Friday, November 29, 2013

Will someone please advise the Parks and recreation director that were in a budget crunch ?

Flash back to the Board meeting of November 26, 2013 when we saw and heard the Parks and recreation director tell the Board that HE needed at least two items to survive!

Now far be it from me to prevent anyone from surviving, but as we all know, in this day and age there is more than one way to survive (just look at your household budget.)

It seems that without a new dump truck we will ALL be buried in ___________ (you pick it) up to our ears (or so he would have us believe.) At last glance we had three square miles of street's to plow (State and County do some of them) and five trucks to do it.

This isn't Lambert where they need an oblique line to do it right, this is a town where five trucks should be more than adequate, so forget that purchase until one wears out (ever try to wear out a dump truck?)

As if that were not enough he has notified us that HE NEEDS a four wheel drive vehicle (a take home car no less) so HE can patrol the CONSTRUCTION SITES and view the plows in action! Really, REALLY?

The last guy in Public Works we gave a take home car to put 33,000 miles on it in one year (remember, were only three square miles) and racked up a stack of gas, oil, repair, and insurance bills (well over $6,000.00) for no good reason.

I could go on and on about why this idea of a "take home four wheel drive vehicle" is a very bad idea, but I think you get the picture.

Were three square miles, and I can traverse every construction site, snow covered street, every shopping center, and every other place where a vehicle is allowed to go with my Ford F-150 two wheel drive (possi-track,) and it has over 314.000 miles on it, so why the glaring need?

I guess he must live somewhere outside of Crestwood and thinks we should pay for his commute back and forth to work. My suggestion, move closer to your work or find another way to get here because Santa does not bring four wheel drive vehicles during a budget crunch.

If he want's a solution, it's simple. we could pay him mileage for the IN TOWN TRIPS (must be fully documented,) and he can claim the wear and tear to his truck on his tax return. Anything more than that is a wanton waste of our tax money at a time we can ill afford to do it!

Tom Ford

NO. 3030


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps he'll get the message and follow the 'surprising number' of other department heads who it seems are taking premature retirements...
I'm beginning to think we have a
" stealth C A..."

10:01 PM, November 30, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your artcile should have referred tot the director of public works not the park and recreation director.

10:03 PM, November 30, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

premature retirements...

like who, name them.

11:25 PM, November 30, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:03 PM Blogger: I have heard he calls himself that but I don't remember any promotions to that title.

Tom Ford

7:21 AM, December 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stand corrected. The title is director of public services. Parks and recreation report to Mike according the latest organization chart in the 2014 budget proposal.

11:57 AM, December 01, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:57 AM BLOGGER: Thank you for the up date. He still doesn't need a "take home" anything (well a hand held radio maybe) no matter what the new title may be.

Tom Ford

12:27 PM, December 01, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps one of the Crestwood car dealerships could sell the city a pre-ownded 4 wheel drive vehicle that could be used for Job site inspection?..It could be kept at city hall...

6:59 AM, December 02, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this required to dodge the Pot holes in?

7:55 AM, December 02, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:59 AM BLOGGER: Perhaps HR could buy it himself? WE don't need one, but if we did it should be for the police and fire departments..

You can go to ALL the new sites on a Schwin, and then how about walking from the velocipede to the hole in the ground?

Teton Ford

8:57 AM, December 02, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Animal Control Explorer should be available after the first of the year. Probably just needs a quick shampoo to get the slobber off the seats.

9:05 AM, December 02, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:06 AM BLOGGER: That needs to be retired as well. Sorry but it needs way too much to make it worth while to keep in the fleet.

Tom Ford

6:14 PM, December 02, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

premature retirements...

like who, name them.

Or admit there are none and you are a liar.

9:12 PM, December 02, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry but it needs way too much to make it worth while to keep in the fleet.

I have been told this is true. Where did you hear it from? Did your source mention the city's plans for this vehicle?

9:59 PM, December 02, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

0:50 PM Blogger: Sorry no mention of what was to become of the vehicle.

Tom Ford

8:14 AM, December 03, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The explorer is two wheel drive and does not fill the requirements as explained by Mike Pratt.

