Homeland security buying large amount of ammunition, WHY?

Well there you have it folks, DHS is stock piling a rather large mount of ammunition to use on ?
First they want to take way your right to defend yourselves, now they stock pile enough ammo to remove every person in the Republic three times over.
You tell me, what the heck is going on in this Country today?
Tom Ford
NO. 2003
maybe what's going on is paranoia and misinformation?
"While it has been previously reported that DHS has solicited the purchase of 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the next four to five years, the government agency shows only 263,733,362 rounds in its current inventory.
But, DHS estimates it will spend $37,263,698 on ammunition in FY 2013.
Last year, DHS spent $36,535,910, a decrease from 2011's ammunition expense of $38,237,305.
Also, over the last three years the number of rounds purchased by DHS has declined.
In 2010, the agency purchased 148,314,825 rounds. In 2011, 108,664,054 rounds were purchased; and in 2012, 103,178,200 rounds.
In response to how the ammunition will be used by DHS, the various component agencies answered specific to their usage:
• CBP (Customs & Border Protection) said that "70 percent of CBP ammunition is used for quarterly qualifications."
• ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) says it "allocates 1,000 rounds of ammunition per firearm per year for quarterly qualifications and training."
• TSA (Transportation Security Administration) says "35 percent of TSA ammunition is allocated for operational use (qualifications and duty carry)."
CBP (Customs & Border Protection) said that "70 percent of CBP ammunition is used for quarterly qualifications."
• ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) says it "allocates 1,000 rounds of ammunition per firearm per year for quarterly qualifications and training."
• TSA (Transportation Security Administration) says "35 percent of TSA ammunition is allocated for operational use (qualifications and duty carry)."
So I'm just a stupid little government conservative, how many rounds of ammo does that add up to be? And now many rounds are then left?
I wonder if now would be a good time to purchase stock in ammunition manufacturers?
My guess is that they are planning to take over the US with a sinister plot to walk, on foot, door to door, taking all guns, then shooting all male members of the household.
9:33 PM Blogger: What if your partially right? Suppose the "Nazi Germany" program is followed by obama?
It worked for Hitler, remove the guns, remove the right to self defence, and then do as you wish.
Sorry but I have to qualify every six months with the weapon of choice, and that is 50 rounds per qualification.
I believe that this "purchase" is way out of line unless ALL employees of the DHS are carrying firearms, and thus must qualify as I must.
This is going to play out one way or the other, so why not try to loose the attempt at humor and discuss it like a big kid?
Tom Ford
This is from a good friend, and former naval Aviation REO on another site. An interesting statistical take to ponder.
"DHS is firing what, 100 rds a month per person.
Yep! Per person does that include secretaries, janitors, supply clerks, and gofers. Here is one list:
• United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (18,000)
• U.S. Customs and Border Protection (45,600)
• Federal Emergency Management Agency (7,474)
• U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (20,546)
• Transportation Security Administration (58,401)
• United States Coast Guard (7,942)
• United States Secret Service (4,400) That's around 160,000 used something like 116,000,000 rds last year and 116m/160k= 725/ agent. The problem is however, that 160k includes a lot of non shooters. Secretaries, cooks, janitors etc. I would seriously doubt that FEMA, for example, has anywhere near 7,500 armed officers that fire 750 rds annually and of those what percent are HP's instead of FMJ's?
It is a mess anyway you look at it."
because what you're implying is so off the charts ridiculous, humor was all I could muster. This compulsion to paint Obama as Hitler among conservatives is not only patently incorrect, but it's becoming tiresome. This is the very behavior you have yelled about right here on this blog...how Bush was maligned and mistreated and you turn around and propagate the same behavior. It hypocrisy at its best. And when someone shines a light on this kind of thing, you delete the post. The facts simply don't bear out the conspiracies and "we're all going to be forced into socialism". Face it, if Obama is a socialist, he's is really bad at it, so there's really isn't anything to fear.
