Sunday, January 13, 2013

It seems some wanted a new thread reference controling the dreaded gun, so..........

If you have questions, need answers, or are just out to help the regime control the great unwashed please place your missives here and ye shall be answered to the best of anybody's ability.

I have moved the first two here as they certainly did not fit under the heading that the Bloggers placed them under.

I think this will be a good debate IF your willing to drop the emotions and debate along the lines of the Constitution, the original intent, and forget the Party affiliations for a change. I will allow the first post to be as written because it was the catalyst for this thread.

Tom Ford

NO. 1083


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Top 10 Gun Death Cities!

Ban Democrat Mayors instead of guns!!

6:20 AM, January 13, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why, you're right! Every darned time a mayor goes on a killing spree I get so mad! Well, problem solved. What needs fixing next?

11:11 PM, January 12, 2013

6:21 AM, January 13, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

OK, no that the ridiculous comments (you forgot Chicago with 550 murders last year, and a GUN FREE City at that) are in the can so to speak, can we move to the adult portion of this debate?

Tom Ford

6:32 AM, January 13, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Comments from Charlie Daniels (of the Charlie Daniels Country Band fame) for your perusal:

Tom Ford

6:41 AM, January 13, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was pointing out the ridiculous assumption that Republican mayors will stop gun violence.

7:55 AM, January 13, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:55 AM Blogger: No Mayor, Governor, Senator or President can stop violence,m only a change in the Root causes will do that.

Can we be honest as to the factors that cause violence in the first place, such as unemployment, under education, and abject poverty? Toss in the mentally ill who are not institutionalised but on "medication' (which they either forget to take or will not take) and you start to see where we need to focus.

Notice that the Hollywood boys and girls turn out violent video games, movies and music every other day but no=one says a word about it?

The lesser educated among us will look at these and think that death is either not permanent, or is a thing to be glorified, why is that?

After WW2, Korea, and Vietnam there were more guns in America than citizens, YET NONE OF THES THINGS HAPPENED THEN. why?

There needs to be some serious soul searching, not knee jerk reactions by ANY administration when it comes to an object that with out a homicidal maniac attached to it is worthless as a weapon.

Tom Ford

8:33 AM, January 13, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Add this if you will: CBS defends show against claims of violence.

It's not my fault! So whose is it 'entertainment' industry?

Tom Ford

8:40 AM, January 13, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The nation's capital is the capital of gun deaths. There were 24.5 firearm-related deaths per 100,000 people in Washington, D.C.
Guess D.C. needs stronger gun control laws and more law enforcement officers. Or maybe higher taxes? Please!

"I was pointing out the ridiculous assumption that Republican mayors will stop gun violence"

Well I'm pointing out the ridiculous assumption that gun control laws stop gun violence, which for the record, the Democrat Party has been pushing for ever. Check the gun control laws in the top ten cities on the list. I'm willing to bet that those laws are doggone strict. So the problem is the Democrat mayors of those cites either can't or wont enforce their own laws!

I'm pointing out the ridiculous assumption that the NRA and it's member's are to blame for gun violence. Democrats have had control of the cites on this list for up to 97 years. And this the best they can do? Check the unemployment rate of these cities. Are they higher or lower than the state they are located in? Is the problem the are rich not paying their "fair share" and all the other excuses the Democrat's have rolled out to keep the focus off their failed bigger government solutions?

I'm pointing out the ridiculous assumption that an inanimate object, a gun, can hurt a person with out it being in the control of another person. In 2011 HAMMERS killed more Americans that rifles! Ban all hammers? Or, blame the person who did the killing with the hammer?

Tom is correct when he asks us to be honest with ourselves and do some soul searching. American is as great as it's people. We just had an election where the majority of American people voted to continue on the same path as we have followed for the last four years. When the results are the same, will the Democrats be honest and admit they were wrong, that their policy's failed? Or will they blame the "rich" and conservatives?

That is the reason for my posting this list of the top ten gun death cities. To show again that elections have consequence's. To keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result is insane. And in the example of the cities listed here, voters have been doing the same thing over and over and have been getting the same results. A sane person has to ask the question, what are the voters of these cites thinking they will get by continuing to vote for the same party, the Democrat party, year after year, decade after decade?

I believe, in the example of the top ten cities listed, it is a ridiculous assumption to believe the Democrat Party has the programs, the plans, the answers for the improvement of the citizens who still live in those cities.

For now at least, the solution is in the ballot box, use it for change.

10:30 AM, January 13, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, I agree, what the Democrats push won't necessarily fix things. Again, I ask: how will Republican leaders change anything? I have yet to see Republican ideas that increase funding to mental health services. Please comment.

