Friday, November 22, 2013

Why are we in a deficit spending crunch, and why are we trying to keep things that are duplication's? Guess waht the C/A IS DOING HIS JOB, Thank goodness!

Not to worry though we have a champion of EVERY tax on the market today, and no doubt ones that haven't even been thought of yet!

You wonder how we are out of balance do you? Well let's examine the day's when those on the Dias were waving papers and telling us that we must back our employees who were busy putting in for, and writing government grant's.

Well the majority of the BOA went along with it and now we find ourselves owing the 20% of the "free money" they touted as being the be all and end all for Crestwood!

So far were on the hook for at least two ill advised ideas that together with other poor planning on the part of a C/E, C/A from the past now leaves us with a deficit of over $700K!

Government grant's were not free then and they are not free now, but yet we went for a bridge to nowhere and a road resurfacing (Spellman Ave) that could have waited, period! Those two alone are near 2 million and counting, and yet, they were free!

The deficit is not the fault of the plaza (were it running it would have helped us) but rather the fault of "tax and spend" progressive people who wormed their way on to the Dias, and have cost us dearly ever since!

Now if you haven't yet read the Call story where a former Alderman speaks to the BOA reference the animal control group, you really need to!


This is the best illustration I can possibly give anyone as to why you really need to leave the emotions at home. Here we see a former Alderman making a plea to keep the animal adoption club (at our expense,)by relating a story and telling the Board that life itself is in grave danger without animal control!

Now I ask you, since only one other Muni besides Crestwood (out of 87 in St. Louis County,)has animal control, where are the stories of wholesale slaughter of out citizens, young and old?

We all know that the news media believes in the motto of "if it bleeds. it leads when it comes to TV and radio news, and yet, nothing! Why? Well it is not happening as some would have us believe!

Unless YOU can spot an animal from a distance, and without benefit of lab test's tell if it has distemper forget the stories. and stick to the cold hard fact that we can't afford a duplicate program!

But then again, that would not serve the agenda now would it.

Tom Ford

NO. 3027


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone reviewed the budge to support the claim that it is not balanced?

If so, would they explain how they came to that conclusion?

12:17 PM, November 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If people are shaking pitchforks over this...I can't imagine what would happen if departmental cuts of any shape or form are required....
I am assuming no one will get their 'Shop and Save' voucher this year...either.

1:14 PM, November 22, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:14.PM BLOGGER: Back to the basics, no need To panic as the funds are available to cover this.

We have a FSA set it up to cover this, so the coupons well may be issued after all.

call the C/A, he can and will explain.

Tom Ford

1:35 PM, November 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look for yourself:

General fund deficit is $132,428.

Total deficits across all funds is $710,328.

First footnote: "Due to the sum of expenditures exceeding the sum of revenues and transfers in for the General Fund, the Board of Aldermen approves the use of cash reserves to balance the fund's budget."

Good to see the BOA kicking the can down the road.

Ending General Fund Reserve: $571,033. That won't last many more years.

The C/A notes in a few places that sales taxes in Crestwood have been declining for a decade. So the blame for the current state of things is shared by many, not just the current BOA.

Their is a proposal to give out merit pay increases not to exceed 1% or something along those lines.
I guess every bit helps, but with inflation running 1.7% this year, that is really a slight pay cut.

1:45 PM, November 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:45. A 1% increase for a police officer is just about enough to cover one month family health insurance premiums, that is before taxes.

1:59 PM, November 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember also to cut costs health insurance is constantly in a state of flux ...benefits are lowered and deductibles raised to contain Crestwood costs.Increases being passed on to the insured.
Crestwood employees are expensive to insure given their average age and circumstance...families etc.

3:43 PM, November 22, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:43 PM BLOGGER: What do you suggest be done with the "older employees?"

Tom Ford

4:32 PM, November 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would actually help if they went to work for St. Louis County. Since the County has a larger pool of employee, they can get better coverage at a lower cost. Almost sounds like a win - win.

4:54 PM, November 22, 2013  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

Couple of things you can do.

