WW 2 Vet's move "Barrycades" to see memorial!
NO. 2026
They did it on the beaches from the Pacific to Normandy and now they stormed their own memorial in Washington, DC !
By the way, if you take time to read this completely you will note that the White House ordered the closure, nice huh ?
Well done troop's, just goes to show you that a "few good men" still have the courage and the strength to persevere !
Tom Ford
NO. 2026
They did it on the beaches from the Pacific to Normandy and now they stormed their own memorial in Washington, DC !
By the way, if you take time to read this completely you will note that the White House ordered the closure, nice huh ?
Well done troop's, just goes to show you that a "few good men" still have the courage and the strength to persevere !
Tom Ford
NO. 2026
interesting story. Oddly, CNN said it was part of the "shutdown", and then the very men who voted for the shutdown came out for the photo op to move the barriers. Which is the correct version? I guess that depends what side of the aisle you're on.
is the memorial under the control of the Federal Govt?
WWII MEMORIAL PRIVATELY FUNDED! – Obama sends more barricades to WWII Memorial to keep veterans out.
The Monuments have more guards than Benghazi. ...did.
6:24 AM BLOGGER: Yes but Obama NEVER SENT HELP to Benghazi, and now he "barricades." The very men and women who guaranteed our freedom with their blood!
Whose side is HE on ?
Tom Ford
so, you believe that Obama came out and placed the barriers, while twisting his villain mustache and laughing an evil, throaty laugh? Then did he tie a fair maiden to the train tracks and run off just as a train came around the bend? Good Heavens, look at something besides Fox news for a few minutes.
Park service, dear poster, said the Administration told them to put up the barriers.
You need to spend more time watching Fox News instead of MSNBC.
National Park Officials closed down the educational Claude Moore Colonial Farm near the CIA in McLean, Va., even though the federal government doesn't fund or staff the park popular with children and schools. Just because the privately-operated park is on Park Service land, making the federal government simply its landlord, the agency decided to close it.
A Claude Moore Colonial Farm official said that the privately-funded staff is on the job Wednesday, but barred from letting anybody visit the historically accurate buildings or animals. Anna Eberly, the managing director, sent out an email decrying the decision and rude National Park Service staff handling the closure.
Pointing to Park Service claims that parks have to be closed because the agency can’t afford staff during the government closure, Eberly wrote: “What utter crap. We have operated the Farm successfully for 32 years after the NPS cut the Farm from its budget in 1980 and are fully staffed and prepared to open today. But there are barricades at the Pavilions and entrance to the Farm. And if you were to park on the grass and visit on your own, you run the risk of being arrested. Of course, that will cost the NPS staff salaries to police the Farm against intruders while leaving it open will cost them nothing.”
She added: “In all the years I have worked with the National Park Service, first as a volunteer for six years in Richmond where I grew up, then as an NPS employee at the for eight very long years and now enjoyably as managing director for the last 32 years — I have never worked with a more arrogant, arbitrary and vindictive group representing the NPS. I deeply apologize that we have to disappoint you today by being closed but know that we are working while the National Park Service is not — as usual.”
This is purely political -- it costs rather than saves the government money.
"You need to spend more time watching Fox News instead of MSNBC"
I would sooner chew glass.
Please enjoy the grass. Where should i send the dressing?
what on earth are you talking about??
7:34PM BLOGGER: Tp a liberal , Fox News is like garlic to a vampire!
Tom zFord
Fox News is like garlic to a vampire for anyone who actually thinks. I know many, many conservatives and several independents who hate Fox because of the ugly slant and the tendency to make things up. If a person tends to think for himself and not regurgitate partisan sound bites and party rhetoric, then Fox news is not the place they want to be.
So, this is all about FOX news is it?
Then defend for a minute the crap that MSNBC calls news every day they are on the air?
Defend Ed Schultz.
Defend Gore's selling his network for millions to the "Voice of Terrorism".
I've always said, in the Free Market Place of Ideas, Liberalism will lose every time.
I will defend and watch FOX News if for no other reason than as an alternative to the Democrat/liberal talking points mouth pieces that CNN, HLN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC have become.
Isn't diversity a Liberal corner stone in their system of beliefs? Guess not if means diversity will allow anything but the Liberal talking points to be see and heard.
Talk about mind numbed. closed minded robots, liberalism has not had an honest spokesperson since H. Humphry!
"A better and peaceful world is possible — a world where people and nature come before profits. That’s socialism. That’s our vision. We are the Communist Party USA."
8;28 AM BLOGGER: Thinks like what, a "progressive" ?
Tom Ford
I will not defend MSNBC. I do not watch that station.
Think like what? I didn't say think like anything. I said think. As in, at all.
If you want to be informed, don't get your news from TV, period.
Read a newspaper like the NY Times or Wall Street Journal.
12:53 PM Blogger: Gee whiz, you sound as mad as a "life coach" on a Dias when his light isn't recognized.
Have some green tea, relax, it's good for you.
