Friday, August 23, 2013

EX Alderman John Foote opines on "our safety" in crestwood.

As we all know Mr. Foote has for years been the champion of tax increases for ALL in Crestwood. He was the main source of chatter reference the infamous "bridge to nowhere" that had to be built to stave off canopy fires starting in White Cliff Park (remember the show on the Dias ?)

Now I have seen and heard this "we must increase taxes" for some time now, we didn't, and were still here, how is that ?

I would agree that it would be nice to have a raise for our valued employees, and I for one would champion a 5% tax of the sort we had with Prop S. However, I want rock solid insurance that ALL of the taxes raised will go to employee cost of living raises, and not to some pet idiot project we don't need.
Show me that, and you have my support 100%

I do however take issue with the statement that our safety is in trouble. We have the most professional Police and Fire personnel to be found in St. Louis County, bar none !

In case you don't know it, the response time to a call is three minutes or less (that includes dispatch time,) emergency "code" calls are less.

How do I know this ? Well, I asked for a report from the Police Department, I spoke to them when it was ready, and that's what you get for your buck now.

Face it folks, the Plaza will not produce a dime for at least 3-5 years after the start OF ground breaking (WERE NO WHERE NEAR THAT NOW, AND FOR GOOD REASON.)

May I suggest that instead of telling us our safety id compromised Mr. Foote you thank a public safety officer the next time you see one for the excellent job they really are doing.

Tom Ford
NO. 2021


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will agree with Tom. John has been asking for a tax increase constantly, and it is bush league to prey on people's fears and claiming we aren't safe to advocate for a tax increase.

HOWEVER, if anyone takes the time to read the entire budget (link above), the commentary and the five-year plan are very troubling. There is no question that revenues need to go up, or services need to be cut. Will the sky fall down if a tax increase is not approved this year (or next)? No, and Crestwood can probably make it a few more years before action is needed. Those few years should be utilized to get the development at the mall site up and running so sales taxes provide the extra revenue needed, not a property tax increase.

The city, at the time of the drafting of the 2013 budget had this to say about the development (seems so long ago now):

"As this budget is being drafted, Centrum Properties is moving forward with the redevelopment of
the Crestwood Court property. It is the City’s hope that the redevelopment project is a huge
success, which will in turn help improve the future sales tax revenues for the City."

3:08 PM, August 23, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:08 PM BLOGGER: I think Centrum is a goner. Time for them to sell and let the next group go for it.

Ones thing though, whomever develops that ground MUST clean u ALL the toxic materials now on , and in the grounds, Centrum only seems to want to do the relatively clean part.

Tom Ford

4:50 PM, August 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, you might be right but how much is the TIF? 31 mill give or take a few? Seven or eight months and the political landscape may change. That's a lot to walk away from.

6:32 PM, August 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our police force is top heavy too many desk Jockeys.

6:51 PM, August 23, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:32 PM Blogger: It's a total of 34 Million, and they want it from US ! (we are not the ones with the interest payment, they are, so hold fast.)

If they are so good why not do it the old fashioned way, PAY FOR IT THEMSELVES. All hat and no cows maybe ?

Tom Ford

6:52 PM, August 23, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:51 PM Blogger: Not really, go up there some time and look for yourself.

We have 26 sworn officers, enough to cover the shifts and sick days, and vacations.

In no way are they over staffed (unless you want the response time to increase by the square.).

Tom Ford

6:56 PM, August 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If they are so good why not do it the old fashioned way, PAY FOR IT THEMSELVES. All hat and no cows maybe ?"

It would be nice if the world worked that way, but it doesn't. It would be nice if companies still hired people for 30 years and gave them full pensions, but they don't. Wishing for "the good old days" and refusing to play by the new rules (however unfortunate those rules might be) is short-sighted.

34 million? It's not like that goes to their bottom line--it's all demo, utilities, environmental, etc. It's not like they are getting it built for free--they are taking out a construction loan for tens of millions, and putting in tens of millions in cash. Companies don't invest 100 million in something they expect to fail.

9:23 PM, August 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fear is the classic selling point. Fear can make decisions for you. Fear can work you into a frenzy. Fear can rally folks into a tax increase. Well played John. Well played.

9:40 PM, August 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Mr. Foote my suggestion is you get Mary Chubb to send Crestwood some money since she is always asking for the City to ask her for help. And former Alderman Beasley, Pickel, Robbie and Duncan, they can pay double the amount they owe in taxes to Crestwood. If for no other reason than to pay back what the city paid them as Alderman since they all quit and the City didn't get it's moneys worth while they were in office. There is no law against that! Since our rate tax rate is low, all of you who are pro Centrum proposal can afford to pay twice what you really owe the city. Put your money where you mouth is.

11:20 PM, August 23, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:23 PM BLOGGER,: In case you missed it, the folks with the storage facility asked for a TIF, they were turned down.

Guess what, they are building it anyway! Wha about the Chicago hot shot?

All hat and no cows !

Tom Ford

6:32 AM, August 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:20 Amen!

8:32 AM, August 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@6:32 am


Didn't they build/are building on empty land? That is WAY different then knocking down an enormous mall and turning it into a modern development.

Centrum's TIF request at first blush appears to be reasonable, but needs to be fully vetted. A storage facility asking for TIF? Ridiculous.

I'm glad that didn't go anywhere, and I don't there would have been ANY community support to use TIF to build a storage facility. TIF should be used sparingly, and only when necessary to develop key properties that are blighted. Like the enormous eyesore in the middle of the city.

8:45 AM, August 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, from what I heard, it was going to be built on empty land. I think they were asking for tax abatement - not sure if it was TIF, but it was for a tax break.

10:13 AM, August 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 Chief
1 Deputy Chief
2 Lieutenants
3 Detectives
4 Sargents
26officers -11supervisors =15patrolmen/4 =4.25patrolmen per shift.
Does that mean that Monday-Friday we have 5 supervisors for 4 patrolmen?
Well I'm sure that is needed. Most places I have worked the supervisors out number the employees.

