Obama orders Federal workers to spy on each other! (1984, all over again!)
Well there you have it my friends, if you work for the government you MUST do your duty to the regime and spy on your fellow co-workers!
I am really beginning to believe that rampant paranoia plagues our Fuhrer, no? What in the world would possibly induce anyone to order their fellow Americans to spy on one another besides that?
Well, there is one thing, and that would be that plans to convert our American freedom into "one world" thinking might be the order of the day at the highest levels of the regime, and he doesn't want the great un-washed to know it yet.
Tom Ford
NO. 2013
Well there you have it my friends, if you work for the government you MUST do your duty to the regime and spy on your fellow co-workers!
I am really beginning to believe that rampant paranoia plagues our Fuhrer, no? What in the world would possibly induce anyone to order their fellow Americans to spy on one another besides that?
Well, there is one thing, and that would be that plans to convert our American freedom into "one world" thinking might be the order of the day at the highest levels of the regime, and he doesn't want the great un-washed to know it yet.
Tom Ford
NO. 2013
What do you think about the Normandy and Riverview Gardens School District busing their students out of their districts instead of correcting their school districts?
1;36 AM Blogger: What do I think? Well, I feel sorry for the kids having to rise very early and being sent clear across town to a place they have no knowledge of.
Has anyone even thought about the stress and the strain of fitting into a new school that they have never seen before? Does anyone even care? Answer, no, not really.
The kids are always the ones to lose when a group of people (NEA / teachers) do not do the job they signed on to do.
What should have been done a long time ago was to fire the dead wood in that district and provide a safe and QUALIFIED school setting in which to learn.
The transfer students will of course be the ones who want to learn, and whose parents are concerned about their welfare, but what of the ones who don't transfer, what becomes of them?
Please understand that by failing to do their job properly the administration and the teachers have failed we the taxpayers as well as the children in their charge, pathetic at best!
Of course worrying about that would be out of the question as the NEA seems to be more important than the children they are charged to instruct, sad but true!
Tom Ford
wow. You seem to be an expert on education. I didn't realize that. Tell me how long you've worked in the field and your thoughts on merit pay for teachers based on how well they perform on state tests. This is a growing, touchy subject in education. Also, can you explain the NEA and their role in St. Louis education? What is their function? What exactly do they do?
9:51 AM, July 11, 2013 Anonymous
Explain what makes you an expert about education and what fault do you find with Mr. Ford's opinion.
Sounds to me like you dear poster have a vested interest something here, care to share what it might be?
I found no fault at all, which would be why I asked further questions. He spoke with authority, so it is my assumption that he has a connection to the field. Not once did I claim to be an expert on anything. Why are you so prickly?
Well spoken. Has anyone interviewed the students bused in the past 20 years? They miss their local friends. They can't join the after school programs in their neighborhoods. They are so tired from getting up early in the morning.
The answer is to correct the wrong in those two school districts (Normandy and Riverview Gardens).
All of the Administrators should be fired or let go immediately. Bring in a new team to build these two schools up to their certification.
It is has been before in Chicago and other cities. The administrators need to be accountable to their teachers.
Will these two districts close and cause the real estate property to decline to buy them out at a cheap price for a new TIF? Hmm! Was this planned by someone to get more property for their new development?
I hope that they test the students to place them in the right classrooms and grades. This is an embarrassment to our community and to other countries.
Another excuse to hire International workers. American schools are loosing their accreditations and busing some of them to other school districts.
Our Missouri Legislators needs to bring in an emergency team immediately to correct a wrong to save our community from further embarrassment and lost of jobs from future investors!
Would you relocate to St. Louis know that two large school districts are in trouble by the Boeing and Emerson plants?
It is time to write to your Missouri State Legislators to ask them to investigate how to get these two school districts up to standards to bring in jobs to our community.
Is this happening to other states?
If so, which ones?
Who is gaining by busing kids out of their community and away from their family members?
9:51 AM Blogger: I am married to a woman who had 38 years in the teaching field in three states.
I am now an instructor and proctor for the EPA recovery / handling of hazmat refrigerants and chemicals associated with them. I also teach the PEU courses that the County requires to maintain the mechanical license.
The NEA? Well, I have seen their act for the 38 years I spoke of above, and let's say IT WASN'T GOOD IN MY OPINION.
