Flag etiquette, the proper care of our National Ensign.

A reader asked for the proper way to display and care for the flag of the United States of America, so here it is.
The Flag of the United States of America is the symbol of our National pride and to those who fought under, and for it, a symbol of freedom and our resolve.
Over the years it has flown over many venues, and never has it been used as a symbol of American greed and, or colonialism. No, in fact it's been quite the opposite my friends. America has always "been there" to aid other Nations when disaster strikes, even though were never repaid in kind when we suffer a disaster ourselves.
Please take the time to read, and follow the proper way to display the Flag, and note that far to many young men and women have died for that flag to allow anyone to desecrate it.
Tom Ford
NO. 2009
Thanks for the sharing the rules of the U.S. Flag protocol.
Can we have our Code Enforcer verify that our U.S. Flags are being displayed correctly in our City in front of homes and on commercial properties?
Our U.S. Soldiers have died over holding our U.S. Flag high!
I see the U.S. Flag hanging at the Crestwood Swim Club.
Can our U.S. Flag be hung at any hours?
thanks for serving Our Country!
I think it is time to align our U.S. Flags.
Who shall we call when Our Flag is being hung improperly?
Please see the flag etiquette post on the original thread.
I think you need to call the people who are displaying it first, if nothing is resolved then contact the Crestwood Veterans committee at City Hall.
Tom Ford
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