10:41 PM, August 24, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:45 AM Blogger: "Didn't they build/are building on empty land?"

Why yes they did, but did Centrum not know there were buildings on the property when they bought it ?

This was a sad tale of the "bubble" bursting right after they bought the property, (not to mention a worse one to close the mall.)

They bought it with wide open eyes, they knew or should have known what they were getting into, and now when it's a "problem" they want US to bail them out, NO WAY SOL !

Centrum want's to be big shot's in the market, I say, "show us what you got," build it and see if anyone comes at over 10% tax on the dollar.

That's a lot of bowling balls to toss to pay off 34 Million dollars, no ?

Tom Ford

6:28 AM, August 25, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:41 PM Blogger: Every one of the supervisors are sworn officers who can and do fill in for others when needed (sick, vacations, ETC.)

May I suggest that YOU ask for a "ride along" and get some real time idea of how a police department functions ?

Not all the time and efforts are spent on the street's. Paperwork is a very real part of the job, and it takes officers to do it.

Do you really want YOUR neighborhood left unattended while the "non patrol" work is completed ? I doubt it.

Tom Ford

6:43 AM, August 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deffinately top heavy four detectives for 11,000 people? I d love to see their workload. Whenever there's any kind
Of real crime all I see are St. Louis county crestwood.time to bring county in..likeFenton many Crestwood cops live in Crestwood Tom? Numbers please..

8:13 AM, August 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is rich, we have got John Foote warning us our safety as provided by our police is going away with Centrum's proposal being approved, and on the other hand a poster telling us Crestwood Policed Dept is over staffed.

And people are upset with the BOA for not moving forward?

9:37 AM, August 25, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:13AM BLOGGER: I have no idea how many live in Crestwood, I do know THEY KNOW CRESTWOOD, County does not, nor do they care !

Don't like good police work ? move to Fenton!

To Ford

9:59 AM, August 25, 2013  
Anonymous Sandra Grave said...

I agree with Tom on this one. I 100% agree with him and know from where I speak. The only problem I have seen in the PD was the police chief hired after Mel Loyd retired. That was where the problems started. All other departments were sticking to their rigid budgets but not him. His ego alone filled the whole room. Police cars you mention? He is the one that wanted more cars, and he had the CA at that time under a spell to give him anything he wanted. He thought he could get everything and anything and it was true. All he had to do was snap his fingers and the CA gave it to him wrapped up in a pretty bow. The CA would force the finance officer to find the money to give this stooge whatever he wanted all the while knowing we were working on a shoestring. Sorry but it is true. So whoever you are, leave Tom alone on this one because he knows what he is talking about. And Fenton isn't too far away so the price of gas should not be a problem for you.

Tom I am sorry and don't blame you if you don't print this as I have been very critical of the Mall; but the previous comments are out of line. I worked there for over 30 years and I know exactly what went on.

That's another reason why the old finance officer, the good one we had, got canned because he didn't flat out tell the CA "No I will not find money in the budget for DG to get whatever he wanted". Thus when the CA got canned, so did the finance person who was a super guy.

11:25 AM, August 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What was the important event in your life?

Last time you played with your grand kids, or when Don Greer (DG) was Chief of Police.

I hope it was playing with your grand kids.

2:30 PM, August 25, 2013  
Anonymous Sandra Grave said...

2:30 PM Of course, it was playing and babysitting my grandchild. I have one grandchild and he is 17 now and the greatest kid thus far. He knows what respect means and I am proud of what kind of person he is. Yes! You are correct - and we are the happiest when he is around as well as our daughter and son-in-law.

But........ How can you forget a tyrant! DG ruined so many careers for all the wrong reasons. He wanted control of everything in Crestwood City Hall, not just the Police Dept. He should have never been hired by the CA. However, the CA didn't check him out like he was asked to do by the Mayor at that time - Pat Killoren. Chief Loyd did his own check and told me himself about the bad report he got. Mel was furious about it. But the CA didn't want to hear it. Mel tried to tell him and so did I. But I was chastised for it and kept it to myself.

Then I saw for myself what was happening. Chief Kramer came to my office one day, and told me that soon I would have a different CA who wanted Kent's job and I thought he was kidding. But Kramer told the truth and I saw the great DG end up as CA. Now the next phase of his plan was coming together. He got all his own people, messed up the careers of several cops because he didn't want smart cops he wanted cops who he could control. He didn't want me working for him because I was too old and knew too much.

He made me sick and people lost their jobs or were demoted and by him and many finally left or retired.

Nope, he told me himself that "this is Don's world and I will do as I want" while slamming his hand down on his new desk in the CA's office. He got what he wanted, and "the girl" and he controlled everything.-- he bit the man that hired him and got to be CA.

I am glad I retired when I did; but I don't forget people that make a life out of hurting others just because He wants to be somebody important! Sociopathic for sure.

But I loved my job and loved all the good residents I met along the way. I love this city and hope we can thrive again some day.

Life after city hall has been good, but I will never get over what happened. Crestwood was special to me in every way - but I saw things happen and people that sickened me and DG was one them.

Thus now you know why we have all the police cars, and much more he got for his dept. while other department heads did the honorable thing and kept their budgets in tact.

That's what I know and I hope I can see a new mall some day and I hope our employees are happy and safe in their jobs with no layoffs.

That's all folks!!!!!!

4:44 PM, August 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But Tom, You forgot the five dispatchers, records clerk, and police secretary. Now I know we recently combined the secretary's for police and fire, but lets look at those hours. 40 hours from the record clerk during the same time the other "non patrol" officers are at work. 20 hours from the police secretary just because they split time between police and fire during the same time the other "non patrol" officers are at work. 168 hours which represents the 7 day 24 hours that dispatch is covered by 5 dispatchers, looks like some over lap in hours there. I'm not say we should go to county for service. I'm saying its time to look at all departments. I know you have said your son is a Crestwood cop and you may take this personal, but it is not meant to attack you. Only point out that on some issues everyone has their eyes wide open, and others they stick their heads in the sand and say nothing is wrong. If the Chief was doing his job he would be adjusting his department to our current conditions as our Fire Chief has. Bravo Chief Menning, status quot from the other.