1:24 PM, January 13, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"how will Republican leaders change anything?"

They have to get elected first!!

3:02 PM, January 13, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:02 PM Blogger: Remember I said we will have to be honest here? Well most of the violence and homicides are perpetrated in the African american Community (Black on Black crime.)

In case you aren't aware of it, there are numerous films, video games, songs, and the like aimed at Black audiences (exploitation.)

Forget the racism charges and move to remedy this and you will slow the violence down, notice I said you won't stop it as that will take at least one generation to remove it.

Why was it that when a Black family was intact these things were very rare? Since the Great Society when it became more beneficial for fathers to leave, and mothers to go on welfare we have seen the growth of Black children dying in the street for NO REASON other than a wrong gang sign!

Look to reminding this problem and it will go a long way toward fixing the problem the African Americans face today.

Occasionally we see a mass murder take place by deranged people who should have been in an institution (their families and friends knew it) but were on the street thanks to "mainstreaming" (another social engineering trick that's a dismal failure!)

People we MUST do something to remedy these Ill's or you have no idea what violence is when all these experiments come crashing down on us at once (were almost there now.)

I have first hand knowledge of what I am telling you as I have "been there" as a gang task force member, a drug task force member, and that was back in the 90's. Now it's quite a bit worse1, and if you don't believe me I will arrange a "ride along" in North County with the Police so you can see for yourself, just ask me.

Show me a leader who will do that (from either party) and we will be on the road to recovery, not until!

Now,flame away, call me what you wish (but sign your real name or your gone,) but you know I am right!

Tom Ford

6:50 PM, January 13, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I agree with you 100%!! Because of the Great Society (a Democrat program) the Black family has been destroyed. for the reasons you sited.
The top ten cities listed have had Democrat programs and ideals at the leadership position in some cases for almost 100 years. These Democrat programs that are meant to do good, in fact re enslaving our Black citizens to the Govt plantation. Vote for Democrats and they will get you a better seat at the table. A promise that has yet to be kept. After close to 50 years of the War on Poverty, who do we surrender to? Poverty won! Not due to the lack of tax dollars being spent or laws passed or good intentions. But to the concept that without big govt helping you, a person can not make on their own. What an enslaving concept that has been sold to our American Black citizens. And as the top ten cities show after years of Democrats running these cities, things haven't gotten better.

At the same time, life has become so much less valuable in America with the legalization and funding by Democrats of abortion. Blacks abort their babes at the highest percentage of any racial group in America.

Democrats have told us we must keep our hands off the wombs of women and what a person does in their bedroom is not my business. Ok, if that's the position they want to take then I want them to keep their hands off my paycheck to pay for the results of this "freedom" granted by the Democrats!!

Freedom from the values, and help of the Democrat party is what the minorities of our country need, now!

10:49 PM, January 13, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Why have a firearm? Well, that's your choice just as much as Pepsi or Coke. However why stop anyone else from exercising their right under the Constitution?

Here is a sample of what good can, and did come from responsible gun ownership though.

Tom Ford

6:27 AM, January 14, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:49 PM Blogger: Well said, now how to get a politician away from that trough they have been feeding at for 50 years?

To be successful in the world of today's electronics, computer driven systems and high tech equipment requires education.

I actually have and do teach St. Louis County P.E.U. classes (Continuing education courses for HVAC contractors,) so I do have a working knowledge of those that do have the basics, and those who do not. I respect those that do not for their hard work, and their willingness to learn, so they get the "extra time" if you will.

Politicians of all stripe work to insure that will not happen in the Ghetto unless the child is born in to a two parent family that WILL watch them and nurture their education.

This is extremely difficult (both parents at home,) as what with free cell phones (obama phones,) free "nutrition" credit cards (that are used for everything,) subsidised housing, and ADC checks,there is no incentive to change the life style.

If that's not bad enough there are the Jackson's and Sharpton's of the world telling them that the reason they can't make it is because they are Black! (HORSEFEATHERS!)

The Republic is in one heck of a mess and it's going to take people from ALL communities to work together to stop the politicians from ruining this once great Nation!

Your right in that most of these foolish and ruinous programs were fathered by democrat's, but I wouldn't trust a sitting republican any further than I could toss City Hall!

We mist go back to the founding Fathers ideas of a two year and out term. It worked very well then, and until some crook found out that they could insure personal riches, we were home free!

In other words, get back to the basics, follow the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the law,get the government out of our lives, and you will be amazed at what a change will take place!

Tom Ford

7:07 AM, January 14, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are you referring to when you said "obama phone"? what's an Obama phone?

10:20 AM, January 14, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:20 AM Blogger: Free cell phones with 250 minutes of talk time. They have been dubbed "obama phones."

