Thursday, October 24, 2013

Animal control out of the budget, County to "capture !"

Well just a few years after an Alderman (now retired) told me that the City would not be bringing back the duplicate position known as animal control, it appears that it will happen,

While I hate to see a person loose their position, I STILL FULLY REALIZE we must cut expenses where we can, and duplications and amenities are some of the first places to do it.

Before I retired we were forced to cut our staff due to the economic downturn, we all hated it, but we did it none the less.

Folk's, I fear you are looking at "the new norm" when it comes to the cost of operation for any community. Cost has gone up, taxes have gone down, and we still have to pay the bills, so we cut where we can.

Tom Ford

NO. 2032


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah things are tough all over but if what we end up with is all chiefs and no Indians; we may as well go to the County. Animal control would not be the one I would cut, but that is the least of it and it doesn't surprise me. Now I hear that the Chief of Police is also retiring early. There have been as many as 6 or 7 people who have be let go and not for any other reason except that one person gets to pick and choose who stays and who leaves and has gotten away with it.

I hear that the meat cutters union has been warned that we are cutting so much fat, that those in charge of chopping heads may be compelled to join their union.

There have been so many people cut from the payroll or taking retirement that nothing will be left. Therefore, our streets, our snow plowing, and every day complaints can not possibly get carried out.

The City has a city manager that only does what he is told to do by the city clerk who is running the show and it makes me sick. He is in lock step with what she says and that is basically it. If he is told what is happening in a department by a employee - he refuses to listen if it has anything to do with the city clerk and her harassment. But that should not be the way it works. But nothing is set in stone at city hall and no fairness to people any more. There are so many people who could testify that were let go for no good reason and they don't stand a chance to be heard under Civil Service or be treated fairly. Why? Because nobody cares enough to go with the rules and those that need to be watching this go on, are blinded. Even when board of aldermen members are sent information they look the other way. I hope that in the future we can get a real mayor who cares enough to see what is going on and not one with blinders on and I hope they get rid of this CA who does nothing but what he is told. Hell anybody can do that - when you have to research things and call people in for "exit interviews" that's when you find out things. Of course I don't think this CA knows what an exit interview is.

I hope I don't see this city go down hill but I am sick of people who are in control not making the decisions based on their own criteria and research and are leaving it up to prejudiced individuals who have no right to be telling those in power what to do. Also people so in fear of loosing their jobs, they won't tell what they know.


If this town doesn't get some decent leadership - you think OBama Care is the only thing we need to worry about. Ha - I wish. We got it in our own backyard my friends.

9:55 PM, October 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You want disgusting? Show up to a BOA meeting and watch the two FORMER female Aldermen who quit cause they couldn't take the heat in the kitchen as the prepare the ground work for another FORMER Alderman, named Roby to run for Mayor. Yup, we can return to great days of having Roy as our Mayor with Roby being elected.
How do you think that will work out? Do we want to bring "Crestwood back", back to the days of Roy and his style of bullying leadership?

Sounds like a canned speech, we need leadership, etc, like they have a clue what that means! For the 1st time on the history of Crestwood, we have a administration that is releasing unneeded workers and payroll replacing them new 21 century ways of running a govt.
Something neither the two former female Aldermen would know about. But what ever you do, dont video them when they are leading us backwards when speaking to the BOA. That's just not fair, cause I'm a woman and you cant do that to me.
Whine, whine, whine.

I'd say grow a set, but that would be crude.

11:09 PM, October 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would think any kind of leadership would be better than what's there now.

6:21 AM, October 25, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:21 AM Blogger: Well, show me what you mean. Take out the paperwork and run yourself, or are you one of the above who quit in mid stream ?

Tom Ford

6:31 AM, October 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will do that when you throw your hat in to run for president and stop complaining about everything from that office. We are all allowed opinions, Mr. Ford, and you give lip service to all of those opinions being welcome here. If that is not the case, please say so. I started out pretty excited about the new mayor and then the new board. It's the same junk that's been around forever. The board can't even agree about what to disagree about.

9:19 AM, October 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:09 We don't need the Days of Roy back and we don't need any of what happened back then. But I agree with 6:21 am that any new mayor would be better than what we have now!

Further, you better stop for a second and not be naming names of potential candidates for the job as Mayor. Further, since you seem to be so against a person who expresses interest, why don't you run?

Lastly, Tom Ford, if I were to run for office, I would not stand still with my head in the sand like our aldermen do (men and woman) while a department head is controlling every person, every department, all the BOA members and making sure anybody she doesn't like gets canned while the CA goes along with it. I guess we should just tear up the Civil Service Rules and Regulations and Civil Service Board. Not worth the paper they are written on.

The board of aldermen are like a deer in headlights. They don't see what's going on inside city hall and don't care. Also, Nobody goes to the meetings because nothing changes around Crestwood it's the same old thing. Nothing changes because that's what they want. Even when an fired employee gets up in front of the mayor and board and tells them her plight with the city clerk. Because nobody wants to even look at the situation - even our so called CA. Nobody on the boa agrees with each other and those residents who attend the meetings, are never listened too and have no voice.
So why take a chair and waste my time.

You want to cut some fat out of the budget, get rid of the CA because he is doing nothing but listening to what the city clerk tells him to do.

You want some facts, get the names of all the people who either quit because of the city clerk or were fired because of her, or is easier for the CA to just listen to her. He may have excellent credentials, but he is probably too busy following orders.

I am done on this thread. You may as well be spitting in the wind before anybody listens. People are conned every day by those who are smart enough to know how to do it. And we have that going on under our leader's nose.

9:40 AM, October 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The board of aldermen are like a deer in headlights. They don't see what's going on inside city hall and don't care."

Says who?

And every thing was just wonderful when Roy and his C/A's who were wonderfully totally independent from his direction and influence?

Before the door hits you on your way out of this thread, what evidence can you provide to support your claim(s) that the City Clerk is doing what you claim?

Recordings, photos, videos, letters, documents?
Put up or shut up.

