The Call editorial by Mr. Mike Anthony summs it up yet again.
As a very wise man once said, "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." (he should have added, stay out.)
And now we have those among us who have done just that, they have chosen to not run for re election when the time came for reasons known only to them, that is up until last Tuesday night.
Now you can read about and judge the event's for yourself, but I wonder why anyone who didn't like the "limelight" would choose to place themselves on front street, center stage ?
For anyone who is familiar with the Constitution of the United States of America to move to vacate the right to free and open meetings is concern to me, as it should be to all of us.
I am not going to "spin" this one way or the other, but I will say it does remind me of the Arthur Miller play, "Death of a salesman," the line where Willy Lowman said, "They loved me in Philadelphia."
(No personal insults or attacks without your real name attached will be allowed.)
Tom Ford
NO. 3033
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I guess I'm confused about what you're objecting to? I read the article, and I don't see why anyone cares about some objecting to some guy in the back filming them. They had a right to voice concerns about that, and about what he would do with the footage. Why is this wrong?
Crestwood has done it "best work" in closed door meetings..
Much to the shame and detriment of our Town
9:36 AM BLOGGER: Really? Please re read and tell me that no one objected to the video camera in attendance.
Yes anyone can object but any audio is subject to The same thing, so what's the video objection I read all about?
To answer your question about it being wrong, I would ask why a public, meeting ( outside of a coffee shop) ,isn't on video? It should be for our residents who for whatever' reason cannot attend..
Tom Ford,
9:36 AM, October 31, 2013
Yes she had a right to express her concerns. But and it's a large but, Ms Duncan has twice taken the oath of of office in which she has sworn to uphold and obey the Laws of the State of Missouri. One of which is the Sunshine Law.
I would like to think that as this is not her first time dealing with the Sunshine Law, and with her superior intelligence, she would fully know ad understand the Sunshine Law . The fact that she had to ask the City Attorney her question indicates that she has been too busy getting the list of first names of those who have been laid off at City Hall, instead of knowing the law that she twice swore to uphold and obey.
I guess what's counts is her agenda.
?9:15 AM BLOGGER: Nice try, I looked up your siite. your REAL NAME, get it?
Tom Ford
Apparently the Sun (shine) don't shine in Crestwood.
When you run for public office you should expect to be seen in....ahem Public.
I'm sure every meeting is recorded by the security cameras which are in Place anyway.
Perhaps all meetings should be recorded in case the good people of Crestwood are watching Antiques roadshow on Tuesdays..
save a trip to the BOA chamber...
7:40 AM BLOGGER: Well except for the one's at Starbucks.
Tom Ford
For those at the meeting:
Was the videotaping just of the aldermen and podium (those choosing to speak)? If so, whatever. If he was panning the crowd however, that is much different. There are occasionally minors in attendance at the meetings, and those who are witnessing the meeting and not participating. A different set of issues involved.
Kind of weird either way. Even if you are allowed to do something, doesn't mean you should do it.
7:31 AM, November 06, 2013
My advise is you take your concerns up with the folks in Jefferson City and get the to change the law.
Or at least make sure your presentable on camera..
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Yea, creepy like channel Five news!
12:15 PM Blogger: Sign your real name or stop the personal insults my friend.
Tom Ford
Agenda alert
BOA meeting 11/12/13 (7:00 P.M.)
The BOA will be asked to repeal Chapter 6 Animal Control of Municipal Code and replacing it with a new code.
Those who support stopping the waste of our tax dollars by the removal of the Animal Control position need to attend this meeting.
I am sure there will be plenty of the "Save Willy" mob there in an attempt to sway the BOA on this issue,towards the continuing waste of our tax dollars.
10:38 AM BLOGGER: Thank you for the info.
Tom Ford
Will the vote be caught on Camera?
Yup, since all BOA meetings are captured on the security cameras located in the BOA Chambers.
Please advise where the secoruty cameras are mounted in boa chambers
Predictions for April 2014?
Predictions for what subject?
The mayoral race
What race?
They could run on ...The mall...redevelopment.
I think we should let non Crestwood residents run for major . that way we can attract better talent.
6:22 AM Blogger: Well what's wrong with YOU running?
Of course you will have to appear in public, and that will ruin the anonymous cloak you seem to so dearly love.
Tom Ford
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