The P. C. Police strike again in U. City (or how green is my asparagus?)
Just when I though we might have reached the zenith in political correctness yet another committee person comes to the fore to prove me wrong!
Folks, I give you yet another of a long list of complaints by those who would be, well, you tell me. Now we have the "asparagus police" on the lookout for what they deem to be 'racism' in the produce aisle! Can it be that yet another item is "stalking" a segment of our population?
OK, enough with the silliness, now have we not reached the state in the city and county where racism is (or was) a thing of the past? Must we ALL be reminded every day that we have different skin tones? And what possible difference does that make anyway?
A very long time ago I learned that color made no difference when it came to trust or respect, and during that time (and since then) I have tried to place my trust in the person, not the color.
Were ALL Americans here, were for the most part ALL "mutt's" due to the fact that MOST ALL of our fore fathers came from somewhere else to make this great experiment work. That said, can't we STOP the "hyphenated American" names place upon us by the progressive / liberal wing of this Nation and move ahead as ONE?
Think about it!
Tom Ford
NO. 2014
Just when I though we might have reached the zenith in political correctness yet another committee person comes to the fore to prove me wrong!
Folks, I give you yet another of a long list of complaints by those who would be, well, you tell me. Now we have the "asparagus police" on the lookout for what they deem to be 'racism' in the produce aisle! Can it be that yet another item is "stalking" a segment of our population?
OK, enough with the silliness, now have we not reached the state in the city and county where racism is (or was) a thing of the past? Must we ALL be reminded every day that we have different skin tones? And what possible difference does that make anyway?
A very long time ago I learned that color made no difference when it came to trust or respect, and during that time (and since then) I have tried to place my trust in the person, not the color.
Were ALL Americans here, were for the most part ALL "mutt's" due to the fact that MOST ALL of our fore fathers came from somewhere else to make this great experiment work. That said, can't we STOP the "hyphenated American" names place upon us by the progressive / liberal wing of this Nation and move ahead as ONE?
Think about it!
Tom Ford
NO. 2014
racial issues still exist, even if you choose to believe they don't. I agree, though, this article is utterly ridiculous.
7:03 AM Blogger: yes, sadly they do exist in some minds, (especially the mind of a guilt ridden liberal,) but on to the post.
That was the point of this thread. Articles like this, while utterly ridiculous, fan the flames of racism (in some minds) when there should have been dead silence.
Remember the fable of the little girl who cried wolf? Well, everything can't be racist now can it. Point being that if and or when REAL racism should happen, no one will pay attention to it.
Tom Ford
seriously, you are clinically obsessed with liberals. They take up so much of your thoughts, it's a wonder you can think of anything else. Chill, dude.
and you're right. real racism does exist, but I've never once seen it from "liberals". I have generally witnessed it from conservatives, running around screaming about "guns, God, and gays". Perhaps we have had very different experiences.
and before you launch, I am not a Democrat. I am fiercely independent. I call it like I see it, no matter who it is.
8:21 AM BLOGGER: figures, what,s wrong whith God and guns, or are you only allowing for your faith (?) and hobbies?
Tom Ford
11:39 AM BLOGGER: Well thank goodness Lens Crafters is still ope for you!
Tom Ford
8:21 AM, July 18, 2013
Got a problem with the lack of logic with your statement that
'I've never once seen it from "liberals". I have generally witnessed it from conservatives"
If you have never seen racism from liberals but generally IE: not always, sometimes it's not a conservative, who else do you see racism from?
You see the reason I ask that question is because today the only card left in the liberal deck they can play in their debate that liberalism is better than conservationism is the RACE CARD.
And you just played it.
Non conservative racism, why do these people hate Hispanics?
no justice no peace so get up off my street behead zimmerman
— CYLE aka CJ (@ALWAYS_CJ97) July 14, 2013
God telling me to behead zimmerman,
— Q (@NEGROHippy) July 14, 2013
Behead Zimmerman & make it ya new avi so I know it's real.
— yeenfreshazimiz. (@VanityIsSanity_) July 14, 2013
I want to fly down to Florida and decapitate George Zimmerman
— T Raw (@Taylor_Gangx3) July 14, 2013
They need to decapitate zimmerman nd put his head on show case.
— ThugLife™ (@TheRealLilStar_) July 13, 2013
Kill Zimmerman and anybody who supports him... And decapitate his lawyer.
— Tyrell McLean (@Tyrell_McLean) July 12, 2013
Why is this case even open? George Zimmerman should have been decapitated for all I care
— ✌ (@_UnorthodoxCxnt) July 12, 2013
George Zimmerman deserves to be shot, hung, decapitated, and burned. Racist pig. #SorryImNotSorry
8 tweets doesn't make a whole demographic racist.
