Have you been to "Anytime fittness" yet ? Great workout at a great value, and right here on Watson Rd.!

For the past seven months now Linda and I have been "going to the gym" on a regular basis. Now at first blush I would join you in saying ,"so what?"
Well the so what is that fact that my bride came with me to see if anything could be done for, or by her to ease the pain of 6 broken vertebrae. The day we joined last August she was only able to walk with a cane, and slowly at that. She tried a special exercise bike they have there and only made 5 minutes before she had to stop. Now, fast forward to today when she completer 60 minutes (and could have done 90) with no complaints! Folks, the stuff works!
Now I walked in thinking this entire regime would certainly cause me aches and pains in spots I never knew existed. After the first "workout," with the aid of a personal trainer by the name of Toni, I knew I had been right all along!
Well, the next few gave rise to the "every other day workout that I have been on for a while. Results? I have lost 22 pounds, the BMI index (fat) has dropped, and I am feeling much better about my ability to walk from "here to there" without being winded!
The beauty of this gym is that unlike others in the area, you can go anytime you wish, )yep, that's the old 24/7 people talk about,) consequently though they have many members it's never crowded because it's spread out.
At any rate we have met new friends there, have accomplished the "off the couch" mentality, and for a change we both feel much better!
Why not stop by the gym (in the Watson plaza center near Shop & Save and meet Patti and Dave, let them show you around, and who knows, maybe we will see you there.
Tom Ford
NO. 1095
can you really go any time? I saw the ad and didn't believe it.
9:05 PM Blogger: Yes you can, They issue you a pass key that electronically opens the door (and relocks it,) so while you may be alone at 2:45 AM, you can go.
I have been there very early myself, and you would be surprised at the night owls in Crestwood.
Tom Ford
Wait for the 'gotcha' when you have to pay extra for the door fob; not just one per family but one per person!
7:36 AM Blogger: I would call it what it is, a deposit, not a 'gotcha.'
And anyway you don't have to rent a locker, just use one while your there, so I don't see a problem with paying a one time fee.
Tom Ford
Unfortunately, the "great value" is only for seniors. Which is a perfect fit for Crestwood. It's a little over priced for the younger folks, considering they can go across the street, further down Watson, or down Baptist Church Road for only $10/month. Regardless, it's great seeing new businesses like Anytime come to Crestwood and do well. Anyone recall some of the silliness the Board gave Anytime when they applied for their CUP? Hopefully the "new Board" will proactively work on attracting new businesses like this one and make it easier for them to open in Crestwood.
The Board of Aldermen is at least half of the problem with getting new business to Crestwood. They are so difficult and such intense micro-managers that it turns business owners off and they say the to heck with it and go elsewhere. We desperately need a new, business-friendly board.
10:41 AM Blogger: Agreed as long as they are not also a TIF friendly board!
Tom Ford
Well, much to your dismay, I haven't heard any of the April candidates say they are entirely opposed to the use of TIF. If I'm wrong, please correct me. So, that presumabily leaves Mr. Duchild and Mr. Trueblood as your only allies against any use of TIF in the redevelopment.
1:24 PM Blogger: My dismay? Not really friend, my youth and child rearing days are over, the younger crowd will have to bear the brunt of foolish decisions as to TIF's (higher tax rates, school district cuts, stores that will fail in less than 24 months,) not me.
Is the new crop of Aldermanic candidates really that in bed with any developer? Not in Ward Two they aren't, read their position papers please.
However, that said, politics makes strange bed fellows, no? After all the 'fat lady' hasn't even commenced to pull out the sheet music yet, so..........
Tom Ford
10:41 AM Feb. 28
What is your definition of a "business-friendly" board? This is an honest question.
Martha Duchild
a board that doesn't spend hours obsessing over the lighting of a business. That doesn't take up mutiple meetings debating and grilling prospective owners over their fences, their signs, their trees, etc. A board that steps back a bit and allows businesses to come here without a replay of the Spanish Inquisition just to get a permit. Mr. Miguel comes to mind as he belabors point after miniscule point.
10:25 PM Blogger: Well without Mr. Miguel aboard the last few years this town would look like Sauget, Illinois with wall to wall check cashing places and sleazy taverns on the main drag.