5:40 AM, December 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet when Mrs. Mruckovski was Director for several years, she was able to perform those same duties without a take home 4x4 vehicle. And that was when the City was still collecting revenuce from the mall, and not eliminating employees. Not in good taste by him or the one that approved it before it went to the board.

7:49 AM, December 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To see the plows in action he could drive one (as a cost savings to Crestwood).

For Job site inspection use a regular vehicle , Park it and walk around the site in a good pair of leak proof boots.
That's what I have done for years.

8:21 AM, December 04, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:49 and 8:21 AM Bloggers: Thank you, that sums it up perfectly!

Tom Ford

10:43 AM, December 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"To see the plows in action he could drive one (as a cost savings to Crestwood)."

Only if he has a CDL

10:44 AM, December 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

premature retirements...

like who, name them.

There are no premature retirements, are there!

1:24 PM, December 04, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

No vehicle needed , this should cover the sites in a third of the time, and much less gas, oil an first costs.

Problem solved, oh, and I will fly it for nothing for the P &R troops.

Tom Ford

6:03 PM, December 04, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9.12. If you use the words 'retirement' to include the ones who are mailing out resumes to other municipalities and the ones who are coasting and see the writing on the wall..
and then the ones who have already left...then you could say...everyone...and that's the ...truth.....

9:02 AM, December 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:02 AM, December 05, 2013

So, the truth is there are NO premature retirements. That statement was a lie meant to support a political position for the upcoming election. YOU LIED!
The truth is employees are always updating their resumes, and keeping their eyes open for new job opportunities, regardless where they work.
Since you seem to know a lot about what is going on inside city hall, you must be a current employee of the City. Shame on you.

11:26 AM, December 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11.26 M ust per the Morale officer / director of personnel...a little 'thin skinned' I think.

3:09 PM, December 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There should be no judgments or opinions given on this blog unless they are sent to and approved by a planner. Thank you for your cooperation.

7:50 PM, December 05, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:50 PM BLOGGER:"approved by a planner?" No my friend, If I have no problem with them, you have no problem with them.

Simple rules to follow here, so as I am the final authority on what is said, what stays, and what goes, we don't need a planner for opinions.

Remember, yours was allowed, so.......

Ton Ford

9:23 PM, December 05, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:02 AM, December 05, 2013

I know who you are.

1:21 AM, December 06, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:21 AM Blogger: Good, then you also know to follow the rules or find something else to do!

Tom Ford

6:15 AM, December 06, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:50 PM here. Tom, that post about everything being approved by a planner was meant to be taken tongue-in-cheek. Unfortunately it didn't work.

5:23 PM, December 06, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:23 PM BLOGGER: My apologies, I should have known that! I have been down with the "vapors" since Monday, and as such dumber than usual.

Tom Ford

6:00 PM, December 06, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No apologies necessary Tom! Hope you feel better and thanks for allowing us to participate on your blog!

8:30 PM, December 06, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:30 PM Blogger: Thank you and it's my pleasure to do so.

Who knows,the City fathers may well come up with a solution from a post on here, so let's give it a shot.

Tom Ford

7:15 AM, December 07, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how many elected officials check into this blog anybody know?

8:48 AM, December 07, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:48 AM BLOGGER: I have no idea, but you can bet they are told about it by people who do.

Tom Ford

10:29 AM, December 07, 2013  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...


I check into and post on your blog, and sign my name.

1:53 PM, December 07, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

well now we know, right ? So 8:48 AM BLOGGER, if your Alderman doesn't read it, suggest he / she start.

Thank you Mr. Trueblood.

Tom Ford

2:56 PM, December 07, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As of last nights BOA meeting I believe Mr. Pratt received the message. No dumptruck, air compressor, bobcat tractor, four wheel drive vehicles under the tree this year.

5:53 PM, December 11, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Excellent job of fiscal response to a non need!

" Are tere no work houses?" (ES)

Tom Ford

6:52 PM, December 11, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any word on the BOA forgoing salaries in the fiscally restrictive times?

