obama "document dump"has a two day gap! Anyone here remember the 16 hour gap in the Nixon tapes?

That's right folks, "the most transparent administration (read regime) in the history of America" seems to have misplaced a couple of emails from ?
If you are old enough to remember the Nixon era with the resulting Watergate tapes you will remember that Richard Nixon resigned over a 16 hour lapse in the then White House recordings of ALL of his conversations.
It seemed that Mr. Nixon saw the possibility of impeachment hearings, and did not wish to put the Nation or his family through the resulting firestorm should that have happened. What did he do you ask? Well he "covered up" a break in of the democrat National office at the Watergate Hotel (no deaths or injuries by the way.)
What has obama done by comparison? Well it seems that he went to bed to be fresh for a campaign fund raised in Las Vegas, and left hillary clinton and others to watch in "real time" the death of four of our fellow citizens!
obama and his minions then proceed to hatch a plan to tell us it was over a video that was anti Muslim, heck they even arrested the producer of the video! We all now know that was a lie, and we know that for eight hours the four who were murdered in Benghazi pleaded for help, but the help was told th STAND DOWN!
Will obama resign as Nixon did? No he will not because his narcissism will not allow it! We have a group of regime people who have lied, cajoled and obfuscated the truth to keep this person in office, why? You Tell me, because to me he is a stench in the nostrils of honest men everywhere, and deserves to be held in far lower esteem that Richard Milhous Nixon ever was or will be!
What to do to right the ship, and bring back trust in Washington? Simple, impeach obama arrest and indict clinton and all others who participated in this foul lie, and that will be a start!
By the way, eric holder who gave Mexican drug lords guns under the "fast and furious" program said "no special prosecutor will be appointed!" Talk about flying in your face, he must appoint one NOW, or join the rest in a "perp walk!"
Tom Ford
NO. 2006
blah blah blah. Where was all this outrage when the Bush administration was pulling all that illegal stuff? There wasn't any, so that tells me this is fabricated, political points gathering to play into the same tired old we-hate-Obama blather that's been going on the whole time.
5:11 PM Blogger: Your trite diatribe tells US that your a dyed in the wool obama sycophant that wouldn't believe the truth if it hit you in the face!
Your hero is a criminal who is doing everything in his power (with the help of a sleazy, willing A/G) to ruin the Republic!
Look at the news, read the New Yorker, read the Blogs, listen to his responses and watch his body language, he is a liar, and most everyone but you seems to know it!
You have the freedom in America (until he removes it) to back him (even though he is a pathological liar,) so use it while you can, but don't tell me it's bright sunshine outside when I can see that it's dark!
By the way, remember the rules, sign your real name (your brave enough to do that, right?) or your history!
Tom Ford
More obama "honesty," just move the guilty players to another job in the regime!
Tom Ford
This is normal? Well it is in the obama regime!
Tom Ford
Okay, but you didn't answer my question: where was all this outrage when the Bush administration was caught doing the illegal wire tapping? When the IRS targeted Democratic organizations? As I recall, the right was calling for charges of espionage against the reporter who broke the wire tap story and he was receiving death threats! It was all okay then, so why isn't it now? This kind of hypocrisy makes me angry no matter who it comes from. I am not an Obama "sycophant"..I am a thinking adult who sees major sets of double standards and I don't like it. I guess my question is: Why do you?
7:07 AM Blogger: Are you SURE it was what you say it was reference the Bush administration?
Bush is gone, obama is running the Republic, and every day he is there it's a major disaster or, scandal! can you SHOW with facts where that statement is wrong? Facts Jean, not the loony left daily kos, or the salon blog, real facts.
You see a double standard do you? Well it's about time as your left leaning groups perfected it Jean, (by the way, where is your last name) I trust your not ashamed of your surname.)
You want double standards, just look at the obama regime, (IRS, Benghazi, AP scandal,) and you can fill a book with them.
You have been here before, you know what I think of obama and the liberal left, so why bother with your question, or trying to defend a communist?
By the by, you have yet to respond to any of the questions, or the items I offered to back my posts, so why should I, or anyone respond to you
Tom Ford?
Tom Ford
Tom Ford
yes, I have been here before, and I was made to feel welcome until I asked a question you didn't like. I have not had a demand for my last name until I asked a question you didn't like. I have not felt attacked or disrespected until I asked a question you didn't like. I was warned about your reactions to those who disagree with you, and I defended you, saying you had been nothing but welcoming and kind. You never did answer my question, either. Lesson learned.
1:11 PM Blogger: Jean, it's My Blog, I paid for it, I gt to choose the subject, and I get to allow or not allow anyone t post on it !