Tom Ford

12:22 PM, January 14, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, that story again. They should be called Reagan phones, since the program started in 1985.I thought you meant something new. Thanks for the info.

12:54 PM, January 14, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:54 PM Blogger: REAGAN ? I have heard the liberals blame Bush for everything, but REAGAN ?

Try this one, and yes, it's the OBAMA PHONE!

Lifeline? To whom I ask.

3:10 PM, January 14, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

NOW for what it's worth, were going to get back to the original thread, so I will be deleting any reference to anything else off topic.

It's good th be the "Blog master!"

Tom Ford

3:15 PM, January 14, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More alliance troops were killed in Afghanistan in 2012 that gun murders in the USA for same period.

3:28 PM, January 14, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

An African American woman's perspective on gun control:

Interesting to say the least.

Tom Ford

3:56 PM, January 14, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An assault weapon is one that has a selector switch allowing it to fire semi or full automatic. An assault weapon is not defined by the number of rounds it’s clip or magazine can hold. Or by it’s appearance. As defined correctly, America does not have an assault weapon problem. The few held by private persons are fully registered and heavily taxed by the Federal Govt. This law is law that has worked and has fulfilled its mission of controlling the numbers of fully automatic weapons held by private citizens.

For a history of the first “assault weapon” Google German word Sturmgewehr.

An assault weapon must:

It must be an individual weapon with provision to fire from the shoulder (i.e. a buttstock);
It must be capable of selective fire;
It must have an intermediate-power cartridge: more power than a pistol but less than a standard rifle or battle rifle
Its ammunition must be supplied from a detachable magazine rather than a feed-belt.
And it should at least have a firing range of 300 meters (1000 feet).

Now, does American have an assault weapon problem?

6:09 PM, January 14, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We always have to be aware of the enemy within, which is much more difficult to fight and more dangerous to liberty." Margaret Thatcher

Especially after the majority of voters elected them.

10:14 PM, January 14, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:14 PM Blogger: Indeed, but please remember the Quote from Winston Churchill,

"There are four pillars to liberty, the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. Please use them in that order."

Tom Ford

6:49 AM, January 15, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

obama reads 17 "executive orders" on guns!

Texas Congressman threatens IMPEACHMENT if he does it!

Folks, this "imperial President" is now threatening our very foundation of liberty, namely the Constitution, and he needs to be legally stopped!

I applaud the man from Texas, and I pray our other Congress people will have the sense and courage to join him in t5he removal of this communist from office!

Tom Ford

6:58 AM, January 15, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From a news story I jsut read:

"Facing powerful opposition to sweeping gun regulations, President Barack Obama is weighing 19 steps that could be taken through executive action alone, congressional officials said.

Those steps could include ordering stricter action against people who lie on gun sale background checks, striking limits on federal research into gun use, ordering tougher penalties against gun trafficking, and giving schools flexibility to use grant money to improve safety."

Now, I realize this will get me labled a communist and whatever other rhetoric catch phrases you can toss out, but, what is wrong with being tougher on those who are found to lie on background checks, cracking down on gun trafficking and improving school safety? Seriously, what on earth could you object to from these items?

9:24 AM, January 15, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:24 AM Blogger: What's wrong? Nothing except the man is BY-PASSING CONGRESS IN DIRECT VIOLATION O9F THE CONSTITUTION, that's all.

Tom Ford

9:59 AM, January 15, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

enforcing laws that are already on the books is what you have said on here over and over, and what the NRA says must be done. Only a tiny fraction of those who are caught lying on back ground checks ever get prosecuted. Stepping that up would be enforcing laws already on the books, would it not? Tougher penalties on gun trafficking...again, enforcing laws already on the books. Please tell me how this in any way violates the Constitution.
I am honestly confused about why you're so upset. There is no violation here.

11:30 AM, January 15, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:30 AM Blogger: I have never said that I was against that, what I did say was I was against that IF obama does it without the consent of Congress!

The man knows, or should know how the government is set up by the Constitution. Now i9f he act's without the consent of Congress, he is in contempt of the very founding document this Republic was formed on!

That is where I draw the line, not doing the things you said, but violating the laws to do as HE pleases.

I an sure he got the go ahead from Eric Holder who himself broke at least 6 gun laws when he authorized the "fast and furious" gun sale that killed at least 30 so Far.

Holder is supposed to be the "top cop" in the Nation and yet we see him in direct violation of existing gun laws with no worry o9 any legal recourse, why?

No, I am not against what I have not seen yet, how could I be? I am against ANY violation of our founding document, and so should you be.

I hope that helps you to understand my position, and thank you for asking.