4:48 PM, August 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now in the midst of everything else, you want to compare how the police chief is doing his job versus the fire chief?

Looks like this should be something the new CA should be taking a look at. How do you know the inner workings of those departments? You must be the one who can take care of all things; therefore, you must be the one who dictates to everyone including the new CA.

Sounds to me like you have an inside connection of some sort.
It also sounds like you are making your own choices as to who you want to fire and who you want to stay.

I guess you have everything under control. Right? Whatever you say gets done? Is that it?
I guess then you will manage somehow to get the police chief fired like you managed to get others fired.

10:19 PM, August 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sandy, when was the last time you posted about Don Greer?

When was the last time you posted about your family?

One is dead, theother are still living and growing and producing ore family for you.

Why get your shorts in a knot 10 years after the issue of DG should have been to bed by you with his death?

It's your time Sandy, and you can spend it the way your want. But like all of our time, it is limited. Why spend 5 seconds thinking on DG with this limited time?

At your funeral Mass do want people to talk about how great a family you raised or how you could never let go of your anger at DG?

It is you life, live like you controlled it.

Just a thought.

10:53 PM, August 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The police chief brought disgrace
and a lot of adverse publicity to our Crestwood. Not to mention yet another 'behind' doors settlement. It's time the CA asked some questions and practiced a little due diligence with his managers.

6:31 AM, August 26, 2013  
Anonymous Sandra Grave said...

10:53 PM 8/25 You are 100% right whoever you are! You are probably the only one who has given something positive to think about on this blog. I want to thank you so very much for doing that. Whoever you are, and no matter how you may feel personally as far as my opinions, you have shedded light and given me something to think about. I woke up today thinking about the next three days of Chemo that my husband has to go through for his cancer which started this April; I looked on this blog and read your words from someone I don't know. This is really the first nice thing I have heard today and I am so sincerely grateful.

6:31 a.m.8/26 I agree that it is time for our CA to practice some due diligence. We need a strong CA who has the ability of making changes for the good at City Hall. He needs to do lots of it and make it a better and happier place to work. Positive reinforcement and many meetings with his department heads. Ask questions and get involved and not rely on anyone else for his assessments. Being a military man, he should be use to that.

Thanks again 10:53 - you have made my day.

12:04 PM, August 26, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:48 PM BLOGGER: There is no police sec. It' a pool position now.

Tom Ford

4:02 PM, August 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks Ike there's a lot of 'pool time' available....when you do the math...what's the CA doing to investigate spending?

5:52 PM, August 26, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:52 PM BLOGGER:Two things that can go are:

Animal control...........$50K

Sappington House:..$25 plus K

Now there is a great start !

Tom Ford

6:14 PM, August 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need animal control to control the feral animal problem in the Mall..(grin)

7:25 PM, August 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:19 PM, August 25, 2013
"So now in the midst of everything else, you want to compare how the police chief is doing his job versus the fire chief?"
I would like to compare good employees to sub-par employees.

"Looks like this should be something the new CA should be taking a look at."
I would hope he is.

"How do you know the inner workings of those departments? You must be the one who can take care of all things; therefore, you must be the one who dictates to everyone including the new CA."
So you don't feel left out you should try Oh no, now I have let my "secret in" out of the bag.

"Sounds to me like you have an inside connection of some sort.
It also sounds like you are making your own choices as to who you want to fire and who you want to stay."
As stated before try going to the web site that gives you the department structure either in their department or in the budget.

"I guess you have everything under control. Right? Whatever you say gets done? Is that it?
I guess then you will manage somehow to get the police chief fired like you managed to get others fired."
I would like to think so. That is whatever I say gets done. Who's been fired? Last person I recall was an officer a while back that was told he should change religions or get his wife's tubes tied.

That is just police. You can also look at Public Works and Parks and Recreation. I wonder if my employer would agree to allow me to continue to get paid the same and not have anyone to supervise?

11:13 PM, August 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for an Independent Audit.If only to shut every one up.

9:31 AM, August 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:13 PM As I see it, we could retire the new CA and let you do all the head chopping and make all decisions on the operations of the city. That's what you do best. There were some good people who quit or who were fired at city hall just lately and you cannot find them on I just remember one who got up at a boa meeting explaining to everyone what goes on in one department. But they didn't refer it to the civil service board, or even mention and it a year ago. I saw her and heard her! Again, nothing done. Whether it's PW or P&R or any department, you control.

10:12 AM, August 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:13 PM You are the one who needs to go! You are the one who will tell the CA what to do but you consider yourself the absolute fair-minded controller of the whole city. Indeed, you are the worst. There is nothing fair about how you consider people good or bad at their job. If a department head gives you an opinion that doesn't come up to what you feel, they can be let go. Before you had Chief Kestler you gave orders to and he followed them; now you got the new CA who does the same thing. You have no earthly reason for getting employees fired only rule being they have to have the same opinions and do what you say. If those things are not followed, they can kiss their jobs good-bye. Not only in one department but in any department. You want to override every department head. So if you can do this to all city employees including department heads, I would say, who is watching you. You obviously are not doing your job since you are watching every body else. I can guess who is next on the chopping block, and when it happens, I won't be surprised.

12:17 PM, August 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@10:12 am

Both current employees? If so, that explains a lot.

Sometimes it seems like there are north county municipalities run better than Crestwood....

1:21 PM, August 27, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:25 PM BLOGGRT,:Oop's I forgot about them !

And what about the animals that break out of Grant's Farm after dark ?

Then there is the dreaded canopy fire at White Cliff to contend with !

By the way, I have it on good authority that John Sappington is not coming home, so sell the house and barn please.

Tom Ford

2:52 PM, August 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can a City sell something that as federal recognition as historical site?

3:44 PM, August 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's a great way of getting rid of the Mall 3.44....
I'm calling S ol right now...