10:30 AM, October 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, I guess it's that "cut the worker so we can afford to handout tax breaks to the wealthy" mentality of the radical Tea Party right you espouse here that leads you to agree with this.

They're also cutting the IT and Finance management positions, too.

In other words, cutting some more people who ACTUALY DO THE WORK of making things tick for this city.

So the animal control position saves $50,000 per year? Gee, didn't they just pay out about a hundred G's just to some administrator who was with us for 9 months? Gee, isn't the current administrator, who made this decision without input from the Board or the people, getting a LIFETIME pension on my dime even if he only works about 5 years?

Sorry, Tom - they could cut more expensive stuff we don't need - like a police officer or two. THAT'S an area of bloat. I see all these Crestwood cops driving around (or sitting) doing nothing but handing out trivial speeding tickets. While I'm all FOR good police protection, we have TOO MANY for our size and crime rate.

That's just ONE example of waste we could cut. How much have we spent supporting the WEALTHY developers of Crestwood Court just to do THEIR job? They are private enterprise - can't they pay for their own risk of making profit? That's the way it's SUPPOSED to work.

Now, Tom, I know you DON'T support a tax handout for Crestwood Court, but you and I know IT WILL HAPPEN. Got to have your head where the sun don't shine to see that. And that's WRONG. So we're cutting Animal Control, a USEFUL thing in our city that I appreciate (having two dogs) so we can shove the money into the pockets of some rich Ladue loser who bought a losing property and wants US to pay for his profit? Sorry. I, and many citizens of Crestwood, just aren't going to support that.

Yes, cuts need to be made - both here in Crestwood AND in the budget of the United States as well, but in both cases, cuts can be made to TRUE WASTE and leave benefits and pay for people who DO THE REAL WORK alone, and cut taxpayer-funded welfare for the RICH FAT CATS who profit from us. Only then will we make any true progress cutting costs without hurting services and benefits that are the heart of what government is SUPPOSED to be.

10:35 AM, October 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I might add that I personally liked Roy Robinson - and I think he's even a Republican! But that doesn't matter (same to you, Tom) if he does what is BEST for OUR CITY!

Remember, his biggest accomplishment was CANCELLING the $5 MILLION waste that was to be the pointless and pompouse gun firing range for police, and a fabulous new unnecessary police station for cops to mill about and occasionally use for shoplifters. That SAVED US A LOT OF MONEY. That was going to be WASTE.

And he prevented the handout of millions in TIF welfare handouts to Crestwood Court developer early on, where with the aldermen in there at the time would have been a sure thing.

I'm not 100% thrilled with our current mayor (his background, after all, is with Edward Jones, kings of putting other people's money in their pockets) but he has been firm with Centrum so far, and the majority of aldermen have STOPPED this handout from happening, saving us MILLIONS.

Next election, you can be sure that again, those against WELFARE handout to Centrum will be out in force, voting down the candidates supported by sadly misled sheep of the "government must make an investment" mind set who are really just covering up for "welfare for the wealthy" - the most serious problem to plague Crestwood - and America - today.

10:44 AM, October 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking and waiting for proof to support this claim:"get rid of the CA because he is doing nothing but listening to what the city clerk tells him to do.

You want some facts, get the names of all the people who either quit because of the city clerk or were fired because of her, or is easier for the CA to just listen to her."

Put up or shut up

1:20 PM, October 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Annex Crestwood into Sunset Hills. As a business owner I would never do business in Crestwood due to politics and horrible leadership... Crestwood is a failure, and has been under the clowns in office.

3:50 PM, October 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear business owner,

How would you go about "Annex(ing) Crestwood into Sunset Hills" if you were the leader?

4:19 PM, October 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:30 am Oct. 25th.You didn't read everything or you would know that at the Board of Aldermen meeting in August 2012, there was a girl who came up to the microphone and told the whole board and whoever was there what happened to her in the city clerk's office. It's on record unless someone threw it out. The board of aldermen and the mayor that night did nothing at all. She can tell you the names of all the others who had the same thing happen to them.

I have nothing to gain by making up stories whoever you are. And it is on record, and it is true and there are at least 6 or 7 people that if summoned to court, would tell you just how bad it got for them. "Put up or shut up" my foot!!!!!

4:51 PM, October 25, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well your ALL of the opinion that YOUR BOA is not doing their job's right ?

Now if we were to have your names and checked them against the voter registration roll's would we find that YOU voted in ANY Crestwood election ?

One wonders.

Tom Ford

5:26 PM, October 25, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:19 AM Blogger: I will never stop criticizing Obama, he is ruining this Nation, and I WILL SAY SO, so get used to it or quit reading !

Tom Ford

5:29 PM, October 25, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:10 AM Blogger: An example for you if you need one !

Tom Ford

5:34 PM, October 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" I will never stop criticizing Obama, he is ruining this Nation, and I WILL SAY SO, so get used to it or quit reading !"

Yet, when I, (or anyone)do the same thing about our city, I am prodded to run or shut up. Double standard much? What am I saying, never mind....

5:38 PM, October 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:19 PM, October 25, 2013
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:30 am Oct. 25th.You didn't read everything or you would know that at the Board of Aldermen meeting in August 2012, there was a girl who came up to the microphone and told the whole board and whoever was there what happened to her in the city clerk's office. It's on record unless someone threw it out. The board of aldermen and the mayor that night did nothing at all. She can tell you the names of all the others who had the same thing happen to them.


I have nothing to gain by making up stories whoever you are. And it is on record, and it is true and there are at least 6 or 7 people that if summoned to court, would tell you just how bad it got for them. "Put up or shut up" my foot!!!!!

OK, NO ONE SAID YOU ARE MAKING UP STORIES, YOU ARE JUST GIVING YOUR SIDE OF THE STORY. SHOW US THE RECORD YOU CLAIM EXISTS. Give us the name and how to contact the "girl" who spoke to entire Broad in August of 2012.

Here is what I think, I think you are the "girl" who spoke in August of 2012, I think you are still unhappy, I think if you are not that girt;, then you are one of the others who have been made redundant because there wasn't enough work to keep them busy and it is more cost effective to contract our your job. I think you think the world owes you something, which it doesn't.