I didn't bring up race, Mr. Ford did. I merely commented.
I assume the racism I have seen was from a conservative source, since most liberals don't have gun racks and Confederate flags in their truck windows. That is the group I have heard get pretty loose with the N word, calling Mexicans "wetbacks", Asian people "chinks", and so on. However, I may have made an incorrect assumption. If so, my apologies. Perhaps some of those people were, in fact of a liberal mind. I have, in fact, heard liberals say racist things, yes, and I have called them on it just as I have conservatives. My personal experience has been seeing it from conservative sources, but certainly not exclusively, which is what I believe I already stated. Mr. Ford is absolutely correct: people need to be judged on who they are, not their color.
2:05 PM BLOGGER: I am a devout conservative and I do not have a gun rack or a Confederate flag on my truck either!
I do however have a Vietnam plate, and American flags on it, does that make me a racist?
I see Detroit is about to file bankruptcy, is that the fault of conservatives? Democrat run City, hard to find a conservative there, no?
Point being (as I said before) not everything can be, or is racist!
Tom Ford
that is absolutely true. I can't imagine what Detroit had to do with this conversation, but okay.
Glad you have a Viet Nam plate on your car. I am baffled about the racist question in reference to your license plate. I guess I will wait for an explanation, as I see no connection between what I said and that.
"I assume the racism I have seen was from a conservative source."
Well, 2:05 PM, July 18, 2013, there's your problem.
Is the New Black Panther party racist?
Is the NAACP is racist?
Is the Nation of Islam (Black Muslims) racist?
Are any of the above conservative?
Have you ever checked into any of the above's websites?
How does having a gun rack in your pickup truck mean your a racist?
Does a African flag in a back window mean they owner is racist?
Does a song which calls for the "killing of whitey" a racist song?
Does calling someone a "cracker" mean the user of the word is a racist?
You are on very thin ice with your claim that conservatives are racist, I suggest you re think your position.
5:35 PM BLOGGER: Well some leftist 's back then said we were "baby killers," as we'll as impearlists who were jutst interested in killing and looting!
Since that was Vietnam, and since they were of Asian (pacific rim) decent, is it "racist" to commerste that event in my life?
Get it now? It just goes to the ""everything can't be racist! "
By the way, no less than Charles Barckly just cam ou in favor of the Zimmerman verdict, a voice of reason in a commotion of hate for hate's sake.
Tom Ford
6:20 poster:
maybe the gun rack doesn't mean one is racist, no, but generally it tends to point in that general direction when coupled with a confederate flag.
"Does a African flag in a back window mean they owner is racist?
Does a song which calls for the "killing of whitey" a racist song?
Does calling someone a "cracker" mean the user of the word is a racist?"
I did not bring up a single one of these things. You did. I know no one with "a" African flag. Since Africa is a continent, I wasn't aware it had a flag. Individual countries IN Africa have flags, however, so you'll have to get more specific.
Yes, "killing of whitey" is racist.
In some circles, "cracker" is also racist. It is a demeaning term for Caucasian people, generally poor white southerners, who were known to crack whips as their jobs, either at slaves or at animals. There are, I am told, parts of Florida and Georgia where it is not a racially charged word at all. So the answer to that is, yes and no based on who and where you are.
Please look again at what I said. I did not say all conservatives are racist, now did I? I said that the blatant racism I personally have witnessed, with my own eyes, appeared to have come from a conservative source, for the most part. Not all, just the majority of it. I also said it was an assumption I made based on the flag, etc. I then stated that perhaps I was wrong, and that the gun rack, confederate flag, and the regular use of the N word did in fact come from liberals.
Your inability to interpret what I said in no way means I am "on very thin ice." It means only one thing: you misinterpreted what I said.
If Obama had a city, it would look like Detroit.
9:02 PM Blogger: Well one thing is for sure and that is Detroit is a democrat controlled City, and Obama is a democrat.
Socialism does not work, it has never worked, and it never will work, period!
We now are at the tipping point where we only have 51% of the population working to pay for the 49% who aren't.
One more percentage point and, well you had best commence "clinging to God and Guns" as the problems will start when those who are used to free everything get nothing!
Tom Ford
here is some levity to temper such anger. I love the soldiers' take on this, and it's just plain fun! Just shows even in a horrible place fun can be had with reminders of home.
this is a better video, because you can see what the soldiers are imitating:
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