4:17 PM, August 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:12 AM
12:17 PM
I don't know who you think I am but clearly your meds are off. I wish I could respond with a rebuttal but since I have no idea what you are talking about, I will chalk it up as a mental snap. How you get information from the budget/web site to what ever you are talking about, I don't know. However, I do recall the audio that had an ex-employee that seemed to be disgruntle. Imagine that. If I recall she was with the City less than 6 months and was terminated. Apparently that is one of the "good people" you were talking about.

7:49 PM, August 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:12 AM
12:17 PM
I don't know who you think I am but clearly your meds are off. I wish I could respond with a rebuttal but since I have no idea what you are talking about, I will chalk it up as a mental snap. How you get information from the budget/web site to what ever you are talking about, I don't know. However, I do recall the audio that had an ex-employee that seemed to be disgruntle. Imagine that. If I recall she was with the City less than 6 months and was terminated. Apparently that is one of the "good people" you were talking about.

7:51 PM, August 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@7:51 PM

I think that 10:12AM/12:17PM wants to go back to the days of tight sweaters, leather pants, and inappropriate behavior.

8:54 PM, August 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7.49...I don't think you mean the Old CA do you ? she got a bucket full of money and a non disclose didn't she? .Perhaps that's why our new CA seem to be soooo quiet.

7:04 AM, August 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog is like a car wreck. It's horrible but you can't look away.

10:42 AM, August 28, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Ladies and gentlemen, the posts by Ms. Grave appear to refer to a previous administration that she was familiar with.

They are NOT referencing the current C/A or police chief.

Tom Ford

12:35 PM, August 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

2:38 PM, August 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. Maybe this means that maybe there is other information and things going on that we don't know about with the other employees no longer at City Hall. Maybe it is good for Crestwood that they are gone also.

2:47 PM, August 28, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:47 PM BLOGGER: The C/A has done an excellent job of culling the heard so to speak. The man has the back ground, and he has made adjustments where needed.

Before I retired we (7 of us) did 15 million in sales with no problems, and that included sales, delivery, and service.

He saw the opportunity to save us money, and he took it, what more could we want ?

Tom Ford

4:51 PM, August 28, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Let's give the Sappington House to the County, they re partners now as it were, so .........?

Tom Ford

4:58 PM, August 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@2:38 PM
Then I guess she didn't tell you she was given the choice of which one she wanted to continue to do. But don't blame her, its all that mean C/A doing his job. How dare he not let her have her cake and eat it to.

9:54 PM, August 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we should fire every single employee of Crestwood and let the 37 police officers run the city. We can close city hall and move everything to the police station. The firefighters who haven't run for the hills can help. Then no one on here would yelp about city employees because we all know police and fire are the only employees any city needs.

10:04 PM, August 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am shocked, shocked, SHOCKED that there is any hint of tarnish on any Crestwood city employee. We have been told that we have the creme de la creme of city employees - perfection at every level. As residents, we should kiss the ground they walk on. After all, according to the mantra by some at silly hall, the city exists for its employees. The best of the best. We should spare no expense. Raise taxes on every level! Immediately! This is an emergency!

10:12 PM, August 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sell Sappington House??? Tom! How could you think such a thought! Why I remember taking my family to that wonderful local treasure. There we had tiny sandwiches, cups of water, slow service, and a hefty bill. Then we were given the (yawn) exciting (yawn) tour (yawn) by someone who was dressed in vintage clothing who was more excited than we were. Afterward, my family was so impressed, we went to the Pasta House - not to eat of course - but to discuss the wonderful visit we had.

10:21 PM, August 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You took advantage of Crestwood, the Sappington house and the people who cared about you.

The horror!

That was the 11th commandment you know - thou shall not take advantage of the Sappington House. God is mad now. I hope MCU can pray us out of this mess!

10:25 PM, August 28, 2013  
Anonymous At last a lite a candle in the dark said...

Poster 2:38 PM, August 28, 2013
Thank you for telling the truth! You are spot on!
If those who read this thread see a Code problem that was never taken care of you can blame the Former ambassador for not doing her job as Code Enforcement Officer.
Roy R appointed her to both those positions based on the recommendations from then CA Frank Meyer. A job she had no skills for, no training and frankly, the guts to do it right once she had been trained.

Think the Mall and maybe your neighborhood was starting to look a little rough around the edges? Trash can being left our for more than 24 hrs after or before scheduled pick up day, trash in the car ports, the empty house next to yours having broken windows allowing rain, animals and vagrants access? Grass not being cut down the street? Siding on a home across the street flapping in the wind and it's gutters falling off? You can thank Roseann Shannon for that. Remember seeing trash and weeds sit behind or around a business, thank Roseann. She was too busy being our ambassador.
She had the nerve to say it wasn't her job to LOOK for these problems but to act on them ONLY when they were reported to her! See she was too busy at the Sappington House being ambassador.(this does not mean the Sappington House, the Barn or the Library were at fault, they were not.Shannon acted on her on and was allowed to by the two full time CA's of the City)

See any of those problems now, tell our CA, Mark Sime, and watch how fast the problem is addressed now. Oh and if you have the time and you run into Roseann doing her job for the 1st time in years, ask her why Wendell Hill is retiring, and why the former finance officer left? She is connected to both events!

Mark Sime is cleaning up the mess and total lack of effectiveness and efficiency at City Hall going back to where this mess started under CA Lietchlighter. It was never fully addressed by any CA since then.

Again poster 2:38, thank you again for your post.
You were not the not the only one suckered by Roseann into feeling sorry for her.

1:43 AM, August 29, 2013  
Anonymous At last a lite a candle in the dark said... said...

Make that
"Shannon acted on her own and was allowed to by the two previous full time CA's of the City)

1:48 AM, August 29, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:21 PM Blogger: Yes indeed, sell the joint !

Tom Ford

6:05 AM, August 29, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10.04 Better Idea. Let county come in and catch shoplifters in Kohls..and charm cats out of trees...oh and catch the solar light Bandit.(all within the allotted 3 minute time constraints.

The chief can retire to his compound by the lake in Jefferson county..and mull his future...