4:51 PM, October 25, 2013

7:00 PM, October 25, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

S5:38 PM BLOGGER; You bet you are! You well know that I can't run for President, but YOU can run for a City office, or are you prohibited by the Charter for some reason?

Double standard, no, faulty analogy on your part friend! Now are YOU GOING TO RUN, OR JUST COMPLAIN ?

Tom Ford

8:23 PM, October 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will just stick with you, Mr. Ford. I will just complain.

8:54 PM, October 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am tired of you complainers from the cheap seats. It is easy to find fault. Look for the good. Complaints. No solutions. Unless you have a better plan and are willing to get involved to implement it just shut up.

Run for mayor, stick your neck out.

Duncan could not handle the pressure. Roby and Beezely couldn't either.

Enough said.

9:43 PM, October 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the cheap seats", is that the same thing as the peanut gallery?

10:32 PM, October 25, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:54 PM Blogger: Thought so. Only one thing wrong, I did run for Alderman (lost, but I ran,) and I have served on Crestwood boards over the last 44 years.

And you have done what ?

Tom Ford

5:35 AM, October 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:19 10/25 Hey rocketman - Did someone put starch in your underwear?. I already know that THE MAYOR AND BOARD CANNOT SAY ANYTHING REGARDING PERSONNEL. Further if I was the one who wrote the disturbing comment on this blog and said my piece at the Aug 14th meeting, I would have taken the whole ordeal much further that she did.

So read my lips and repeat after me!!!! THE CITY OF CRESTWOOD DOES NOT ALLOW THEIR MAYOR AND BOARD TO GET INVOLVED IN PERSONNEL MATTERS. So....I think that you are either the City Clerk or an Alderman who is making assumptions that I am the girl who spoke at the meeting Aug. 14th.


Go to another girl (that makes two) who went from the city clerk's office to a job in the police department until she could find other employment - ask over in the police department for her name. Oh by the way that's why the city clerk hates the police chief too cause he allowed this girl to work for him until she found something else.

Now that is easy enough for you to do and when you call her or see her, she could give you at least five other names for you to call; but all you are doing is putting up a rouse. Anybody who is as upset as you, has something to hide - which is most likely the truth.

So go fly a kite, get drunk, go play in your sandbox, and let me alone. This blog is not just for those who agree with Tom; last I heard, it is for all those who want to say something with no obscene words or you will be wiped out.

Unless you want to keep this ridiculous banter going on and on, have a nice day cause I am tired of you and your put up or shut up routine.

1:12 PM, October 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear business owner,

How would you go about "Annex(ing) Crestwood into Sunset Hills" if you were the leader?

Share with Crestwood your business knowledge and superior IQ on how you would do this?

4:00 PM, October 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:12 PM, October 26, 2013

You are the one who claims there is information, not me, so why shouldn't the burden of proof be on you?

Shut up or put up!

Unless of course all of what you claim is just hearsay and rumors.

4:04 PM, October 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:04 - again and still - you keep egging me on. Think what you want, because I am not the one who really cares what happens to anyone at city hall. But you are! The one thing I won't be is burdened with showing or telling you anything more; therefore so much for the burden of proof. We are not in a court of law. I said what I said - and I don't give a rat's behind if you believe me or not. I have no motive to lie and I don't have to tell you anymore. You can find out and I told you how; and that is as far as I am taking this. You are trying to coax me into naming names which I won't do - do it yourself. I do not and will not be part of your grand scheme; I don't work for the city, I don't know any of the people involved by face just names. I have said all I care to say on this blog about this issue. Now be a good little girl or boy, put on your hat and coat, get out a paper and pencil and do your own investigation or not! I have no time for your nonsense.

5:05 PM, October 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think all can agree that it is unfortunate when anyone loses a job, but the city does not exist to provide employment. The city exists to provide services to taxpaying residents. When the city delivers these services efficiently and at the lowest possible cost, it ultimately benefits the taxpayers.

Our mayor appointed, and the board approved, a qualified candidate for the city administrator position. Because he is a Crestwood resident, our city administrator has a vested interest in ensuring the continued delivery of services to Crestwood residents. He has made the tough (but necessary) decisions his predecessors failed to make.

Martha Duchild

5:55 PM, October 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if the city continues to fire people left right and center, I wonder how many services will be left to provide to the citizens? It seems like a challenge to provide a wide array of city services with very few people left to fulfill them. This poor city is circling the drain, and all anyone can seem to think of to do about it is fire people. That's a very sad solution in my estimation.

9:08 PM, October 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:05 PM, October 26, 2013

Just back up your claims that what happened was unfair. That those who lost their jobs did so because of the City Clerk.

If you can't do that then you are just a gossip and spreader of rumors.

9:35 PM, October 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 9:08 PM Oct. 26

From what I understand, the employees were not fired, they were laid off. There is a difference.

Secondly, the services they were performing have not been eliminated, they have been outsourced.

It's a bit premature to say that the city is going down the drain. All the city administrator did was to find a way to deliver the same services at a lower cost, saving taxpayer dollars. From a taxpayer standpoint, that's welcome news.

Martha Duchild

11:33 PM, October 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" city continues to fire people left right and center"

Care to share with us the list of people who have been fired by the City?

I've not read anywhere that any one has been fired. So where are you getting your info to make that claim?

11:34 PM, October 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:47 AM, October 27, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:47 AM Blogger: We aren't going to discuss personnel actions we have no real knowledge of here, sorry.

This isn't the Federal Government where we can afford to keep "non essential" workers on the payroll.

Welcome to the "new Norm," thanks to Obama.

Tom Ford

8:03 AM, October 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Care to share with us the list of people who have been fired by the City?"

Well, most recently, the animal control officer and 2 ladies from the finance department.

8:38 AM, October 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"From what I understand, the employees were not fired, they were laid off. There is a difference."

Not much of a difference. The end result is the same. People are being "let go" or "removed", or whatever term makes you feel better. But at the end of the day those people don't have jobs and the city has that many fewer people to provide any services. They have no jobs now. I doubt the correct term will help them pay their bills, and I doubt the elimination of the position is going to add to the services the city provides.