Tom Ford
Now this is interesting whether you believe it or not.
Is it possible? Well the IRS and Benghazi items should have never been "possible" but they did it, didn't they.
Tom Ford
so what does your wife think of merit based pay for teachers? With her long history in the field I bet she has a strong opinion. It sounds like a really bad idea to me, so I was just wondering.
8:26 AM Blogger: She feels it' a really poor way of evaluating as they will teach the MAP (Mo. Aptitude
Test) and not much more.
I agree, either we have teachers who can, and do preform, or we don't! If we don', well terminate them and get some who will.
Tom Ford
It is my opinion the the NEA has avoided merit based evaluation of teachers because the NEA's prime goal is to increase it's membership and there by increase it's political clout.
It is amazing that with the evidence that our schools are failing the students with sub standard performance scores,
that the NAE demands wage increases, reduced hours, reduced class sizes and more teacher assistants in their contracts.
Tell me one other union that can demand an increased in wages, lighter work loads, for it's membership while continuing to produce a substandard product (education of the students) and then will strike if they don't get what they want, harming the very students they claim to care so much about?
It is the bane of our country and society that we have allowed the NEA and to be honest other public workers unions to grow as they have to the determent of we their employers, IE: the tax payer. Just research the effects of public workers union on the state of Illinois.
p.s. anyone know the "squeal on your govt coworker hot line number"? I want to report a govt worker who is working harder than the rest of their peers and making them look bad.
12:25 PM Blogger: "It is my opinion the the NEA has avoided merit based evaluation of teachers because the NEA's prime goal is to increase it's membership and there by increase it's political clout."
100% correct! The NEA is nothing more than a liberal union that exists for the AD HOC purpose of feathering their own nest.
I believe it is time to end that farce as well as the department of "education," and get back to the fundamentals that served us so well in the past.
Prior to my retirement I interviewed high school graduates who had no idea what the capitol of Illinois or Missouri was, or where they were located.
That my friend is "outcome based education" at it's finest and until we rid our schools of that sort of P.C. thinking were sure to fall behind every other Nation on the planet!
The NEA doesn't care though as they will have "theirs" and to hades with everyone else!
Tom Ford
teachers must work with what they are given. Teachers cannot force students to try, to invest, to learn. Teachers cannot "make" anyone do anything. I am sorry to say this, but the last 2 posts are evidence of this: "it's" means "it is". "its" means possession of something. Apparently somewhere along the line, English lessons were not learned. Is it the teacher's fault? Were these grammar rules not taught? I have no idea, but the incorrect grammar is very evident, and it is very hard to listen to anyone bashing teachers who writes like that. I wonder if these grammar lessons would be better taught and learned in a class of 35 rather than a class of 20. I wonder if a teacher has a right to make a living wage. This is a trend that is so counter-productive. Many, many students perform well, and know plenty. The culture has changed in this country from when I came up. Parents are NOT doing their jobs, but it's all the teachers' fault. I wish someone would comment on here who actually is a teacher of kids currently who actually has to deal with this every day. I knew a lady who was a teacher and she told me a story where a boy's parents came to the school to defend the boy's right to yell "F you" at his teacher for "upsetting him". Really? They wanted his suspension overturned because the teacher obviously provoked him. In my day I'd have been "dealt with" at home for speaking that way to an adult. And this was the teacher's fault??
11:14AM Blogger: NO, teachers are paid to get results! No more liberal BS about it's the kids, it's the failure of the reacher (backed by the NEA) that' s the problem!
Tom Ford
so...if a student refuses to do homework, cuts class, talks back, fails tests, and generally does poorly across the board, it's the teacher's fault? How do you figure?
12:08 PM Blogger: It' the teachers fault for not having the disruptive student removed from the class, that's how.
I know, you will say they can't, well that goes to the NEA, and the administrators who refuse to do their job!
Tom Ford
removed from the class for how long? For the day? For the week? Sooner or later the kid will be sent back to class. He will still fail. So, what do the administrators do? Suspend him, suspend him, suspend him. Then send him to the district's alternative school, where he will continue to choose failure. Then he will be counted as a dropout statistic for the district. Mom and dad refuse to deal with it, even threatening law suits if their darling boy isn't treated "fairly". Your pat little answers are fine on paper, but simply saying, "it's their job. They need to do their jobs." is so simplistic it is almost amusing. I realize you do not have experience in the classroom, and neither do I. That is why I said I hope someone who has the experience will comment, because dealing with it day to day is not something you or I have the expertise to comment on with any validity.
