Missle day in Nortk Korea?

Well here you have the full result of appeasement as practiced by the Clinton administration. We now have a "short man syndrome" nut with the full MERV technology as give to his buddy by the Clinton administration to shut pop up the last time.
Does anyone really believe that these 3 people could have come up with this on their own? As you may or may not know, they make some of the cell phones we use on a daily basis, you know the ones that drop your call while your parked under a cell tower.
However things have gotten worse as we now have HANOI john kerry over there about to give away the farm as he did during the Vietnam War.
The pathetic part of this is the fact that the world has seen this before in the form of a buffoon named Neville Chamberlain and his famous waving of the treaty signed by Heir Hitler. Remember, "peace in our time?" Well he said it and less than four months later the Brit's were being bombed by no less that Das Fuhrer.
The people that support this idiocy must all be voted out in the mid-term elections while we still have a Republic to be proud of!
Tom Ford
no. 2002
Barrack Obama... a sheep in sheep's clothing..
11:20 AM Blogger : Amen!
so....what is your preferred solution? Go in and start bombing?
Well since you asked,
Anonymous Anonymous said...
so....what is your preferred solution? Go in and start bombing?
12:42 PM, April 15, 2013
And since I'm already pXssXng off the liberal world, how about sealing our borders in a manner that would prevent illegals from crossing in our Nation?
You know, start to act like we are a sovereign nation again instead of one that has a leader who bows to ever head of state he meets from another country.
5:20 pm Blogger: well now you have done it?
so, you would seriously go send our young people into ANOTHER war before all other avenues have been exhausted?
10:05 PM Blogger: Well if your willing to just sit by and allow a despot lunatic who has vowed to kill us fire the first salvo, I guess that sounds bad.
We have exhausted ALL OTHER avenues, what would you like to do, send him some stealth fighters and bombers so he shuts up?
I have been to the "War," it was called Vietnam back then, so I may have a better idea of what it is to "send our young people" into harms way than most.
That said, I really don't want my Grand children to have to take out a much stronger force down the road, so get it over with now!
Tom Ford
whyatu5960Former Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), speaking with MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts on Tuesday, made the case that the government needs to raise tax rates and generate more federal revenue in order to ensure Massachusetts does not have to pay for the post-Boston Marathon Bombing rebuilding effort. MSNBC's Roberts expressed his concern that Frank was politicizing the deadly attack less than 24-hours after the fact.
Way to go liberal spokesperson, don't ever waste a tragedy to ask for higher taxes. Keeping it classy as always.
this coming from the party that insisted on withholding disaster aid until other cuts could pay for them. Never mind the homeless people, homes gone, no food or water. The wars didn't need to be paid for, but darn it helping disaster victims does. Your outrage is somewhat amusing.
You most be talking about the democrats. Remember all the promises Obama made to the victims of the hurricane that hit NJ, and NY? Guess what, Obama didn't keep is promise, he lied!
Want so more information about your beloved Chicago savior...Good, guess what he has done to the part of the DHS budget designed to prevent the type of bombing that occurred in Boston? When he took over the budget was for $20 million a year, now Obama has reduced to it $11 million.
Remember how Obama said he wanted to raise taxes on only the rich, the ones who make over $250,000 a year? Did you know that the hypocrite in chief paid only 18% on $650,000 income. Remember how Obama blasted Romney for not paying his fair share? Romney no only pays more taxes in total dollars than Obama, he also pays a higher % of his income than Obama. Remember making fun of Romney for his charitable giving? The person who is a heart beat away from living in the White House gave under $3000 to charity. Not only that, he charged the Secret Service that was sent to protect him,$28,000 in rent on the homes he owns that they live in while doing their job of protecting him.
anonymous 11:48 AM, April 16, 2013
Your position is weak and a total fail. Try again.
blah blah blah. It's all the same blabbering from the angry right who has lost 2 elections. Anyone even remotely in the middle or independent would choose to have bamboo shoved under their nails over dealing with the Republican party right now. Angry, raging people who are furious with...whatever's handy at the moment. Keep talking, 'cause EVERYONE is listening, right?
8:11 PM, April 16, 2013 anonymous
Oh, Ok I see, don't confuse you with the truth.
