May 10, 1910, Evelyn Mae Ford is born in Cleveland, Ohio, and is celebrating her 103rd. Birthday today!

That's right folks my Mother is now 103 years old! Amazing as it may seem these day's she follows her own diet and has had very little reason to visit Doctors or hospitals in her lifetime.
She and my Father were married for 72 years (he passed at age 100) and during that time they enjoyed a life of dedication to family and service to their God and their Country.
At the present she resides in the Park view Nursing Facility, Sandusky, Ohio (near my Fathers grave site on Middle Bass Island) and is not only able to be ambulatory, but can and will cary on a conversation on most any subject you wish to put forth.
Needless to say we are all very proud of her, and I only wish I could join my Sister and Brother for the celebration there today!
Happy Birthday Mom, and the way your going, I may join you there as a resident before you know it!
Tom Ford
NO. 2005
Jacqueline Stock said...
BEST WISHES & GONGRATULATIONS to all your nice Family..
Jacqueline Stock
6:32 AM Blogger: Thank you jackie, she is quite a miracle what with her ability to do what she can at that age!
Tom Ford
Amazing, simply amazing!
God Bless!
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