One would be to call Mr Sime (314 729 4700) or go see him in person at City Hall and share with him your concerns and questions.

Next, you could attend next BOA meeting which is 11/26/13 to listen to and ask questions regarding the concerns stated here today and in Mr. Foote's letter to the Call.

I would strongly suggest that before you act on the belief that the sky is falling, you become better informed on what the sky is made of.

5:48 PM, November 22, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:54 PM BLOGGER: Theb why have a Crestwood to begin with?

Sounds to me that Yiu would be happier if you moved to the County.

Tom Ford

6:00 PM, November 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm not one that thinks the sky is falling, and Crestwood can probably continue on the pace it's on for another 5-7 years. However, at some point, it should be obvious to everyone that there are structural flaws in Crestwood's long-term revenues and expenses (i.e. revenues are not going to keep pace with expenses), and it would be prudent to start to make changes now, rather than wait until the sky is falling down.

Spending cash reserves to balance the budget is not prudent, and that is a sure path to putting Crestwood right back in debt again. I hope you vote against the current budget proposed.

6:14 PM, November 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your post reminds me of Bruno Ganz’s excellent performance as Adolf Hitler in Downfall….specifically the part in which he is screaming at his generals about moving nonresistant armies to save Berlin in some kind of Hail Mary.
The money for Spellman is programmed by the State. It pays for 80% of the design and construction certain roads that are “Federal Aid” Routes. It comes for federal gas tax revenue that Crestwood Residents pay. Crestwood‘s 20% is coming from the Capital Improvement Fund.
Crestwood’s problem is not in the Capital Improvement Fund. It is in the General Fund…. The Fund that pays for operating expenses…. Most salaries, insurance, gas, electric etc. There is nothing left to cut in the General Fund except police and fire. The closure of Crestwood Mall has cost the General Fund close to $2 million a year in sales, business license and utility tax revenue. (Crestwood Mall once generated over $120 million in annual sales.) So I would have to disagree with your statement that “The deficit is not the fault of the plaza.”
Crestwood is on a slow death spiral. Drastic action needs to be taken. Farming out the Fire Department is probably the best shot at saving the City. Let Affton take over the Annex Area and bid the rest between them, Fenton and Mehlville. You can play them off one another. The City of Town & Country does this expertly. Going to County for PD locks you in forever.
As for your statement that “…since only one other Muni besides Crestwood (out of 87 in St. Louis County,)has animal control” your facts are simply wrong. 1) There are 91 municipalities and 2) way more than one provide animal control… a quick search shows University City , Overland, Bridgeton,

9:58 PM, November 22, 2013  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

Thanks for your input Anonymous. As a rule I dont take serious anyone who call themselves Anonymous.

10:44 PM, November 22, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:58 PM Blogger: Well it's a good thing to remind folks of who you are,so thank you.

Now having been a small business man for years I can tell you that the most expensive thing we own is labor.

However without that labor cost there is no Crestwood as we know it.

I still say the slow to realize the problems facing us with the demise of the plaza could have been overcome. That is IF the leadership would have done what was needed when it first started.

What was needed was for the City to STOP ALL sacred cow projects, reduce the salaries of SOME who were way over paid, and cut the duplicate positions. That was not done.

Mt friend the ice burg did not sink the Titanic, but rather the failure of the ship builders to run the bulkheads all the way to the top.

The same thing happened here, we saw the gash, we saw the water running in and yet we kept building more items of the same design!

We had a "bridge to nowhere," we failed to privatize White Cliff Park aqua center, we paid salaries to people whi themselves said was too high, and all because we THOUGHT we had a cash cow out to infinity.

Look at the numbers, van we come back from the edge yet again? Yes we can. but we will require the no nonsense approach of a C/A like Mark Sime who knows that saving the plane and the crew is much more important than one program, or one person, period.

When I learned to fly in 1962 one of the first things imparted to me in the air was "fly the plane, no matter what, fly the plane," the second was "you can't make a good landing from a bad approach."