8:41 AM, October 27, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:41 AM BLOGGER: Crestwood is doing just fine service wise, and under the department heads we have in place, it will continue to do so.

let's face it, the only way to insure you won't loose a position is to be your own boss, and sometimes that doesn't work either.

Tom Ford

9:59 AM, October 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:38 AM, October 27, 2013

I guess you believe that the role of Crestwood City Govt is to employe people, even when their roles can be replaced without a loss of service, by less expensive, more efficient alternatives?

How very liberal of you to expect govt to spend our money on services that are not the best buy for OUR dollar.

10:17 AM, October 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How very liberal of you"

How very predictable of you, to turn this into a political thing, when it wasn't even entering my head as I wrote the post. Sadly, it does not surprise me that when you have run out of intelligent things to say, you fall back on tossing around political insults, hoping to sting me into saying "wow, he sure got MY number. Better not post HERE again." Better luck next time.

10:43 AM, October 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:33 PM Again, Martha - you say - "from what I hear" - well I guess you hear it from someone you trust. But shame on you Martha. You who does her homework and research and has all the right answers. You are being wrongly advised!!!! Aug. 14th last year - at the boa meeting, you had to be there to listen to the girl that gave her speech. Oh I see "that was sour grapes" on her part right? Wrong. How convenient of you to put that on your back burner, a woman of so much substance! Find out who she is and where you can talk to her - she will tell you more. OR investigate it and ask those in the Police Dept. and find out about the girl in that dept. who use to work for the city clerk -BUT/OR of course there is always the usual thing - do what you people always do, take information that is from the supposed city leaders and listen to what they tell you - to cover their "you know what" and believe what they tell you. Yeah -sure - "as you understand it" - so it's all about who and what you want to believe just like the rest of city hall dept. heads. I just didn't think you were one who stuck her head in the sand. It's not up to me to give you names and dates cause I am not part of city hall. It's up to you and if that means I am a liar - and that makes you feel better, that's on you not me. All those people were NOT "all" LET GO - some couldn't take the internal stress and bad and hostile environment any longer. Now we got a financial group coming in to do finance. OMG! And if you are a big shot running the show, you can put anything down on a piece of paper and file it in the dead employment files - who is going to question it? So Ms. Martha, you are just like all the other bureaucrats at city hall. What has changed at city hall - nothing the more things change the more they stay the same. But just like the previous police chief - he showed his true colors too. So the day will come and the truth will be known because grease always rises to the top of the soup pot so you can skim the grease off from the good broth that sits underneath it. To all you who say I am a liar - good for you, feel better now? But the trouble is there, and you can take it or leave it. So leave it seems like the way you want to go. There are none so blind than those who will not see!

11:24 AM, October 27, 2013  
Anonymous Clyde said...

10:43 AM, October 27, 2013

You really dont get it do you? What you are fighting for is a corner stone of liberalism. IE govt employment must never be reduced, regardless of the need, cost, etc.

If the shoe fits, wear it.

11:43 AM, October 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would gladly wear that shoe if I could somehow dislodge it from your mouth. Alas, I cannot, as you continue to blather on nonsensically, flinging political fodder about with seemingly no point or purpose beyond childish name calling. Good luck with that, as I am done responding to your odd little comments.

12:10 PM, October 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:10 AMEN, AMEN! I agree!

1:02 PM, October 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mystery will never be solved. Mystery girl. Bad relationships. Hostile environments. Sounds like a story line from Matlock. What do we do?

3:52 PM, October 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:52 Maybe you feel that way because you have never had to go through it yourself. Some things are not a big deal when they happen to others. The reason why the city employees were under Civil Service formed and approved by the boa years ago was to keep politics from interfering in personnel matters. But there are other things in the rules and regulations regarding harassment of any kind.

But what was back then is not even considered or used anymore. We had city administrators in the past that made sure these rules were followed. But we also had others who did nothing to assist in keeping Civil Service active and viable.

So now it's every man for themselves and it is no longer an avenue for employees to use if something is wrong with the way they are being treated.

And now you are only judged by one person and it isn't the city Adm. So we are back to the same old zxzx and I think it is wrong.

4:53 PM, October 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting the 7.47 list of people fired by the city was removed by the administrator...guess he can't print facts on his blog,,,Very Obamaish...

6:53 PM, October 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a minute! You mean someone put names of people who were fired on this blog and Tom removed them? Well, if that don't beat all. There are 7 people fired and people on this blog are calling me a liar saying put up or shut up-then you put the names on this blog and they are removed. I wonder why Tom did that! Anyhow, that should clear me with the assumption that I am a liar, etc. etc. The names would have told the story about what I said about the whole issue.

8:17 PM, October 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And now you are only judged by one person and it isn't the city Adm."

Rumor,1378 gossip, hearsay, speculation.

10:17 PM, October 27, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:17 PM Blogger: Tom did that because we are not going to discuss any personnel actions here.

Progressive / liberals, yes, personnel action's, NO !

Tom Ford

6:07 AM, October 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:24 AM Oct. 27th:

Shame on me for what? All I did was to point out that employees were laid off, not fired (and the employees to which I referred were those whose jobs were recently made redundant, as reported in the local newspapers and as recorded in the meeting minutes).

I also stated that it was unfortunate when anyone suffered a job loss.

Further, I pointed out that city services were not being discontinued, they were being outsourced at a reduced cost to taxpayers.

Somehow, you found in these unremarkable statements a reason to personally attack me, and to criticize me for not involving myself in a personnel issue that has nothing to do with the current layoffs.

Martha Duchild

9:28 AM, October 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martha anyone investigating at this moment outsourcing the Police and or Fire department?

9:54 AM, October 28, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:54 AM Blogger: While I am not Martha, I will assure you that this will not happen unless there is no longer a Crestwood.

Since there is no danger of that in sight, NO is your answer.

Tom Ford

10:05 AM, October 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Since there is no danger of that in sight, NO is your answer."

