Saturday, September 21, 2013

Crestwood BOA to set second reading of the 2013 tax rate.

(see the story in the Call above please.)

Ladies and Gentlemen, let's face it we are very lucky to reside in a community with excellent services at a very reasonable payout in taxes.

Now that said, I am wondering how many of you would join in a drive for a "prop S" type tax for the sole purpose of giving our valued employees a raise ?

I am talking about a rock solid proposal for two to five years ONLY, and one that will not allow one cent to be used for swing paint, sewer laterals, or anything else EXCEPT EMPLOYEE MERIT REAISE.

We now have a C/A who knows which employees are (or should be) in line for a merit increase, so what say we give him the funding to do it ?

I know, I am "anti tax," and I will stay that way as far too much of the funds go for anything but what they were proposed for, BUT, if we can put together an un touchable fund for employee raises until were in better shape, I am for it !

What do you think ?

Tom Ford

NO. 2024


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd be for that

8:29 AM, September 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second that motion for sure. The people who are working, let's face it, are doing it because they need the money. Saving for a good retirement, sending children to school (college)and those who are married sometimes need two incomes to survive.

I agree with Tom on this one. It is an extra motivation to give people who deserve it a merit raise. This is how the city can show their gratitude to those who work hard.

So, me too, I'd be for that.

10:43 AM, September 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not me, as this is not the proper method by which to address this issue.

Martha Duchild

11:16 AM, September 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how odd that Mrs. Duchild would be against something. I am shocked, I tell you, SHOCKED!!

12:49 PM, September 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please explain what you think I am against.

Martha Dchild

3:30 PM, September 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has a tax ever been passed for that specific purpose?

7:42 PM, September 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martha - you exasperate me! I swear, good heavens! You are the most controlling person I have ever seen! Geez - define proper method! It's either your way or the highway is what "me thinks"!
I swear you would argue about "a bar of soap". It's like you need to argue about everything. It just seems like you are never, ever happy or positive about anything - unless it's your way. And to me, as far as you are concerned, you will make darn sure your husband does things your way on the board also. I would be scared to death to go against you, if it was me! My God should both of you be on opposite sides - I shudder to think! With all due respect, It just seems like no matter what positive action is even suggested, you "nix" it. I am so sick of it because you are never, ever happy unless you control. And I feel you don't just love to be that way, you "thrive" on it. Oh! Forget it! I might as well be talking to the wall. Sorry!

9:04 PM, September 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Not me, as this is not the proper method by which to address this issue."

This makes me feel you are against the tax idea Mr. Ford had because it wasn't introduced properly. If that is not the case, my apologies.

9:04 poster- chill out.

10:36 PM, September 21, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:42 PM BLOGGER: Not to my knowledge it hasen't, but I have only lived here for 44 years.

Tom Ford

7:14 AM, September 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:36 pm My answer is: I do chill out most of the time. But after awhile, I sit back and watch how people interact with one another, and you see certain things that just make you want to explode and get angry. Hence, there seems to be no compromise with what I have seen and heard for myself with Ms. Duchild. No matter what the issue is!

Ms. Duchild back when Roy was still Mayor, Roy chided her for something she tried to say during the a board of aldermen meeting. He was not kind and I thought it was wrong and rude.

After the meeting, I saw Martha and told her that I thought the Mayor was wrong in what he said. OMG - Ms. Duchild got on her "muscle" and told me ignorantly, and I quote - "I can take care of myself" and walked away. I did not deserve that as I felt she should know that others also probably felt it was wrong. But apparently when she gets mad at somebody, she gets mad at everybody. Since then, I should not be surprised as I hear her and what she says and how she acts.

Like I said before, everything has to be her way period! Now it's giving people merit raises of which she is an authority. It's amazing that someone is so intelligent that anything you say in a positive way is always negative and she is never wrong in the book according to Martha . Instead of expressing her opinion, she is adamant that the only opinion that matters is her's and it is the only one that counts because she is so all knowing about everything. We should just bow and genuflect when we see her. This manna from heaven comes down in a funnel cloud and gives her all of this vast knowledge. Sorry, but I saw this coming regarding merit raises. She lets nothing go. I would not touch her with a 10 foot pole. Others can go ahead and do it, but not me.

10:40 AM, September 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:40 - Wow! You say you chill out most of the time? Alrighty then! What is this? Bash Martha time.

I do not know how this tax would work. Would it be a special separate tax or would it be put in the general fund with a certain designation?

I see an issue with this from the start. If it's a separate tax put to the vote of the people, and if the firefighter's union and employees can gain a more active role in the political workings of the municipality in which they work (a bill either has been or will be considered to address this in the state legislature with the backing the firefighter's unions), this could be brought to the voters time and time again. You couldn't blame them. Who wouldn't want frequent raises? But this could be an instrument in which we are asked to raise our taxes quite frequently.

12:31 PM, September 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:31 PM I understand your comments perfectly. I don't know if a tax will work, if it would be a special separate tax, I don't know about backing from the unions or any of these things. They are all great questions. I thought this whole issue was just brought up as an idea which I support. But I have no answers to your questions. Just ask Martha and she'll tell you.

1:56 PM, September 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:36 PM Sept. 21st

Yes, you understand correctly.

I don't support Mr. Ford's idea because there is already an internal process in place (the city budget) to address employee raises. If someone supports the idea of more tax dollars specifically for raises, they are free to make that suggestion during the budgeting process, either at Ways & Means or the BOA meetings.

