Interesting email fron our "nineth" Alderman to recient elected officials in Crestwood!

Yes indeed, I filed a FOIA form for ALL emails from and to elected officials here in Crestwood from the date of election to last Friday.
Guess what, a Gentleman named Vic Pildes, (Consultant to Centrum Properties,) has seen fit to advise our new Alderman on what to do, and how to do it when it comes to agenda items reference Crestwood Courts and the TIF they desire.
" Please place the approval of the consultant contracts and the status of the TIF commission on the agenda for the next Board meeting on May 14th."
(I would like to suggest that YOU file a FOIA form at the City Clerks office for these emails and find out what YOUR Alderman is doing.)
If Mr. Pildes is so adamant about the need to place things on OUR agenda, may I suggest that he move to Crestwood, run for office, and THEN do it?
At this time it's a bit of a moot point as the BOA showed a great deal of common sense and voted down the "prospectus" at the last meeting on Tuesday night.
Speaking of that meeting, I am told by several who were there that the decorum was less than one would expect from what I had hoped were Ladies and Gentlemen! One resident was BOOED by another as she spoke, and yet another resident attempted to stop the conversation by shouting "Time up!"
Is this what we have become here in the community where I have resided for 44 years? Do we now expect that just because a vote does not go their way, people will act like a five year old who has all the red licked off their candy, and now feels the need to throw a tantrum?
Crestwood Court will be developed or it will be sold, we have no burning need to acquiesce to the demands of a developer (no matter who they are) who will not negotiate with us, but rather TELLS us what they will do, or not do! They want it their way, fine and dandy, but do it without financial assistance! You want to act like the big dog, great, SHOW US and build it yourself!
Tom Ford
NO. 2008
well, in all fairness, how can it be discussed if it isn't on the agenda?
I am going to put this out there, and I acknowledge that it is off topic. I am so upset that I feel I must vent this somewhere:
The criminal who sent a ricin laced letter to our president must be locked up. The letter ranted on about having guns being his Constitutional, God-given right. This tells me he thinks God wrote the Constitution. My dad was a life long member of the NRA. I was raised shooting guns. I am disgusted and horrified by these foaming at the mouth gun enthusiasts that refuse to have even the same controls on guns that we have on cars. I am sickened that someone would make an attempt on the president's life, especially since the one who would most likely be killed or sickened by his twisted, vile letter would be the mail guy who opened it. This behavior is contemptable and must be punished to the maximum allowed.
I would ask those interested to listen to the tape of the board meeting. I was there. You will hear the moans, groans, muffled speech, and boos.
Several former aldermen were there in the audience.
Also, read the article in the Sunset Hills Crestwood Patch.
In the comments section, editor Karlie Baker described the actions of some in the audience.
11:19 PM Blogger: M s. bake4r nailed that one! I guess that it's OK for some who for some reason are in bed with Centrum to act like children for their "cause?"
Interesting that "several former Alderman were in attendance." If they thought this was so very important, why did they not run again and finish the job?
Tom Ford
7:28 PM Blogger: Yes indeed, just not placed there by a third rate drum beater for a developer!
W#E live here, WE make the decisions, right?
Tom Ford
Who is ordering the drum roll for the TIF?
Who will benefit from the Crestwood Court TIF?
How does the developer earn 8% on the TIF's versus a 5% on the bank loans?
Why doesn't the developer do their own work and start bring in their "bacon"?
What are they waiting for? 28% return on the investment up front by getting the TIF bonds, TDD bonds, and CID bonds in cash to expand up to 40 years without any accountabilitiy to our city?
This seems illogical too me.
Where are the hidden profits to these TIF's, TDD's, and CID's?
Can the developer tear and build a new building every 5 years?
Tom, please explain to their law of economics?
Would you wait for these bonds when you could be bringing in some cash to go on some vacations and then buy a new car?
I thought 2 + 2 = 4 not 5!
Why was Pickel in the audience?
Will the "poor's man pool club" benefit from the Crestwood Court TIF?
Will the developer hire them first to thank them for supporting their TIF, TDD, and CID?
Is sure was packed at the meeting?
By the way, is there a dress code policy for attending our public meetings? Is shorts allowed and T-Shirts? Can you walk in without a T-shirt and no shoes?
2:06 and 2:10 Blogger: Rhetorical questions?
Tom Ford
Karlie Baker (Editor) Sunser hills/Crestwood Patch May 30, 2013
"The part of the meeting that struck me most was the behavior of some of those in attendance! It's a good thing I sat front row, or I wouldn't have been able to hear the aldermen above the din of the peanut gallery. A few residents even audibly booed and interrupted others who were at the podium. It came off to me as somewhat disrespectful, both to the audience and to the board."
It's safe to say that Mr. Pickel was not there to help with crowd control.
How would you act if you are not getting the construction work on the Crestwood Court TIF?
Who are the suppliers and vendors?
Are there any conflict of interests with anyone in public office?
Who will be getting the concrete work? concrete removal? plumbing? electrical? construction? hauling? hazardous waste removal?
How would you feel if you are not making any money on the Crestwood Court construction?
Who has been recruited to do the work in Crestwood, Webster Groves, Kirkwood, St. Louis County, St. Louis City, and other cities?