Now maybe that's what you want, but I really don't, so I for one thank Mr. Miguel for his outstanding service to the community, and for his willingness to "belabor the point" so we don't have that "ambiance!"
Tom Ford
there have been many applications for check cashing places and sleazy taverns? I was unaware of this. When? That is disturbing.
I was referring to legitimate businesses, who genuinely want to be here, to whom the board has no real objection. The nitpicking, analyzing, and micro managing isn't helpful, and it drives owners to other communities. Obsessing over the wattage of the lighting, the grade of the pavement for the parking lot, etc. I have expected the board to start analyzing the light diplays of the cash registers. "Green displays only here is Crestwood". There is nothing wrong with being prudent and careful. There is something wrong with complusively micro-managing until the business owners give up and leave.
7:10 AM Blogger: Well I am sure you have served on Boards here, possibly ran for a seat on the Aldermanic Board, right?
My point is that if you have not it's "disturbing" to me that according to you, you have the answers and yet your not sharing your expertise.
I am betting you haven't served, why? Well your "anonymous" signature tells me that you really don't have the courage of your convictions to sign your real name while attempting cheap shots at a sitting Alderman.
Now if you can't even do that, how are you going to be able to sit up on a Dias in front of God and everybody and legislate?
My policy, as I am sure you know is to remove ALL post's that attack anyone unless a real name comes with the attack.
In your case I am going to let it stand, but only to illustrate why comments without courage of conviction are worthless.
Tom Ford
There is a fine line. You don't want it to be a free for all and let Watson Road get trashy, but you don't want to be an impediment to good businesses that already have way too many state and federal regulations to follow.
While Jerry occasionally gets a little carried away with the details, and I don't always agree with his stances, I think he has done a good job overall doing his due diligence on the issues that come before the Board.
10.28 blggr . I remember the BOA grilling the 'Culvers guy' over the 2" trees mentioned on the Business Layout....then the Owner explained that the 2" in question was the diameter of the tree...not it's height..Boy did 'alderman X' looks a little silly...oh well never...mind..
So, despite being grilled and asked silly questions, Culver's STILL chose to locate their bueiness in Crestwood, which certainly casts doubt on the assertion that our "Spanish Inquistion" of a BOA is repelling businesse.
Martha Duchild
I'd like to explain something to those who believe the City and it's BOA are being too tough on business that might want to move to or stay in Crestwood.
First of all, an Alderman who sits on any of the commissions of the City, like P&Z, Sign Commission, does not have the right to vote on anything brought before that group. Every one of the City's citizen boards has an Alderman appointed to it's membership. The commission/board is made up of non elected citizen volunteers who are voting on the applicants application using the City codes as their rule book. This group of citizens can and do request the BOA to make changes to the codes they are working under. But not often.
Simply put, the first body a business has to address is a non elected volunteer group who are following the codes, rules, laws they in most cases did not write.
It has been my observation that in the meetings of the commissions I am assigned to, most "anti business" issues are brought by residents of Crestwood. It is not the commission who is directly out of hand opposed to the applicant, but your fellow Crestwood citizen.
To close I will add this, many times these commissions and boards are looking for volunteers to serve on them. Rarely does a year go by when there isn't a opening on one of them. Just is rare is the meeting where 100% of the members of a board are present. If any of you would like to directly impact the how Crestwood treats business, I would strongly suggest you volunteer.
Alderman Trueblood,
Thanks for your comments regarding the volunteer boards and the need for resident participation.
For those who think Crestwood's BOA is not business-friendly, Alderman Trueblodd has presented a perfect opportunity for you to have an impact on the approval process as a member of P&Z, the Sign Commission or the Board of Adjustment.
Martha Duchild
It would be nice when Jerry leaves the BOA next month if he could take Trueblood with him.
@10:21 am
Well-said. If you want change, get involved!
10:47 AM Blogger: It would be even nicer if YOU could come out of your anonymous closet and show us what you got, no?
I guess it must be really easy to hide in the cheap seats and spew your know nothing line, but Crestwood need ideas and leadership, not phony cowards without the courage of their convictions!