Our C/A is on final for a "squeaker," suit tight and let him "fly the plane!"

Tom Ford

8:05 AM, November 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


While perhaps outsourcing police protecting merits some discussion, outsourcing fire protection does not.

EVERY municipal fire department is less expensive than EVERY fire district in St. Louis County. Our property taxes in Crestwood are lower because of the reasonable cost of our fire service. I think Crestwood property taxes are like 26 cents/$100 of valuation, which is less expensive than the Mehlville Fire District, which has the lowest property tax rate of the fire districts. No thanks.

With Mehlville as an exception, most fire districts are extremely union dominated (not just the rank and file, but the directors as well), and accountability is extremely low. They spend money like the Crestwood Aldermen of the 1990s :)

8:17 AM, November 23, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:17 AM Blogger: I think dropping police, fire, and public works is an extremely foolish idea.

Your right, were in much better shape than most, and now we see people who would change that simply because their sacred cow program is disbanded!

Crestwood was built on the triangle I mentioned above, to change it now is to just close Crestwood!

Tom Ford

8:25 AM, November 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:58 November 22

After you stop patting yourself on the back for your clever reference to a speech made by an actor portraying Adolph Hitler, you may want to think about the wisdom of making such a remark.

This blog covers a municipality of less than three square miles, populated by around 11K people. The blog was started and is maintained by a man who served his country as a member of the U.S. Navy.

Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with what Tom posts, making a reference, however indirect, to Adolph Hitler is in extremely poor taste, especially given the fact that the courage of your convictions led you to post anonymously.

Martha Duchild

12:44 PM, November 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 8:17 AM, November 23, 2013

I'm not talking about having the fire districts annex into Crestwood. I'm talking about taking bids from them... having them play off one another. With the Annexed area, it will be a more difficult to lower costs. Perhaps simply give the residents of that area a choice 1)de-annex 2) pay surcharge to help fund the payment to Affton FPD.

With police there is really only one option. Kirkwood or Webster are a long shot as they are simply not big enough departments.
Once you switch to County and sell off your equipment you are never gong to have another option.

The facts are simple we either A) need to significantly reduce operating costs in the General Fund or B) raise property taxes.
There is nothing left to cut other than fire or police and no hope for new sales tax revenues from a mall redevelopment.

There is NO other municipality in St. Louis County that runs their own municipal fire department and doesn't have a higher property tax rate than Crestwood.. even ones with way more sales tax revenue than Crestwood.

12:57 PM, November 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with what Tom posts, making a reference, however indirect, to Adolph Hitler is in extremely poor taste"

the poster who made that remark may have had no idea Tom served in WWII. I also thought that war was before his time, that he didn't serve until Viet Nam, which would have no reference whatsoever to Hitler. That poster may well have thought he was simply making a reference to a movie, not insulting anyone. Personally I would have avoided the reference to Hitler, but I gotta say, assuming someone would be offended by a reference to something that happened decades before he served might be taking "Political Correctness" to an extreme. And if Mr. Ford served in WWII, I stand corrected and apologize for my incorrect information.

1:23 PM, November 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chill, the parody is used all over YouTube. If Tom was offended, I apologize.
I respect Tom for hosting the Forum and for his love of Crestwood. I think he simply has his facts wrong and without the whipping boy of Animal Control to cut is reaching for straws of past to deny current facts as well as the future of Crestwood.
Unfortunately, the facts are the facts... revenue continue to decline. We can't provide for our employees. You and a small group torpedoed any hope of redevelopment because of philosophical beliefs about the use of TIF. Actually, I don’t have any problem with you having a divergent point of view on TIF, just that you offer no solutions to the problem. Please tell this forum what you think should be done with the Mall. Somehow I don’t think you will ever answer.
Next year, the assessed value of the mall property will tank when the County Assessor conducts reassessment. The cancer of declining commercial property values will continue to spread. More sales tax producing business will leave. The C/A will have to put together yet another budget that is even more imbalanced than the previous year’s.

