Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ward one Alderman Duncan makes the Call's list of quotes of dsubious distinction for 2012!

With thanks to Mr. Mike Anthony who penned the above (and very well done it is) I present you our entry in what I would call the "quotes of dubious distinction club."

Not since the days of yore when we had a Mayor that insured we would make it every year, have we had such a qualified candidate as owe have now.

The election is in April to vote for a new or current Alderman in Ward One, and other Wards here in Crestwood. May I please be so bold as to ask that you vett the candidates in your ward before you arrive at the polls?

We have a new and very qualified City Administrator, we will have a new City Attorney, and we will be seeing a new crop of Aldermanic candidates come April. Please remember that you get the government you vote for, Do you want a Dias that is fertile ground for the newspapers (or Blogs) columns, or do you want a Dias that is intelligent, hard working, and committed to Crestwood, it';s your choice.

Oh, and by the way, Ms. Duncan herself said that you could voter her out if you didn't like what she was doing, so...............

Tom Ford

NO. 1082


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We could vote her out if she had the guts to run again. Her failure to file tells me all I need to know about her as an Alderman.

BTW, wasn't she a supporter of the City paying twice for their animal control? If she does not hold her seat, I hope her replacement is open to the lack of need or money to support paying for our own Animal Control Officer. At last BOA meeting Alderman Wallache suggested placing before the voters a property tax increase of a couple of cents strictly to cover the Animal Control Officer costs. I support that idea, let the voters decide if they want to pay for this extra service.

4:15 PM, January 10, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:15 PM Blogger: I do believe she supported the dog catches idea fervently. That's understandable though as any good little progressive will gladly spend your money.

Now as to the vote by the people, that's the way it's supposed to work if you ask me. When the money was flowing, we had several items that were frivolous and never batted an eye. Now when times are tough we must place the funds where they will do the most good, and that's not a duplicate service.

However, if the majority of Crestwoodians feel in a VOTE that they want it, well I will support their choice.

Notice I said a vote, not a group who are called to pack a chamber for one night (from either side.)

Tom Ford

3:25 PM, January 11, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the the famed Crestwood Dog Catcher lobby. Supporting Alderman Duncan till her last day in office. Which looks like it will be sooner than later as the Alderman no longer wants to feel like she's being attacked.
Good by and good riddance!

2:58 PM, January 12, 2013  

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