7:06 AM, August 29, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:43 "Roy R appointed her to both those positions based on the recommendations from then CA Frank Meyer. A job she had no skills for..."

Roy did it again when he appointed the police chief. Both appointments were not recommendations from CA Meyer; Meyer was told by Roy R and obeyed

8:35 AM, August 29, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:54 8/27 Well, Well some more tripe from someone. Jealousy will get you nowhere. Tight sweaters and leather jeans? They are still selling them like crazy at dept. stores. But one thing you cannot purchase is Inappropriate Behavior by the highest person who is voted in to run the city. The highest of all who run for office. All covered up by the newspapers and board of aldermen members 2003.

9:18 AM, August 29, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of you should stop dwelling on the past so much and focus on the future.

All of the people you complain about are dead, retired, or gone. There are new employees and leaders in place now. Yet I don't think one BOA meeting has passed where someone doesn't complain about Kohl's and the swim club, like it just happened last week. Move on people.

9:44 AM, August 29, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I know how we can fix our problems. Have Centrum redevelop Sappington House! Now hear me out. They wouldn't have to worry about the stall at the mall which some see as a bad call and view Crestwood's future as a downfall. Put the bowling alley in Sappington House. It would be a perfect fit!

10:19 AM, August 29, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let county come in and catch shoplifters in Kohls..and charm cats out of trees...oh and catch the solar light Bandit.(all within the allotted 3 minute time constraints.

Oh this is rich. Seriously? Crestwood has a solar light bandit? I haven't heard about this one.

Hopefully, whoever he or she is, will reform their wayward ways and see the light!

10:22 AM, August 29, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you ... don't forget to tip your waiters and waitresses.

10:23 AM, August 29, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:44 am I agree. I am all for moving on which I hope will be a new Crestwood Court. Cheap shots taken to those who are brave enough to leave their name, is not fair or constructive.

There are those who just want to create a bad impression for many who don't deserve it; and even those who do deserve the cheap shots should find another source to vent their frustrations.

This should be used for constructive conversation only. We all have problems in our lives, and have had problems with the city. But all comments should relate to what Tom has put on here as the subject of conversation and not create battle lines.

I am as guilty as anybody I admit, but it only takes one comment to get the ball rolling in the wrong direction.

10:26 AM, August 29, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2;38 PM BLOGGER: Sorry bu I have a policy that requires a poster to give their real name if they intend to insul someone,

Please repost with your name so that the other person may respond if they wish.

Tom Ford

12:08 PM, August 29, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:38 PM BLOGGER: Sorry I dropped the "T"

Tom Ford

12:11 PM, August 29, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Tif?

1:47 PM, August 30, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:47 PM Blogger: Never, no TIF, no way for a lame idea !

Tom Ford

2:12 PM, August 30, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Residents were asked to get involved because less than one-third of registered voters cast votes in August 2008 when a tax-rate increase was on the ballot. The letter asked residents to get involved in city affairs and closed by saying, "We hope you like the choices they will make.""

John is still bitter over that 08 election! While he slams the turnout, he conveniently doesn't state the vote count - it was defeated by over 70%! Not necessarily a rousing show of confidence in our city at that time.

11:23 AM, August 31, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well 11:23 a.m. John isn't the total reason for "no confidence" but you feel good about blaming him. Too bad that you choose to blame John and only John for lack of trust in the city.

I can understand why you may dislike some persons including John for their opinions of the city. But let's not get carried away. At least he tries to stay involved and doesn't turn his back on Crestwood. May have turned their backs, I guess you know it and that isn't for just one thing, it's for many things.

If you care about your city or if you love your child or wife/spouse, you will always try to help them, even if others do not like what you do or how you do it. So let's not pick people apart any longer; we don't need that plan of attack and it doesn't solve our problems. It gets people off of the subject which is the Mall and saving it. Just my opinion.

12:08 PM, August 31, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm, OK you missed my point entirely. All I stated that John was and is bitter about the 08 election. I didn't blame him for anything.

However, you took something I stated and ran with it in ten different directions.

It will be interesting to see what you will take away from this post.

12:19 PM, August 31, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another point - I never said I disliked John. You came up with that erroneous conclusion.

1:00 PM, August 31, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm OK 12:19 PM 8/31 - OK so he is bitter about the 08 election; but according what I have been reading from most people who are commenting here, the issue of the Mall seems to be what I read. Your opinions about John don't seem to fit in.

I apologize if I made the wrong conclusions. Didn't mean to because I usually do not think very highly of those who make the wrong conclusions with my comments.

Again, I am sorry I missed your point entirely and sorry if I ran with it in ten directions.

I didn't intend it to be that way; People do it all the time and I get angry also! You must admit however that he isn't by himself when it comes to lack of trust in the city. In fact, we may have an epidemic on our hands. Again, Mia Culpa!

3:38 PM, August 31, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Bloggers: Reflect on the fact that " prop S" was sold as one thing and then, well you know the rest I believe.

That plus nine tax increases in as many years have destroyed the trust factor here.

You will note that I said I would champion an increase IF it were ONLY FOR EMPLOYEE INCREASES, NOT SWING SET PAINT, NOT CHOLORINE FOR THE POOL, BUT INCREASES!

Now, how to do that?

Tom Ford

5:08 PM, August 31, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, I second your motion. The employees of the city deserve an increase and most have earned it. We have great employees and I think the city can show their appreciation by giving them some type of monetary increase. Maybe it can't be the biggest but it should be considered down the road. Good employees are hard to find these days. There is nothing better to get employees motivated than an increase in pay. It would be well worth it.

6:05 PM, August 31, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:38 PM, August 31, 2013

Thank you for your post. I spoke of John Foote because these postings are under the header of "EX Alderman John Foote opines on "our safety" in crestwood."

I like John. I don't always agree with him, but I do like him and thank him for his service to the city.

10:55 PM, August 31, 2013  
Anonymous Sandy Grave' said...

10:55 PM Yes you're right about the header. It's about safety.

I am a great supporter of both our police and fire. And in today's world, we should always be concerned about our safety. But I know people in both police and fire and defend them all. Again, as Tom said, it would be great if we could give all employees an increase in salary.