What ever happened to Reform School? That's where students who refuse to obey the teachers need to be sent?
I'll tell you what, to continue to do what we are doing now which is raise teacher's wages and expect less improvement in their product isn't working. So spending more money is not the solution.
reform school isn't something I'm aware of as a current option, but I could be mistaken. Anyone out there know?
7:06 PM Blogger: I guess you know that all this started happening when it was decided to "main stream" the kids with mental problems into the class room, right?
Well this is but another in a very long line of "progressive / liberal thinking that has been a total failure!
Place the problem students into a setting where the teacher is trained to teach them what they can learn, let the students who want and need to learn do it minus the distraction of the disruptive.
Yes, it's the progressive / liberal bent that has created this monster, and we must stop it now before it's too late, and were fast getting to that point!
Tom Ford
so..you're a proponent of putting children with learning issues and disabilities in separate schools, and the "normal" kids in the current schools. What tests will be administered to determine who is "normal" and who is not? Would children with learning disabilities be put there, or only those with behavior issues? How severe an issue would qualify a child? What about a student with physical disabilities but no mental handicaps? Would the parents have to pass a test too? Because I am pretty well aware that parental involvement and expectations play a huge role in student achievement. Who would administer these tests? The districts? The state? A group of randomly chosen conservatives? You? Tell me, would those schools be "separate but equal"? There would have to be some federal laws that change a bit to accommodate your plan.
12:45 PM, July 16, 2013
To answer your question, isn't that what we have the Special School District for?
my understanding of them is that they service students in regular schools, and only a handful are educated in separate buildings.
There is the solution.
For the mentally and psychically capable students it's Special School District. For those not fitting either of the above its Reform School.
Kid and their parents have a choice, if their child is acting our because of its training or lack of same at home, it's Reform School.
If the child is unable to function in a regular school due to disabilities both physical and mental, it's Special School.
As for who decides, are you telling me that school districts are not testing their students for their level of IQ now? It would be the school district who in the case of the Special District decided. In the case of reform school, it would be the students school and if any police record.
Don't forget the it is the parents of a school district who elect the school board who rules the school district, not some "conservative: cabal.
12:45 PM Blogger: Typical liberal response, you really don't want to fix the problem, just wring your hands!
Tom Ford
well, I thought reform school disappeared in the 1970's. Where is there one in St. Louis?
"I thought reform school disappeared in the 1970's. Where is there one in St. Louis?"
You may very well be correct. And that's something that I believe should be changed to address the NEA's claims about parents not doing their job with their kids, which gets their members off the hook for their failures to teach.
Fine, lets get the NEA members off the hook, send the non Special School District problem kids to a Reform School staffed only with non NEA member teachers. Watch how fast these problem students turn their problem around.
The solution is out there, we just need to be bold and fearless enough to stand behind it.
Please write to the Missouri Dept of Education immediately and demand that the changes be implemented. It actually might be a solution. But please be sure to mention that all teachers must be screened for political affiliation from now on. We can't have any Democrats in the classroom.
I will chime in:
Is anyone really under the impression that teachers themselves makes the laws and rules for education? Just like in any other line of work, the suits at the top make decisions and teachers are mandated to implement those decisions. The difference is that many of the law makers in education have no background in the area they are making laws about. I think that's shameful.
Also, I saw this and had to comment:
"I am now an instructor and proctor for the EPA recovery / handling of hazmat refrigerants and chemicals associated with them. I also teach the PEU courses that the County requires to maintain the mechanical license."
While admirable, I'm sure, how does this in any way qualify you to talk about teaching 5 subjects a day to 5th graders? The two areas are not even in the same galaxy of teaching.
We can't have any Democrats in the classroom. Unless the are Reagan Democrats!
Blaming the "suits" for the failures of NEA teachers is typical use of labor vs management tactics of the left wing labor group.
Liberal talk show host backed by Russia. No surprise here.