I wish I had your confidence on that one.

10:25 AM, October 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All pettiness aside and back to the original topic of budget concerns...when are ALL YOU folks that are so against the mall redevelopment plan and TIF going to open your eyes and see that the cuts in services, personnel, etc are a direct result of the huge hole in our city? Revenue is down, period. It will continue to fall until something is done. Unfotunately, TIF has become the standard for doing large projects like this in St. Louis. Do you all really want to see our city be the martyr and fight the new norm of development? Because, we, the residents are losing and will continue to lose. Even with the evils of TIF, the city still gets something rather than nothing as it's heading these days.

11:12 AM, October 28, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:28 AM BLOGGER: Believe in and shop Crestwood first! We're in much better shape than some think we are.

If you have doubt's, I understand, but why not schedule an appoint,ent with Mr. Sime and get the truth from him. I believe you will find him to be honest to a fault.

Tom Fotrd

11:13 AM, October 28, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:12 AM BLOGGER: Bring something that will work to the table and THEN we will talk!

So far Centrum has tossed us the same old failed idea, period..

Tom Ford

11:18 AM, October 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They said that about the Animal control person...too.. They threaten to raise taxes you watch how opinions change,,,fast.

12:00 PM, October 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If his only fault is that he is honest then he is not going to fit in...

1:27 PM, October 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What critical services have been cut? Animal control is not critical.

6:53 PM, October 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the plan for the Mall? According to the South County Times Ryan, Klenovich, a vice president of Angelo Gordon & Co says that "He does not believe there is strong support in the retail community for big box retail at this location.". So no box retail and the Mayor and BOA say no restaurant\entertainment. What else is there that generates sales tax? Please can someone enlighten me?

9:46 PM, October 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 9:46 PM, October 28, 2013;

SHHH! It is a SECRET! Only the Mayor and majority of BOA know. They have a plan!

We can only assume that everything is running smoothly. I looked on the City Website to find a copy of the monthly financials hoping to see that sales tax collections are going to exceed the budgeted amount of $3.5 million for the year. But NO! No financials.. but I did see an RFP for Financial Services! Guess we have to hire someone to produce the report.

10:00 PM, October 28, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well thank God we won't have the drain of the 35,000 going out to the animal control officer anymore. Whew. load off MY mind. That 35,000 is such a major part of the 3.5 million I wasn't sure how we were going to make it. Now I know we'll be okay.

7:13 AM, October 29, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

35,000 worked out at about $1,657.00 a rabid squirrel

7:54 AM, October 29, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:13AM BLOGGER: Try $50,000.00 with insurance, vehicle, benefit's and the like.

Now that's a bit more per squirrel isn't it.

Tom Ford

5:10 PM, October 29, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work for a company who has a saying that they hired most of their problems. In reading the posts attacking one of the managers/department heads of the city for being a manager of their staff, instead of a best buddy for ever, it seems like Crestwood could say the same thing. They hire most of their problems.

10:22 PM, October 29, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw in today's Sun-Crest Call Newspaper that the City & Developer are pursuing Brown Field Tax Credits from the State of Mo. Say it ain’t so! Wasn’t that used up north at the old Northwest Plaza and was a big scandal? If it was so bad up north, how can be good in Crestwood?

1:44 PM, October 30, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone on this board shed some actual light on these comments from the Call: "One available option is to sell the property, and interest has been expressed in purchasing the site, Schlink said.
However, "knowing what (that) person wants to do with the property, we don't want that to happen," he said.
"I told (Ryan Klenovich) that the idea of what that potential owner would bring to the table wouldn't necessarily be what would cause us to do something (or) not do something with them," Schlink told the board.
Schlink told the Call he does not know who the interested party is."

All jokes aside, anyone know what the potentail plan is? Divide and sell corner to CVS Pharmacy, etc?

2:20 PM, October 30, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are two plans.

plan A. Dither over cappuccino at Starbucks for the next five years with no result.

Plan B. Wait until after the next elections and a regime change then dither over cappuccino at Starbucks for the next five years
with no result.

Both plans however may suffer an upset if Starbucks becomes a resell it shop.

3:21 PM, October 30, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Wasn’t that used up north at the old Northwest Plaza and was a big scandal?"

Wasn't the scandal that the Brownfield bonds, etc were applied for AFTER the developer got the TIF they wanted?
In Crestwood, the TIF was NOT awarded. Further the owners of the property admitted they knew nothing about Brownfield until a few members of the BOA made them aware it's benefits.
Two different things entirely have happened..

6:04 PM, October 30, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 2:20 PM, October 30, 2013

Word on the commercial real estate side of the street says it's an not-for-profit (tax exempt) institutional user with chunks being parceled off for CVS, and some other out-lots

7:22 PM, October 30, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:04 PM, October 30, 2013

No. The Post story goes after the Brownfield Tax Credit process in general and the Nixon Admin's cozy relationship with EOI. TIF & Brownfields can't be used for the same purpose... I.E. a Developer can't double dip. The Northwest Plaza Developer simply hired the company that had the relationship with Nixon to facilitate the credits through the State DED.

7:30 PM, October 30, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:30 PM, October 30, 2013

OK, so that is not what happened in Crestwood.

11:05 PM, October 30, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The issue would be why would Crestwood Mayor and BOA support a Brownfield Tax Credit subsidy if they are against TIF\TDD etc.? Both are public subsidies for a project.

12:24 PM, October 31, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, this is a popular topic, but that means NOTHING to today's leadership, either at the city or national level!

Bottom line: They are axxing a POPULAR program, and one that is as important as NUMEROUS other things we waste money on, so they can pay for TAX BREAKS FOR THE WEALTHY (called "welfare" by everybody outside the Tea Party), in this case, in the form of a HUGE TIF handout to whoever develops Crestwood Court (at OUR expense!) and in the form of those Brownfield tax "credits" (spelled "welfare handout for the wealthy" - again).