I have seen them both Police and Fire personnel in action. Fire Chief Mark Menning is outstanding and has spent many years in fire service, and I dare anyone to say any different.

Chief Palliou is also outstanding and has been in Crestwood Police Service for many years. His officers are great in my opinion. I have seen more police presence everywhere I go. I was even issued a warning by one of the officers for speeding on Rayburn and my tenure with the city was of no help. I knew I deserved the citation and swallowed my pride.

I am very happy with our protection and would hate to end up with St. Louis County. Believe me when I tell you that I will be a very unhappy resident if that happens.

Response time in of itself is very crucial and both departments respond PDQ and I defy anyone to tell me any different as compared to County.

Further, you may think nothing of it, but every cop and firefighter put their lives on the line, every say. You and I don't! When a cop pulls a car over, with all the guns on the street now, it could be deadly. Every time a firefighter responds to a fire/EMT call - who knows what they have to do in the line of duty. And lastly, they will do whatever it takes and believe the oath they took.

I put thank you notes in all of their files every day for over 30 years from people who were happy to be alive because of all of them. So to John and every other person who is concerned, bad things happen to good people every day, but I would not trade my city's police and fire for any other on this planet.

I have seen and heard it all and have had over 30 years to tell you and them that I am grateful.

For awhile we had problems with only one police chief who did not do a good job and now he is answering to a higher authority than myself.

I hope that every employee gets a raise but those who serve to protect us go where most would never go. Bravo to all.

9:14 AM, September 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A warning is different than a citation. DG and MP might as well be one in the same. Take care of their favorites. I mean it only make sense that a Sargent should be promoted over several other higher ranking officers to Police Chief. Were/are MP and RR drinking buddies? Who was mayor when he was promoted?

12:23 PM, September 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I hope that every employee gets a raise."

Disagree with that statement.

It should read,

I hope that every employee WHOSE SUPERVISOR DETERMINES THEY HAVE EARNED A RAISE, gets a raise.

100% against across the board raises.
It does not reward the better workers and takes away a tool of management to improve performance.

If and when the $ becomes available, pay increases should be merit based, not I'm employee here based. If the Supervisors employed by the City are not comfortable with using pay increases as a tool, then the CA should look at replacing them with someone who is.

I can tell you Tom, that there are many people who would oppose a tax increase if one penny was to be spent on wage increases. I'm not one per say, but just letting you know a tax increase can fail for being used to buy paint or for wage increases. Tough nut to crack.

If tax increase is sold as to be spent on wage increases for those who have earned them, and not across the board, I believe would have a better chance of passing.

Let's not forget that the City has in the past year rewarded it's employees with a small wage increase and rewarding those who have been a part of lowering the health insurance costs. So there have been improvements, small as they may be.

2:41 PM, September 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, it's not about safety. It's about scaring people into a tax increase...using the base of human emotions to do something they haven't been able to do for years - raise taxes.

Like the first poster said - "I will agree with Tom. John has been asking for a tax increase constantly, and it is bush league to prey on people's fears and claiming we aren't safe to advocate for a tax increase."

I've lived in unincorporated St. Louis County. Response time was excellent too.

Do we have excellent services? Yes, but we aren't the only one.

2:49 PM, September 01, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

No one in mind, just my personal feelings here. If you rate a raise you should have it. However if your "dead wood" you really need to be gone so someone who will do the job can take the position.

The "recovery" consists of part time jobs, or fast food, or low paying medical positions and the like, so those who aren't working up to their potential need to be a bit more happy that they are here, and not there.

Tom Ford

3:28 PM, September 01, 2013  
Anonymous Sandra Grave said...

Well OK then - I do agree that dead weight or "wood" should not be rewarded. That just makes sense. But come on....comparing Chief Paillou to the Police Chief, who claimed infallibility - if you know what I mean, that is about the most insulting thing you can say. And like I said, in my opinion, I totally disagree with the comparison. But it's not forth arguing about.

There were people who hated Chief Loyd too and I know several who dispised him. But he was always kind and respectful to me and my whole family adored him right down to my daughter who was a teenager at that time.

When I was working for the city, there were never any battles or harsh words from any Crestwood residents to me. We had our share disgruntled residents too, but I am proud to say that to this day, even though many have passed away, there is never a time when I don't see a Crestwood resident I knew way back when that isn't nice to me.

When I walk my dog, there are people in my ward that always smile and say hello who remember me from city hall.

All I am concerned about is the mall; other than that, I believe Crestwood is not going down in flames with or without a tax increase. We just need our Mall back. Also may I say that I see vacant commercial establishments in other cities just as much as I do here, if not more. If you haven't seen them, then you're not looking. By that I mean every city is suffering in one way or another.

7:11 PM, September 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's an unwritten rule that Crestwood residents don't get tickets.,,,the police get their monthly points from non residents usually.

7:48 PM, September 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently you were not in the DG camp. Different Chief same way of running the department. Just keep your head in the sand. Just ask officer Kuhn.

9:23 PM, September 01, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:23PM BLOGGER: As usual the removal of anyone stirs contrerversy, but do you really know the whole story ?

Tom Ford

6:48 AM, September 02, 2013  
Anonymous Sandra Grave said...

9:23 PM I am sure you have your reasons for feeling as you do. But I am not going to argue about it because I have already said all I am going to say on the subject.

I still feel strongly about keeping our own police and fire employees. Let's just exclude the Chiefs and I will still say it takes a certain person to walk up to a car not knowing whether the driver is on "luds", has a gun, or worse. Every time they stop someone, they could be in "harms" way. I couldn't do it nor would I want my child or grandchild in a job where their lives are on the line.

Fire/Paramedics - no-sir - not me! They have to give CPR to who knows who; they are trying to save people who may be bad people in society who have been "who knows where", drinking who knows what! YUK - trying to keep the person alive who is bleeding all over everyone including the fire personnel. Sorry, but if you don't think they are some of the most heroic people who do this job all the time - you are just plain stupid!

