Monday, October 21, 2013

How great must socialist health care be if you can't even sign up for it ?

The folks who would be in complete charge of YOUR healthcare can't even put up a web site that works !Now Obama is drafting the "geek's" to try and fix what the HHS director said was ready to go !

I suppose if you throw another Billion or two at it the great un-washed may finally be able to write their name in the dirt because like ALL Obama projects, this is an abject failure !

Ah yes, "hope and change," well progressives you wanted it, you got it, and now "it" is a mess. But if you think this is bad just wait till the tax man comes to nail you for what you can't do (sign up for this idiocy.)

Tom Ford

NO. 2031



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'll say one thing for sure, this roll out of the ACA TAX answers the question "what could possibly go wrong with the government running my health care?"

10:24 AM, October 21, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:24 AM BLOGGER: Yes, and all this from. a Canadian source that only cost us just south of 1/2 Billion dollars !

I guess there's no web designers in the States ?

Tom Ford

12:28 PM, October 21, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Boy oh boy, "timing is everything, "no ?

Tom Ford

12:46 PM, October 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, just so I'm clear, a pregnant, diabetic woman becomes light headed and that's somehow the president's fault? Please clarify.

5:30 PM, October 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He used her to support his crock of Crap ACA Tax when she was in a very delicate condition.

Can't wait to see what Leno does tonight .

5:35 PM, October 21, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:30 PM BLOGGER: Don't forget het hang nail !

Tom Ford

7:12 AM, October 22, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

300,000 loose their Helth care thanks to the Obama care and the democrats who pushed it through !

Great job Obama, I hope the people remember our party (along with the rinos) who did it come next November.

Tom Ford

5:27 PM, October 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for a new post Tom!

from this week's Call Newspapers. This should be wild!

10:15 AM, October 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's almost like the Crestwood BOA is in charge of the operation..!!!
I wonder what we will get care or a new idea for the Mall replacement...???

3:37 PM, October 23, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:15 AM BLOGGER: I know, finally a C/A with the sense to put Crestwood's financial needs ahead of the " Sacred Cow "

Well done SIR !

Tom Ford

3:37 PM, October 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The questions come down to this, what is the reason for govt?
To hire people or to provide the tax payers with the services they want at the best possible cost?

If same services can be performed at a lower cost what would you want?

5:34 PM, October 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My retired father spent over 4 hours yesterday online and over the phone trying to sign up and find out weather his current doctor would be in the plan he wanted to purchase network. After 4 hours the only answer he could get was that he needed to buy the insurance first and then he would find out. It was heartbreaking to watch my elderly dad become so frustrated by such an asinine process. I just do not understand how any democrat who witnessed what I saw yesterday would actully think that Obamacare is a good thing.

7:39 PM, October 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Well done SIR"

What would be nice is if someone here showed even the slightest concern that people have just been fired and are now out of work. I realize this is a great thing in your estimation, but to me this is very unfortunate. Anyone put out of work is a bad thing.

8:58 PM, October 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:58 PM, October 23, 2013

So should the guys who shoveled coal on the old steam trains still have a job today? Should the companies who made buggy whips still be in business even though there is no need for their product?

And if the work being done by govt can be done by fewer people at a lower cost, should we keep all the extra unneeded under worked employees? How about you paying their wages and benefits on you own?

Sorry for them yes, but with the safety now there for those who are made "redundant" I'm not concerned for their future.

10:45 PM, October 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm. interesting take. As Crestwood circles the drain, I wonder if anyone has given any thought to what adjustments will need to be made once St. Louis county takes us over?

9:31 AM, October 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who will now protect the good citizens of Crestwood from Zombie attacks???

10:36 AM, October 24, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:36 AM Blogger: Forget the zombie's, worry about the hordes of "feral cat's," and the animals sneaking out of Grant's Farm at night! (Remember the guy who said that ?)

Tom Ford

4:15 PM, October 24, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Liberal tolerance at work:

Tom Ford

4:17 PM, October 24, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

And they got how much to buils a site that won't work ?


Tom Ford

5:40 AM, October 26, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Liar one strikes at the purse strings!


Tom Ford

5:10 AM, October 29, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Oh, and by the way,

Tom Ford

9:18 AM, November 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not, nor have I ever been one of those who are considered as having a high I.Q. or being above average. I am just an average person so maybe I just don't have the "brain power" to begin to understand what the President thinks he is doing with this health care debacle, except creating more chaos for we average "folk". Oh I know, he must want only two sets of people, the very rich and very poor to the total elimination of the "middle class". I call it going down a worm hole so fast and so long that once you are in it, there is no turning around. The United States cannot possibly get all the issues in this Obamacare straightened out without totally costing more and more money Money is going right out the door already just trying to straighten it out. And it is only the beginning. Thing is, it cannot be done, in my mind. What do they know that I don't? Why, in God's name would anybody try this; the government is going to go down the tube beating this dead horse. Why did Obama want to do this when there are so many other things that are broken in this country.

The poor and the oppressed have more organizations to assist them than I can name on this blog. We've got churches, religious groups and more and more people helping the poor. We even send doctors into poor countries to assist the unfortunate. So why is the Pres. causing we, the people to suffer for everyone because of the less fortunate. This is just plain wrong. The President has and continues to spend more money trying to perfect this issue when there is so much more out there that nothing is being done about. Why is it that people are getting by with fraud, pandering, murder, drugs and more drugs, kidnapping, etc., and some of the Judges are giving these people a slap on the wrist, so we can spend more money building prisons for them. There are more and more people getting by with stealing, using guns and killing people, and just about any crime you can think of. Doesn't the President read about it, see it on television, or doesn't his assistants tell him what goes on in the very place to which he is in command? Why isn't the president trying to get the right people to oversee what is going on right under his nose. I hear it, I read it and it makes me sick! People are being released from prison too soon and have gone back to doing the same bad things to which they were imprisoned - causing good people in this country more problems and the phrase "getting by with murder" means just what it says!

Socialist health care? Well if it is such a great idea, it's funny to me how the big wigs in DC are not forced to be under OBamacare! I have had it with this baloney and frankly even though I am only an average person with no special brain power, the whole thing makes me sick. So I better go to my doctor before my health insurance gets cancelled.

8:39 PM, November 07, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

democrats leaving a sinking regime.

Tom Ford

5:31 AM, November 13, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Impeachment time is near, very near !

Tom Ford

7:55 PM, November 14, 2013  

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