Dr. Ben Carson says obama is trying to destroy the Country!

Now this Gentleman is very highly regarded in many circles, not the least of which is pediatric medicine of which he he chief at Johns Hopkins!
I have personally researched every aspect of the current regime (as should you,) and I find myself in complete agreement with the good Doctor.
In fact I would opine that there can be no other reason for the rules, regulations, or movement to "spread the wealth" as shown by the obama regime than to reduce America to a socialist / communist state. Why ? Well for openers he seems to be very fond of the "new world order," as was hid Chicago mentor Saul Alinsky.
Now for your comments please, remember any insults without your real name will be immediately remover, and forget the normal liberal sobbing and writing of garments, we want FACTS here from a credible source, not emotion, so if you can't do that, please save your manicure and don't post!
Tom Ford
NO. 1097
So, the fact that he said this at CPAC, along side Sarah Plain and Donald Trump is supposed to make people take seriously his opinion? He is clearly the latest addition to the GOP, so his thoughts, while not invalid, are relegated to the rhetoric and party-line "we hate Obama" chants. He has acheived incredible success professionally. He has clearly agligned himself with the Republican Party, thus undoing his provious statements of being an Independent. As a sometimes supporter of the GOP, I do not find him credible simply because he's a doctor.
6:13 PM Blogger: Jean, well you certainly are a dyed in the wool obama supporter and a liberal, that's for sure.
By the way, you have no facts, just the party line and emotion., so why do we take YOU seriously?
In closing, Shop & Save has a heck of a sale on kool aid, I am sure they can order the obama flavor if their out.
Tom Ford
"Now for your comments please, remember any insults without your real name will be immediately remover, and forget the normal liberal sobbing and writing of garments, we want FACTS here from a credible source, not emotion, so if you can't do that, please save your manicure and don't post!"
I guess you missed this while speed reading?
Tom Ford
what in the world are you talking about? I am fairly sure I stated that I tend to vote republican,that I am not a dyed in the wool anything, and the fact that Dr. Carson stated he was an Independent IS a fact. So I am not allowed to state an opinion? Mental note.
6:59 PM Blogger.: Jean, you are allowed to state what I allow you to starve. my Blog remember.
I read yor missive, and all evidence to they contrary, you are defending Obama, and you made remark s about CPAC that do not ref lecture a Republican background, so..
Tom ford
"obama's White House open to the rich and closed to the poor."
Now that's interesting considering the fact that this liar said he was for the poor, and his party goes after the rich every day!
Tom Ford
Who would the Dr. support in the Ward 2 election? Mary who wants to raise our taxes so the city can hire more people or Bill who is clearly against raising our taxes?
10:36 AM Blogger: Well I don't know about the good Doctor, but who will Crestwood Ward Two voters want to represent them this time?
As for me, I really don't think we have given enough evaluation time to the new C/A to find where we can cut if we must, so forget the tax increase for now.
A TIF, TDD, CID to Centrum Properties is a joke. Why do we want to subsidise a bad business decision? So who is less likely to vote for that fiasco?
Time to really look into the candidates, and vett them properly, forget the emotion, think Crestwood Not fuzzy bunnies, dog catchers, or the Sappington House.
Tom Ford
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9:01 AM Blogger: "Oscar," Before I wade into this I have a couple of questions I would like the truth about.
!. Have you served in the military?
2. If so, in a war zone?
3. Are you one of the 47%?
Answer those questions honestly and truthfully and we shall have a go at your missive above. If you do not feel that's necessary (by tomorrow) I shall simply remove your post, and you may return to the Daily kos, or Salon for more "misguided" information.
Tom Ford
More idiot liberal democrat ideas! Where the heck is th Money coming from ?
Tom Ford
Well my little (or large) liberal you have been given all the time needed to respond, yet5 nothing, so your history!
Thank you though for being the best illustration of a emotionally driven liberal that thinks with everything but their mind, my readers can be given no better example!
Tom Ford
Well, Tom, at least liberal think. That's more than out-of-touch right-wing extremists, living on taxpayer handouts, complaining about others getting taxpayer handouts, ever do.
8:16 AM Blogger: Name for us some of the "right wing extremists" living on taxpayer hand outs.
Now, I want YOU to think about this very carefully as I will require you to post the proof of your claim, or out you go.
Liberals really don't think or we wouldn't have things like not being able to say the Word EASTER in a Georgia grade school (Drudge report, 3/27/13.)
Now for your comment's, and don't forget the bibliography, or save your manicure!
Tom Ford
I am not in this discussion I realize, but I wanted to point out that the Drudge report is nothing ore than a blog written by a conservative blogger, stating his opinions. Not a news source.
7:41 PM Blogger: Oh, you mean like the Daily Kos, or Salon, or the Huffington Post?
Sorry but Drudge gets it right, he is quoted far and wide unlike the liberal blogs that spew nonsense to their willing, and useful idiots.
Tom Ford
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