Further, there wasn't one cop or paramedic whom I didn't appreciate. So anyhow that's all I need to say.

My husband is very sick and is going through chemo and I can no longer concern myself about previous discrepancies made by the city. It's not worth it and all I can about is my family.

Thanks for your thoughts.

11:28 AM, September 02, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The risk is always there for first-responders but look at the number and type of calls our police/fire get versus St. Louis City.

12:22 PM, September 02, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6,48 this is yoUr blog Tom... tell us the Story. We are all ears. If you have the Cohunas.

3:30 PM, September 02, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:30 PM BLOGGER: Simple, Crestiwood is an "at will City, "

Tom Ford

4:48 PM, September 02, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4.59 Is it true that A former employee had his/her house watched by county police.?..and that nobody knew who called county to initiate it when County called as part of a inquiry /complaint from a member of the Public. concerning wasting valuable police resources?
Oh.. and the Mayor did nothing...

8:09 AM, September 03, 2013  
Anonymous S.W.Malter said...

8:09 AM, September 03, 2013

Is it true that global warming is caused by man, when the low in Fairbanks was 15 degrees?

Come on, if you know something, post the facts, and use your name. If not, then stop the chicken sh*t attempts to cause issues where there are none.
Better still, call Mary Chubb and ask her to hold a prayer protest in front of City Hall asking the Almighty to remove the scales from our eyes, allowing us to see who you are attempting to slander!

Small town infighting politics, there is so much more to life than this.

10:05 AM, September 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:37 PM, September 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that global warming is caused by man, when the low in Fairbanks was 15 degrees?"

Really?? You have done NO research into global warming and its effects, yet you chastise others for not posting facts? You really think there is no global warming because it got cold in Alaska? Can you also see Russia from your house? Look things up before you light into someone else for not looking things up. One of the effects of global warming is more extreme weather, including temps. Good Lord.

12:54 PM, September 03, 2013  
Anonymous Sandra Grave said...

4:59 "maybe I should concentrate on my husband instead of making statements from over 10 plus years ago". So in other words what? Because I am old I should roll over and play dead? I don't know who in the Hxxx you think you are making statements like that! Listen Bud - you are not BudWiser so keep a decent tongue in your mouth. At least I am not hiding behind "anonymity" like you - dumb coward.

Maybe since you seem to be so cleaver with words, and walk the walk and talk the talk (at least that's what I am hearing)
they should make you police chief.
Then we can see that you also walk on water.

Just wait, some day you will be older than dirt - let see if you appreciate a smart mouth cause I sure don't. Oh Yeah you will make one heck of a police chief but with your attitude you will not be smarter. I didn't deserve your first statement. I can only hope that you don't go through any bad issues with health some day.

I happen to love Crestwood, and sometimes to say something on the blog, which I am entitled to in the form of free speech (or unless Tom says NO More) -
I take a break to follow other issues.

So to sum it up - you could have just disagreed with me but you had to try to be more flamboyant with your words and throw a dagaar to me. All you showed was your posterior illustrating just how ignorant you are.

Listen "not job" I have never done a dang thing to you - so why don't you go take a long walk off of a short bridge.

PS: I take care of my husband and some day, you may see one in your family go through pain and illness. Then again, with some people, you can't fix stupid.

1:29 PM, September 03, 2013  
Anonymous S.W.Malter said...

12:54 PM, September 03, 2013

For the RECORD, I do not believe that any evidence has been provided Scientifically to support the belief that Global Warming is Caused by MAN. Here is why.

Scientific Method
A method of investigation in which a problem is first identified and observations, experiments, or other relevant data are then used to construct or test hypotheses that purport to solve it.

Scientific Theory
A theory that explains scientific observations; "scientific theories must be falsifiable"

A hypothesis is an educated guess, based on observation. Usually, a hypothesis can be supported or refuted through experimentation or more observation. A hypothesis can be disproven, but not proven to be true.

A scientific theory summarizes a hypothesis or group of hypotheses that have been supported with repeated testing. A theory is valid as long as there is no evidence to dispute it.

Please site examples where these methods have been used to prove the belief of Man Caused Global Warming.

4:06 PM, September 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back to the original posting about a tax increase vs. our safety: Just wanted to set the record straight that IF the City were to contract with County for police services it would not diminish response times or services. The contract would dictate how many officers are assigned to the city. The police cars would still say Crestwood whether it be "Crestwood Police" or "County Police, City of Crestwood." It would not be a case of just adding patrols by the Affton precinct cars. That would only occur if the BOA decided to flat out dissolve the police department without putting a contract with County in place first. I think if you talk with residents of Fenton, Wildwood, Valley Park, etc, you'd hear they're happy with their decisons to contract with County for a variety of reasons besides the cost savings.

4:50 PM, September 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:09 AM
If no one knows who initiated the call, what is anyone supposed to do? And why would you want the Mayor of Crestwood to do anything with St. Louis County resources? A little outside his authority, along with handling personnel matters.

8:21 PM, September 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you become Chief, can you look into why Sandra Grave only got a warning instead of a ticket for speeding.

8:26 PM, September 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ms. Graves said it best to the 4:59 poster. "you can't fix stupid". I will leave it at that.

10:25 PM, September 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

very sorry, that should have read "@4:06". My mistake.

10:26 PM, September 03, 2013  
Anonymous Sandra Grave said...

8:26 PM - Yeah 4:59 you do that! As I see it, the person who commented at 4:59 sounds like a disgruntled Crestwood Cop. I have known three fire chiefs and three police chiefs, and being in the business they are in - there are always people who do not like them for whatever reason. More often than not, Chiefs are going to make a decision or make changes that go against what some employees feel is fair or right. Happens all the time - if you don't like it find another job!

Anyhow, you go ahead and do what you feel you have to do with my warning citation, and make this thread about me!!!!!.

The comments under this title were suppose to be about the safety of the residents in Crestwood. That involves police and fire departments. So if you feel that looking into my warning citation is related to the safety of Crestwood, be my guest.