Tom Ford

12:54 PM, January 15, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

obama to speak at 11:45 AM tomorrow on "his" ideas of how yo control gun violence.

Tom Ford

4:54 PM, January 15, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for answering. I am no fan of exective orders, but every president in recent history has used them, I looked it up:
George W Bush: 291
Clinton 363
G. Bush 165
Reagan 380
Carter 319
Ford 168
Nixon 345
Johnson 323
Kennedy 213
Eisenhower 481
Truman 893
FD Roosevelt 3,466

They are not the end of the Constitution as we know it.

6:04 PM, January 15, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:04 PM, January 15, 2013 How many Executive orders listed, changed the Bill of Rights of our Constitution?

11:46 PM, January 15, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:46 AM Blogger: NPNE until this guy showed up!

"Guns have but two enemies, rust and democrats!"

Tom Ford

5:38 AM, January 16, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Oops, should rear NONE!

Tom Ford

5:45 AM, January 16, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

which executive orders are changing the constitution? I cannot find any that are changing it.

9:44 AM, January 16, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:44 AM Blogger: Why not wait till we see them and then ask that question?

Tom Ford

12:00 PM, January 16, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

January 16, 2013

Gun Violence Reduction Executive Actions

Today, the President is announcing that he and the Administration will:

1. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system.

2. Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system.

3. Improve incentives for states to share information with the background check system.

4. Direct the Attorney General to review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks.

5. Propose rule making to give law enforcement the ability to run a full background check on an individual before returning a seized gun.

6. Publish a letter from ATF to federally licensed gun dealers providing guidance on how to run background checks for private sellers.

7. Launch a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign.

8. Review safety standards for gun locks and gun safes (Consumer Product Safety Commission).

9. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal law enforcement to trace guns recovered in criminal investigations.

10. Release a DOJ report analyzing information on lost and stolen guns and make it widely available to law enforcement.

11. Nominate an ATF director.

12. Provide law enforcement, first responders, and school officials with proper training for active shooter situations.

13. Maximize enforcement efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime.

14. Issue a Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence.

15. Direct the Attorney General to issue a report on the availability and most effective use of new gun safety technologies and challenge the private sector to develop innovative technologies.

16. Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes.

17. Release a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibits them from reporting threats of violence to law enforcement authorities.

18. Provide incentives for schools to hire school resource officers.



19. Develop model emergency response plans for schools, houses of worship and institutions of higher education.

20. Release a letter to state health officials clarifying the scope of mental health services that Medicaid plans must cover.

21. Finalize regulations clarifying essential health benefits and parity requirements within ACA exchanges.

22. Commit to finalizing mental health parity regulations.

23. Launch a national dialogue led by Secretaries Sebelius and Duncan on mental health.

In the next comment line i will tell you where he attacks ALL of our rights.

Tom Ford

9:51 AM, January 17, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Now, your right to privacy (HIPPA laws) has just been abolished so you will be required to tell your Doctor IF you have, or own a firearm. Your Doctor will then report you as having a dangerous item in your home. (no. 16)

States rights (10th amendment, no. 2)

No. 20, Mental health issues. Is that not supposed to be a public thing, is it?

I can go on but suffice it to say that obama has trampled on ALL of OUR rights yesterday and should be impeached, the sooner the better.

Tom Ford

10:08 AM, January 17, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

20. Release a letter to state health officials clarifying the scope of mental health services that Medicaid plans must cover

how is that making it "a public thing"? Please advise.

3:50 PM, January 17, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, I wouldn't worry much. The NRA in completely in charge of Congress and they will never allow anything having to do with guns to even be discussed, let alone voted on.

4:04 PM, January 17, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:50 PM Blogger: How? Well for openers NOW you cannot look into a persons records at the doctors office. (HIPPA regulations)

SOON a GS 1 1/2 will have access to ALL your records, and being a PUBLIC employee they do with it as they please. Notice there is nothing in this to stop them!

Tom Ford

4:18 PM, January 17, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:04 PM Blogger: I do pray that your right! We must protect the Constitution from communists who would shred it for their own agenda!

Tom Ford

4:20 PM, January 17, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it doesn't strike you as odd that a gun lobby runs our governement? Or maybe even unethical?

5:36 PM, January 17, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:36 PM Blogger: Well, no it does not! You see the left with Sorros, and all their fringe groups use emotion, and anything bad (if it bleeds it leads.)

The right uses the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to make their point, so the "gun Lobby" is not in fact running anything, they are looking out for YOUR rights!

If you and your group want to change the Constitution why not do it the legal way? Call for a Constitutional convention (look it up,) and present your reason for the change, DO NOT usurp my rights in any other fashion!