So how can we, or ANY government, afford to pay for SERVICES we actually need or use and PEOPLE who actually do all the work, when we simply MUST fill the pocketbooks of the richest people with even more millions at our expense? When will the bleeding, in the name of "jobs" which never happen, stop? When will we finally learn we have a BIG socialist welfare problem, alright: Tax breaks and welfare handouts for the wealthy, THAT'S the problem, both here in Crestwood AND in Washington, D.C.

Restore Animal Control and Nancy's job, and maybe cut the City Administrator position, or at least its pay. Don't see any reason we need to pay over $100 G's, plus lifetime pension (spelled "welfare handout") for a few years work, for such no-talent as that guy we have now - any monkey can cut a job and save that much salary!

There's PLENTY of fat in our budget to cut without cutting Animal Control: tax breaks and handouts to rich business owners, and maybe cut a few police who do nothing but man pointless speed traps (in Crestwood? Where the average driver goes about 15MPH?) all day. Make the Crestwood Court develop SPEND SOME MONEY to redevelop it - or take it eminent domain! THAT'S the REAL PURPOSE of eminent domain - to take blighted property. When will government return to representing PEOPLE, rather than corporations?

P.S. Along that note, I read far up there somewhere a business person from Sunset Hills saying he would "never do business" in Crestwood. Wha? Don't we give as many welfare tax breaks to ya as yer friends in Sunset Hills? Get cheaper taxes there, paid for on the back of some working poor person? Keep yer business in Sunset Hills, please and thank you!

8:10 AM, November 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's crazy talk..8.10..!!!
We are still paying off the last
CA.....and co.. Firing in Crestwood is equated to shooting off our expensive toes.
I expect an animal Control pay off any day now with the decision being made away from the Video cameras.

10:44 AM, November 01, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...


Tom Ford

3:12 PM, November 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:10 AM Nov. 1st

Regarding the Crestwood Court redevelopment, no TIF has been issued, no Brownfields credits used, no CID or TDD tax has been imposed.

This naturally begs the question: With respect to the Crestwood Court redevelopment, what are the "handouts to rich business owners" to which you refer?

Martha Duchild

11:55 PM, November 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Don't forget no re-development movement either at Crestwood Court. We continue to shed employees, can't provide any salary adjustments for the ones who stay. Our streets are falling apart. We will not be able to cut our way out of this mess. After the CA gets done with this round, there is nothing left to cut except police and fire.
After the Holidays look for Best Buy to go belly up. I hear Kohl's is going to close stores in St. Louis too.

4:16 PM, November 02, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:16 PM BLOGGER: If they started to dig today it would be at least three years before we saw a dime so we have to streamline, period.

Next, the Best Buy store is one of their most profitable in the chain, so......... Kohl's, well they will do whatever but WE control our own destiny, and I see no reason to hit the silk yet!

Tom Ford

10:28 AM, November 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next, the Best Buy store is one of their most profitable in the chain"

how do you know this?

11:38 AM, November 03, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:38 AM BLOGGE: I read the business info pages, try it sometime.

According to the " Crestwood's doomed" crowd that store has been closing for the last three holiday seasons, why do you think it's still there?

Tom Ford

2:32 PM, November 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:16 PM November 2

What does any of that have to do with my question? Your welcome to your pessimism about Crestwood's future, but it has no bearing on my original question.

The poster made claims about handouts to wealthy business owners, and I have yet to receive a response as to how the poster can make such an assertion in light of the fact that no agreement or contract for financial incentives has been signed.

Martha Duchild

3:19 PM, November 03, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:19 PM BLOGGER: They have no answer, it''s the progressive mantra the blogger spouted, pure and simple!

Tom Ford

4:35 PM, November 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:19 I am of the opinion that no matter what the topic is on this blog or anywhere else; if there are things in the newspaper or on television/radio - it doesn't mean it is the truth and that's a real shame. All these people do is get everything that does matters - so confusing it can make you go crazy. People will repeat things they think are true from these different entities - and sometimes when they piece it together telling others what it is - it can be so off base and so incorrect that by the time the 8th person tells the story to 8 other people - it isn't even remotely correct. That is why things get so confusing to the masses, and we all throw our hands up in despair. From the Mall, to City Hall, to OBama Care - to our allies - to other countries, etc. and so on! That is why for important things we have to remember, not those who consider themselves highly intellectual persona on TV, radio, newspapers, even the New York Times who set themselves up as sqeaky clean representatives are still only interested in making a good story a great story. And the beat goes on. But we do know that this kind of xxxxx can bring down empires!!!! Heresay is not admissible in court, and that's because there are a bunch of nimrods out there that think they are smarter than you and I but know "squat" about what is really going on. That's how I see it! Further people believe what they want to believe. That's how come things get totally out of hand. Remember, one shot from a gun can make a whole herd of cattle stampede!

4:51 PM, November 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Crestwood Best Buy store is the one to shop if you can't find a product at any other Best Buy store..Because..they will have it.....due to lack of customers...

12:04 PM, November 06, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:04 PM Blogger: And when was it that you did a customer count there ?

Tom Ford

5:27 AM, November 07, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, Martha et al. PLEASE share your vision for how we get ourselves out of the mess we are in? There soon will be nothing left to cut but Police and Fire... YES Tom POLICE!

What is the plan? We can't pay our employees, we can't fix our streets. 40+ acres of "Dead Zone" sits like a cancer ready to engulf the rest of our dying commercial base. Again what is the plan?

All I hear is no to public/private partnerships to revive our commercial core... but yet no alternatives are provided .

TIF=BAD, TDD=BAD, Entertainment District=BAD.

What are our new CA's qualifications? Has he ever projected tax revenue? Assembled a budget based on producing tax revenue estimates? From the front page of the Call, I guess not, as he is over projecting utility tax revenue using a "three year average" that goes back to 2011 when the City received a large one time settlement form cell phone lawsuits.

Has our new CA ever undertaken a commercial redevelopment project? Does he know what ROI is? Does he know what "Base" revenue is as it applies to TIF?


9:18 PM, November 07, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:18 PM November 7

Looks to me like you have a few questions for the city administrator. Why then, are you directing them to people on this blog? If you want answers to your questions, call the city administrator.