How does it feel to have been taken in by the liar in chief, 2 elections in a row?
Double smart or double dumb?
not nearly as "dumb" as Bush should have made you feel. And besides, none of it matters anyway. as I said, blah blah blah. We're mad. Listen to us be mad. Blah blah blah. The fact of the matter is that both sides whine and complain and bellyache when they are not the ones who won. Then it's nit pick, "look how awful the other side is", etc. The pendulum will swing back, then there will be new whining from the other side. In the meantime, blah blah blah, we all know you're angry.
Yeah, like former first lady Clinton said, "what difference does it make?"
This is what your lefty rag "salon" has sunken too along with the rest of the liberal establishment, PATHETIC!
Tom Ford
pathetic? Why? Because some are less anxious to start another war than you are? Here is what the author said:
"By the way, you don’t have to be a person of color or a political liberal to hope the bomber ends up being a white American. You just have to be among the groups of Americans who don’t like stuff like preemptive wars, the Patriot Act, warrantless wiretapping, the drone war, an unsustainable Pentagon budget and a broken immigration system. By their own rhetoric, some of those groups must include many self-described conservatives — after all, they purport to care about civil liberties and say they want to reduce government spending.
That gets back to the original point: The reason to hope that the bomber is a white American is because in a country where white privilege and double standards so obviously affect our national security reactions, that outcome will better guarantee that the reaction to Boston is a bit more measured."
Written by the author in the same piece:
"I’m not the kind of person who hopes to ever find conservative Fox News host Bill O’Reilly agreeing with me. But with my Salon piece on the Boston bomber now on the front page of Drudge, I think it is worth pointing out that last night O’Reilly effectively agreed with my piece by confirming the very simple self-evident truth that the Boston bomber’s demographic profile will, indeed, dictate how America responds to the atrocity. "
I agree. If the bomber being a white guy from here will prevent us from rushing headlong into another war, then that's what I hope too, because this country cannot and should not sustain another war. Luckily I think maybe we now have a president who will not be quite so anxious to send troops off to be blown up in foreign countries. So if truly hoping we can avoid attacking yet another country makes me pathetic, then I am truly concerned for your values and priorities.
"where white privilege and double standards"
Cry me a #&%$@% river!
Gotta love the affirmative action crowd. There's always someone better off then me and its because I didn't get the same breaks as they did. Or I'm the wrong skim color. waawaawaa!!
This post sums up the goal of the American liberal, to ensure everyone is at the same level of misery.
so by all means, let's fix it right up! Another war will do nicely.
way to completely miss the point of the quotes.
9:33 AM Blogger: How we went from the "greatest generation" to the devout cowards that you seem to want to tout is beyond me!
It started in the Vietnam era, and has only gotten worse with the colleges turning out more hand wringing liberals, afraid of their own shadow's!
If I were you I would get down on your hands and knees and thank God that there are strong men and women who are willing to do ALL that's needed to insure that those liberals (and apparently you) can have your latte and tofu for breakfast while you cower in a corner!
Oh, and by the way, PATHETIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tom Ford
9:33 AM Blogger: Is this good enough for you, or would you rather have a dead suspect named Chauncey W. Water-town the third? (fictitious name for illustration only.)
Tom Ford
So called "media" sluff off all their WRONG reports that filled the airways constantly!
These fools would report a single seat aircraft crashing into a grave yard by saying, " Cessna AG CAT crashes into cemetery, twenty seven bodies recovered, rescue crews continue to search for more!"
Tom Ford
Liberal food for thought!
Tom Ford
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12:16 PM Blogger: I a m through with you, and all like you, go find somewhere like the Daily kos to play cause your finished here!
Tom Ford
seriously?? Who did I insult??
Now what are the hand wringing liberals going to do? Worse than that what will B. Husein obama do?
Tom Ford
What will liberals do? That's easy Tom, they will blame conservatives, Bush, Chaney, NRA, GOP and the rich.
Just like they always do when their liberal policy's fail as it always does.
so, your political rant is all nice and everything, but what does that have to do with the mall? You just had gone too long without typing the word "liberal" and your fingers itched?
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