Thursday, August 22, 2013

Centrum offerds to allow the State EPA testing on phase one only, what about the other half?

Well isn't this a cute offer, Centrum allows the State to come in and test "phase one" only. I am sure he is aware that ALL the property should be EPA sanctioned before he goes ahead with any sawing, drilling, or digging, no?

Why phase one only Mr. Barket, and better yet how does my Alderman Mary S. feel about the project now that ONLY half of the "project" may meet EPA requirements ?

I live in ward 2 as do many others, fortunately not on the border streets nearest the Plaza so I may not have to worry so much about the part of the "project" that is not cleared by the State.

My question is what about those that do Mary, what can you possibly say to them to ease their fears, or is that a moot point with you ?

My response would be to vote with the Alderman who have done their homework Mary and force the issue with Centrum, what will YOU do for those that elected you to represent ward 2 ?

Tom Ford

NO. 2020


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:15 AM, August 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" what will YOU do for those that elected you to represent ward 2 ?"

Since when it is standard procedure for aldermen to do what residents want? I have yet to meet an alderman who even knew what his ward thought or wanted. They come to the table with their own agendas and that's what they advocate. If your aldermen in ward 2 know what residents think and want and then act to further those things, then you are very lucky over in ward 2.

10:17 AM, August 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Since when it is standard procedure for aldermen to do what residents want? I have yet to meet an alderman who even knew what his ward thought or wanted. They come to the table with their own agendas and that's what they advocate."

No truer words spoken.

10:33 AM, August 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as Phase 1 has a bunch of bowling alleys, count me in!

10:56 AM, August 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



Maybe the displaced bowling hall of fame would want to move back to STL?

11:18 AM, August 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:17 AM, August 22, 2013

I'm sorry you live in Ward 1.
How have you contacted your Alderman to tell them what it is you want?

11:58 AM, August 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ward 1 is represented by two of the most competent Aldermen on the Board.

12:57 PM, August 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How have you contacted your Alderman to tell them what it is you want?

unanswered email, unreturned voice mails.

1:03 PM, August 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am tired of the bullxxxx! If Centrum is willing to take the first step, what's wrong with that? I agree with the first commentor 9:15 am. Tom doesn't want anything to go through or even try to come to some agreement with the Developer. He is too busy making stories up on his blog and for sure half-truths. If we agree to cooperate with the developer to get something started, his blog will dwindle down to nothing. And this will discredit him so we can't have that.

He isn't thinking about cooperation with anybody. Further, he will never stop babbling about Centrum even if there is a compromise to get something going and it goes well - because he and Martha are joined at the hip and want everything their way or the highway. Sorry, but as long as they factor into any decision, there will be no compromise or agreement because that is just the way they are. Has nothing to do with what is fair, or right - to them it will always be wrong.

1:40 PM, August 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:40 poster:

Mercifully, none of this is up to Tom, is it?

4:41 PM, August 22, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:15 AM Blogger: You knew the rule here, you broke it, so all your self serving BRAVO SIERRA is history !

Tom Ford

5:33 PM, August 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please forget this idiot. Trust this lar. I think not.

10:35 PM, August 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bingo, Now were are talking outside of the box. All for it.
"Maybe the displaced bowling hall of fame would want to move back to STL?"
I would add the Dog Hall of Fame to Centrums holdings that way we could really say the dogs have gone to Crestwood instead of the opposite.
11:18 AM, August 22, 2013

Ward 1 is represented by two of the most competent Aldermen on the Board.
'So competent they didn't plan far enough ahead to see by voting when they did they couldn't see that a follow up vote would be needed, which had to be taken while they were on vacation and could not vote to push their position fwd. That's real competence.
And weren't both of Ward 1 aldermen involved in questionable behavior by meeting with 2 other Aldermen in meetings and not keeping records of what they said for the public to read?

And didn't both Ward 1 Aldermen vote to keep bringing (3 times) back up the vote on PGAV, which because their motion did not pass and they brought it up againit caused PGAV to resign from working with Crestwood because of all the bad press they were getting?

If you don't know the out come of the vote on a motion that critical, then don't make the motion!

1:07 AM, August 23, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:07 AM BLOGGER: Yep, that's about it,!

Tom Ford

5:56 AM, August 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"So competent they didn't plan far enough ahead to see by voting when they did they couldn't see that a follow up vote would be needed, which had to be taken while they were on vacation and could not vote to push their position fwd. That's real competence."

A Ward 2 Aldermen was one of the absences. Not like the 4 anti-development aldermen have perfect attendance or anything...didn't they all miss a scheduled work session on the most important issue facing the city? NONE of the current aldermen are blameless in how things got to the present state of affairs in the city.

"And weren't both of Ward 1 aldermen involved in questionable behavior by meeting with 2 other Aldermen in meetings and not keeping records of what they said for the public to read?"

No. Aldermen are allowed to talk to one another outside of meetings. They can also talk to other people who live in Crestwood.

"And didn't both Ward 1 Aldermen vote to keep bringing (3 times) back up the vote on PGAV, which because their motion did not pass and they brought it up againit caused PGAV to resign from working with Crestwood because of all the bad press they were getting?

If you don't know the out come of the vote on a motion that critical, then don't make the motion!"