7:32 AM, December 12, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:32 AM BLOGGER: I have no idea, call your Alderman, ask them.

Tom Ford

4:16 PM, December 12, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you ?...what does a Crestwood alderman make? what does the Mayor make ..anyone?

8:14 AM, December 13, 2013  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

The 2014 budget which can be reviewed on line by following the link Mr. Ford provides on his blog would show you this:

The budget for all 8 Alderman's salary
totals $36,270 a year, or $377.81 per Aldermen a month. The total salary's of all 8 Alderman for each month si $3022.48

The budget for the Mayor salary is $9075 for the year or $756.25 per month.

At the most recent BOA meeting those who had supported no pay for elected officials do not bring it up.

What is interesting, is the non budgeted $5000 cost(same cost as 1.5 months of total BOA pay. Or if you like, more than 50% of the Mayor's TOTAL yearly salary) reflected in the budget for legal services in 2013. This was brought about by, as it was reported, by one citizen who filled freedom of information requests pertaining to emails from all the elected personal and Mr. Sime. The City Attorney is required to go through each request and the information requested to ensure that the information being released falls within the legal definition and is correct to be released to the public. Example: nothing about personnel can be released to the public. The majority of these requests were made in the summer.

The $5000 cost does not include the cost of the staff to pull the emails, requested, but just the LEGAL costs. The BOA and former Alderman Neider have requested the name(s) of the person(s) whose requests cost the citizens of Crestwood $5000, to be made public. That request was deemed legal under the Sunshine law by the City Attorney. To the best of my knowledge, the emails provided did not uncover any grand scheme of mis-behavior by the City's elected officials or its City Administrator.

I dont know what was hoped to be found. Maybe when the person becomes known to us, we can ask them.

7:21 PM, December 13, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim , was the legal service cost so high because the city contested the state law.? Aka the sunshine law or was this caused by 'due diligence' and a. Hourly rate of $150.00 plus legal services cost? Please elaborate.

1:44 PM, December 14, 2013  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

Dear Anonymous,

Couple of things, that I want to say.

First of all the information you request can be found by listening to the tapes of the BOA meeting.

Secondly, it really bugs me that you are afraid to use your name. Who's going to blast you for asking a question, you are not expressing an opinion? So what are you afraid of?

In the meeting I specifically asked twice what was the reason for the legal charges. I was told twice, that it was due to the City's Attorney having to redact the emails before releasing them to the party that requested them under the Freedom of Information law. This is NOT the expense for getting the legal opinion regarding the actions of the 4 Aldermen holding a meeting with out making public notice of the meeting 24 hours in advance. The terms Sunshine Law and Freedom of Information Act are used by some interchangeably. That may cause confusion.

I asked my question in part, because there was confusion regarding if the $5000 in charges covered Staff's time or the cost of the paper used to provide the requested emails. The BOA was told the $5000 in charges were for legal fees only, and nothing else.

It is worthy to note, and the tapes of the meeting will substantiate this, that one Alderman agreed with former Alderman Roby who spoke against the releasing to the public the name of the person, who through their requests for emails, cost the tax payers $5000 in legal fees.
City Attorney said that it was completely legal to make the person's name public, as they had made their requests on a public form that is just as open to public review as are City official's emails.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if the person who made the requests, files a court injunction asking their name not be released. Guess what's good for the Goose is NOT good for the Gander.

12:41 AM, December 16, 2013  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

The City contested nothing.

12:43 AM, December 16, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


$5,000.00 is an obscene charge for reviewing and redacting emails. 33+ hours at $150/hour. I would have the C/A look very carefully at that invoice before its paid. I find it very hard to believe that an attorney took the better part of a workweek on this request.

If they did, see about passing those costs on to the requestor.

1:03 AM, December 16, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim ,
as long as the city has behind closed door meetings and signs non disclosure agreements with former employees after cutting them large checks I will exercise my right to remain anonomous,,whats good for the goose is after all good for the gander ...if the BOA wants keep secrets and hide possible transgressions of governmental and management mismanagement then so be it. Honk,,,honk,..

6:05 AM, December 16, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:05 AM Blogger: Your not winning this battle.