Tom Ford

6:06 PM, January 17, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me and MY group? Who would that be?

7:23 PM, January 17, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:21 PM Blogger: I don't know. you tell us, you seem to be worried about your affiliations, not me.

By the way, I have noticed that the same people who wre anti second amendment are pro choice!

Why is it OK to murder a human being in the womb, but it's not OK for a citizen to exercise his or her rights? I believe the left's hypocrisy is showing!

Tom Ford

9:13 PM, January 17, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, you're safe there, since I am not in any way anti-second amendment. But I am interested in your response to the 3:50 post, and I still don't think a lobby of any kind should be running Congress. But maybe it's the only way to get them to do least when they'e taking orders from the NRA they're doing SOMETHING.

10:06 PM, January 17, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:06 PM Blogger: Glad to see your a person who believes in the sanctity of the Constitution!

I agree, no UN-elected person, or persons should be running anything to do with our government.

That said however, we have at last count 37 obama "czars" running different branches of ? So it looks like it's here to stay for a while.

Since we have a man who by all reports and counts is an ultra liberal narcissist as President and a Senate that follows every idiot request he makes. I am glade the Congress does nothing.

"Checks and balances," that was set up to prevent the Republic from being taken over by scoundrels. I am glad it seems to be working, as I am not willing to give the President anything more than he already has, unless it's articles of impeachment!

Tom Ford

4:05 AM, January 18, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

As we were saying.

Tom Ford

4:26 AM, January 18, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

impeachment seems to be something that is tossed around, almost for fun on Fox news. (yes, I watch it from time to time). Clinton was impeached because he chose to have an affair and lie about it. Hardly an impeachable offense, yet there you go. I am very much opposed to yelling impeachment because I disagree with something. I am very conservative in that way. I believe the American people put him in office twice, with more than 50% of the vote, and even if I don't like what he says, he's the president. Impeachment is a deadly serious thing and I don't like loose talk of it.

5:42 AM, January 18, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:42 AM Blogger: Your right, impeachment is a very serious thing, not to be taken lightly.

In the case of obama we have a man who has flaunted the Constitution, told the Congress he dosen't need them, and acted more like a Chicago organ grinder, rather than POTUS.

In my lifetime I have witnessed 13 President's, and never have I seen such a wanton disregard for the Constitution, the Congress, the Judiciary, and yes the Citizens of America!

This man is completely intoxicated on power, he has no intention of listening to anything (other than the voices in his head.) As we speak there is a democrat Congressman who is working on a bill to allow a third and fourth term for the Presidency!

We fought a war to insure that a "KING" would not rule us, we fought another to insure that a dictator would not rule us, so why are we allowing this guy to even come close?

Yes. impeachment is a terrible thing, but in the case of Barrack Husein Obama it's the only thing to do!

Tom Ford

8:25 AM, January 18, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Please be advised that a paperback copy of the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights is available at no charge (unless something changed) from the Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC, or Hillsdale Collage.

May I suggest you ask for a copy for your families soon as this has become required reading as of late!

Tom Ford

8:30 AM, January 18, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, I will respect your feelings, but I have to say, given the near treason Bush and even Reagan were accused of, there wasn't an impeachment started on either of them. Yet Clinton lies about who he's sleeping with and he gets impeached? Gerald Ford once said that impeachable offenses were "'whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history". He was right. You simply cannot impeach a president because you don't like him. I deeply believe that if Iran-Contra didn't get Reagan impeached and the laundry list of vile things bush did didn't get him impeached, then Obama shouldn't be either. obama is dealing with an opposition that has moved farther to the right than any president ever before him, certainly, but he's not done anything worthy of impeachment in my opinion.

12:17 PM, January 18, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:17 PM Blogger: Let's get one thing straight here, Reagan nor Bush EVER did anything to harm the Constitution, obama has and says he will continue!

My God the liberals even went so far as yo make a movie and write a book showing how to assassinate George W. Bush, and still no one was arrested, detained or prosecuted, why>

If you do indeed believe that either one should have been impeached why wasn't it ever tried? Democrats held both the House and the Senate, and yet they moved to do nothing, why?

obama has indeed with these last executive orders shown us what treason looks like, he has attempted to shred the Constitution, he knew it, he did it anyway, and now he needs to be brought up in the House and Senate on charges, impeached, ruined and legally removed from office!

Tom Ford

2:29 PM, January 18, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Holder begs court to stop document release on his criminal "fast and furious" murderous program!

Now there is something for the NRA and all honorable gun owners to do, file an "amicus brief" asking that the truth be let out in the form of that paper work at once!

Holder is supposed to be the "top cop," instead he is the top criminal and should be prosecuted to the maximum!