I would love to have free bond money for renewing my business and not have to generate any sales tax revenue and have a reduction in my real estate taxes.
If 60% of our real estate taxes pays for our Lindbergh School District budgets, who will pay for the lost of these real estate dollars when the Crestwood Court is blighted to $100 a year in real estate taxes?
How will our Police and Fire budgets be affected by this TIF?
Will we have to merge with Sunset Hills where Attorney Gary Vincent lives? Will we need the St. Louis County Police and Fire departments after we authorize a TIF for the Crestwood Court Plaza?
Can you please verify if Mayor Fagan on his last day office approved a TIF for the Crestwood Court Plaza? It was the same night that Mayor Roy Robinson was sworn in office.
I am all in favor of a "TIF for the welfare" to allow the developer to use the government bonds for their own projects.
Who cares if the developer gets any signed leases for the Crestwod Court?
The "Music Man" is back in town. I will create a band without any instruments.
Are we that stupid to get a developer a TIF, TDD, and CID government monies without having any signed lease agreements for their renters?
How can I get $34 million for no signed leases and no written financial promises?
Is this what you call "entitlements"? Is this "entitlements" for the rich or for the "poor man's pool people"?
Who is going to rich on this TIF deal?
Who cares if the City of Crestwood gets no sales tax revenue and considerable less real estate revenue that support the Public Schools, Police, Fire, Public Libraries, and other government support departments?
Who cares about the long term effects of these TIF's?
You can only spend a $1.00 once.
How much debt is the State of Missouri over the TIF's, TDD's, and CID's? 5 Billion? 50 Billion?
What are the ratings of these bonds?
Is it true that the Creve Coeur TDD bonds are not a C rated bond?
Is there a dress code policy for showing up at a city meeting?
Is it okay to show up in shorts and flip flops?
I thought we were supposed to respect the law as citizens of Crestwood and of USA!
By the way, our city Alderman are all wearing business suits to show respect to their public servant duty.
What about having an article on how to dress and act at a government public meeting?
What about having classes on government etiquette and dress when addressing our public servants?
They are our voices and advocates for our rights.
If we need to educate them on our rights, then we need to dress proper, speak politely, and show the documents that your concerned about at a public meeting.
I was taught that we make our politicians honest by stating the facts in a professional manner and always dress in a business look attire.
It only takes five minutes to wear the correct business attire to a government meeting.
Are you aware of a noise ordinance for residential property?
If the Rosebrook Real Estate Company and Crestwood Swim Club is listed as Residential property on the St. Louis County website, why doesn't they have to follow the City of Crestwood noise ordinance rules?
If Crestwood Swim Club is allowed to blare music all day, then can I?
This sounds similar to the sign ordinance. If I can display 100% of a sign in my window, then all businesses can display a sign in their windows even though the ordinance states the 25% rule?
Can you please research this Noise Ordinance for Residential property?
Maybe the Rosebrook Real Estate Company and the Crestwood Swim property needs to be changed to Commercial use to allow their music to be played all day and night.
Can I order Pizza and food at the Crestwood Swim Club since they announce their food orders over the speakers?
Can I have my phone calls be paged over their speakers to save me money on my phone bills?
Is there a reason for the Crestwood Swim Club not using pagers, cellphones, and electronic flashing devices to reduce their "chatter"?
Can a child or a teen ager yell at you for no reason while working in your yard? What is this called when you call the police?
What do you think about publishing the list of the Rosebrook Real Estate stockholders and the members of the Crestwood Swim Club members to see if anyone has a conflict of interest with City of Crestwood's business?
Isn't this public knowledge since the Crestwood Swim Club is a 501-C and the Rosebrook Real Company has shares of stock?
What do you think?
Let's be open and transparent as a city or as a St. Louis County resident or as a USA Citizen.
Let the poker game begin fairly and openly so we know who has the highest stakes at hand to win or to lose on the TIF's, TDD's, and the CID's!
Some valid and good points in your post's. Now let's see who, if anyone has the nerve to act on them.
Tom Ford
Wow, Tom - I just read all of the above comments! This issue is an unholy mess, don't you think? These TIF's etc. were suppose to be an avenue for assistance to developers and further create new business and commerce for the public. But it seems that there has not been much interest by many developers at the present time to throw their hat in the door at Crestwood Court.
I do not blame them for their hesitation to develop presently in any area not just Crestwood considering the economy. However, I am not as concerned about a TIF as I am the fact that those persons who are interested cannot commit to which stores/companies have expressed their desire to become part of Crestwood Court. Centrum cannot seem to come up with even a good list of department stores, or other entities that might want to join in this development. Or maybe I just am not familiar with all of the details. But from what I have read, TIF or no TIF - they just cannot come up with a viable list of potential companies interested in leasing in Crestwood Court. So if we build it, they will come?????? I want to see something substantial put on paper before I would sign on a "dotted line". Otherwise, what is the difference in looking at a vacant mall now or one that has been torn down and made new - with no businesses inside???????
1:54PM Blogger: Wait till the papers break the latest "mis step" of four of the Alderman! As they say, " you ain't seen nothin yet!"
Tom ford
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