"if the BOA wants keep secrets and hide possible transgressions of governmental and management mismanagement then so be it."

Be careful of what you accuse the BOA or the C/A of unless you have specific proof, and are willing to sign your name to it.

You know, or should know the rules here, so abide by them please.

Tom Ford

6:53 AM, December 16, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's more hiding embarrassment that anything else...a 80,000+ dllar settlement seems like a lot of money to me and at the very least the good people of Crestwood deserve some explaination and assignment of accoutability..don't they?.I don't think it's too much to ask were our money went do you?

7:56 AM, December 16, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:58 AM Blogger: And to what do you refer, what "hiding," what "embarrassment?"

You do have the complete and true facts I presume?

It's a bit early for the "political posturing" don't you think? I would have thought there would be plenty of time after the holiday's, say January 2.

Why don't we all place a moratorium (here at least) on the Mayoral race until then, what do you think?

Tom Ford

8:17 AM, December 16, 2013  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

What $80,000 are you talking about? Are you talking about the separation agreement with a former C/A? Try to stay focused. My post was about $5000 in legal fees.

Nice attempt at deflection, but since I was not on the Board when the $80,000 you inquire about was spent, I do not have the answer.

Maybe you should ask one of the former members who was on the the BOA at that time. I believe they would be the Honorable Duncan, Foote and I think Beasley. Or you can ask the Alderman from your Ward who is currently in office now and was then.

Now about the emails that were requested, when will we find out what was uncovered by this rather expensive investigation? Since it was mid summer of 2013, surely some kind of "smoking gun" has been found by now? Or were the requests just an attempt to bury the City's staff with nonsensical work to prevent the work of the people being done?

Honk Honk, indeed.

Tom, I suggest that all Anonymous posts be prohibited until after the election for Mayor in April 2014. Newspapers do not publish anonymous letters, why should the
Crestwood Independent?

9:22 AM, December 16, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can only speak to the emails that can be disclosed. Remember, personnel matters stay closed. If you look online at the meeting calendar, you will see that the Civil Service Board met quite a few times this past summer. The Agenda item: Adjournment to Closed Session 610.021 (3) –Consideration of Grievance Appeal. Previous to this summer, they hadn't met according to the website since January 2012. Could the email requests have something to do with that? Smoking gun, probably not. But what's the saying...Where's there's smoke, there's fire?

3:10 PM, December 16, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3;10 PM BLOGGER: What smoke are you referring to ? You said yourself that he couldn't disclose any personnel issues.

The Chinese have a saying, " be careful what you wish for."

Tom Ford

8:38 PM, December 16, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never heard $80,000 of taxpayers money called a 'deflection' before.. Nice call Tim.

6:57 AM, December 17, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what the "separation agreement" cost us in legal fees?

1:15 PM, December 17, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like most of the review work could have been done by a paralegal under an attorneys "supervision " at a lower rate.
(Paralegals do all the grunt work...anyway if the truth be known..)

7:36 AM, December 18, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to borrow $ at King Kash and go buy a $500 TV at Aaron's and rent to own it for $1,000. At least Crestwood will get my sales tax!

7:25 PM, December 18, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is King Kash going in? Aaron's is going into the space next to Office Max.

I heard something was going into the old KFC? Is it an O'Reilly's?

11:09 PM, December 18, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like our town is fast becoming a "bottom feeder" Mecca.
I hope Best Buy hangs in there...

7:03 AM, December 19, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whatever goes into the old KFC will almost certainly be a payday loan of some sort or a second hand store. And we slip further into becoming Wellston...It is a hard pill to swallow that the entire community was based on one thing: the mall. No one seems to have any idea what to do now that it's defunct. I am so sad...I love Crestwood. I hate seeing it circling the drain like this. We cut job after job after job at city hall(never the aldermen's or mayor's money, though), and we slide gradually lower. We still have no money. We are down to a skeleton crew running the city. And all the city can seem to manage to approve are thrift stores and payday loan companies. meanwhile all around us flourishes: Fenton, Kirkwood, Sunset Hills. Ikea is at last coming in. To Crestwood, with all our open retail space? No. Of course not. They don't sell second hand things.