Tom Ford

3:02 PM, January 18, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like maybe they didn't impeach them because it is, as I've stated, a very serious action never to be taken lightly. Maybe also because Reagan had 2 men to take the fall for the Iranian arms deal and Bush had control and, of course, he had Cheney. I further feel like maybe the evil liberals were using a little bit of restraint and some horse sense, whereas the GOP tried to impeach a man for having an affair. Not exactly judicious use of impeachment powers. The impeachment also failed, if you'll recall.

Now, I'd like to get one thing straight before you start calling names and writing me off because I don't agree with you. I am not now nor have I ever been a Democrat. I am very angry with the Republicans right now, that's all. I am furious at anyone's double standard, and that's what they are showing right now. And on here, all I have seen you state that is impeachable is the following:

20. Release a letter to state health officials clarifying the scope of mental health services that Medicaid plans must cover"

That is not impeachable. Please tell me what is, because you're advocating for a very very serious action that I cannot imagine you would toss around like campaign rhetoric.

4:20 PM, January 18, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the video you referenced about killing Bush...are you referring to that British company that made that movie in 2006?

4:27 PM, January 18, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:20 PM Blogger: I don't remember calling YOU a democrat, or a liberal, I just answered your questions.

Now the liberals have never been ones to hold off on anything, and I believe you know it! If they had ANYTHING they would have used it.

Remember pelosi was in charge of the House and the same old fool reid had the Senate, are you telling me that these two have ever showed restraint?

Sorry, but there was nothing they could use, period!

Now, look up ALL the rules this guy had tossed in our face and you will see that together they are in fact an impeachable offence, and I welcome it!

One thing I will tell you. I spent a bit of time off Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, and there is a saying that I will render here.

" For those who fought for it, freedom has a taste the protected will never know!"

Yes I am passionate about our freedom, I have friends on the Vietnam WALL, friends I grew up with, but who remained "forever young!" So I trust you can understand my zeal in preserving the Constitution, inviolate!

I will be at Shop & Save, Watson Rd. Crestwood, MO. from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM tomorrow, 1/19/13 taking contributions for the traveling WALL so we can bring it to Lindbergh High School in June, 2013.

If your free for a couple of minutes please stop by, say hello, and donate for this project as every little bit will allow this to happen!

Tom Ford

5:07 PM, January 18, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:27 PM Blogger: There was one from England I believe, but there was also a clown in Minnesota who did some sort of thing, as well as a fool from Wisconsin who wrote the "handbook!"

Remarkable restraint, no?

Tom Ford

5:10 PM, January 18, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The restraint I was referring to was on the part of the elected officials, not some nimrod from Wisconsin.

8:32 PM, January 18, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me see here, ok, here it is,
NEW ORLEANS(we're number one!!)

And this bit of breaking news:

NEW ORLEANS — C. Ray Nagin, the former mayor of this city who fulminated against the federal government’s response to Hurricane Katrina but became for many a symbol of the shortcomings of government himself, was indicted by a federal grand jury on Friday on 21 counts including conspiracy, bribery and money laundering. The indictment detailed a wide-ranging scheme of kickbacks and pay-for-play of a kind not entirely unfamiliar in Louisiana history. Contractors and vendors looking for work with the city would provide the mayor with vacations, big checks and even free granite for his family business.

Just a fluke, I'm sure.

7:34 AM, January 19, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:32 PM Blogger: {politicians like nancy pelosi, joe biden, harry reid, chuckie schumer, now there are some real "nimrods."

In fact if you view their family tree it probably looks like a fly rod!

However we (at least ,I) were NOT discussing politicians when we spoke of the movie or book now were we. If we were however, I agree they showed great restraint in saying and doing nothing to stop it!

In a word, hypocrisy, both from the democrats, and the so called fourth estate ( who will never miss a chance to glorify democrats and vilify republicans!

I think the "blue blood" republicans are a thing of the past as they got blown out this last time, and the know the same old good old boys isn't going to get it next time!

Tom Ford

7:49 AM, January 19, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:34 AM Blogger: Ah yes, "school bus" Ray Nagin, who can forget his eloquence when he made the now famous "chocolate city speach?

Or for that matter when he opined that he couldn't the school buses to move people from the danger zone because "the drivers wouldn't show up to drive, heck they don't show up to drive on a nice day!"

Words to live by, and then there's Mary Landrieu, ah well a treasure trove of democrats to be proud of, no?

Tom Ford

7:55 AM, January 19, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

agreed, but how is all this connected to impeachable offenses by Obama? this all seems more like a list of people you don't like, which is fine with me, but it still doesn't address the issue of what Obama has done to be impeached. You refer to "flouting the Constitution", but when? How? I genuinely want to know.

