Just 51,000 complete obamacare applications, and "it was so wonderfull," right ?

Is it possible that the American public has looked into this travesty and seen the real reason behind it, that being the LARGEST EAX INCREASE IN HISTORY ?
Have YOU looked at the increase in your tax burden (or should I say the reduction in your pay check) lately ?
All the democrat's want is for you to not take it so they can sic the IRS on you with a "penalty" for making your own choices, What happened to America, and better yet WHY ?
Tom Ford
NO. 2028
Tom, there is a name for this tax. It is called the Chief Justice John Roberts tax.
Martha Duchild
Since it is a tax and the House is where all revenue bills have to start, what would happen if the House voted on a bill to fund the ACA and it was voted down? Would they then send it to the Senate for approval?
What if the House passed a bill to defund the ACA? What would happen then? Since the ACA needs funding and only the House can pass bill regarding spending of revenue, could they not pass a bill with no revenue attached to it for the ACA?
10:55 AM BLOGGER: Ah...... That's what the shut down is all about, defunding obamacare, no ?
They have passed numerous bills to defund it, sent it to Harry Reid, and, well here we are!
Tom Ford
So pass the rest of the fricking budget without ACS. If the Senate wont pass what the House sends them, then it just sites there.
Including the budget and the ACA.
The people we thought put the interests of their constituents first, decided to cut their nose off to spite their face and shot themselves in the foot!
Instead of putting their guns down on the table (all of Congress) - and compromising - they decided it was better to shut down the government to hurt their opponents and by doing so - hurt all the people whose trust was solid and in tact - their own constituency.
That's like the most insane thing I have ever heard. And I guarantee you, this is not going away anytime soon. That's how much they hate OBama Care. They turned around because of their hate for OBama and sacrificed their own people to make a point. Talk about loyalty! They turned on their own and used us as a sacrificial lamb! Boy does that ever show who and what they really care about - not you and I - but like always their party over their people! I rest my case!
Hold on to your hats people cause they are just getting started in Congress. So if you have any money at all - bury it in your backyard cause this
isn't over - it's just getting started. Next it will be the banks and everything else in this Country that will shut down. Why? because the two party system has finally lost it's mind and dignity.
They hate each other and have no respect for each other. And we are their middle children caught in the middle.
4:53 PM BLOGGER: Well in that Case pass everything Obama and the democrats want. that way we can move into. Communist country faster then THEY thought!
Tom Ford
Not everyone is a fan of obamacare, take a gander at Dr. Carson.
Tom Ford
slavery?? Really?? That's downright offensive to relate pretty much anything to slavery. Why in the world would you propagate something like that? Do you really think the affordable care act will have people strung up, lynched, whipped? Do you truly believe that this health care reform will have an entire race of people subjugated, demoralized, treated as sub-human and stripped of any and all human rights as they are bought and sold as commodities? If you honestly believe what you are spouting by passing along such an opinion, then I have to ask what on earth is wrong with your news sources. And no, I don't care WHO wrote the article or said those things. HE is pandering to the Right to eek out whatever support he can muster and will clearly say anything to that end. What's your excuse?
12:01 AM Blogger: Nothing is wrong with the source, it's just that YOU can't stand another opinion !
Dr. Carson (if you didn't know it is an African American who is highly educated and respected, and YOU think something is wrong with his opinion ?
Tom Ford
12:01 AM Blogger: Try this one on for size.
Or is it that NO ONE is allowed to comment on YOUR anointed one ?
Tom Ford
"After having thus taken each individual one by one into its powerful hands, and having molded him as it pleases, the sovereign power extends its arms over the entire society; it covers the surface of society with a network of small, complicated, minute, and uniform rules, which the most original minds and the most vigorous souls cannot break through to go beyond the crowd; it does not break wills, but it softens them, bends them and directs them; it rarely forces action, but it constantly opposes your acting; it does not destroy, it prevents birth; it does not tyrannize, it hinders, it represses, it enervates, it extinguishes, it stupefies, and finally it reduces each nation to being nothing more than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd."
[Alexis de Tocqueville Democracy in America]
"A truly moral nation enacts policies that encourage personal responsibility and discourage self destructive behavior by not subsidizing people who live irresponsibly and make poor choices"
Dr. Ben Carlson
"Liberalism can not compete in the free market place of ideas"
S.W. Malter
But pandering to the left wing sheep of our nation is ok? Just watch Sharpeton, Schultz, Matthews, the MSNBC line up of "stars" and the majority of the talking head news readers on the broadcast network "news" shows, if you want to be exposed to pandering.
That John Stewart is thought to be a neutral, creditable, quotable news source instead of a comedy show, is how dumb down 47% of our population has become.
Isn't this where the radical left wing nut jobs blame Fox News, Limbaugh, Beck, Bush, the NRA, the Koch Brothers, the Citizens United decision, Christian's, and the Tea Party?
what I can't stand is the audacity of anyone seriously comparing ANYTHING to slavery. I don't care what color he is or isn't. It's the most ridiculous thing on earth, and it's offensive. NOTHING can compare to the horrors of human beings being enslaved, no matter what kind of accusations you throw at me to deflect that his stance(and by proximity, yours) is reprehensible. I said nothing about anyone else. I was taking issue with this man, this statement, this issue and the fact that Mr. Ford appears to agree that the affordable health care act is essentially the same as humans bought and sold like livestock. Your smoke and mirrors of accusing all the other networks, shouting about what LEFT people say won't alter that you posted an agreement with the original statement.
11:14 AM BLOGGER: No, the health care act as it is written is not needed!