11:14m Blogger: Well it worked for Hitler didn't it. We know your a obamaphile, but you know what a liar he. Is, so.......
By the way, try mustering up the words, minus the emotion to answer the question for a change, or it's
' by by'
Tom Ford
Obama is really bad.
10:58 PM Blogger: What, oh what will obama's response to this be? We have allowed the "religion of peace" followers to kill people in Boston, attack aircraft, and generally make a nuisance of themselves with no response, WHY?
Anyone remember the old saw, "Billions for defense, but not one cent for tribute?" Well if you do, and your a liberal obama supporter, please advise him of it for the rest of us!
Tom Ford
More thoughts on "health care" obama style.
Tom Ford
what emotion are you talking about? Okay here's no emotion:
Obama is very bad at socialism. If socialism is his intent, he needs lessons, because he's a rotten socialist.
"Obama is very bad at socialism. If socialism is his intent, he needs lessons, because he's a rotten socialist."
And you know that because....?
I know that because he isn't doing any of the things real socialists do.
Chaffetz says DHS uses 1,000 more per officer than the Army and claims that Army soldiers use only 350 rounds per year.
Let's see:
Army used 1.262 billion in 2008 with 541,000 soldiers. That's 2,332 rounds each. That's active duty only. There are 563,000 in Army reserve and National Guard.. Even if you add those in, the Army average would be about 1100 each, far more than 350 per soldier.
DHS used 120 million rounds with 72,000 officers. That's 1,667 per officer even before you take out ammo used by the Coast Guard and State and Local LEOs at the FLETCs.
Chaffetz's MATH IS WRONG!
Bovine Scat ALERT!
A little more:
If you consider that a large portion of Army personnel have desk jobs and do not carry weapons on the job, rounds per soldier foes even higher.
DHS has 220,000 employees and only 72,000 carry on the job. Once you take out rounds used by Coast Guard and then the rounds used by state and local at the FLETCs, DHS usage per agent is more like 1,000 rounds per agent per year.
aaaand your point is...?
Sorry to have to stand down for a bit but my Bride was taken to the hospital with a broken Femur in the left leg (4 falls, four weeks.)
I will be on another leave until we get this latest deal cleared, meanwhile, play away without me.
Tom Ford
sorry to hear your wife is injured. I wish her a speedy recovery.
obama: THE FALL.................
Tom Ford
DHS has an RFP out to buy another 2 million rounds of ammo! Now why would that be?
Is it possible that the obama regime has seen the latest poll showing 29% of ALL Americans think armed revolution may be necessary?
Ton Ford
Interview with Gov. Rick Perry:
Tom Ford
yeah, because Rick Perry is SUCH a sane, middle of the road, normal source.
Seriously, what exactly do you think is about to happen? Do you truly, really envision the army and marines going door to door, demanding any guns in the house? Then what? They'll put a tracking device in all the family members, burn all their books and give them their rations for the month? Have you been reading the Hunger Games? I am trying to figure out what you're getting at with this latest conspiracy theory.
I'll add my two cents, 2:13 poster: Alex Jones is also not a legitimate source in my opinion.
2:13pm blogger: you tell us, your the Obama Dan here. What does he, incompentano, and holder need with ll that ammo?
Tom Ford
2;18 PM blogger: And I guess Obama's mouth piece is?
Tom Fordl
for clarity: what is an "Obama Dan"?
4:42pm blogger: well it was going to be man, but I guess yo could substitute dandy if you wish .
Tom Ford
ah, okay, thanks.
9:41 PN Blogger: Your welcome.
Is obama trying to dry up the ammo supply in America?
Tom Ford
and, pray tell, what is the reasoning behind "drying up the ammo supply"?
6:51 AM Blogger: Well since obama failed to get the gun ban law that he wanted to pass the next logical step would be to 'dry up the ammo supply,' no?