The Board passed the Motion to work with PGAV TWICE on the first reading, but never could pass a second reading. Sometimes the mayor would decide to break the tie, sometimes he wouldn't. I think PGAV's frustration was squarely with the Aldermen who voted against them (read their withdrawal letter).

Finally, how would an Alderman know how the other Aldermen were going to vote ahead of time without talking to them to know how they were going to vote? NOW, you are starting to get awfully close to a Sunshine violation if you are discussing/planning vote in advance of a meeting.

6:54 AM, August 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:54 a.m. No PGAV's withdrawal letter never would come out and squarely speak against the vote of aldermen in any way; but I guarantee you that John Brancaglione squarely stated in the press (I read it) that PGAV was tired of working with Crestwood on this issue which was getting nowhere, and they were tired of all the bad press with their name involved.

First of all, when you figure at one time we relied on PGAV's expertise in many of Crestwood's ongoing issues; it was like a slap in the face to keep waiting for a final decision by the city, and then the final blow - to have all of the adverse negativity involved with the press and their name associated with the City was another bomb. When you stop and think of the press, who are at every board of aldermen meeting, quoting John Brancaglione who stated (and I read it) that PGAV was getting a bad Rap. because their name was linked so many times with this on-going, dog and pony show regarding the mall and the board. When the Board and Mayor are not able to get to square one it becomes a joke to many of us.

The first step to getting started on the Mall project was to get PGAV voted on. The first step in doing their preliminary work. So what about the letter of resignation - that letter was not going to elaborate on all of the bad professionalism shown by city officials and their inept ability to start the ball rolling.

You can debate this issue with Martha or Tom Ford until the cows come home - they are like concrete that will never crumble, and they will never change their minds. And the pot keeps stirring up and getting hotter and hotter. I can guarantee you that all the mortar and brick and wood will fall off of that mall and they will still never budge. But they do not represent all of us.

The press reaches out to more people than those who are privy to reading a resignation letter and I know what I read. Those were John B's words and they were not misconstrued. To me after all of the time and energy PGAV has given to Crestwood in all of these years, that is what this board and mayor did to its honest and faithful business constituents. They broke their trust and stepped all over them. Now PGAV's name has been associated with a bunch of Crestwood no nothings!

John B and PGAV were tired of all the negativity on this board PERIOD! So don't soft petal the issue. Of course, Mr. Ford and company, are never wrong so, they could care less about PGAV, about prior commitments and showing Crestwood in a negative manner. Nobody else matters.

11:41 AM, August 23, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:41 AM BLOGGER: Did you know that Mr. B. himself warned against doing only phase one of the mall? If so, what do you think about the Centrum plan to allow phase one checks only?

Tom Ford

12:46 PM, August 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom's been wrong, he voted for Roy and supported the election of Mary for Alderman of Ward Two.
Now, whats you next issue about Tom?

12:54 PM, August 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well shucks 11:41! Temper! Temper!

Well we should have just let PGAV do their thing and let the developer do their thing too. Heck, why do we have a board? Just hire some purchasing managers and rubber-stamp whatever they want to do!

Whatever happens I know will be the best for Crestwood. LOL! Once this wonderful development is complete, maybe we can all meet at the new bowling alley for a prayer meeting with MCU!

1:04 PM, August 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Tom's been right sometimes, Tom's been wrong sometimes. Hard to say he was wrong about the last election in Ward 2. The other candidate's history seemed to display a lack of good judgment. Ward 2 was also the last Ward to have ANY candidates file to run for office. Anyone who lives there can only blame themselves if they don't like their choices. Step up next time.

1:07 PM, August 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:54 PM

Yes, voting for Roy was wrong. Guilty as charged. Mary needs an understanding of the Sunshine Law. No great shakes - just a refresher course.

1:07 PM, August 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom is like the rest of us, we have all been right and sometimes wrong in our lives.
The only political mistake I think he ever made, and he's got lots of company with him and that is he voted for ROY FOR MAYOR .

But all is forgiven Tom!

11:23 PM, August 23, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:23 PM BLOGGER,: Indeed that was a classic, I was wrong the second time when I observed him in full bloom !

Mary has but a short window of opportunity before I move for a course correction there.

Mary, may I suggest a Ward 2 meeting, and very soon ?

Tom Ford

6:43 AM, August 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that you might be think of former ward 1 alderman? You know, the one that meet privately with Centrum. You know, the one that shows up with her buds (other former Alderman) and complain that we aren't moving forward. Almost makes you wonder why one would not run for a position that would directly effect this project moving forward. I guess you can't get in hot water if you are offered something from the developer. Just wondering ex-ward 1(Duncan), ex-ward 2(Pickle), ex-ward 3(Roby), ex-ward 4(Beasley), and former mayor(Robinson).

10:26 PM, August 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MARK your calendar:


#5 Presentations: Environmental Cleanup
Speaker: MO. Dept.Natural Resources


6:01 AM, August 25, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:28 PM Blogger: Well I wasn't thinking of them (God knows I try not to) however, if they knew so much, why did they either not run again, or fail to be re elected?

Think about it.

Tom Ford

6:10 AM, August 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait! MO State DNR coming to do a presentation on Brownfield Cleanup? Tax Credits? Thought that's what was used at Northwest Plaza and wasn't needed.

9:37 PM, August 25, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:37 PM BLOGGER: yep !

Tom Ford

2:56 PM, August 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah a Starbucks moment....

1:52 PM, September 07, 2013  

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