Up date on the condition of the lovely Linda and the broken femur.

Linda has been moved from St. Clair Hospital to the rehab wing of Bethesda Dilworth where she will undergo physical therapy for a couple of weeks to learn to maneuver with the latest medical devices that we hope will insure no more falls.
In the mean time the "independent" will be cleaning, moving furniture, throw rugs, and other assorted pitfalls that may prove hazardous to her getting around the house.
I now have the distinct dis-pleasure of being a "bachelor" for a bit, and just think, I have no place to go, and nothing to do except shuttle back and forth to "the home." That is what 47 years of wedded bliss will do for you. But, that said, I am including the following old "drinking song" for those of you who are still able to do the "pub crawling."
Tom Ford
NO. 2004
they are really good there, she will get excellent care.
How can I be of service to you?
Thank you to all. Time is what will be needed to fix this 'speed bump.'
What was it the Preacher said 47 plus years ago? Oh yes, "In sickness and in health, for better or for worse" well this is the worse part, and since it won't get any worse, we can handle it.
Attitude and time are the two most important things she can work to her favor, so the beat goes on.
Tom Ford
Can you give us an update?
7:49 AM Blogger: Than you for the question Tim. She continues to improve every day, but as it takes time to come back from three breaks (leg, pelvis and rib's) we really don't expect an "early release" from rehab.
If nothing further comes up in the next ten days or so we expect her to be able to demonstrate the needed mobility to come home.
Tom Ford
Linda returns home from the excellent care provided by Bethesda Dilworth rehab today.
In home care from now on, but we expect her to be back at the gym sooner rather than later.
Tom Ford
I bet she is ready to come home!
5:09 PM Blogger: That she is, and she did yesterday.
All in all she has been gone for three weeks what with the hospital, and rehab.
Tom Ford
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