Oh, by the way, if you intend to insult me in your reply, sign your real name or save your manicure as I will toss you quicker than your nails will dry!
Tom Ford
who has insulted you? I keep reading these warnings about people insulting you, but I can't find insults. Are there insults on here? I am puzzled. I am new, yes, but I can't see anything.
I will share some thoughts here.
It is the responsibility of the board to make sure new businesses comply with the codes. Otherwise, we would have a free-for-all.
Second, I've heard many times at board meetings something like this -
"Fifty years ago, my husband and I moved to our home 100 yards behind Route 66 and never in our wildest imaginations did we ever think it would become a commercial corridor!"
Yes, I heard something very similar to that.
As far as Aldermen Miguel and Trueblood, they have have served our city very well and I am most appreciative of them for having served.
11:53 AM Blogger:Jean, I have a standing rule here that NOONE insults anyone on this blog UNLESS they sign their real name so the person being insulted can respond directly to THEM!
I sometimes allow it ONLY to illustrate the imbecility of the one insulting (see above for instance.)
Good eye, no one did insult me, it was tossed at a sitting Alderman which is one of the no-No's mentioned above.
Thanks for asking and allowing me a chance to clarify.
Tom Ford
Okay, thank you. I see now. I thought maybe my eyes had quit working or something!
I will check out Anytime Fitness soon, since it comes so highly praised. There are lots of things I am hoping to do here, especially get involved with the animal shelter I am told is in the park and maybe volunteer at Sappington House.I like to be involved with my community when I can. I'm not so old I don't have a few kicks left! I appeciate all the nuggets on here too, about good businesses.
2:49 PM Blogger: Welcome aboard Jean! This is a place for ideas exchange, comments, complaints, and general what's up in Crestwood.
As I have stated, the only caveat is that no personal insults without the real name, simple, no?
I congratulate you on using your name and not anonymous, your light years ahead of most bloggers at this site, trust me.
Jackie Stock and I will be hosting a "meet the candidates" meeting on 26 March, AT 6:00, Why not join us?
When you do come to the gym please look Linda and I up, (most there know us, so just ask.)
Glad you want to be involved, we really need more who do!
Tom Ford
For those who would like to see your fellow Crestwood volunteer citizens in action, there is a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting starting at 7:00 pm on Wednesday 3/6/13.
The hearings will cover a Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Plat approval, and request for Final Plat approval. Pretty heady stuff, huh?
I'm pretty sure there will plenty of good seats left in the auditorium if you arrive no later than 7:01. This would be a great time for those who feel the City is not pro business to show up and give their support to the company's presenting before the P&Z Commission.
If you want more information concerning the various civilian led board meetings, Tom has graciously provided a link to the city's website on the first page of this blog. There you can find out what is being held when.
After the meeting, I look forward to meeting and speaking with those who are looking forward to my leaving the BOA. Especially if they are from the Ward that I represent, Ward Two. Be sure to tell me that you are the person who posted using the name Anonymous and we can go from there. I have always enjoyed answering questions and hearing how I could do a better job as an Alderman from the people that I represent.
Tom, do you know anything about this?
TO: Mary Stadter
Missed you at the Gravois Republican Township meet the candidates event held on 2/27/13? It was for Ward Two and Three candidates and you didn't showl up.
Since you didn't attend last year, what's your excuse for not attending this year?
10:50 AM Blogger: Who was there? I understand someone is also trying to put something else on as well, but not getting much traction.
Tom Ford
All candidates from Wards 2 and 3 attended except MS. Stadter.
10:50 PM Blogger: Interesting as I advised BOTH Ward Two candidates to attend so the voters could meet them.
I am wondering if she will be there for the March 26th. Ward Two meeting?
Tom Ford
Tim, Tom, and Martha
What I find amusing is that those that say Crestwood is not business friendly are most likely the employees that don't want to do their job or the businesses that don't want to follow the regulations in our municipal code. I find it similar to the person that gets pulled over by the police, and blames them for receiving a ticket. Remember, it doesn't help when you have employees bad mouthing certain aldermen to these business owners, at stores, at church, in order to try avoid having to do their job.
11:42 Am Blogger:. ""father forgive them for they know not what they do" (or say for that matter!)
Tom Ford
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