Martha Duchild

2:10 PM, September 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:56 PM, September 22, 2013

You are correct. You have no answers.

3:28 PM, September 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any tax rate would be part of a shell game move the money type of deal..(like the Casino tax on lottery tickets). I'd like to see an independent audit done to justify any increase. That way sacred cows (and bulls) are all put on the board. Remember many Crestwood residents don't have the luxury of getting a pay raise..being on fixed incomes.
Can we really trust a BOA that has cost the City of Crestwood close to $175,000 with its behind closed door ahem 'buyouts'?

7:05 AM, September 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crestwood already has moderate to high utility tax rates and moderate to high sales taxes. The only thing that is low is our property taxes. The tax increase crowd has been working to raise those for years by saying how wonderful we have it.

If you want to raise the salaries of Crestwood employees, do the following:

1. Encourage your aldermen and mayor to give the employees an increase during the budget process as Ms. Duchild stated above.

2. Shop Crestwood. Keep your sales tax money in Crestwood.

3. Encourage economic development - not just the mall, but other businesses as well. Our small businesses bring in revenue as well.

A special tax slated only for employee pay increases concerns me. I think it opens the door for a lot of complications.

8:27 AM, September 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:27 I can't agree more with one more addition to your list (4) continue to trim the fat and stop trying to run the city like it was 1980. City Hall is still to big. Sure glad we got a new rescue truck so we can respond to that canopy fire and save the wildlife.

11:05 AM, September 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the new C A doing ? or is he afraid to rock the boat like the last one did?

12:29 PM, September 23, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:30 AM Blogger: I really should pull your drivel due to it's personal attacks on Mrs. Duchild MINUS YOUR NAME.

However I am going to leave them to illustrate what happens when a "ALL KNOWING" leftist liberal does when they run out of facts, namely, personal INSULTS!

Tom Ford

3:49 PM, September 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last C A didn't rock the boat, she was just too liberal or stupid or both to realize that Aldermen were her boss.

8:53 PM, September 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:05 You should know that the new Rescue Truck is for Emergency Medical Calls. The Fire Department is using this truck instead of a Pumper Truck to save money. This means that Crestwood will now have 1 fully staffed fire truck and 1 fully staffed rescue truck. I know this because a stopped by the firehouse to see the new resuce truck and know for a fact there is no way it can put out any fire in Crestwood. I invite you to visit your fire house and talk to your firemen. Educate yourself before you make silly little comments.

9:18 PM, September 23, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:18 PM BLOGGER: Never confuse the anti Crestwood crowd with the facts, they can' t handle the truth!

Tom Ford

6:20 AM, September 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can you call some anti-Crestwood when they merely question a purchase Tom? Besides, you yourself was critical of the bridge to nowhere to enable our fight against these so called canopy fires.

11:03 AM, September 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody burned the canapé's??

1:20 PM, September 24, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:03 AM Blogger: Simple, the bridge was not needed then or now! There was always a passage to that area behind the main building.

The pumper's are needed to fight fires, not run sick calls. The new squad IS NEEDED (Crestwood is "graying".)

Also, the fire chief will tell you that to fight "canopy fires" an areal tanker is needed, if you buy it, I will fly it (yes, I am a licensed pilot, and have been one since 1962.)

And in closing, the "anti Crestwood" crowd want's County everything, remember? So a new anything would be bad in their dim eyes!

Tom Ford

8:22 AM, September 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet county would let you fly in their Helicopter Tom.

9:19 AM, September 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You seem to use the anti-Crestwood Mantra ( a liberal ploy.. attack the attacker not his ideas..) for any one who suggests alternate ways of controlling spending and waste. Bills have to be paid and tough decisions have to be made.
I hear we are looking for a new developer now...this is going to be a long long road..

9:26 AM, September 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see Fenton is moving along developing the Chrysler plant.
(Speaking of tax bases) ..More choices for businesses to locate and no Mall to demolish.
Crestwood misses another boat.
I know were I would put my business..

7:13 AM, September 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wondering if the city has ever considered combining the police and fire to become a public safety department like Des Peres? Only one chief; bigger pool of employees for scheduling, vacations and an opportunity to reorganize the antiquated staffing model. I am positive there would be a cost saving somewhere.

9:37 AM, September 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good idea !! fraught with 'danger' as it involves the dismantling of empires.!!...
Crestwood always takes the road most it's a non starter.

10:46 AM, September 30, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're probably right, too many big fish in a very small pond.

11:09 AM, September 30, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10.46... Sadly Route 66 is no longer the road most traveled...cuts and changes are needed !

3:31 PM, October 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no, don't say cuts and changes are needed in this town. That's like cussing out the Pope or making fun of Elvis at Graceland. It's sacrilege!

7:43 PM, October 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is another cost saving idea. UN-annex all that General Grant area and stop paying for the fire district OR just repeal the ordinance and stop paying for redundant fire protection.

3:27 PM, October 02, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's a state law. If an area is annexed, the fire district that initially serves it still gets to serve it. I don't think Crestwood can do anything about that unless the state law is changed.

I'm not positive on this but I'll check it out.

7:46 PM, October 02, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:27 PM BLOGGER: And do what, still pay the Affton fire district?

No can do my friend, besides some of our finer financial minds come from there ,

Tom Ford

6:32 PM, October 12, 2013  

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