1:38 PM, November 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chill, the parody is used all over YouTube. If Tom was offended, I apologize.
I respect Tom for hosting the Forum and for his love of Crestwood. I think he simply has his facts wrong and without the whipping boy of Animal Control to cut is reaching for straws of past to deny current facts as well as the future of Crestwood.
Unfortunately, the facts are the facts... revenue continue to decline. We can't provide for our employees. You and a small group torpedoed any hope of redevelopment because of philosophical beliefs about the use of TIF. Actually, I don’t have any problem with you having a divergent point of view on TIF, just that you offer no solutions to the problem. Please tell this forum what you think should be done with the Mall. Somehow I don’t think you will ever answer.
Next year, the assessed value of the mall property will tank when the County Assessor conducts reassessment. The cancer of declining commercial property values will continue to spread. More sales tax producing business will leave. The C/A will have to put together yet another budget that is even more imbalanced than the previous year’s.

1:38 PM, November 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not outside the realm of possibilities that Kirkwood could contract for Crestwood Police service as they do with Oakland.

The best option in this scenario is for Webster to contract with Oakland and Kirkwood take the larger offering of Crestwood. There is also a better change of the Crestwood officers being hired by Kirkwood than there is with county.

2:30 PM, November 23, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Mr Ford served from 1960 to 1968 , hope that helps.

And thank you Martha but it's the old saw, "forgive them for they know not what they do." Or for that matter what they say. If they did they would have signed their name!

Tom Ford

4:31 PM, November 23, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1.:38 PM BLOGGER: I love that parody, I understand, and for the record it's very hard to offend me, experts have tried it and failed..

At this festive season please remember that it is better to give than to receive, so I give the heart attacks, not get them!

Tom Ford

4:36 PM, November 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Final cost to Crestwood for Spellman will be close to a million $.
Check your sources but is the state of the feds who pick up the balance of the tab?

6:15 PM, November 23, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:15 PM BLOGGER: I am told it's a Federal grant, however either way we are on the hook for 20% of the total cost.

And either way, we. Paid for the whole thing as it's just some third rate ward healer sending our money back to us!

Marvelous, just what we need at this juncture.

Tom Ford

7:00 PM, November 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


For what it's worth, Crestwood has the 2nd lowest residential property taxes of any municipality with its own fire department. Des Peres has its own fire department, and has no property taxes, because it pretty much prints money from the sales taxes it derives from West County Mall. Crestwood was in the same boat once....

To get Crestwood on good financial footing, you probably need a 3-pronged approach--small property tax increase, cuts where possible (hello animal control), and encouraging redevelopment using all tools available. Sales taxes are what separate healthy cities from unhealthy ones. Freezing property taxes by way of a TIF to get more sales tax dollars? Take that deal. Best for Crestwood? ABsolutely. Good for the region? Probably not. With the shape Crestwood is in though, time to be selfish.

8:07 PM, November 23, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:07 PM Blogger: I have said it before, and I shall say it again here, I would be for a "prop S" type tax that would sunset when the new Plaza is up and generating revenue.

I have seen numerous tax increases in the 44 years I have lived in Ward Two, and the ways and means folks squandered them to the penny because after all, we had a "cash cow" on Watson Rd.

The COW is dead, now we need real and introspective leaders looking at the current costs, and I believe we have them in place.

As you may be aware funds have been shifted from this to that fund since I have lived here, and so far there is still a Crestwood.

I firmly believe that instead of discussing the County for anything other than animal control, or possibly the Sappington House serves no purpose other than to be disingenuous to what should be our core values, CRESTWOOD FIRST!

This is "the silly season" (election positioning) when we will see and hear things like the MCU coming to OUR TOWN to tell US what to do, and those who would be king starting a site to position themselves for whatever.

Just remember that when it's all over there is no one in sight that can influence the owners of the Plaza to do anything So before you criticize the leadership now in place, ask yourself what you can do to help.

To me there is one and only one thing to do, and that's a show of solidarity behind the Mayor, the BOA, and the C/A.