I wonder if this will effect Chicago, Detroit, or any of the other major murder capitals that the democrats are running?
Do they even care since the kids being killed are not fund raisers for the party?
Tom Ford
clearly that's the next logical step. I mean, what kind of person wouldn't see that as the next logical step? Any sane, thinking person can see that that is exactly what is happening. Your shrewd observation of this next step into socialism impresses me and makes me glad you are watching out for all of us.
8:16 AM Blogger: Clearly yo are a flaming liberal who is an avowed obama sycophant!
How do we know? well you ran out of facts in 45 seconds and then went to personal insults like all brain dead liberals do.
You go along with the Fuhrer, i am on the side of the Constitution and the republic!
By the way, your dangerously close to being kicked unless you have the moral courage to sign your real name!
Tom Ford
Here is some of the handy work of Husein obama, they watched in real time while our people died!
Tom Ford
okay, facts. You wants facts? Here are some:
There have been several American diplomats killed overseas, more than one on the last republican president's watch. Where was the outcry over that? Here is a partial list:
2008: American diplomat and humanitarian aid official, John Granville, shot to death in his car in Khartoum, Sudan.
_2006: David Foy, a facilities maintenance officer at the U.S. embassy in Karachi, Pakistan, killed by a suicide bomber slamming into the diplomat's car outside the U.S. consulate on the eve of President Bush's trip to the country.
_2004: Edward Seitz, an agent with the State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security, killed when a rebel-fired rocket or mortar shell crashes into the trailer where he sleeps at an American base near the Baghdad airport.
_2002: Laurence Foley, U.S. Agency for International Development officer, gunned down in Amman, Jordan.
_2002: Barbara J. Green, an embassy worker in Pakistan, killed when a man hurled grenades into a church in Islamabad. She was in the process of becoming a full-time embassy employee.
I recall no one running around with their hair on fire, yelling about Bush and how evil he was and that is was all his fault. When Diplomats were killed under Clinton, same. Crickets. No yelling, no calling for the scalp of the president. Where was the shouting and anger as thousands of our soldiers have lost their lives in the wars Bush lied to start? The double standard is beyond belief.Benghazi offers an opportunity for the right to point fingers and complain, all the while refusing to take responsibility or even acknowledge their role in that attack.I fully expect this post to be removed, and that's okay. Facts only matter when they support your side. When they don't they are "liberal rantings". Very amusing, but they numbers are the numbers, and history is history. And foot stomping sour grapes is...well, expected.
7:04 AM Blogger: Any of them killed while the Presidnt, and sec of state watched in real time?
No they wern't, were they because w had a real president who as not on the other side then!
Nerxt liberal rant?
Tom Ford
so....explain then what the president or Clinton or who ever was to have done about the attacks in real time...as they were happening? Next conservative conspiracy rant....
11:27 AM Blogger: First allow me to apologise for the lapse of time when responding to you. I am doing this in between visits to my bride, and the normal schedule.
Now what to do? Well for starters clinton was a joke, he bombed an aspirin factory in a lame attempt to look presidential. And since the boy was impeached and dis bared, why even discuss the lying criminal?
Now as to obama, well in Vietnam we (the military) did everything possible to get our people out if they were shot down, or captured, obama did nothing!
If you have been following the latest on Benghazi you will note that while our military were ready to go in with air cover (and ground if needed) the White House and hillary did nothing for over eight hours!
The POTUS and the Secretary of State watched in real time as our people were systematically murdered and their bodies dragged through the street's!
Those who advocated immediate response were cashiered from their job's service wise (one General officer and one Vice Admiral were forced into retirement) due to their vehement demands for help for the four in Benghazi.
What would I have him do? For openers stop bowing to the enemy, next allow the people who know the drill run the response to the next attack on one of our people, and finally, resign in disgrace before the trial for impeachment is called.
Tom Ford
More lies from the obama minions, and by extension HIM!
