Saturday, December 21, 2013

Letters to the editor of the Call, or I am angry that my adoption club was cancelled!

Below please copy and paste a letter to the Call from a Crestwood citizen bemoaning the fact that the Animal control unit was transferred to St. Louis County.

I am not going to defend anyone here, I am however going to call into question the statement that "many are willing to pay for." I would like to see the names of the "many" as I am not one of them, and I am finding a hard time finding one.

I guess the writer is familiar with the code books that ALL Crestwood property must abide by? I also wonder if the writer knows that the shelter in White Cliff park did not meet several standards, not the least of which are the ADA rules?

Ok, what really makes me wonder about this letter is why ANYONE, OR GROUP would expect tax payers to fund a duplicate service? Are we now to fund groups that want to volunteer? If so, I would like to have ALL of you pay for my shotgun shells when I go skeet shooting, were a Crestwood group as well don't you know.

The belief that any ones pet will be lost forever is silly, all you have to do is to be a responsible pet owner and keep it in the house, or use a leash when outside. If fluffy runs off and is at the County shelter, well that is not the fault of your tax paying neighbor, it's yours, so you can take care of it.

I have owned several hunting dogs (they really like to run) in my time, and I spent the money to build two kennels in the back yard to insure they were safe, sound, and at home, so.....

Tom Ford

NO. 3035


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, tom, we allll know how you feel about the animal shelter. You have told us all time and time again. And then again. We get it already.

12:02 PM, December 21, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...



Tom Ford

2:16 PM, December 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

of all things to publicly animal shelter?? I can't understand your priorities. What harm has that shelter done to you? Now that it's defunded, you still rant. What gives?

5:38 PM, December 21, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:58 PM BLOGGER: "Publicly loathe?" A bit dramatic, no? I despise waste, public or otherwise, and that was a waste of $61,000.00 per year!

I am not ranting, simply answering a letter to the editor, or is that not allowed in your circles?

Tom Fordh

7:34 PM, December 21, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the records are accurate, no indication she voted in the last Crestwood election.

9:18 PM, December 21, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:18 PM Blogger: If you are correct it's worse than I would have hoped for.

If you don't vote, you don't get to complain about the government you get, period !

Tom Ford

3:26 AM, December 22, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am tired of special interest groups, small in number but with loud voices, demanding a place at the feed trough of tax dollars. These are your special interests, noble as they may be, but please fund them yourself. If the interests are worthy private donations and funding will appear. Thanks for listening.

2:43 PM, December 22, 2013  
Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

Do we have in Crestwood a service to control animals? The answer is yes.

End of story.

4:26 PM, December 22, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:26 PM Blogger: Well put Mr. Trueblood.

Tom Ford

7:38 AM, December 23, 2013  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours Tom. Thank you for hosting this blog.

6:52 PM, December 24, 2013  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:52 PM BOLGGER: Thank you, and may you have a wonderful Christmas as well.

Tom Ford

7:05 AM, December 25, 2013  

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