Sunset Hills Historical Society, Cities of Sunset Hills and Crestwood as well as South County are bringingg the traveling Wall to Lindbergh High !

Ladies and gentlemen, it was a time in our history when the Nation was divided by yet another war. This time in a small Country called Vietnam, with spill over into Laos and Cambodia.
We witnessed it all on TV with Walter Cronkite presiding, and some of us had the opportunity to see it first hand for as Walter said on one of his programs, "we were there."
Before that conflict ended we lost 58, 272 American service men and women in combat and to other war related causes. The "Show-Me Heroes" has made it possible for you and your family to come and pay your respects at the Wall from June 12 (procession to the Wall site at Lindbergh High School) to June 16, 2013 (Final day at the school.)
Formal ceremonies will start on June 13, with a one hour program every day until closing. The Wall will be open for viewing 24 hours a day, and will be manned at all times to assist you in finding a loved ones name, or just to ask questions of.
As we approach the actual dates much more will be forthcoming on this Blog, however the South County Times has been, and will run informative articles by Mr. Don Corrigan reference the Wall.
Please mark your calendar to attend this and pay the tribute to the names on the Wall, as they and so many others have given up all their tomorrows so you could visit them on those days.
Tom Ford
NO. 1096
We have a need for all veterans of ANY war to be interviewed by Mr. Dan Corrigan, Editor of the South County Times for ongoing articles reference veterans.
If you would like to do an interview, or contact him please do so at the Times office in Webster groves for an appointment.
Tom Ford
Great news! The Po4rt Authority has given the Wall committee a $10,000.00 grant to assist in bringing the Vietnam Wall to Lindbergh High in June.
Folks this is a very expensive undertaking and we will need ALL the funds we can muster (at least $50.000.00) to make it work, so when you see someone collecting for this project please contribute.
Tom Ford
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