Noreth Korean Generals wearing their medals! (should I be worried?)

Now this is a Country that has not seen an "armed" conflict since the early 50's, so where do you suppose these guys gleaned these from?
You know I USED to joke about Bolivian fleet admirals turning out in, shall we say 'style,' but this takes the cake!
They look a bit short for basketball so I really doubt that Dennis Rodman "awarded" them when he was over there for Lord knows what, so what do we have here?
Any thoughts, ideas, remarks, or just plain dig's?
Tom Ford
NO. 1095
Looks like the new $1000 uniform for the TSA we just paid for. Total cost $50,000,000. More than the USMC budgets for uniforms, all while the supposed spending cuts are hurting the poor, etc.
7:02 AM Blogger: The 'poor' are not a concern to the regime! Voting day is over, they will now do as they please.
Husein is a communist thinking sycophant who is only interested in lining the pockets of himself and his buddies at our expense.
Cost savings? we don't need no stinkin cost savings.
Tom Ford
7.02 blogger..No worse than an extra $30,000 or so for life gaurds.. or a $80,000 golden handshake to a Former City Administrator..As a percentage of our Crestwood budget these losses are huge...with the same level of accountability in place.
communist thinking sycophant?? I am amazed that this has anything with the news of Crestwood. You cover partisan politics too?
9:02 Pm Blogger: Jean, why yes Ci do when. The spirit moves me.
In Obama we have person who only want' to further the " one world order," not America, so.............
Tom Ford
well, I have found that to be a fairly predictable response from democrats when they lose and republicans when they lose. I dislike politics. It brings out the worst in otherwise very decent people.
10:38 PM Blogger: Jean, there is a lot of truth to that. I may be a bit more 'patriotic' than most (I have a saying, "For those who fought for it, freedom has a taste the protected will never know."
That said, when I see any sort of tyranny being inflicted upon us by EITHER party, I will say so for, "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing!" (Alex De Tocqueville.)
To ask an American to give freely to the less fortunate is the American way, not TAKING from an American, asking. In obama we see the TAKING from one to give to another. it has a name, and that name is communism.
Now if that is 'bringing out the worst in me' well so be it as I will not stand idly by and watch a man who thinks he is the supreme ruler ruin our Republic.
Tom Ford
Obama to allow agencies to scour American bank accounts!
Ame bank accounts
See what I mean ?
Tom Ford
it's all in the perspective. What you see as ruthless tyranny, others see as the opposite. The exact same thing happen when Bush was president and the various wars were starting. It mostly, I found, came down to party lines and the refusal to step past the line. I myself hate to see people aligned against any sitting president. I feel that he was put in office fair and square and he's the leader because we, as a national whole chose him. I personally did not care for Bush(regretted my vote for him), but he was my president and I honored that. I respect your right to write about your hatred for this man, but it does demonstrate what I'm talking about. Aside from your intense feelings about the president, I imagine you're a pretty nice fellow, without the ugly words and declarations of loathing. As I said, politics brings out the worst in people.
Gas and food prices have not gone down under Obama, Gitmo has not closed under Obama, unemployment has not gone down under Obama, etc, etc.
Blame Bush, works every time!
7:04 AM Blogger: Jean, yes indeed enough of the "others" saw him differently.
I see him for what he is, and i will not go into the "emperors new cloths mode" for him or anyone else.
By the way, yes I am a "nice guy."
Tom Ford
to the person who posted at 7:49, can you please clarify where you read that I blamed Bush for anything?
Yeah, we can't blame Bush, and Obama won the election because of "free phones" and all the stuff he gives away from the back of his car.
9:21 AM Blogger: No, obama won the election for two very simple reasons.
1) Romney offered jobs (no taker.)
2) The work to welfare ratio has become inverse for the first time.
We have a Nation of less than motivated people who are perfectly willing to take Nancy Pelosi up on her offer to live with Mom and Dad and "compose" music!
We Arte now for the first time in a situation where 51% of the inhabitants of America (notice I did not say citizens.) do not pay ANY federal income tax!
As Dame Margret Thatcher opined, " The trouble with liberals is that sooner, or later they run out of other peoples money."
Were there!
Tom Ford
Romney offered what jobs? The jobs from all his speeches where he said government doesn't create jobs?
5:27 AM Blogger: Well, "dear leader" sure thinks that the government does, no? (shovel ready no less.)
Romney offered a chance to regain a footing on the economy to have the private sector create the jobs, but........
Perhaps you can convince us that it wasn't really obama, it was his teleprompter that said it?
Tom Ford
wasn't Obama that said what? To what are you referring?
Bloggers: Here is what obama did say! Aren't you proud!
"Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006"
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."
Tom Ford
careful you don't choke on those sour grapes.
9:52 PM Blogger: I am guessing that that you have full and unwavering faith in obama, no matter what, right?
How, pray tell is it possible that what he said then is different than what he says today?
Oh wait, Bush was in office, I forgot, my bad, so it must be that Bush is at F....?
Gee, it really must be great to be a liberal, you just switch horses in mid stream every time your boy lies to you, or the Nation.
By the way, fear not on the sour grapes as with the regime in place there will be NO grapes to sour.
Tom Ford
The latest obama mis step, and with a democrat no less.
Tom Ford
In the medical world if a cell is progressive, its called cancer.
7:39 AM Blogger: Yes it is, and like in the medical world where a cancer must be eradicated for the host to survive, so must a progressive in America today.
Tom Ford
so now you're calling for the eradication of Progressives? Really??
3:15 PM Blogger: As human beings, no ( but you know that don't you.)
I am however calling for the eradication from the POLITICAL spectrum of ALL (but one, we need one to remember the idiocy) progressive / liberals in the Republic today.
Got it now ?
Tom Ford
No. Clearing the way for Republicans to run things hasn't gone too well recently. So, no.
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