The falacy of trusting ANYONE OF EITHER PARTY in Washington!
I have written to my so called representatives in Washington declaring my complete and utter disdain for the way they sold out their constituents on New Years day, 2013!
They did this, they got us to this point where we can never pay back our National debt, and yet they want more! In fact the Congressional Budget Office has stated that this will up the National debt by a minimum of 3.6 TRILLION DOLLARS!
Well folks t5hat means the debt will now go to at least 19.7 TRILLION DOLLARS in the next few years (they won't care, the will be retired by then with a grand pension, funded by us!)
Now that the dust and smoke has cleared what do you think of the ones you voted for now? I think we need to recall EVERY ONE of these charlatan's, and get some real representation up there before there is no Republic to save!
Your turn!
Tom Ford
NO. 1080
can you be more specific about what you're referring to? I am assuming you mean the debt ceiling deal.
10:16AM Blogger: Yes the debt ceiling is a big part of it, but I don't stop there. We have a mentality in Washington that it's simply OK to give free cell phones, food stamp cards (that can, and have been used on VACATIONS,) and then pay people for no work.
We are 2 million plus on the jobless rolls still (that does not count the people who have just dropped off the rolls,) and yet politicians still expect us to pay for ALL of their idiot pork programs so they can get re-elected.
Please remember Margret Thatcher who opined, "The problem with liberals is that sooner or later they run out of other peoples money."
Well in my case they have!
Tom Ford
so, what's the solution?
4:07 PM Blogger: "What's the solution?" Well for one thing these fools have shown us that they have no intention of ever listening to us, so..........
As silly as it sounds, I am going to propose a third party that the disenchanted electorate can join and work for.
It worked once before, and I believe it's time has come again. No more votes for democrats or republicans, but votes for REAL AMERICANS who will follow the letter of the Constitution.
That party will not be the "Ron Paul" types nor the "Tea Party," neither of which has the charisma NEEDED to beat these liars!
Where do we get such people,unfortunately I have no idea.
You asked, I answered.
Tom Ford
are you referring to recent history where there was a viable 3rd party? I cannot think of one off the top of my head.
7:06 PM Blogger: Yes I am. President Teddy Roosevelt was elected running on the "Bull Moose" party ticket.
Interesting how that was formed, and by the way they gave him no chance to succeed then either.
Tom Ford
yes, but things have pretty dramatically changed since 1901. Back then corporations weren't people and billions of dollars couldn't be funneled into campaigns with no accountability. I am not so sure that would work in current times.
10:07 PM Blogger: Things do change, it's the will of the people that make the difference.
Romney and the republicans lost because they offered jobs to people who didn't see the need to work. When and if that mentality changes for the better (or when we run out of money to pay them) the people will demand better, thus the change.
Please remember the phrase, "WE THE PEOPLE," not we the legislators, that's what we ALL need to remember. These so called "leaders" are a joke, as soon as people wake up to that we will start to see change for the better.
Tom Ford
UNEMPLOYMENT UP TO 7.8% and people making $30,000 per year will pay more than those making $500,000!
These buffoons just lined their own pockets on the backs of the every day American, still happy with obama and washington? (lower case where used is intentional.)
Tom Ford
I believe you are mistaken about Teddy Roosevelt. He lost in 1912 running as the "Bull Moose" Progressive Candidate. He succeeded McKinley after his assassination and was elected as a Republican in 1904. He led the Republicans down the progressive era path, busting trusts and monopolies and introducing his Square Deal (the prelude to his cousin's New Deal). His decision to run as a 3rd party candidate was the result of his break with William Taft and the Republican party big whigs in 1912 when he tried to block Taft's renomination. His 3rd party canidacy slpit the Replubican vote and insured Wilson, the Democrat, a victory just as mulitple party races got Lincoln elected in 1860, and Clinton elected in 1992 (thanks a lot Ross Perot). Our system cannot work on 3rd parties, 4th parties, etc until the electoral college is dismantled and it's purely a popular vote contest. With that said, I agree with you that what THEY did the other day was bad for everybody!
A bit more of the Bull Moose Party history:
Well it can be said that we need to control the primary elections in order to insure viable candidates in stead of these self centered idiots we now have in office.
I believe that might be the way to get it done.
Tom Ford
"Romney and the republicans lost because they offered jobs to people who didn't see the need to work."
Do you really see this as why Romney lost? Seriously??
12:58 PM Blogger: Well that certainly was a part of it, remember the 47% the democrats were all over ?
The remainder may well have come from idealistic people with no idea where he was going or how he was going to get there (obama that is.)
At any rate, were in for a really rough ride on this broken train of lies, deceit, and socialism that is now gripping the Republic,k so does it really matter ?
Tom Ford
PS: Here is what happens when a group of "idealistic" fools are in charge!
article: Ex-Burglars Say Newspaper's Gun Map Would've Made the Job Easier, Safer.
Tom Ford
Anonymous said...
"Romney and the republicans lost because they offered jobs to people who didn't see the need to work."
Do you really see this as why Romney lost? Seriously??
12:58 PM, January 04, 2013
Simple answer is Yes for at least 47% of the voters. You see, the voters were asked in the last election if they wanted four more years like the previous years. Simple answer was yes. Elections have consequences, enjoy what the majority of Americans want.
that 47% comment is constantly thrown around, and I really don't think many people stop to actually hear what he said. He made reference to the 47% of the population that he felt were useless to his campaign because they were clearly already going to vote for Obama. He then went on to say that those 47% would never take responsibility for their own lives. That's what enraged me personally. He actually had my vote until that came out. He was speaking about people who were not on welfare, he was talking about my parents and my uncle, a disabled vet, and a friend who got half his leg blown off in the first Desert Storm. These people take plenty of responsibility for their lives, and for the lives of their families, but because they aren't in lock-step with the Republican party on all issues, they are without value to the party. He lost me that day, and I think that day he lost the election.
More freebies for the "friends" of the politicians in washington!
Tom Ford
These people can't even tell the truth about a photograph for goodness sake! And you want them to make decisions for you?
Let's all do the right thing and recall every elected politician in washington so we can start over!
Tom Ford
"I really don't think...(understatement if there ever was one) 47% would never take responsibility for their own lives. That's what enraged me personally. Anonymous 9:49 PM, January 04, 2013
And looking at the election you still feel good about your vote for Obama?
Enjoy the next four years, clown, you voted for them.
hmm. Noticed that name calling has started with the 11:25 post, yet it has not been removed. That's odd...
6:39 PM Blogger: "NRN."
Of the total of 44 US Presidents:
Obama rated 4th best president ever.
I was just reading a Democrat publicity release
that said, "after less than 4 years,
Obama has been rated the 4th best president ever."
The details:
Reagan and 9 others tied for first,
15 presidents tied for second,
And 19 other presidents tied for third.
Obama came in fourth.
Don't you just love the "fuzzy math" the democrat party likes to toss out?
Tom Ford
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