That's not to say were not allowed to question why they do as they do, that's the corner stone of American politics, but leave the MCU and non Crestwood groups out of it!

Oh, and one more thing if you please, this coming Friday, SHOP CRESTWOOD FIRST!

Tom Ford

5:12 AM, November 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please define "deficit".

9:28 AM, November 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@5:12 am (man you are an early riser)


Amen! And bring your friends!

Without throwing stones, the BOA's primary focus needs to be redevelopment, not just of the former mall, but the other vacant and distressed properties in Crestwood (Aldi's Plaza, Office Max Plaza, half-vacant Industrial park behind the mall, half-vacant Crestwood office building at corner of Watson/Sappington, etc.

Businesses and shoppers power Crestwood's budget, and the more you can attract of both, the better Crestwood will be.
Looking at this year's budget, and excluding the 2.2 million or so specially earmarked for Spellman Road from the feds, here is the breakdown:

54.5%--sales taxes (obviously more business brings sales taxes up--sales taxes dropping is the big reason Crestwood is having the tight economic times it is)

15.5%--utility taxes (more businesses and less vacant space brings these totals up as well--can you imagine the A/C and heating bills for Crestwood mall, or whatever successor eventually takes its place?)

11% property taxes (you can go to the citizens for a Prop. S type tax, but even doubling current property taxes nets around a million dollars, and while that would balance the budget for the next couple of years, I don't think it would be enough long term--and no way people go for a doubling of property taxes--attracting more businesses raises this number without a tax increase, because non-vacant commercial property is assessed higher--the mall's property taxes are down to about 300,000 from a high of almost 2 million--Crestwood's share of that went down from 100,000 or so to only 14,000 now)

7% licenses/permits (almost entirely driven by businesses--attract more businesses, and you are making more money off licenses and permits)

5% park fees for activities (while shown as income, I think most of Crsetwood's park's programs are more for citizen enjoyment, and and while they turn a profit, most of the revenue goes to expenses, and it is barely over break-even--this can't really be a source of more revenue, because there is a limit to how much people will pay for park events, and there are options that are comparably priced to Crestwood's aquatic center)

4% pool sales taxes (not much Crestwood can do to affect this number--you get what you get)

2% fines (traffic tickets shouldn't be used as a source of revenue, but with more businesses and shoppers, you would expect to see a small increase in this number as well)

1% other

10:11 AM, November 24, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:11 AM BLOGGER: What about looking into an all volunteer committee to act as an economic development group to attract more business to Crestwood?

We have plenty of retired business people who would be excellent at doing just that, so why not give it a try?

Also we should take a long hard look at some of the items we require of a business to see if we can be a little more "business friendly."

This can and will work folks so why not call your Alderman and let's see what we can do after the holidays to help ourselves!

Tom Ford

11:29 AM, November 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is "Mr. Sims"

2:02 PM, November 24, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:07 PM blogger: Find some place else to spew your idiocy, " move Crestwood forward" maybe, bcause your history here!

Tom Ford

2:09 PM, November 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:52 PM, November 24, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:52 PM Blogger: You know the rules, if you choose to violate them well, your gone.

I provide this, not you, if you want something else, start your own and you can do as you please, but until then Sign your real name or stay off!

Tom Ford

9:03 PM, November 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Crestwood already has a volunteer economic development committee, but whatever they are doing obviously isn't working--probably time for a new chairman and some new faces.

Another obvious benefit to more businesses is more employees in Crestwood--think about where you do most of your shopping: probably around your home and around your work (and in the route between your home and work). If more businesses move to Crestwood, you get more employees going to lunch at Crestwood restaurants, filling up their tanks at Crestwood gas stations, picking up stuff on their way home at Crestwood stores, etc.

Disappointing to see we get re-sell it shops, and Sunset Hills just a mile away opens a new mattress store (basically took Crestwood's Mattress store on Watson after the Mattress Giant/Mattress firm merger), a new Panda Express, a new Chick Filet, and so on.