What you can't stand is that a well respected Black man has a voice, and is willing to use it!
Darn right I gree with him, and I always will. Now if this I too much for you may I suggest yo try Salon?
Tom Ford
11:14 AM, October 12, 2013\
whats your take on the legalized murder of a child by it's mother while still in her womb?
"NOTHING can compare to the horrors of human beings being enslaved".
This will send a stir through your heart.
Adults, elderly, young people, children–Americans–remove the Barrycades and charge up the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
“Remove the trash in Washington,” one shouts as goes up. He clearly wasn’t referring to any garbage left by the people.
Wave upon wave, ascend up the stairs.
This, please, and more of it, until we all make DC listen.
But I thought the government was "shut down !" Obama said it was, he said millions would go without anything, so why the "panic ?"
Could it be that Obama lied yet again ?
Tom Ford
Gee Tom, are you saying that President Obama, our first black President has lied to us before?
(tongue in check)
"Darn right I gree with him,"
So you genuinely believe that a health care law is on par with slavery....okay. whatever gets you through the day.
"whats your take on the legalized murder of a child by it's mother while still in her womb?"
Not even close to being related to the conversation or the topic. It is not connected to the quote or to Tom's stance on agreeing with it. Your random topic will need to be addressed by someone else.
11:03 PM Blogger: Why YES I AM !
Tom Ford
In the "I told you so" bracket we have this report from UAS Today.
Obamacare is a train wreck for many reasons, this job loss is but the tip of the ice burg.
Tom Ford
7:16 AM, October 14, 2013
Who cares what you think? You are just a slave to the federal govt and dont know it.
8:14 AM BLOGGER: Let them have their say, it's a good thing to know thy adversary, no ?
Tom Ford
Unions need to pay the ACA tax and not get subsidies for their Cadillac Plans. They wanted Obamacare - they need to live with Obamacare and suffer the consequences of their own actions. That goes for CONGRESS TOO. There should NOT be an EXEMPTION, nor tax payer funded subsidies for CONGRESS.
What good is socialism if everybody doesn't suffer the same?
Unions are pro democrat so a democrat will NEVER do anything to up set that apple cart, trust me.
Progressive / liberal's were to ever tell the truth they would agree that this is a very bad law aimed at taxing the socks off the American public.
The nasty truth is that democrats could care less if the public has health care, no, in fact they want you to decline so the "penalty" (read tax) can take effect.
This law will put several small business people out, thus less job's, and with ant amount of luck most will be union shop's !
Tom Ford
I truly believe that government health care will ruin us. The Country as a whole is going down a slippery slope to weaken the economic structure of America, and little by little, slowly but surely will manage to take all of our resources and smash them to pieces. It will help the lazy become even more so, at our expense and when all of the health care companies go out of business, we won't have any choice but to go with the government and all our health issues will be involved with a "bottle neck" overflow of people who are ill, the response time for appointments to doctors we don't even know will be backlogged and I see nothing good for the hardworking people in the middle who have scrimped and saved all of their lives. We, the people, the good and righteous ones, will suffer and despair because of it. This is definitely the wrong road for this Country. .
I am really for the first time in my life afraid of tomorrow.
10:07 AM BLOGGER: Sad isn't it, we'll the progressive's had their way., and the Nation will pay or it!
By the way, did you. See the story about the ILLEGAL ALIEANS who want to do a " civil disobedience" demonstration?
Tom Ford
"I truly believe that government health care will ruin us."
The sky is falling! health care will kill us all! Run! To Canada! To Europe! AACK!!
Tom - Suffice to say our constitution is no longer the rule of the land and OBamaCare should be a Capital Offense. That said - might as well take all copies of the constitution and use it in place of Charmin if you get what I am saying.
This obamacare is the craziest and most unconstitutional piece of garbage I have ever heard of.
There are thousands of people right now that are getting disability checks and food stamps that live better than I do because they know how to beat the system. Those that do deserve it have to wait as many as 4 years to get it and some have to hire an attorney to help them!!!!!! That is insanity!
An so now just add this health care deal to the list. Why do I have to give my money to those who cannot afford health care. I give money to darn near every charity in town. Sacrifices should be for family members - not strangers or derelicts who have no problems except they are too lazy to work.
I know of people that live on disability right now that use it all gambling at the Casinos and are no more sick that anybody else; They have cars that they drive to the casinos and they do it all day and all night long. So why can't they drive themselves to work huh????? I also know people who would rather gamble or use drugs than take care of their kids.
And now I shudder to think what on earth ever possessed our President to even think he will be helping this Country by getting involved with health care! I only have a 12th grade education, but I am even smart enough to know that this will help destroy us. Look at other countries, Canada, and others, and see how complicated this is going to be.
There are things in that obamacare law that shouldn't even be in their according to what I heard today; if it is so great, why is Congress and those in office exempt from it??????
So I say what I say and some may laugh, but my insurance money and yours should not be given to those who cannot pay for their's.
There are other things in that law that are placed in it that don't even pertain to it.
All I can say is that the Devil is alive and well and living in the United States of America. God help us all. God help us all we are going to need a miracle.
5:15 PM BLOGGER I am thinking more like the arrival of the "anti-Christ," or as a Doctor said on the radio today, "God's punishment for America's collective sins."
Tom Ford
" I am thinking more like the arrival of the "anti-Christ," or as a Doctor said on the radio today, "God's punishment for America's collective sins."
The terrible and frightening thing here is you seem to be serious! The anti-Christ?? I don't know whether to laugh or cry over that ludicrous statement.
Next post of yours had better have your name on it or your finished on this blog !
Tom Ford
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