Martha Duchild

10:58 PM, November 07, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:12 PM Blogger: "Tom, Martha et al. PLEASE share your vision for how we get ourselves out of the mess we are in? There soon will be nothing left to cut but Police and Fire... YES Tom POLICE!"


We well may loose the things that are not needed to run the City, but thank Obama and the ruling party for the economic down turn, not the C / A !

We will emerge from this when Centrum either comes up with an idea that will work., or sells the property to someone who will.

If you read the call this week, we seem to be coming out of the deep on our own thanks to the C / A, so I agree with Martha, set an appointment with him and he will tell you the vision he has for the City he too resides in.

Sorry but were not a bottomless money pit that only exists to hand out job's to people whether we need them or not, that's the cold stark reality of the world we live in today and it's here to stay for a while.

Tom Ford

6:33 AM, November 08, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Here is the legacy of the regime in Washington today.

Tom Ford

6:53 AM, November 08, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

still preferable to the previous administration's legacy:

7:10 PM, November 08, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fenton does very well sub contracting it's fire and police to County.The good citizens shouldn't have to pay for bloated empires and duplicate services just to keep people in a job .Dog catchers and' shop lifter catchers '
are no different to me.

8:12 PM, November 08, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:10 PM BLOGGER: More kool aid ? how do you feel about the latest where Obama has lifted the sanctions on Iran ?

Tom Ford

8:24 PM, November 08, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Like so!

Tom Ford

8:36 PM, November 08, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

We're we aware that over the last six years since the last C/A recommended the end of animal control it has cost us roughly $246,000.00 ?

We're doing the right (and only) thing by dropping it from the 2014 budget. Contrary to the apparent belief of some we will not be over run with wildlife, feral cat's or whatever else they envision, we have the same protection we have always enjoyed the other 128 hours a week that animal control was not working.

Tom Ford

5:07 PM, November 09, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, along that line of chatter, I'd like to know how much the city has spent on the police officer's salary over 6 years that I saw sound asleep in his car on Sappington Rd. not too long ago. I mean, head back, mouth open snoring kind of asleep. MY tax dollars at work while he naps. I was NOT happy to see that. But did I call for his firing? No. Did I assume he sleeps every day in his car while he's supposed to be working? I wondered, yes. Calling for firing someone because YOU don't see the value in their job is, to say the least, small minded. I might pose that we would be doing our city budget a favor to let that officer go sleep on another city's dime.

7:51 PM, November 09, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:51 PM Blogger: 7:51 PM Blogger: Well, along those lines, why don' you PROVE IT!


Tom Ford

6:59 AM, November 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

um, how can I prove something that happened a few weeks ago??

9:57 AM, November 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems the only cops that get fired at Crestwood are those with job related injuries....13 utparti

11:04 AM, November 10, 2013  
Anonymous Sandy said...

7:51 PM 11/9 Take pictures with your cell phone or get the number off of his police car. But remember that
people say lots of things about what they see; but it is not admissible in a court of law. And the police department hear all kinds of complaints. Some are false and some are not. Therefore officials are not going to just take your word for what you elude to! Heresay will never work! You need real proof. But you may be in for a Big disappointment especially if the cop has an alibi. All I am saying is this; I don't feel like any one should be judged by what you say you saw; that ain't gonna work.
The Police Dept. isn't going to just take your word for it; Why? They see people every day who say they are telling the truth. BUT without proof, all you have is what you think you saw. It is worth nothing without proof. Just because you think you seen a cop not doing his "due diligence" is not enough.

What upsets me is that in your mind because of what you are really saying is - because of this issue - that all police officers therefore should not get a raise? If that is what you are referring to, you are wrong and unfair; and I am sure you would not want your employer to feel the same about you.
Police and Fire Service may not seem necessary to you, - until you are the one who gets robbed, or whose house burns down and kills members of your family because we have no fire protection. It could happen to you as well as anybody else. I feel it is very necessary - and these our police officers and fire fighter/paramedics - whether you think so or not -DO put their lives on the line every day. Could you do it? Probably NOT! A fire, a burglary, a kidnapping can happen in the blink of an eye! You have no crystal ball and we don't know when it will happen BUT IT DOES HAPPEN EVERY DARN DAY OF THE WEEK. I will never, ever want our police and fire employees gone. Further, I am sick and tired of people ridiculing the city stating that we have "too many police cars" - That scenario my friend was another foe paw that happened under another administration not this one.
People even complain about noisy fire trucks and/or ambulances. They get a bad rap but still lives have been saved when people call 911 and someone is saved because of the response team and our paramedics. Could you give people you don't even know CPR or could you save someone who had a heart attack????? Nadda!
If you want to bitch about anything, don't start with our police and fire. If you gotta complain, get your info together and take it to city hall; otherwise some day the life they save may be yours. Comprendae!!!

11:56 AM, November 10, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:57 AM BLOGGER: That's your problem, you made the accusation, remember ?

I don't think it happened at all!

Tom Ford

12:03 PM, November 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:12 PM, November 08, 2013 Poster

Fenton contracts police. Fire is through the Fenton Fire Protection District which levies an additional property tax of $.66/$100 for Residential. Commercial is $1.0540 and Personal Property is $0.9560.

1:20 PM, November 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We well may loose the things that are not needed to run the City, but thank Obama and the ruling party for the economic down turn, not the C / A !

Tom: You are missing the point. Other cities, like Sunset Hills are doing quite well. New Chick fil la set to open next week They have no trouble filling their vacant stores. WHY?

We have a CANCER in the heart of our town that is spreading. We say no, no, no to redevelopment and cut the dog catcher position and say everything is getting better?

We have a CA who has absolutely no municipal management experience, no experience in redevelopment and no clue about municipal finance. I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but he is not what we need right now.

We have a Mayor who has ZERO leadership skills and people like Martha who are experts deflecting reality controlling the shots from behind the scenes.

At the rate we are going we will not be able to fund basic services. To some extent we are already there as we can’t provide our employees any kind of salary adjustment and can’t fix our streets.. unless it is with federal grant $$.