Very frustrating to see our BOA waste so much time on ridiculous issues like lifeguards for the pool or animal control--focus on what is important--attracting and retaining quality businesses.

10:50 PM, November 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see any dynamic driving leaders at Crestwood...Passion sells...and attracts success and businesses. Forgert the Mall...accent the positives.

6:36 AM, November 25, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1-:53 PM Blogger: Right you are my friend, I too understand we have a commission on board, but have they ever visited a retail shop to ask them about Crestwood?

We need a PROACTIVE commission that will work to sponsor a business expo at White Cliff Park, a "meet and greet" mixer at the Sappington House Barn, or a "taste of Crestwood" type weekend.

In other words, we need action not conversation, and we need to start now. The Holiday's are a perfect time to talk to retailers and invite them to come and visit in January so we can show them what we have.

Please remember the old Arnold Palmer saw reference golf. He said, "never up. never in." That goes for economic development as well. if we don't "show and tell." they won't ask and respond.

Tom Ford

6:44 AM, November 25, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:36 AM Blogger: Amen, perhaps we should ask to see the results of the current commission. and see if we can jump start them.

Tom Ford

6:56 AM, November 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone else notice or is it just me that every time a thread produces solid sound reasoning for contracting with St. Louis County for police service, Tom changes the topic with miss direction? Just can’t admit you might be wrong? No pearls of wisdom to rebuff? Frightening the populous with tales of woe of Norf County run dry? Just askin!

8:32 AM, November 25, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:32 AM Blogger: The threads are still here, you can post all you want to (I am notified the second you do however) IF you follow the rules.

!. No bad language

2. No attacks on anyone unless you sign your real name!

Simple. no? Now feel free to back as far as you want to.

And. never forget YOU can always move to a County venue if you wish, call if you need help!

Tom Ford

8:47 AM, November 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:38 PM Nov. 23

What are my philosophical beliefs about the use of TIF, and how exactly did I torpedo any hope of redevelopment of the mall property?

Further, how do you know that I have offered no solutions to "the problem?

Martha Duchild

9:14 AM, November 25, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:32 AM Blogger: You know I was thinking that this is not the place to discuss your idea on the County police.

The correct forum would be the Board meeting tomorrow night right?

So I guess that you will make the presentation and we will see what the citizens think of the idea.

Tom Ford

10:40 AM, November 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No I think our Alderman should do it.

11:05 AM, November 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for a Starbuck's moment..I think

12:08 PM, November 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How would you suggest the BOA go about "attracting and retaining quality businesses"?

12:37 PM, November 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With's etc..of course.

12:39 PM, November 25, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:05 AM BLOGGER: What's wrong with you doing it? Are you saying you don't want to take ownership of it?

The Alderman seem to be happy with what we have, so if you want to Chang it step up to the mike, tell em who you are and ,Make your case.

Tom Ford

12:50 PM, November 25, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:30 PM BLOGGER: We don't need to offer anything more than shoppers who will buy from the new retailer.

A TUF is not the answer, customer count is!

Tom Ford

12:54 PM, November 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There in lies the problem... Crestwood's location. The Mall brought traffic and retail trickle were are the shoppers coming from?
I get the feeling the new outlet malls will be booming this year...and all malls will feel the pinch.

2:26 PM, November 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@12:37 pm

-TIFs where appropriate, sure
-Working with commerical realtors to play up the positives of Crestwood
-Working with Landlords to find tenants
Seeing if certain Code provisions need to be updated to help local businesses (obviously the Code is in place to not allow "trashy" marketing, but some of the things the Code enforcement officer currently enforces are mind-boggling (hassling the owner of A to Z auto about his window signs, hassling Look After Hair Company for their sale sign on the window, etc.). Two problems there 1) the Code is written in a way that bans things that shouldn't be banned probably; and 2) the code enforcement officer goes after these businesses that chose to locate in Crestwood after a lot of others left...there are plenty of "trashy" buildings in Crestwood that should command more of her time--lots of residences for one
-send a representative (Mayor or C/A) to retail conventions--play up the positives of Crestwood

There are some mayors that are much more entrepreneurial about getting businesses to locate within their cities...Crestwood sits back passively and plays the "let them come to us" card most of the time

3:41 PM, November 25, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:26 PM BLOGGER: Our best chance is an apartment / senior living facility on the mall site. We need to keep the seniors when they leave their homes and that will do it.