Blaming the "suits" for the failures of NEA teachers is typical use of labor vs management tactics of the left wing labor group
Really? So when your boss' boss' boss tells you to do something, that the way you do your job is now this way, you just tell them where to get off? You refuse and say you like it better the old way, and their new rules and laws can go jump? I want to know where you work and how I can apply. That's a heck of a good gig you've got there. But out in reality where most of us live, we do what our superiors order or enjoy unemployment.
So I will ask you: if a teacher chooses NOT to belong to NEA, then they have the potential to be a good teacher in your eyes? What would you say if I told you that no less than 5 current teachers I know have said they have no use for the union, they belong because they need the liability insurance sue to parents constantly suing teachers and districts because Jr. didn't get an A.
I agree with that. My cousin's daughter teaches middle school in another state and she was in her room, teaching a class, when a fight broke out in the hallway between 2 students unrelated to her class. She didn't really know them. A parent of a student in her class at the time tried to sue the school and the teacher too because the teacher should have "anticipated" that there could be a fight and taken proactive steps to prevent it. These types of lawsuits are rampant in education, and they are insane. That case was thrown out. But the stress and fear of being sued is a constant, unending pressure on teachers now. I guess that's the teachers' fault too? I cannot understand this "bash the teachers" mentality so many people have now. If you're reading this at all, you can thank a teacher for that. Can you hold a job? Apply for a loan? Drive a car? Thank a teacher for that. Can you read? Write? Do math? Thank a teacher for that. Teachers are not shiftless, lazy parasites who sit around all day stuffing bon bons into their mouths while their students run wild. All of them I know are dedicated, hard working, well educated professionals who spend hours and hours seeking advanced degrees, grading papers, preparing lessons, and attending school events. This mind set is unfair and damaging to our children.
11:51 AM, July 17, 2013
B.S, pure B.S
well, that's your right. But do tell me, if your grade school teachers didn't teach you to read and write, who did? Were you home-schooled?
In the words of George Bernard Shaw,
"Those who can do, those who can't teach."
There are far too many who "can't" hiding out in the classroom today!
Tom Ford
“Teachers are expected to reach unattainable goals with inadequate tools. The miracle is that at times they accomplish this impossible task.”
Haim Ginott
“Modern cynics and skeptics see no harm in paying those to whom they entrust the minds of their children a smaller wage than is paid to those to whom they entrust the care of their plumbing.”
John F. Kennedy
There are "bad apples" in every profession on earth. Police, fire, military, and, I would guess, the HVAC industry. Making sweeping statements that an or all teachers associated with unions (or whatever) are worthless is one of the major problems in the country. Broad, sweeping statements that you actually believe. Teachers, for the most part, do what they need to do to navigate this new, insane world we live in. As do most police, fire fighters, military personnel, etc. Branding the whole profession because of a few is narrow minded and short sighted. If everyone did that, we would have no use for any profession, because there are idiots in every single one.
I love it, now we have the "bad apple defense".
so, your odd vendetta against teachers stems from where? You appear to hate all teachers, and feel that none of them are anything worthy of a second glance. Did you have a bad experience in school? Did you attend school? I am mystified why you keep vilifying an entire profession. Logic states that all teachers cannot be awful, yet you reject any thought that they are anything less than vile. Please fill in the background that has made you so bitter.
my mother, grandmother, and great aunts were all teachers, and I would love an answer as to why they were such awful people. I was unaware that they were. Please enlighten me.
2:10 PM BLOGGER: You knew them, I did not, so if they were that "awful," you will need to fill in your own blanks.
Tom Ford
1:04 PM BLOGGER: Gee, I hope the "worm union" doesn't become too upset!
Tom Ford
It was implied that they were inferior people because they were teachers. I was hoping for some clarity as to how that connection was made.
10:23 PM BLOGGER: Well, I was hoping that YOU would finally re-read my posts and see that I DID NOT classify ALL teachers as bad!
No indeed, I said that far too many who could not "do" were now in the classroom, and it's a fact, just look at the results!
The problem with you is that your wanting to read something that isn't there into the mix. Get some new glasses or take a reading comprehension course before you try verbal jousting with me!
Tom Ford
10:23 PM BLOGGER; Try reading this and report back to us on who would be at fault for the failing students.
Hint, they stand in front of the kids.
