My toilet dosen't work, or how to tell a liberal where to get offf!
As you watch this video please think of all the things in YOUR home that have been foisted upon you by some third rate ward healer with a GS rating working in a dark basement in Washington!
I only wish I had the eloquence and presence of mind to do as well as this Gentlemen does as he "explained" reality to a (until now) nameless, faceless liberal who has no business being on a committee for anything more than a Girl Scout Bake sale!
This Folks is what were stuck with when we fill up the empty chairs with "empty suits and dresses," idiocy to the 8th power!
Tom Ford
NO. 1085
Review this link and it's last thread,
it reminds me of how far we have gone into the thousand years of darkness.
5:31 PM Blogger: Indeed my friend, with this regime in place there is no depth to which they will not sink!
In the case of Barack Obama, he has reached rock bottom, and yet continues to dig!
Tom Ford
"U.S. history shows lower taxes and the ensuing economic expansion leads to more jobs and increased tax revenues. Increase taxes and strangle growth, then no jobs and higher taxes if he continues to spending. Under John Kennedy, he advocated tax reduction and govt spending reduction ( called supply economics) and after 5 years, over 13.9 million new jobs, 50% more tax revenues and we landed on the moon!. That was America, it is not with the current inexperienced WH occupant."
(author unknown.)
The above is the remark the 5:31 PM Blogger refers to.
Tom Ford
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