10:28 PM, September 03, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

FYI: Yourr police and fire departments are giing no her to be here, get used to it. If you not happy, move!

Tom Forf

11:39 AM, September 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I DID ... and so did many others...they voted with their feet.. taking their income and buying power with them leaving behind a crumbling city full of a aging infrastructure and occupants. .

12:07 PM, September 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:07 PM Good for you and hope you find everything you are looking for (whatever that may be). Some day you too will be growing old. Remember you cannot stop the aging process. You can move to a million dollar mansion but you WILL grow old. Moving isn't going to stop it. Some day it will hit you in the blink of an eye. Let's see what you do then.

1:06 PM, September 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I AM old.!!. The point I was trying to make is that Crestwood is unable to retain it's tax base of younger residents with disposable income (something that older residents on fixed incomes do not have).To grow Crestwood needs new businesses and young families.

1:30 PM, September 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:30 we have the lowest tax base and have had the lowest for years. But you don't buy a loaf of bread today and pay what you did 20 years ago. Everything costs more. Years ago when we had the Plaza, we had much more money coming into the city coffers, so you need to remember that - when you stop to consider why Crestwood needs more from it's citizens. New businesses but would not be able to fund everything because those days are over. We have hit a brick wall. Every city has empty commercial space because of the recession. Young families will move into Crestwood but without a tax increase, we will have to cut all the things that we were able to do for these families. For instance, Staff has had to layoff people, as well as decrease their budgets. I understand fixed incomes. And what are we going to pay to get health insurance down the road? But many citizens think that everything in Crestwood regarding their tax base should stay the same as 20 years ago and you don't have to go to college to understand that things change. Some things change for the better and some, well we may have to dig deeper in our pockets some day. If you take a look at what other cities pay, you will see that we have the lowest tax rate of them all.

I am glad that you moved if that is what you want, but there will be other things that you will not like where you are. We are not perfect in Crestwood, but we were hit with a big catastrophe will the Plaza gone.

2:07 PM, September 04, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:07 PM BLOGGER: If your gone why the noise? Shouldn't you be salivating about your move instead of complaining to us?

Tom Ford

6:17 PM, September 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:07. You are correct, things have and are changing. We as a city can not do as we have in the past. Crestwood will never be what it was in the '60 - 90's. Now the hard part "CHANGE". Spend within the current tax base. If that means selling off assets so be it. Contracting with STL County for police service, so be it. Privatize White Cliff pool, so be it. People buy houses not for who works at city hall, but for the condition of the parks, sidewalks, roads and the beauty of the neighborhoods and especially the schools. Crestwood's turn to rental property is destroying the city along with crappy looking homes and yards. We can level 1 Detjen Drive for all I care and move them into vacant office space in one of the strip malls. Again, residence make a city not city workers.

8:55 AM, September 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another payout to an ex Finance Officer\Director. $5,250 to Kremer and $2,000 to Kremer's attorneys. Why?

2:49 PM, September 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:49 - cheaper than the last couple of payouts. Hey, at least we're headed in the right direction!

4:15 PM, September 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was this a don't ask Don't tell agreement too? ( like all the others).

8:51 PM, September 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must be living on the best street in Crestwood. My street has no vacancies, 1/3 of the houses have been sold to others much younger with kids and enough income to modernize and update. What a robost neighborhood, with new famliies and kids everywhere. If this is decline i wonder what prosperity would resemble?

8:52 PM, September 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:52. That's great, but you need to take a drive around town.

9:41 PM, September 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suggestions please.

10:03 PM, September 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure. Try Sappington Rd (yes its a county road) go east or west anywhere north of Watson. Take a run down Big Bend east. Take a right on any street. Take a walk on any sidewalk in ward 2.

Let us know what you see.

10:18 PM, September 05, 2013  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

Anonymous 10:18 PM, September 05, 2013

Big Bend east of intersection with Sappington, there are just TWO streets you can make a right hand turn on and still be in Ward 2.
First is Wildwood which dead end's into Wildwood Circle. There are a total of 12 homes on these streets, of which 9 (NINE) were built in the last 12 years.

The other street is Liggett of which the east side is Ward one and the West is Ward 2. The sidewalk on Liggett are on the east side of the street, that would be Ward 1.

There are 12 homes on Big Bend west of Sappington Rd to Liggett. Of those, 4 were built less than 25 years ago.

This is a link for Google Maps, cut and paste into your browser.,Crestwood,+MO&gl=us&ei=plUpUv7tJabQ2wXlz4GADw&ved=0CIwBELYD

Use the street view feature of Google Maps and see how WRONG you are in YOUR WRONG in claim that WARD 2 has housing problems, totally WRONG!

I will accept the apology you owe the citizens of Ward II, after you become acquainted with its boundaries.

Thank you.


Ward II
Crestwood, MO

11:31 PM, September 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Tim. I was certain the activity level in my area was not unique. Hooray for the city Crestwood.

6:12 AM, September 06, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:31 PM Blogger: Good job Mr. Tim, now if we could only educate the SB-4 as to where the BOA meetings are held !

Tom Ford

8:00 AM, September 06, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If things are soooo good why did we pass a Meth Lab cleanup law?

2:57 PM, September 09, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:57 PM BLOGGER: Because meth is the no. 1 cash cow in Missouri, and it needs to be topped.

Tom Ford

3:40 PM, September 09, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the last found meth lab was in what Ward?

8:44 AM, September 10, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:44 AM BLOGGER: I believe in Jeff county.

Tom. Ford

9:08 AM, September 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess 'County 'cleared that one up too..

3:33 PM, September 10, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:33 PM BLOGGER: No, the local MEG unit did.

Tom Ford

3:55 PM, September 12, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"CBRE first vice president Matt Bukhshtaber, a broker who’s handling the sale, said the site offers a good opportunity for a hospital or university to build a new campus"

These will produce a lot of revenue! Not to mention not being a drag on municipal services.... NOT.

Just ask Webster Groves how they love having to provide the services and not getting any tax revenue from Webster U etc.

9:50 AM, November 27, 2013  

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