Tom Ford
were we talking about Bill Clinton? I was referring to Hillary in my post. I don't have an opinion one way or the other about Bill Clinton. I thought his impeachment was a ridiculous joke thought up by the right to get rid of a Democrat in the Oval Office, much like what is currently happening to a Democrat in the White House.
I think I wasn't there, in Benghazi, that night, and neither were you. I think 20 hours later help arrived, which, to my understanding, was as fast as it could get there. I think the first 2 men died of smoke inhalation within the first few hours of the attack, and no intervention could have prevented that, EXCEPT for maybe not having already having slashed the security budget to the area. I think it's easy as heck to sit in your chair and pass judgement, when the reality is you know absolutely nothing of what was going on there, as it happened. The confusion, the craziness of the attack.I know people like Fox and the Drudge report have a definite slant they wish to impart, and you seem to have taken the bait. I personally have no business declaring anything about that night, because I wasn't there.
I hope your wife is healing and that she isn't in too much discomfort. I work with a lady who broke her femur a few years back and it was pretty bad for her. Hoping your wife is fairing well.
7:17 AM Blogger: We were talking about presidents were we not? That's why old Bill came int play.
We do not need o be "sitting there" to know the truth now do we. The testimony coming out now clearly shows a pattern of wanton disregard for our people at the highest levels, and it's disgusting!
I have been a witness, a juror, and a complainant in court over the years and I really don't think you had to be on site to offer testimony as to both the nature and the cause and effect of the SWORN testimony given reference the case.
You and I both know that this will never pass the smell test, and we both know they could have dispatched Navy fighters to at least "show the flag."
They (Husein obama, and Hillary did NOTHING, unless you count standing by to the murders of four of our fellow citizens something!
Thank you for the kind words reference my bride. She will take a bit of time to heal, but heal she will as she id "Ford tough!"
Tom Ford
Tell me these swine aren't as dirty as it gets!
By the way this is ABC News reporting!
Tom Ford
And the liberal media has done what to uncover the truth?
Heir Gobbles would be proud of all the 'alphabet stations" in the Republic today!
Tom Ford
WHAT AN IDIOT! And by extension his boss!
Moron, you all have had five years to change it, fool!
Tom Ford
For me the more pressing question is: has Congress done anything to beef up the security issues that allowed the mess at Benghazi in the first place? Have the million in cuts been replaced, or at least built back up? They can whine, cry, yell, try to set their candidate up for 2016 all they want,(which is, of course, what this is about) but is anything being done to fix what allowed this to happen in the first place?
9:34 PM Blogger: First of all there have been no cuts! There was a budget reduction for 2013/14 of 2%, not a cut.
Second, the Congress has no power to react on such issues as Benghazi, that would be the POTUS as well as SECSTATE, and with their blessing SECDEF.
To blame Congress for the blatant unwillingness of the president to react is at best ludicrous. Please remember what JFK said during the Cuban Missile crisis, "The worst thing we can do is nothing!" (they didn't.)
obama and clinton proved that to be true and now were perceived a weak in the eyes of our enemies.
Tom Ford
News media anchor confesses their wrong time and time again!
Tom Ford
so, you're saying that Congress has no power over the budget, and in fact cannot undo the cuts that were made for security?? Since 2010 they have cut 296 million dollars, and though I have read many don't feel it would have had much effect on the attack, I disagree.
11:35 AM Blogger: No, I said "the Congress has no power to react to such issues as Benghazi." I did not say a word about the budget and you know it.
The left for some reason seems to have been absent when the branches of government, and what they were responsible for were taught in school.
The left for some reason also cannot seem to tell the difference between a cut and a reduction. A cut is when you have a budget in place and I take away part of it. A fiscal reduction is when your budget is reduced for the coming year (in this case 2%!)
The spending reductions were agreed to by both parties (albeit reluctantly by democrats,) and so to show MINOR reductions in inflated budgets where the reductions were made.