It has been said, "IF you can't stand the heat, ETC." Stay or go, but do not presume to tell me how to run this, or what to say!
By the way, the use of your sir name lends credibility to you're comment's, no last name, your not a firm believer in what your trying to say, but maybe your really not after all.
1:11 PM Blogger: Jean, it's My Blog, I paid for it, I gt to choose the subject, and I get to allow or not allow anyone t post on it !
It has been said, "IF you can't stand the heat, ETC." Stay or go, but do not presume to tell me how to run this, or what to say!
By the way, the use of your sir name lends credibility to you're comment's, no last name, your not a firm believer in what your trying to say, but maybe your really not after all.
The outrage was there, the Demcorats never stopped being outraged, and are still to this day. If you go t the library you will find where the outrage was in every editorial of the St. Louis Post Dispatch and New York Times.
The hate you claim there is for Obama is based solely of his actions. Just look at the events of the last 30 days and explain when since Nixon, have we seen such underhanded, lying, naked abuse of political power by an Administration?
Most transparent administration in history was the promise. The truth is this must be the dumbest administration in history! To believe this Administration's claim they knew nothing about anything until they read about it the newspapers to be true, makes Sgt "I know nothing" Schultz the perfect speech writer for Obama.
You are not being attacked personally, it is your positions and statements. Why, because people disagree with them, and further, require you to support them with evidence. To date, you have not been able to do so, and have in reply to anyone questioning your statements blamed Bush or attempted some kind of moral equivalency reply.
Time to stop you whining, man or women up and end the repeating of the administrations talking points. Here is a little test for you. Check out the NY Times on line for their reporting of recent events surrounding the Obama "misfortunes". Are there reports covering them? That from a news paper that by all accounts is not conservative.
Now go to CPUSA.org, tell us what is on the opening page to this website? Anything about Obama scandals? Nope. Anything about GWB, yup, sure is. An article blasting his Presidential Library. Now you can draw your own conclusions, as I will draw my own.
"Where was all this outrage when the Bush administration was pulling all that illegal stuff?"
To quote H. Clinton
"what difference at this point does it make?"
If it worked for Hillary, it works for me.
Barry and hillary lied, our people died!
Remember that when you look at the news items in the coming weeks.
Tom Ford
Jean, and other liberals, Obama supporters and those who faith in a big federal govt.
Now how excited are you about having the IRS control your healthcare?
Really, REALLY?
Tom Ford
9:40 poster:
I am concerned that you believe everything you read. Is that a quote from Michelle Bachmann? If so, then never mind. We all know she's completely sane and a very reliable source of information.
9:48 AM, May 20, 2013
No it is not a quote of Bachmann, I am pretty sure I posted it before she made the statement.And so what if I did quote her?
If the IRS is not going to run your healthcare, what branch of the federal govt is?
More on obama / clinton and how they stood by, and lied while Americans died!
Tom Ford
Well, I prefer to believe Alex Jones and how the government created and steered the tornados in Oklahoma.
8:27 PM Blogger:
Tom Ford
well, you know how important it is to watch the skies, and if there are helicopters and people spraying stuff, then a weather weapon may be in use. These are not my words, but rather the sage advice from a reliable, well-regarded journalist. I believe even you have quoted him here. I am just grateful I paid attention to that story and now know what to look for when I am scanning for weather weapons.
Interesting how the IRS used the 5th to protect themselves from admitting they are taking away our 1st!
What could possibly go wrong?
The Internal Revenue Service, charged with implementing the biggest change in tax laws in 20 years due to Obamacare, has created eight offices and special “teams” to handle the chore, way more than initially revealed.
Besides the top office headed by the woman in the middle of the IRS-Tea Party scandal, there are seven others and a special enforcement team that make up an organization chart that mirrors the organization of the IRS itself, according to a Treasury Inspector General’s report.
The June report focused on concerns that the IRS, which is filling the Obamacare offices with 2,137 agents and officials to make sure citizens and companies comply with the new health law or pay a fine, isn’t clear on its new role and how many new workers it will actually need. For example, the IRS will be in charge of analyzing hospital “community benefit activities,” which it has never done before.
A friend's "bucket list" for 2013! Sounds like a plan to me.
Default My Bucket List for 2013
" Put "GOD" back in America!!!
Borders: Closed!
Congress: Obey its own laws NOW!
Language: English only!
Culture: Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!
Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare!
NO freebies to Non-Citizens!
Balance the budget. Stop giving away our money to foreign countries! We need it here! Charge them, not us for our help! Fix the TAX CODE! And most of all "RESPECT OUR MILITARY AND OUR FLAG!!!!! "
We the people are coming!"