1:41 PM, November 10, 2013  
Anonymous sandy said...

1:41 I have to agree with what you are saying to a point. If, however, you want to play the blame game, it started years ago when we had tons of sales tax monies and had people in charge that thought it was going to last forever and were allowed to spent it over and over again. We will have to see how things go with this out sourcing things like Finance. But no matter how it goes, we had best keep the watch dogs overseeing this. Money is tight because of the economy, and the Mall is gone. But somebody better be watching and checking the green back dollars and keeping track of this out sourcing deal. I am truly sorry that people have been let go. I just wish that it didn't have to happen. These are the things that bring employees down and upset. I hope that the worst is over in layoffs and let go's. But I still believe in Crestwood and to me that means to keep what we have and never let the County come in and tell us they are taking over. You talk about mayhem, boy will we have it then. All chiefs and no Indians!

2:52 PM, November 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would much rather have a Crestwood police officer sleeping on sappinton road than a. county one..

4:24 PM, November 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the time a county cop comes to where the problem is - the response time would be so much longer - you can die waiting for him/her! Nope! If it ever comes to that, I will be first in line to be against it. It takes the paramedics minutes to get to a crash site in Crestwood much faster and with much more concern and care. That's my take!

5:11 PM, November 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you figure in waking the crestwood cop It s a wash,,,5.11.

7:00 PM, November 10, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:00 PM BLOGGER: The verified response time in Crestwood (dispatch time included) is 2 1/2 to 3 1/4 minutes, even for folks like you who don't like the police.

Try that with ounty, you can add at least five minutes, and a lot can happen in the time your waiting.

Tom Ford

9:01 PM, November 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:41 PM November 10

What precisely does an "expert deflecting reality" do?

Also, are you implying that Crestwood elected officials are incapable of thinking for themselves?

Martha Duchild

10:30 PM, November 10, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bottom line is we are paying the new CA $100,000 a year to save $40,000 ( aka dog catcher demise). Unless Crestwood is prepared to look at ALL options and investigate ALL departments for waste and inefficiency then we have just wasted another bucket full of money.
For the record whenever there is a major crime in Crestwood I always see a 'boatload' of county police cars at the scene...with the obligatory two cars from Crestwood.
Also the Chief of St. Louis county police lives a LOT closer to Crestwood than our Present Police chief does..! what's the response time from outer Jefferson county Tom?

7:00 AM, November 11, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:00 AM Blogger: "The bottom line is we are paying the new CA $100,000 a year." Well I think he is worth every dime of it.

"Also the Chief of St. Louis county police lives a LOT closer to Crestwood than our Present Police chief does..! what's the response time from outer Jefferson county Tom?"

The Chief is not required to respond immediately, that's why we have watch commanders. At any rate he is retiring soon so what of it?

The new Chief may also live where he pleases, so who knows he may live next door to you, unless you move that is.

Read the Charter, find out who does what, you might be surprised at what is in there.

Tom Ford

8:09 AM, November 11, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not like the fact that we have a city adm. who is not familiar with city government. He has a military background. I also am not liking this mayor because I think he presents himself with very little enthusiasm except to break ties and call the meeting to order. That's just my feelings. You may not agree with me on these two facts but please don't argue about it. That's my take and my opinion.

But as Tom said, the police chief does not have to live "next door" to you. Further one person says he saw a cop sleeping in his vehicle, and now that's all we will hear about on this thread until the end of time! It's your right to keep up the momentum on this one, but it is a moot point to me -- why not talk about the Police and Fire Depts. as a whole instead of pointing fingers at one cop. Those who do not do their jobs will eventually fall by the wayside. They always do and they will eventually pay for their misdeeds. If this cop did it once, he will do it again and will be caught. So why keep bringing it up? Time will tell how efficient our CA is and if the people vote for a Mayor, I hope that it works out for the best. So Tom, I know you disagree with what I think, but let's just wait and see because I don't intend on keeping the issue going. It's my take an that is all I need to say. Thanks.

10:04 AM, November 11, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:01 AM BLOGGER: Only one thing that I will say, being a deputy commander of any military base is the best training for the C/A job you can get.

The military is the government, so..............

Tom Ford

11:25 AM, November 11, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that the same government you are constantly criticizing?..
I think our new C A will not make too many waves...he'll just tread water until retirement.

2:38 PM, November 11, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:38 PM BLOGGER: Clearly you don't know him.

The government that I oppose are the rino/democrat socialists, not our military, but you did know that, didn't you.

Tom Ford

3:51 PM, November 11, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your logic defies logic. He's a former military commander of a military point out that this means he was part of the government.....yet no one on earth can waste money like the government can. Hmmm...

6:10 PM, November 11, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:10 PM BLOGGER: Really.? Well no one. On this earth knows more about budget than a base commander, believe it.

The government gives the operation just so much "open to buy," and when it's gone, it's over till the net fiscal

You make all these assumptions not knowing the man, or his capabilities. May I suggest you set an appointment with him and get the truth?

Tom Ford

7:39 PM, November 11, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One less dog catcher does not give Crestwood fiscal security.I hope he's not a one trick pony.

7:45 PM, November 11, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unless the County animal control shows up . One trick ponies are safe in Crestwood.

6:15 AM, November 12, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:25 am 11/11 and 7:39 pm from Tom.
Mark Sims, City Adm. of Crestwood's expertise is military BUT may I clarify one thing that is incorrect you state on your blog.


11:58 AM, November 12, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:58 AM BLOGGER: I will ask about that. Your right, there is a big difference.

Tom Ford

3:33 PM, November 12, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really don't care if he was the crossing guard at the base...I would like to see his budget /cost cutting measures he plans to turn Crestwood around.

6:43 AM, November 13, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

'8.43 AM BLOGGER: MAKE AN APPOINTMENT, just don't waste his time.

Tom Ford

4:38 PM, November 13, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At $48.07 an hour I don't intend to.

9:31 AM, November 14, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:31 AM BLOGGER: Good, I said don't waste gis time!

Om Ford

6:22 PM, November 14, 2013  

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