Tom Ford
Whats wrong with the good ole St. Louis Post Dispatch, not good enough for you.
Have the times or the WSJ said anything about this?
A Canadian tech firm that has provided service to that country’s single-payer health care system is behind the glitch-ridden United States national health care exchange site healthcare.gov.
GCI Federal is a subsidiary of Montreal-based CGI Group. With offices in Fairfax, Va., the subsidiary has been a darling of the Obama administration, which since 2009 has bestowed it with $1.4 billion in federal contracts, according to USAspending.gov.
The “CGI” in the parent company’s name stands for “Conseillers en Gestion et Informatique” in French, which roughly translates to “Information Systems and Management Consultants.” However, the firm offers another translation: “Consultants to Government and Industry.”
The company is deeply embedded in Canada’s single-payer system. GCI has provided IT services to the Canadian Ministries of Health in Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Quebec and Saskatchewan, as well as to the national health provider, Health Canada, according to GCI Group’s Canadian website.
Or about the thousands of good paying jobs green energy company's have created, or the loss of good paying jobs the Keystone Pipeline would have created for Americans, or the Obama attack on the coal industry attacking thousands of good paying jobs?
And you want us to trust this Administration with my private health information?
And you believe the ACA is good for Americans?
And you believe that the shut down of sites that are not under the control of the Federal Govt is not being done to cause pain?
And lets not even bring up failed Obama's foreign policy, the failure of the recovery act, the out of control spending, and increased debt to China.
If you do, you are another low IQ liberal.
12:30 PM 10/5 Well my fellow citizen of the United States - we are stuck with Obama this and Obama that and a government that is out of control. We elected all of them. Liberal or Conservative - when has this two party system ever worked together. People are people - but it's fun to play the blame game with you party politicians isn't it. However this manure didn't just start with this President. There were lots of Libs and Conserv. going back many years, - who were Presidents. Personally the blame can be spread out to blame all of our Presidents, the House and the Senate. This liberal and conservative baloney is ridiculous. Neither party walks on water so stop with playing party politics. It's just insane. What makes you so dang sure we wouldn't have this same problem with John McCain?
6:21 PM Blogger: "What makes you so dang sure we wouldn't have this same problem with John McCain? "
I doubt that it would be this bad, BUT McCain has proven to be a waste of a good seat in the Senate for some time now.
He is a perfect reason to vote out ANYONE who has a D, R, or I behind their name on any ballot.
We need to get back to the Constitution, and send people up there for one term only, then it's back to whatever they did before.
"Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts, absolutely." (Desreli ?)
A note on the shut down if I may, Texas legislature meets once every other year and they seem to be doing just fine, so what's the problem?
Also, if only "non essential" worker's are off and the railroad still runs, maybe we don't need all them in the first place ? Think about it !
Tom Ford
83% of the Federal Government is still operating! More phony baloney from Obama? You bet it is!
Tom Ford
now you're quoting the Washington Examiner? Is there a news source you will participate in that isn't wildly Right-slanted? What's wrong with more unbiased news, Mr. Ford? Why always Right wing rhetoric?
9:37 AM BLOGGER: Simple, I am not for the progressive movement, I am a dyed in the wool conservative !
I even have a red tee shirt that staes, " Ice cold conservative, the rel thing!" So what would you expect, the daily kos, or salon?
Tom Ford
If a conservative is running for President, but he has a rap sheet a mile long - you would still vote for the conservative. That is purely insane but I can see you doing it along with other ice cold conservatives. How much balony can a person stand, really!
1:25 PM BLOGGER: Well if Charles Manson was running against Obama I might just do that!
To answer your question number two, your a believer in the democrat party and Obama, you tell me!
Tom Ford
No Tom - I am not a Dem. and I didn't vote for OBama. I had heard and read about John McCain and how he served our Country - he really went through hell and back. I liked him because when he talked, you could understand him an what he was saying. He made sense to me. He wasn't flowery or negative and I thought he was the best man for the job. However, I am one of those (you know) that vote on who I feel can do the best job and not on party. And even though I did not like George W, who is Rep., I really liked McCain. However I voted for McCain not on his Rep. affiliation at all. I never vote for the party - I vote for the person. I was very disappointed he did not make it. But I felt that everybody else was so exasperated with George W, that was the reason they voted for OBama. Where is Ole Abe Lincoln when you need his expertise and advise? If you ever get a chance, read the book about good ole Abe.
6:21 PM Blogger: "What makes you so dang sure we wouldn't have this same problem with John McCain? "
What difference does it make now anyway? H. Clinton
2:53 PM BLOGGER: well the "47%" have the lead now, why work, why bother with anything but party time as Obama Is s going to take care of them from womb to tomb!
Say, does the shut down mean the free cell phones are shut off as well? When does the free ride stop ?
Tom Ford
Say, does the shut down mean the free cell phones are shut off as well?
Good heavens, man, why do you refuse to acknowledge that REAGAN started that program??? Look. It. Up. REAGAN. As in , Ronald Reagan.