Tom Ford
OR...perhaps I was responding to the other poster who seems to have a deep vendetta against teachers? Perhaps I wasn't answering you at all? My reading glasses are fine, thank you. Next time I will be VERY SPECIFIC about to whom I am responding so that no one will become agitated and upset.
re 7:42 am post:
You are correct. The teachers are absolutely to blame. All of them, in every school in every district across the entire country. I noticed that many of the schools here that didn't do as well, though they showed improvements, are in high minority, low income areas. Poverty is linked to poor performance in school, but I still agree. It is all at the doorstep of teachers. The student that comes in hungry because he hasn't eaten since school yesterday, well, darn it, that's the teacher's fault. If that teacher was dedicated, he or she would have driven to that child's house, provided a hot dinner, then watched to be sure he had quiet, uninterrupted homework and study time. Then that teacher should have stayed to be sure he went to bed at a reasonable time, and not been up til 3 am texting and watching TV. And those other kids...the ones with parents in prison, who were up part of the night due to a drive by shooting, or the ones that spent the night in the ER because the 80 year old great grandmother who is raising them fell, well, the teachers should know how to prevent such things. There are never any factors out of teachers' control, and I completely agree with you. Teachers are supposed to provide safe and secure home lives for every single one of his or her students, not the parents or families. It's the teacher's job to be sure the child eats, sleeps enough, and gives a darn about education. It's the teacher's job to be sure the student understands cursing at adults and refusing to do what is asked is unacceptable, not the parents. I am glad you posted that. It is all clear now and I couldn't agree with you more. Your insight into the issue is enlightening.
you will also agree with this, as I do:
9:02 PM Blogger: Too cute by a half, but now what are you prepared to do to save these children? Throw more money after bad?
Why do the transfer students in the Lindberg district do so well, is it because they have better and more dedicated teachers? You bet it is!
As has been stated, my wife taught English in three states for over 38 years. If you want to know the reasons behind failing students, teachers, and school districts, ask her the next time you see her at the store in CRESTWOOD.
Tom Ford
I wonder, when did your wife retire?
9:22 AM Blogger: The last day of the semester that she worked.
Tom Ford
Food stamp assistance? TO WHO? Just great, and I bet Obama and holder move to do nothing about it!
Tom Ford
helpful. I meant in what year did your wife retire?
I am in agreement on the principal of what the welfare funds are supposed to be for. I also, however, understand the deep need to help one's family, and I cannot say that if I had family living in absolute poverty somewhere else, that I wouldn't do everything in my power to help feed them. If it meant using funds meant for me, then I just might. It would be very difficult knowing your mother is starving when powdered milk and sausage is the difference, I cannot say I wouldn't do the same thing. I cannot say because I have never been in that position.
10:48 AM Blogger: Of course it was helpful, 1997 to be more specific.
Tom Ford
11:53 AM Blogger: I guess you know that there is no money tree right?
We should help OUR OWN PEOPLE, not illegal's, not those who could (but won't) work, and not some relative in another country!
Were about to follow Detroit as a Nation, we can't afford to buy lunch for RESIDENT'S OF ANOTHER COUNTRY, especially when they hate us anyway!
This Nation is in serious trouble, if it is to survive we must STOP the criminal behavior, as well as the socialism now being exhibited, it just won't work much longer!
Tom Ford
thank you. 1997 explains a little bit of your dislike of current teachers.
3:58 PM Blogger: Are you admitting that the teaching profession has declined since 1997 ?
Sounds to me like you believe the current crop of teachers as not as dedicated or as motivated.
Surely you are not implying that the training of teachers has changed, and for the worse.
Tom Ford
I am only indicating that, if your wife stopped teaching before 2001, then she couldn't possible have had to live through the mess of trying to teach under current laws. She would have had no idea what it's like to work with the constant threat of having your salary tied to test scores. Do they tie firemen's salaries to how many fires they successfully put out? Police salaries to how many convictions their arrests lead to? Of course not. You cannot tie someone's salary and livelihood to the whims of others, even children. (that's why working on commission is so frustrating)Your wife didn't have to work under NCLB, and her districts were not not set unattainable goals, then punished for not reaching them. I was glad to know that your frame of reference is pre-2000, which means you genuinely don't have a clue what you're referring to. That is a good thing, since I really preferred to think that you hadn't decided that "all" teachers were worthy of your scorn, since you obviously don't know every teacher in the nation. I am relieved.
Humm, wasn't it Hitler who denied access to the opposition a few years ago ?
Tom Ford
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