The traveling Vietnam Wall will be at Lindbergh High School June 12 to the 16th. Please come, and bring the entire family!

The AVVT traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall, an 80% replica of the Wall (with all the names on it) in Washington D.C. will be at Lindbergh High School, arriving on June 12th and will be open for viewing and visitors from 1:00 PM, June 13, 2013 until the close of ceremonies (3:00 PM) on Sunday June 16.2013.
The Wall will be open 24 hours a day, and there will be staff members available to assist you in finding names of loved ones or friends on the Wall and assist you in tracing the name if you so desire.
For further information on the Wall, volunteer sign up sheets, and the times of each days
memorial services please visit:
I wish to thank the Sunset Hills Historical Society whose idea it was, as well as all the volunteers on the committee for their dedication and hard work in bringing this important part of American history to our area.
I ask that we take the time to visit and honor these brave men and women who gave up all their future days so we might enjoy ours with freedom and security. When you are leaving the Wall, please take one last look back for those who no longer can, may God bless and keep them all.
Tom Ford, U.S.N., (ret.)
Life Member, chapter 1028, Vietnam Veterans of America
NO. 2010
Please see the South County Times for the events at the Wall programs as well as dates and times of each.
You may also visit:* to sign up as a volunteer to assist at the Wall.
Tom Ford
Tom Ford
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Tom Ford
Show-Me Hero Salute invites you to the Vietnam Wall, the AVTT Traveling Wall June 12 to 16, 2013.
Please come to honor, respect and remember the members of the American armed forces who fought for our country and gave their all.
Whether you served in Vietnam, are related to someone who served, lived through the struggles of the Vietnam War, or just want to learn more about the war and those who served, this event is for you.
The AVTT Traveling Wall comes to South St. Louis County Missouri from Texas, provided by American Veterans Traveling Tribute with the mission to:
“Create a forum for communities to come together to Honor, Respect and Remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for their country and to educate all to the Cost of Freedom.”
See AVTT or go to the website for more about their service and organization.
Visitors to this Show-Me Hero Salute display of the AVTT Traveling Wall may look up the name of a soldier on the wall who died in the conflict, do a wall rubbing of the name, sit and contemplate, commiserate and console, or attend one of the daily programs that will be held.
This event is a chance to honor and reflect. Come for yourself and for the whole community. We want to make ourselves whole again. This is a chance to do so. It’s your chance.
See the Show-Me Hero Salute Mission Statement.
This display of the AVTT Traveling Wall will be free, open to the public 24 hours a day during its display period, and ADA accessible.
Learn more about the numerous organizations which are working together to bring the AVTT Memorial Wall to St. Louis under the name of Show-Me Hero Salute.
See event schedule.
See location of the display.
Learn more about American Veterans Traveling Tribute (AVTT).
Show-Me Hero's
Tom Ford
Saw all the flags lining Lindbergh at the high school on my way to an appointment. They are beautiful. I am pleased to see the people lining Watson Road for the procession as well. I think it's going to be a very successful event!
4:28 PM Blogger: Jean, it was a very good procession to Lindbergh High school, and it will be available for viewing at 1:00PM Thursday.
On behalf of the committee, thank you for your kind words.
Tom Ford
is there anything like this for Veterans of the Korean War?
11:09 PM Blogger: There is in Washington, DC. I do not know of a traveling tribute by it's self though.
There are some "adders" that can be placed near the Vietnam Wall but they really don't (in my opinion) do justice to the veterans the way the Wall does, or the Korean war memorial in Washington DC.
Come out and see the Wall, stop by the tent and we can discuss it in person.
Tom Ford
All went extremely well, thanks to all who stopped to see it, and by doing so honored the 58 ,472 on it.
Tom Ford
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