americas credit rating has been downgraded (first time ever) and the progressive / ;liberals continue to spend, spend, spend!
Now we have the GDP (gross domestic product.) Let's say we make widgets and sell them for a dollar (GDP.) Our cost with overhead and debt service is .80 cents. So far so good, right?
However if our costs are now $2.00 with the debt service were in serious trouble unless we can raise the sell price accordingly.
There you have Congress easily explained, they take in $1.00 but spend $2.00 for every one, ergo the debt ceiling must be raised or (gasp) spending must be cut!
Tom Ford
Here is one of the idiot liberals and her "idea!" How would you like this?
This is the sort of over the top imbecility they think is good for the Country!
Tom Ford
I am trying to understand..the debt ceiling has been raised multiple times under every modern president. Reagan raised it 17 times just in his 8 years!Bush Raised it 7 times, raising the amount by 90%. Bush I raised it 4 times, and Clinton raised it 4 times. Why is it so awful now? Presidents have been doing this for decades and decades.This is what I am struggling to understand.
The Fair Pay Act was defeated last June, I think. The reasons given at the time were that Republicans didn't care for the way it was worded. My question is this: why don't Republicans, then, write fair pay legislation? That way all the words would be to their liking, while still insisting that women not be discriminated against in the work place. Win-Win proposition, right?
8:51 AM Blogger: Your President has added over 4.5 TRILLIOJN in four years, how much is too much to a liberal?
Tom Ford
9:04 AM Blogger: Why do we need a fair pa7y act in the first place? Can it be that the untrained, lazy folks want the same pay as the real workers?
Why the heck would ANYBODY write this act?
By the way, this idiot reintroduced this recently, read the thread I added.
Tom Ford
my understanding is that the fair pay act was intended to curtail or stop the practice of paying women less than men for the same work. Please advise if you feel all women are untrained and lazy?
11:50 AM Blogger: Nice try, you lost though!
Tom Ford
11:50 AM Blogger: While you attempt to regroup, try this on for size, and then ask HIM how he feels.
"When all White House employees are considered, the Obama administration's female employees earn a median salary of $60,000, roughly 18 percent less than men, whose median salary is $71,000."
Read more:
Tom Ford
What would YOU do with menendez the child molester 9:04 AM Blogger:?
Tom Ford
"Lost"? I "lost"? I was unaware this was a contest.
5:37 PM Blogger: Oh I think you were more than aware that YOU were playing a game, weren't you.
Your game was one of "got ya," but it didn't work, ergo, you lost!
Match, set, point!
Tom Ford
wow. Okay.
Anonymous said...
wow. Okay.
7:47 AM, February 02, 2013
Since you enjoy asking questions, please answer this one.
President Obama said he shoots Skeet at Camp David. Can you tell us doe he prefer them fried of broiled for his dinner?
can you tell me why you care whether Obama shoots or doesn't shoot?
8:59 AM Blogger: Well I know your not asking me, however since HE said he shot all the time, and since he is known to be a consummate liar, I wanted to see it for myself.
I saw the official White House photo? and I guarantee you he does not shoot all the time as he is sighting in on the tang safety, not the front bead sight!
So yet another blatant lie by our hero!
Tom Ford
obama "shooting?"
Make sure you see the photo shopped deals as well, there may be hope for the lad yet!
Tom Ford
well, if your conspiracy theory is true, and since there are so many whipping around far right land, I wonder if he got his shooting skills from Cheney? Since there's no one's face available in the picture, maybe they could photo shop one in! It'd be hilarious, no doubt.
3:18 PM Blogger: Sorry to disappoint you but there is NO conspericy theory here. No, in fact I shoot left handed and have done so since I lost my right eye in 1999. Prior to that I shot right5 handed.
I have a total of 60 years as a civilian, military, police, civilian, instructor shooter, so I do believe I know something about it!
As for Cheney he would love it I an sure, he has a great sense of humor, unlike biden who has no sense period!
Tom Ford
since you hate all democrats, who will the GOP run for prresident next? My prediction is Chris Christie. What's yours?
7:04 AM Blogger: Well I don't hate ALL democrats, in fact if you find me one in Washington that is nor anti second amendment as well as a socialist (good luck,) I might like the,!
As far as the GOP is concerned, they have had it in my eyes. Their supposed to be an opposition party now, and they would not oppose changing the Chanel in a black out!
The mess obama has, and is creating will need serious leadership, Christie can do it, but will the good old boys club "allow him to?"
The time has come for a third party, like it or not, ALL the Washington elite have become what they weren't there to stop, and it's ruining this once great Republic!
The idea was for someone to go to Washington for two years and then return to their business or what have you. Republicans and democrats have made a life's work out of it, and it shows what with the graft, corruption, criminal act's and the latest democrat (Senator Robert Menendez, "D", N.J.) molesting child prostitutes while using donations to fund the trips!
Is this really what the founding fathers envisioned? Hell no it isn't and we all know it, so when does it stop?
Tom Foes
this country has traditionally not been very supportive of third parties.
8:34 AM Blogger: "this country has traditionally not been very supportive of third parties."
That was when there were honest men and women in office (if ever that happened.)
Now we see all the reasons to have a third party paraded right before us daily with no shame what so ever.
Doubt me? Remember menendez, the kennedy fiasco's, michelle's constant vacations to really expensive places, and the list goes on.
When the leaders are corrupt and glorify the decadence, what do you think the great unwashed will do?
Tom Ford
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