The security of the embassy, the people there were the responsibility of the SECSTATE, and the POTUS, not a budget!
This entire debacle, and resulting loss of life were due to cowardice in the face of the enemy by obama and clinton pure and simple! They failed to act and our people died (as did our National security and pride!)
Watch the hearings, listen to the people who were there, watch obama's trained apologist try to extricate him from his role in this murder, and maybe you will see the light of truth.
You may have voted for him, and now you support him, and that's your choice. But now in the face of all the evidence coming out showing he was duplicitous in these crimes (he did nothing to save our people) as well as a massive cover up (no doubt orchestrated by the White House,) can you really in good conscience still stand by him in a "murder by proxy?"
Remember the fact that Nixon was only guilty of a cover up reference the burglary of the democrat national committee office, no one died, and yet he resigned! obama should do no less!
Tom Ford
"Firearms have but two enemies, rust and democrats."
11:35 AM Blogger: Read it a weep my friend. The wolves are finally waking up to the fact the even they can't protect this coward in chief any longer.
Tom Ford
so, then, what horrible character trait led to the deaths of all the diplomats under Bush's watch? Since you seem to be blaming Obama personally for the even and the response to it, what despicable character flaws of Bush's allowed all those diplomats to be killed?
7:01 AM Blogger: President Bush did not have eight hours to react to the death's. As you know, those murders were not preceded by anything that would have caused Mr. Bush, or our military to react.
Husein and hillary had a full eight hours to do something, anything, but the instead showed their true colors, COWARDIACE IN THE FACE OF THE ENEMY!
What did they do? Well b y sworn testimony, husein went to bed to be "FRESH" for his fund raiser in Las Vegas, and hillary watched in real time as our people requested help, and died waiting!
It is becoming more and more obvious Thar husein is a supporter of the Muslims, and any Nation that is involved in the Muslim religion (look at Egypt and Syria.) He will not react to anything that is done to us by a Nation that is of the Muslim faith.
I guess you know that the radical Muslims have sworn to kill all infidels (that would be us,) and that they are even as we speak plotting our demise, right?
That said, why do we not have a POTUS that is willing to follow the Constitution and protect us? Why is he so adamant about disarming America and it's citizens?
You said I seem to be blaming husein, no I do not seem to be, I AM BLAMING HUSEIN, and so are many of my fellow Americans! Don't believe me? Read the polls, watch even the alphabet stations, and the New Yorker who are slowly but surly beginning to see the real truth about this displaced third rate Chicago organ grinder.
Tom Ford
"Firearms have but two enemies. rust and democrats!"
7:01 AM Blogger: What say you to this?
The man is a pathological liar, and we all know it!
Tom Ford
"Firearms have but two enemies, rust and democrats!"
Calling him by his middle name doesn't make him Muslim, you know, no matter how much you want it to. It's a sophomoric, kind of childish tactic to make him into an "other" or the bad guy. You believe what you want. It is like talking to a wall..clearly your opinions have been formed by the likes of Drudge and there appears to be no room for another viewpoint or even the glimmer that someone else might have a point. What he called it doesn't matter to me in the least. I realize you do not want discussion but instead a forum to air your opinions, which now that I understand I will leave you to. I misunderstood the intent of this blog and for that I apologize.I wish you well in your pursuits, banging your head in your hatred of this man. I imagine it's exhausting to carry around that much hate and contempt, especially when you can do nothing about it.
I also still wish your wife a speedy and pain-free recovery. I hope she will be walking soon an off the pain meds.
8:32 AM Blogger: No my opinions are formed by hi actions as well as his deed's.
Amazing that you follow the same course that yo accuse me of, only with the daily ko or salom.
He is what heis, and those who do. Not want to believe it will suffer more than I will, I am retired, wait till he starts taxing your paycheck out of existence!
Tom Ford
" firearms have but two enemies, rust and democrats!"
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