7:07 AM, December 19, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well folks, I don't get it! First everyone complains about NO STORES wanting to come to Crestwood.

Now that a couple have chosen our fair City, you still complain about them not being "the right type of store!"

Face it, were Crestwood not Ladue. If you want to live next to a fancy department store, well move to where they are as Crestwood is not going to be their destination.

By the way, it doesn't matter who the Mayor is or who is on the BOA, were "land locked," get used to it!

Tom Ford

8:44 AM, December 19, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone's forgetting the silver lining of second hand, rent to owns, and pay day loan stores...the municipal court revenue they generate. Let's face it about who those places typically attract. Stolen vehicles, improper regristration, warrants, forgery, bad checks, failure to return rented property(aka stealing). Cha-ching!

8:57 AM, December 19, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:57 AM BLOGGER: A bit judgmental this morning aren't we? One might even say "uppity," no?

Tom Ford

1:15 PM, December 19, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it's "uppity" to not want to attract a bunch of low lifes to Crestwood, then I guess you're right, I'm a snob. Do YOU really want to see the Watson corridor fill up with those types of businesses?

1:39 PM, December 19, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:39 PM BLOGGER: Who would the " low life's " be? I want to attract businesses and customers to awaits on Rd.
, yes I really do friend. Now when you decide what segment of your fellow man are " low life's" please share it with us.

Oh, and by the way, if those establishments had been recruted by Centrum for the Courts would you have been happier?

Tom Ford

4:21 PM, December 19, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Don't believe Centrum was proposing a rent-to-own shop, check cashing or an auto parts store. More like an upscale mega theater, unique destination restaurants and specialty grocer. Gee, which ones would be better?

8:02 PM, December 19, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:02 PM BLOGGER: More like nothing at all! They had nobody signed up to do anything.

But I wasn't saying that and you knows it. Now, which one is better, AN "up scale nothing," or. Tax paying business?

Tom Ford

8:49 PM, December 19, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adult bookstores pay a lot of taxes too as do casinos.. are you ok with those choices?

9:35 PM, December 19, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like our town is fast becoming a "bottom feeder" Mecca.
I hope Best Buy hangs in there...

7:03 AM, December 19, 2013
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whatever goes into the old KFC will almost certainly be a payday loan of some sort or a second hand store. And we slip further into becoming Wellston...It is a hard pill to swallow that the entire community was based on one thing: the mall. No one seems to have any idea what to do now that it's defunct. I am so sad...I love Crestwood. I hate seeing it circling the drain like this. We cut job after job after job at city hall(never the aldermen's or mayor's money, though), and we slide gradually lower. We still have no money. We are down to a skeleton crew running the city. And all the city can seem to manage to approve are thrift stores and payday loan companies. meanwhile all around us flourishes: Fenton, Kirkwood, Sunset Hills. Ikea is at last coming in. To Crestwood, with all our open retail space? No. Of course not. They don't sell second hand things.

7:07 AM, December 19, 2013

Paid for by Mary Duncan

10:11 PM, December 19, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So far all i read is what you do not want or like. Please share a vision of what you would to see Crestwood become over the next 10 to 15 years. I do not want names of businesses. I want you to paint a picture of the life in Crestwood. What leisure activities for the various age groups, types of entertainment, etc.

10:20 PM, December 19, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:35 PM Blogger: I am OK with a casino, why not?

Adult book store? I was on P&Z when that came up bef0ore. I suggested ways to shoot it down without the law suits that would follow (look it up.)

A casino is one heck of a drawing card, and friend, that's what we need, period!

Tom Ford

8:02 AM, December 20, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's take a little trip to Realsville.

Why did Gander Mt and IKEA not pick Crestwood?

Was it because they didn't know about Crestwood and now that they do, they are kicking themselves for passing on such a great location? Kind of doubt that, don't you?

Let's look at the property(s) they did pick to build on.