Your right about the new outlet malls, bet you can't get. Near one Friday. I remember when we were like that, but things changed and now we have to get what we can, and now is the time to start filling the empty spaces with new retailers.

Tom Ford

3:43 PM, November 25, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:41 PM BLOGGER: Some very good ideas there. I agree on some of the codes, but we wrote them, and we can change them if needed, so..........

Now to get going, should be som fun for a hange.

Tom Ford

3:55 PM, November 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:41 Nov. 25

Who are these entrepreneurial mayors and what are they doing to attract businesses?

How did you come to the conclusion that Crestwood's mayor sits back passively most of the time?

Martha Duchild

11:19 PM, November 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Our best chance is an apartment / senior living facility on the mall site. We need to keep the seniors when they leave their homes and that will do it"

Who/what will pay for all the services that this senior complex will require... EMS, police?

6:45 AM, November 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Further, how do you know that I have offered no solutions to "the problem?"

Please do tell... what is your solution to old Crestwood Mall site. I can't wait to hear it!

6:55 AM, November 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the Mayor is working like a "demon" behind the scenes ..the results so far show few rewards for his perspiration.
I can only assume businesses are getting a better deal and location elsewhere. They have a choice.

8:19 AM, November 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:55 AM Nov. 26

You did not answer my question: How do you know I have offered no solutions to "the problem?"

Martha Duchild

9:21 AM, November 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The suspense is killing me !!..Martha..please tell us your plan..please..

9:37 AM, November 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would somebody tell me why we should care if someone on this website has a plan or not for the plaza? The plaza is privately owned so it's like you telling me what colour to paint my house. I bet the owners of the plaza think the same way about what the city says.

10:45 AM, November 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who are these entrepreneurial mayors and what are they doing to attract businesses?

Dennis Hancock (recently retired), Gerry Welch, Bruce Geiger, Bill Nolan, Rich Lahr, Arthur McDonnell...I'm not going to type up 2 pages of their exploits, but they are far more integrated into the developer/business community, and they have done a far better generating new development

How did you come to the conclusion that Crestwood's mayor sits back passively most of the time?

His own admissions. He uses the phrase "the ball is in their court" almost every BOA meeting with respect to the mall property. In his mayoral reports, he never mentions anything substantive he is doing to attract more businesses to Crestwood. If he is toiling in private, he should mention that in his reports so people realize it. When was the last time the economic development committee met? As mayor, he should relieve the chairman of that committee, and appoint someone else. The failure of that committee to meet or do anything productive ultimately goes back to him, as the chairman serves at the pleasure of the Mayor and BOA.

12:20 PM, November 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You did not answer my question: How do you know I have offered no solutions to "the problem?"

Don't be coy, Mrs. Duchild, tell us what you propose as a solution to this mess! I have not attended a board meeting recently. Please fill us in on what you presented to the board as a way out of this debacle. Any idea at all is better than what is happening so far.

12:53 PM, November 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:53 PM Nov. 26

I'm not being coy. You made a statement about me that was untrue and did not take responsibility for it by signing your name. All I'm doing is holding you accountable for what you said.

Martha Duchild

P.S. The 10:45 AM Nov. 26 poster has a great point.

1:50 PM, November 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martha doesn't have a plan.
Otherwise she would have stated it.
Typical Politician...talks the talk but..
We look for leadership not Rhetoric ..Martha

2:09 PM, November 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@10:45, @1:50

Public/private development and partnerships for major projects are, and will continue to be, the norm (barring some completely unexpected legislative changes). The failure of certain aldermen and citizens to recognize that is an issue. You can lament the state of affairs all you want, but that won't change things. You can be an idealist or a pragmatist on the TIF issue. And now that the anti-TIF idealists got their way, and killed the proposed development, not they have to make the hard decision regarding budgetary cuts, layoffs, and tax increases--or the spending of reserves to balance the budget.