8:12 AM, January 19, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:12 AM Blogger: Sorry to be so long getting back to you but I have been collecting for the Vietnam Wall we want to bring to Lindbergh High School, June 13 to the 17th.

Try this explanation by the non partisan House committee on amendments for an answer to your question.

"The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

When obama plays "fast and Furious" with any part of the Constitution, the very thing he swore to protect (as did I) he is treading on treasonous ground, and thus must be pulled up short!

Tom Ford

4:15 PM, January 19, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very interested to see your efforts with the wall come to fruition. I have a family member on that wall.

I do not see, from your list of executive orders, where there is any infringment on gun laws. Please tell me which one.

10:27 PM, January 19, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:27 PM Blogger: The Wall will arrive in town on 6/12 and remain until 6/16/13. We are progressing very well, and I fully expect complete success.

Now as to not being able to see where it rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors reference impeachment.

I have given you all you need to see and understand it, I fear you have no intention of doing so, Thar said I have no intention of playing word games with anyone on such an important topic ergo, that conversation is over, unless.

If you are really serious, and you don't understand it, my I suggest you read the "Federalist Papers," they were written by some of the best Constitutional law scholars;;arson the planet.

When, and if you do. read them (under the mantel of "original intent,") you shall be enlightened about America as it was, intended (and needs to be reverted to, Constitution wise.)

If you do this, do not ask a college professor as they have ALL subverted the Papers to fit their own (or socialist) agendas. Read and understand for yourself, and then we can resume if you need to, but I doubt that you will need to.

Tom Ford

6:05 AM, January 20, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Here is what happens when you can't defend yourself!

Notice how our Arab friends have thanked us for the help we sent them?

Gun control? I think not, criminal control is the answer!

Tom Ford

6:11 AM, January 20, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you really just call all college professors socialists??

And yes, I fully intend to read all that you reccommend. But I will say this. Your statement is puzzling, since what you posted on 1/17 at 9:51 was list of 23 intentions of the current administration. Not one of them talks about removing guns from the public. Naturally I assumed this is what you were referring to when you spoke of shredding the constitution on the gun issue, which is why I kept asking to be more specific.

8:11 AM, January 20, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:11 AM Blogger: Please don't try to obfuscate the issue, read them and return.

Tom Ford

8:27 AM, January 20, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Second Amendment
to the Constitution

"A well regulated Militia,
being necessary to the
security of a free State,
the right of the people to
keep and bear Arms,
shall not be infringed."

9:01 AM, January 20, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:01 AM Blogger:

And that good poster is gospel as adjudicated by none other than the SCOUTS!

Tom Ford

9:04 AM, January 20, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, read them. Here's what I know to be true and then I will sign off. (By the way, thanks about the very elderly parents will wish to see it.)

On to business:
Impeachment, as we have previously discussed, is a deadly serious action to be taken only when provable, aggregious acts have been committed. I know that Iran Contra did not get Reagan impeached and probably should have. Why didn't it? Because he was A) very popular, B) had 2 fall guys C)Democrats chose not to D)claimed to not know about where that money was going and no one was able to prove otherwise.
I know Bush should have been impeached, if not for lying about his infamous weapons of mass destruction, then certainly about the wire tapping. Bush violated the First Ammendment, Fourth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Ninth Amendment, and at least 6 federal laws with those actions.
Why wasn't he impeached? Because I assume, the Democrats who would have spearheaded that action chose not to.
Why was Clinton impeached? he lied under oath and the Judiciary Committee voted, mainly along party lines, for impeachment. Could they have chosen not to? Certainly. But Clinton was one of the most investigated presidents in history, with Republicans swarming every aspect of his life from the moment he defeated Bush I. He was aquitted.
Andrew Johnson was impeached in 1868 based on his removal of Edwin Stanton from the Cabinet.It was charged that he violated the Tenure of Office Act, which was an act found to be unconstitutional in 1926. Johnson was also aquitted.
Nixon was also impeached, and became the only US president to resign. Why was he impeached? Watergate. 'nuff said, given the intense levels of crimes committed. He was later pardoned by Gerald ford.
This brings me to Obama. There are mnay charges flying around, as there are with many presidents, but thus far the loudest claim has been about the executive orders recently proposed. There is nothing, not one thing in those orders that violates any fraction of the Constitution. Nothing. It's impeachable to nominate an ATF director? Reagan's own Solicitor General decries the impeachment threats as ridiculous. Look closely at the proposals, and there are no threats to gun ownership, only tightening laws that currently exist.
So what common factor do I see in all of this? Party line anger. I see the Republican Party, as far back as 1868, willing to throw impeachment at sitting presidents far more willingly than Democrats. Currently I see party rhetoric tossed about like campaign season sound bites. I am disappointed in party rhetoric for the last few years, and expect no less from the Republican party, given its long and storied history of impeaching presidents because they didn't like them or were angry at having lost. When asked repeatedly for specific examples of what Obama did that's impeachable, you told me to read things but gave not one solid example. That's because there aren't any. I must chalk the anger you demonstrate up to party anger, since Obama is the only president since Eisenhower to win 51% of the popular vote twice.
Thanks for your time, and good day to you.