Gander Mt.. "The Fenton store will be located in an existing 96,600-square-foot space on Gravois Bluffs Boulevard in the Gravois Bluffs Shopping Center, near the intersection of Highway 30 and Highway 141. When REMODELING is complete, the site will include 65,000 square feet of retail space."

What does Crestwood have that with just a remodeling can offer a 96,600 square foot space? No TIF was required, the location was what Gander Mt wanted.

IKEA.."The two-story St. Louis store will be 380,000 square feet, with 1,250 parking spaces in a garage one level below the store on the ground level. The company expects to break ground in the summer of 2014. It took nearly a DECADE for Ikea to find the right spot for a store in St. Louis."
Why did Ikea locate there?
it was the right size
clearly visible and accessible from the highway
Ikea is giving greater weight to putting stores in areas with a lot of public transit options
located between St. Louis University and Washington University given that college students — and their parents — often are big Ikea customers.
Ikea officials said they will seek activation of a portion — likely more than half — of $37 million in tax-increment financing already approved.

Do I recall that Centrum wanted $34 million tax assistance to build and do something with their property? IKEA wants less than the entire $37 million they could have, and why do they want that amount? Ikea said they needed the TIF for this site because of all the extra costs associated with street work, relocating multiple utility lines, and assembling all of the parcels. Crestwood was told by the expert PGAV that after spending $34 million dolars if all we had was a clear level field, it would be a home run for us.

Ikea looked for almost 10 years? Why didn't the BOA and the Mayors for the past ten years grab Ikea? Didn't Crestwood have an economic director to get company's attention and move to Crestwood?
Did Centrum know of either Gander Mt or Ikea desire to open in St. Louis area? If so Centrum never mentioned their names.
Wonder why neither of the two stores didn't open in Northwest Plaza? They got a great TIF

It boils down to LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. Crestwood's best property for stores like these is where Sam's is located. Unfortunately, Sam's doesn't seem ready to move. We will know the real value of the former Mall, when it goes on the auction block. I would be surprised that even with the possible Brownfield Bonds it sells for more than what Centrum paid.

5:05 PM, December 20, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of hacks...

"...those who remain critical of Schlink and other elected officials who wouldn't cave to Centrum's demands may have some type of ulterior motive."

Wow. One thing to disagree with someone. Another to call out their honesty with no proof whatsoever. Ulterior motives? Just wow. Also interesting that Mr. Anthony makes the assumption that Mr. Grewe's representative is honest and trustworthy and Mr. Barkett is not. Obviously one of them is not being entirely forthright, but why assume it is one and not the other?

I don't profess to have any inside information, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if what actually transpired is that Grewe's comments to Barkett were as Barkett reported them, but they were intended to be private, and Grewe was irritated that Barkett used their private conversation to prove a point in a public meeting (especially in a city in which he is headquartered and owns large tracts of real estate, and must deal with city government frequently), and so he dispatched his representatives to the BOA meeting to smooth any ruffled feathers (an astute business decision).

I guess if Grewe is all-in the mall without subsidies, we should hear news of its sale soon from Centrum to Grewe. I know I won't be holding my breath.

5:51 PM, December 20, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:51 PM BLOGGER: I really doubt that Mr. Anthony just " called out someone" without Any info to back his comment's , do you?

I have no idea what he has on file, but I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt here.

Oh, and why would Mr G. Comment as he did if none of the story held water?

Tom Ford

7:41 PM, December 20, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:51 PM Dec. 20

A little over a year ago, Mr. Barket claimed to have met with several local developers, including Grewe, to see if they'd partner with him in redeveloping the mall property, and he claimed they all declined because the property itself was undesirable.

Fast forward a year (After Mr. Barket failed to obtain a TIF), and he makes the same claim, only this time he claims the reason the other developers turned him down was because of an anti-TIF, anti-development board.

Did Mr. Barket meet with local developers twice (which makes no sense, given that they turned him down the first time), and they gave him two very different reasons for not partnering with him or buying him out? Or, is one of his claims untrue?

Martha Duchild

10:37 AM, December 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wouldn't surprise me one bit if Grewe or Barkett stretched the truth at times, but since Grewe's remarks to the board were conspicuously missing a promise along the lines of "I'd be happy to develop the mall without TIF or tax subsidies", I imagine there is a great deal of truth in Barkett's statement.