Killing the development and failing to have a viable alternative opens portions of the BOA to very justified criticisms.

2:13 PM, November 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you do not agree with the mayor or your alderman i would suggest that may want to consider running for one of the positions experience the other side for awhile. Perhaps then you give us all the answers and we will disagree with you. It is easy to be critical. Get involved and determine if you can gain acceptance of your ideas.

5:15 PM, November 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 2:13 PM, November 26, 2013

EXCELLENT POST. So far the Mayor and the Board have shown NO leadership on the mall issue. Simply saying no Entertainment Center\TIF.. "... the ball's in Centrum's court." pretty much sums up why we are in this mess.

No plan, direction or leadership while Rome Burns.

9:16 PM, November 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"No plan, direction or leadership while Rome Burns."

Guess you were too busy cleaning out your closets to be at the boa meeting tonite to see just exactly how wrong you are.

11:11 PM, November 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, Crestwood is fine, nothing to see here, no reason to change anything we are doing.

All of those empty stores and "For Sale or Lease" signs on Watson are figments of your imagination.

8:16 AM, November 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After a reassuring BOA meeting I can now face the Holidays. I can also find a parking spot at the Mall if I move the one side.

8:45 AM, November 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All jokes aside, did last night's BOA meeting reveal any new info about the mall? Anyone talk about County police?

9:04 AM, November 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From today's Post-Dispatch

"CBRE first vice president Matt Bukhshtaber, a broker who’s handling the sale, said the site offers a good opportunity for a hospital or university to build a new campus"

These will produce a lot of revenue! Not to mention not being a drag on municipal services.... NOT.

Just ask Webster Groves how they love having to provide the services and not getting any tax revenue from Webster U etc.

9:50 AM, November 27, 2013

10:12 AM, November 27, 2013  
Anonymous S.W.Malter said...

Seriously? You want us to take your inane, petulant comments seriously?

You, who are too busy to attend a BOA meeting and share your thoughts about the County Police and the Mall face to face instead of hiding behind the coward's facade of Anonymous, want someone to tell you what was said at the BOA meeting?

Take a hike, your posts are nothing more than a waste of good band width.

10:21 AM, November 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

S.W., when I wrote, "all jokes" aside, it wasn't to say I'm the person posting silly comments on this was to get a straight answer on what occurred last night. Unfortunately, some of us cannot make it to all the meetings. Likewise, not everyone can use their real name on an open forum like this for fear of reprecussions. Does anyone know what was said at last night's meeting?

10:43 AM, November 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@10:21 am

Some people have jobs, kids, and Thanksgiving travel plans that prevent attendance at every BOA meeting. Those obstacles may not be apparent to the retired curmudgeons that make up the usual BOA audience. The fact that people care enough to read this blog and ask about happenings at the BOA meetings show that they are passionate about Crestwood's future and care about what is going on.

Rather than describe what progress was made at the BOA meeting, you attacked the commenter. Very classy of you. And a nice way to avoid a substantive response.

11:41 AM, November 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tina should have the Audio posted patient..!

the video however is not available..!

2:32 PM, November 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good girl Tina....!

3:28 PM, November 27, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:41 AM BLOGGER: Your very close to being removed hero, watch what you say unless you want to sign your name for once!

Besides, I like SW MALTER'S style, so.............

Tom Ford

6:58 PM, November 27, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Mr Trueblood:

Definition courtesy of the U.S. Senate Budget Committee:
"Deficit: The amount by which the government's total budget outlays exceeds its total receipts for a fiscal year."

Crestwood has a deficit. Trying to quote Wikipedia to argue it doesn't somehow is not availing.

10:41 PM, November 27, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Interesting, no?

Someone was worried about "leadership," how's this for "leading?"

Tom Ford

5:03 AM, November 28, 2013  

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