4:54PM BLOGGER: Really ? Whose name is on it now!. You didn't' answer me by the way.
17% of the government employees off, gee whiz Libby, what. Disaster!!!
Tom Ford
From the Washington Post:
"Lifeline was begun not by President Obama but under Ronald Reagan. It expanded to include cellphone service during the presidency of another Republican, George W. Bush."
I assume the program is called
"Obama phones" because people such as yourself intentionally say things that are known to be false. I cannot think of any other explanation. It's well known to be untrue, yet you continue to repeat the lie again and again. I have no explanation for why you would choose to propagate a known lie. Just falling in line with the party line, I guess.
"17% of the government employees off, gee whiz Libby, what. Disaster!!!"
Wow. I guess it's pretty easy for you to make light, given that you don't appear to be one of the workers who got "furloughed". But there are 800,000 people out of work because of this insanity.
I think it is a disgrace. We have never recovered from the economic impact that left many people without jobs and people getting laid off; and there were other companies also going out of business in bunches in this Country during this crisis.
Now we are hearing little things about our economy recovering - so what do the morons in Congress do? They shut down the government. When and if they come to their senses, depending on how long this upset lasts, we will find ourselves in a bad economy again. It isn't as simple as it sounds to some people who think just because you don't work for the government that you will be OK.
It will indeed cause a trickle down effect and it will end up costing us. Many things that are purchased by the government are purchased here in the U.S. It is going to affect us, you just wait and see. And if I survive and have anything to do with this whole situation, I will vote all of them idiots out of office. Why? Same thing you should tell them - "what have you done for me lately"? Shutting down our government is a disgusting thing to do to people. And I don't get it - what are they proving and accomplishes nothing.
8:61 PM Blogger: NO, I am not one of the NON-ESSENTIAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES ! The real question is, how many government employees are on the public dole for no good reason ?
And while I am at it, ask Obama why he can pay EXTRA RANGERS ( it takes more to guard it than to leave it open) to guard a statue, and not let veterans see it ?
Tom Ford
4:47 PM Blogger: Obama does not want a recovery !
He is a progressive (read communist) who want's ALL of us to be on the public dole, and thus beholding to the government, and him !
Tom Ford
Today's middle class is reminiscent of the 1070's poor!
See above for explanation.
Tom Ford
Nobody seems to be jumping on the Obama care band wagon, wonder why ?
Tom Ford
Are you happy about this ?
Tom Ford
When did the Federal Govt become the engine for economic growth?
5:41 PM BLOGGER: I guess when the anointed one came to power.
This regime is the most vile, lying, group of socialists in Amerucan history!
Tom Ford
4:14 post: Again, just like with everything you quote, it comes from conservative, right wing opinion pieces. I think I would pass out if you ever quoted actual news. Those opinion pieces mean absolutely nothing. They are opinions and nothing more.
Yeah and you know what they say about opinions they are like BxxxHoles, everybody's got one!
I doubt I'd have put it quite that crudely, but the sentiment is valid. Opinions are NOT news.
since we're passing opinions off as news, here's one:
1:47 PM BLOGGER: CNN? Those folk pull-up the covers for Obama, you jest of course
Tom Ford
Chek MOODY'S Investment daily on obamas bravo Sierra reference the default.
Tom Ford
What else do we have to source ourselves regarding this shutdown. Congressional leaders fighting with each other like kids in a sandbox all fighting for a truck.
Geez, I feel like I am in a different country and do not feel safe with what I have put away for my retirement. I thought retirement was going to be so nice with no worries about finances! All of a sudden I feel like I cannot count on Uncle Sam keeping his word. Depending on how long this goes on, it will affect all of us in the pocketbook! I really thought this Country through our Declaration of Independence was solid. It just baffles me when there is nothing safe anymore.
Years ago our ancestors came here for a better life; land of opportunity. They had nothing but the shirts on their backs. They were very poor but they worked hard. We welcomed them with open arms and many flourished in America. I wonder what they are thinking now while rolling in their graves.
3:23 post:
Exactly how I feel about your opinion posts!
8:30 PM BLOGGER:At leas you don" t have to read it w,do you!
Not so with plasma, there is nowhere to hide, the narcistic puppe is everywhere!
Tom Ford
"Not so with plasma, there is nowhere to hide, the narcistic puppe is everywhere!"
I am just going to assume this made sense in your head.
"Plasma," was a typo for Obama, what makes NO sense in my head is the way you kiss the ring of Obama !
I am blind in the right eye, and the left one is not that great either, what in the name of all that is holy is YOUR excuse ?
Tom Ford
MY excuse?? I was referring to "puppe". I didn't know if you meant puppy, or pupae, or what. I clearly knew, through my psychic powers, that plasma would obviously be a typo for Obama. It was between ring kissings and genuflecting that I typed the response, so I may have also made a mistake, since my groveling made it hard to see the screen. I beg a thousand pardons.
12:06 AM Blogger: "Never apologize, it's a sign of weakness."
(Marion Motley.)
Tom Ford
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