Are we, or have we become a Nation of 'softies?'
If you read the above you will note that the first law suit (imagine that) has been filed reference the Cruse Ship M.V. Destiny, and her loss of power in the Gulf.
Now while this is not the vacation they would have hoped for, it was a perfect demonstration of the training of the Carnival crew to suppress the fire, and hold the damage to a minimum, not to mention no loss of life or passenger injuries.
It should be noted here that I have taken 8 cruses over the years on Carnival cruse lines, and I will tell you that ALL of them have been outstanding, but as we all know, things will happen, and this time they did.
However back to the theme of the thread. You may wonder why I included a photo of U.S. Navy ships here. Well the fact is that while I was "cruising" off DA Nang, and Haiphong the temperatures were well in excess of 100, and yet we had NO AIR CONDITIONING, no, in fact we had salt tablets like candy, and if you were very lucky a chance to sleep in the cat walk (we took turns to make sure no one went overboard.) All the while being on guard in case we were attacked.
So, have we in fact become so soft that it's necessary to sue over the loss of A/C, or are we just a bunch of sheeple waiting to win the mini lawsuit lottery?
I was born on the day that the Japanese took Wake Island, and I am proud to say that I knew the "greatest generation" first hand. I am extremely sorry to say that it seems that most of America has deteriorated into the " greediest generation!"
Tom Ford
NO. 1091
I think people who are suing are doing so because they paid X amount of money and didn't get what they paid for. They were in poor conditions for a little less than a week, and they want someone to pay. No toilets, water, etc. I get that it was probably a pretty nasty situation by the end, but I think just getting their money back would suffice. Personally I don't think I'd sue.
9:13 AM Blogger: Well the Carnival folks have told them they would be completely reimbursed, and they would be booked on another cruse if they so desired!
Not too shabby a response from management if you ask me, so I am betting that these are nothing more than idiot's who THINK they can make an extra buck, sad, very sad!
Tom Ford
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