Tom Ford
and maybe change the chain of command in the military so that sexual assaults are actually prosecuted? Just a thought.
6:09 PM Blogger: Both "sexes," or just the girls ?
Tom Ford
anyone who commits an assault should be prosecuted, don't you agree?
5:50 AM Blogger: Why yes I do agree, I was just making sure you weren't simply protecting one group only.
Tom Ford
the military system for reporting sexual assaults is apparently in desperate need of repair, no matter who does the offending.
9:29 AM Bloggenr: The reporting system is just fine as it iS. The problem is what is done with it after the report.
SoRry but there are those who report things that are not true, so the NIS has to investigate every aspect from square one!
Tom Ford
I meant the chain of command where a victim must report to the immediate superior, even if that is the person who committed the assault. That is an inherently flawed system.
9:47 PM Blogger: The system of which you speak has been in place since 1775, and works very well.
The problems you are concerned with have been fairly recent, and as such (to me, due to their very nature,) suspect to say the least.
Young men and WOMEN know, or should know what they are getting into when they enlist, right?
In my opinion if they fear anything at all may happen to them, please advise them to stay out! God knows our fighting forces have enough to worry about without wondering if someone will turn them in for who knows what.
We see the "dumbing down" of our children every day, and now they are moving to remove the fighting spirit from our military!
Tom Ford
so..you're saying if a person doesn't want to be raped, that person had better just stay out of the military because that's how they roll? I hope I misinterpreted that.
4:18 PM Blogger: You did and you know it!
Tom Ford
As I thought. Please, then, clarify what you meant:
"Young men and WOMEN know, or should know what they are getting into when they enlist, right?
In my opinion if they fear anything at all may happen to them, please advise them to stay out! "
Because if I take this quote at face value, it seems a little like you're stating that those who enlist know they may well be assaulted, and if they hope to not be assaulted, then they must stay out.
9:13 PM Blogger: You, think? I really doubt it!
Your obviously agenda driven, thus it makes no difference what anyone says.
That said, I am through playing with you as you have no intention to listen to what I have to say, so, go to the daily kos to play, and good by!
Tom Ford
Here, reflect on this for a while. This should give you apoplexy!
Tom Ford
Letter from Franklin Graham to obama, very well done!
Tom Ford
Very well written letter. I wonder if a similar letter was written when the IRS went after a church in California, after an anti-Iraq sermon in 2004.Or if a letter like that was written after the IRS targeted the NAACP, also in 2004, after its chairman criticized Bush for being the first president since Hoover not to address the organization. Or if one was written in 2006 when they went after Greenpeace, threatening to pull their tax exempt status. Or maybe a letter of protest was written about the administration's near inquisition against the reporters who broke the wire-tapping story. In fact, the Justice Department considered invoking the Espionage Act of 1917 which is the archaic sequel to the John Adams-era Alien and Sedition Acts. The Bush FBI seized phone records — with no subpoena — from four American journalists, including Raymond Bonner and Jane Perlez.
But these are facts that I'm sure you know, since they are very public record. I just wanted to be sure you understand when you point a finger at someone, all your other fingers are pointing back at you.
2:17 PM Blogger: In the words of your idol Hillary, "does it really matter at this point?"
Your boy has been caught with his dumbo ears on your phone, and his thugs in your bank account, now that matters to ALL of us!
Impeach the criminal, fire holder, and return liberty to the Republic!
Tom Forduu
except that you and I both know that it DOES matter. And if Bush wasn't impeached for the war crimes be committed, then Obama won't be either. And Hillary is not my idol. I dislike her, as a matter of fact.
4:27 PM Blogger: Well if it matters to you then Obama MUST be impeached for Benghazi (lies to the American public, standing by to four murders,) as well as his blatant violation of the Constitution!
By the way, if your a fan ofr Obama then you must be a hillary6 fan because that is what your group (progressive / liberals) said about Bush and Rumsfeld, and you can't have it both ways!
Tom Ford
In case you don't care what your criminal does (and why don't you, getting a free phone are we?) the rest of us do!
Tom Ford
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10:23 PM Blogger: "I can have it any way I want it." Not here you can't! Please go to a liberal blog where you can be happy!
Tom Ford
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8:04 AM Blogger: Not real bright are you. I told you to play elsewhere with your Obama, liberal rubbish!
Tom Ford
17 year old and younger kids now OK for the "morning after pill" as Obama marches on!
I trust there is a special place in Hell for this type of thinking that would allow children to do as they please with no consequences!
Tom Ford
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