If Grewe ever does wind up with the mall property, he would want to have a positive relationship with as many board members as possible so that he wouldn't have the same issues Barkett/Centrum had.

4:18 PM, December 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:18 PM Dec. 21

I'm curious as to why you think Mr. Grewe's relationship with the board members would have any impact on their decisions regarding redevelopment of the mall property?

Martha Duchild

4:58 PM, December 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Common sense, human nature.

Decisions aren't made in a vacuum. It seemed like things got personal in a bad way with Sol Barkett and the mayor and several board members. It was palatable that the mayor and several board members did not like/trust Sol Barkett. Maybe he brought some of that on himself, who knows.

Anyway, while a project should stand or fall on its own merits, it is easier to get things done if the people judging your project like/respect you.

6:27 PM, December 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:27 PM Dec. 21

I agree that having the board's respect is a benefit, but it cannot make up for a plan they don't think is viable.

As far as things getting personal, I disagree. In an email to the mayor, Mr. Barket indicated that he enjoyed working with the mayor and was thankful for their good communication.

Martha Duchild

10:20 AM, December 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on Martha. Perceptions, incorrect because of lack of complete information, end in bad conclusions. I believe the negotiation process worked well as required by the charter, the transparency as promised by the major, and the open debate from the BOA allowing pro and con opinions from the duly elected representatives. The debate demonstrated great balance of political opinion. Centrum failed to sell themselves and the project. The result of faulty cost benefit analysis.

2:57 PM, December 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

close... are they on Watson? OH...NO, So I guess
it is NOT just Crestwood...

5:32 PM, December 22, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Jamestown mall is now closed till at least Saturday! it seems they can't even afford he!

Tom Ford

1:53 PM, December 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Jamestown, Northwest Plaza, Northland, River Roads, et al. all are either closed, or in the case of Jamestown, closing. They are all located in areas of North County struggling with white flight, bad schools, crime, dilapidation, massive socioeconomic changes, etc.

What makes the Crestwood closing so vexing/frustrating is that Crestwood, while not Ladue, is in a good school district, with good housing, in south county, surrounded by successful neighbors (Webster, Kirkwood, Sunset Hills, unincorporated South County). No one drives through Crestwood and thinks they are in a ghetto. And yet all of Crestwood's neighbors enjoy success while Crestwood struggles.

9:16 AM, December 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:16 AM Dec. 24

You're right about Crestwood's demographic assets, but the reason the mall is in its current state has less to do with the demographics than it does with the mall's owners.

Westfield made a deliberate decision not to reinvest in/update Crestwood Mall (as they did with South and West County Malls). It was a strategic business decision, and one of the reasons cited was the inability to compete with malls located directly off the highway.

As rents rose and tenants left, and Kohl's opened for business, the mall began a downward spiral. Centrum bought the mall and shortly thereafter successfully appealed to the county assessor to decrease the property's valuation.

Centrum failed in its efforts to convince the board to support its entertainment concept for the mall, and the property is now up for sale.

The mall's current status has more to do with strategic decisions made by the past two owners than it does with the demographic of the surrounding area. Thanks to our location within a top-performing school district, the state of our retail sector has less of an impact on those seeking to buy homes in the area.

Martha Duchild

10:03 AM, December 24, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:16 AM, December 24, 2013

Northwest Plaza is being redeveloped and River Roads already has been with Target as an anchor. If North County can do it why can't Crestwood? I'm sure Grewe will be happy to do it without TIF... NOT!

12:22 AM, December 25, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crestwood will be closed until 2021 because no one wants to take the Heat..

5:47 AM, December 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is magic about the date 2021? Did i miss something?

9:24 AM, December 26, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:24 AM BLOGGER: No, the poster is obviously a supporter of another for Mayor, nothing to see or read there.

Tom Ford

6:39 PM, December 26, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He might be referring to "the twelve years of Mallmas'.

6:40 AM, December 27, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...


Tom Ford

4:40 PM, December 27, 2013  

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