9:45 AM, January 20, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:45 AM Blogger: Nice job, I'll bet that took a while, or did you "cut and Paste?"

At any rate, I say if there is reason to commence impeachment hearings in the House, do it!

You think this guy is pure as the driven snow, I do not. And while I am at it on the subject of playing with the founding document's I will tell you this.

I never met a veteran who fought for socialism!

If you doubt me, come to the Vietnam Veterans breakfast meetings held every Wednesday from 0630 to 0930 at Grand Slam in Burns Mill, MO. (just past The Bluffs center on hwy 30 , we can discuss it there (I will even buy your breakfast.)

As I have said before those who fought for freedom have a very different view of how the Constitution, Bill Of Rights, and ALL the amendments should be treated, and change is not it, trust me!

Tom Ford

12:41 PM, January 20, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Please read to the bottom.

From the World Health Organization:
Via email yesterday.

The latest Murder Statistics for the world:

Murders per 100,000 citizens

Honduras 91.6

El Salvador 69.2

Cote d'ivoire 56.9

Jamaica 52.2

Venezuela 45.1

Belize 41.4

US Virgin Islands 39.2

Guatemala 38.5

Saint Kits and Nevis 38.2

Zambia 38.0

Uganda 36.3

Malawi 36.0

Lesotho 35.2

Trinidad and Tobago 35.2

Colombia 33.4

South Africa 31.8

Congo 30.8

Central African Republic 29.3

Bahamas 27.4

Puerto Rico 26.2

Saint Lucia 25.2

Dominican Republic 25.0

Tanzania 24.5

Sudan 24.2

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22.9

Ethiopia 22.5

Guinea 22.5

Dominica 22.1

Burundi 21.7

Democratic Republic of the Congo 21.7

Panama 21.6

Brazil 21.0

Equatorial Guinea 20.7

Guinea-Bissau 20.2

Kenya 20.1

Kyrgyzstan 20.1

Cameroon 19.7

Montserrat 19.7

Greenland 19.2

Angola 19.0

Guyana 18.6

Burkina Faso 18.0

Eritrea 17.8

Namibia 17.2

Rwanda 17.1

Mexico 16.9

Chad 15.8

Ghana 15.7

Ecuador 15.2

North Korea 15.2

Benin 15.1

Sierra Leone 14.9

Mauritania 14.7

Botswana 14.5

Zimbabwe 14.3

Gabon 13.8

Nicaragua 13.6

French Guiana 13.3

Papua New Guinea 13.0

Swaziland 12.9

Bermuda 12.3

Comoros 12.2

Nigeria 12.2

Cape Verde 11.6

Grenada 11.5

Paraguay 11.5

Barbados 11.3

Togo 10.9

Gambia 10.8

Peru 10.8

Myanmar 10.2

Russia 10.2

Liberia 10.1

Costa Rica 10.0

Nauru 9.8

Bolivia 8.9

Mozambique 8.8

Kazakhstan 8.8

Senegal 8.7

Turks and Caicos Islands 8.7

Mongolia 8.7

British Virgin Islands 8.6

Cayman Islands 8.4

Seychelles 8.3

Madagascar 8.1

Indonesia 8.1

Mali 8.0

Pakistan 7.8

Moldova 7.5

Kiribati 7.3

Guadeloupe 7.0

Haiti 6.9

Timor-Leste 6.9

Anguilla 6.8

Antigua and Barbuda 6.8

Lithuania 6.6

Uruguay 5.9

Philippines 5.4

Ukraine 5.2

Estonia 5.2

Cuba 5.0

Belarus 4.9

Thailand 4.8

Suriname 4.6

Laos 4.6

Georgia 4.3

Martinique 4.2


The United States 4.2

ALL the countries above America have 100% gun bans

Tom Ford

8:37 AM, January 21, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Virginia anti gun rep. seems to have a problem holding onto "loaned" guns," not to mention how to handle them.

Please note that the AK is "cocked and locked," safety off, with dummy's thumb on the trigger!

This fool is a waste of 02, who's mother should have been a pro choicer with ALL their values and ideals!

Tom Ford

9:17 AM, January 23, 2013  

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