John Kerry is confirmed by the Senate for Sec. of State!
In case you missed it the noted treason expert and traitor to the United States was "confirmed" today for Secretary of State.
I wonder if this will 'allow' him the access he needs to up grade the medals he awarded himself? Do we see a Medal Of Honor in his future?
Folks, this guy is a stench in the nostrils of Vietnam Veterans everywhere, I for one despise his very existence, and I believe when all of you see him in "action" you will join me!
Tom Ford
NO. 1087
Wow! Such rage against this man! Please explain further.
M Blogger: ENTERTAIN? My friend I have friends on the Vietnam Wall, one of them a lad I grew up with, (LTJG Jimmy Zavocky) who was killed over North Vietnam in an F-4 Phantom.
At the same time this waste of human skin and 02 was lying to the useful liberal idiots in Congress about all of us being "baby killers!"
EANERTAIN? My friend if that dosen't tell you how I feel about him (and his girlfriend jane fonda) come and see me, I will elaborate! Better yet, find a Vietnam Vet and tell him / her that your fond of Karry!
Tom Ford
PS: I have sent kerry my thoughts and sentiments as well, but if you like. please tell him of my great displeasure as well!
Tom Ford
I am unable to ascertain where you saw the word "entertain", so I will leave this thread, since asking for details has clearly upset you further. That was not my intention.
9:14 AM Blogger: As you may know ZI am blind in the right eye. The left is not all that great either, so when I read your comment this morning (eye drops and all) I misread explain for entertain!
My bad as they kiddies say, so I apologize for "being upset: at a remark that was never there.
Now as to kerry, the man wrote his own after action reports in which he deemed it necessary to "decorate" himself for bravery.
In Vietnam all it took to go home were three wounds (a cut would do it if you could find someone to put you in for a Purple Heart.)
kerry knew this, he "collected" three extremely dubious wounds (his were self inflicted maybe (darn near a sure thing,) so he bailed on the people he served with and then became a traitor to the faith put in him by the Navy and his comrades!
Such a sniveling coward deserves our disdain, hatred, and loathing! He is the one who punched his ticket, not us, so God knows I pray there is a special place in hell for this communist!
Tom Ford
I think Kerry fits in perfectly with all the rest of the crew Obama is giving us.
Elections have consequences, fun to see how long Obama gets away with blaming others after 4 years in office.
If you seach for: "john kerry burning draft card" in google images, you will find some truly disgusting ones of him that are too bad to post here. Also, you can look at Wikipedia for him, and see some interesting facts about his Military service.
5:21 PM and 8:42 PM Bloggers: Yes, kerry is right out of the mold of the Chicago organ grinder, so no wonder
And not to beat a dead horse but, kerry has never had a photo that he was in that wasn't disgusting (including his baby pictures!)
I am 100% anti abortion (unless it's proven to be to save the Mother,) but in the case of kerry I could change my mind if it were retroactive!
Tom Ford!
wow, that's alot of hate to carry around with you for one man you'll likely never even know. I am sorry for that...that level of loathing must be draining. It takes a lot of energy to keep that kind of hate fueled. Good luck to you.
7:11 AM Blogger: Not really, I put it down until swine like this are brought to the fore!
This traitor 4 is as responsible for the deaths of Americans just as if he had pulled the trigger himself.
There is a saying among the Vietnam Vets which goes "for those who fought for it, freedom has a taste the protected will never know."
We all "kept the faith" with one another and we still do today, kerry broke the faith, as such he is of no use to anyone!
Got a better understanding now?
Tom Ford
Not understanding wasn't part of it. I know that keeping the flames of hate this strong takes a lot of energy, that's all. You're well within your rights to hate him and I fully grasp that you do.
12:50 PM Blogger: It takes nothing more than the names on that Wall my friend.I am but a voice for Thom.
No, I don't know if each of them would hate a treasonous traitor like that but having known a few, I am betting they would.
There are two lasting symbols that infuriate a Vietnam Vet. Those are "Hanoi jane" fonda, and kerry, until all of us or they are gone it won't get any better, trust me.
Tom Ford
This has nothing to do with Kerry, but does about Viet Nam.
This is on U Tube:
"Statler Brothers - More Than A Name On A Wall"
The first part has no sound...the song starts in the middle.
Have a hanky ready.
2:17 AM Blogger: Thank you John (Vietnam Veteran US Navy) for posting this. Here is the URL for those who wish to see it.
Keep the faith brother!
Tom Ford
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Talk to me about what after you explain the liberal reaction to GWG, Palin and Cheney.
Should be "tell me about hate after........"
who is GWG?
9:28 PM Blogger: I believe the Blogger meant GWB, as in George W. Bush.
Tim fORD
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