Friday, January 03, 2014

Local group want's to take over animal control shelter.

Now if this is done correctly (lease on the property, insurance by the group, proper animal control training, and a hold harmless agreement between the two parties) I have no problem with the idea at all.

In fact this is what I have said all along, if the volunteers really want it to continue, pay for it and get it off the tax rolls.

I hope this can be agreed on by the Board, and the volunteers can be up and running in the very near future, as this is the way it should have been done from the beginning.

What do you think, and remember the rules, no insults, accusations, or comments reference anyone that are not verifiable are allowed on this Blog. As in the past those type of posts will be removed by me when I am notified of, or see them.

Tom Ford

NO. 3038


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as the friends of animals pays the utilities, building insurance, update of the building to code, liability insurance, etc i am ok with the proposition. I do not favor tax payer funding for a private lobby group that adds no value and solves no real problem.

What i do not understand is why this group does welcome these animals in their homes? The option to obtain a license/special use permit for more than 4 animals is available from the city.

Where does this group obtain its funding? Is it sustainable?

9:07 AM, January 04, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What i do not understand is why this group does welcome these animals in their homes?

Please clarify. This makes no sense.I assume you meant to say something else, like putting a "not" in there somewhere? I do not wish to put words in your mouth, which is why I asked for clarification.

3:45 PM, January 04, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did omitt the word not. Thanks. Does not welcome these animals in their

9:42 PM, January 04, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lease works for the short term I guess, but long-term, items like roof replacement and major capital improvements to the building are generally landlord (read: Crestwood) costs. If the building is functional for now though, no reason it couldn't be leased until it becomes obsolete.

11:56 PM, January 04, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:56 PM Blogger: It all depends on how the lease is written.

I would think that the City can hold the lessor responsible for all costs of repair and maintenance if correctly written.

The lessor will however have to spend a few dollars to bring it up to code and ADA compliance before they could occupy it.

It's still a good idea though, and I hope it can be accomplished to ALL parties satisfaction.

Tom Ford

5:40 AM, January 05, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My question still has not been answered. Why do these angels of mercy refuse to bring the animals into their homes. The city is encouraging this behavior by offering permits to exceed the four animal allotment. Distributed among caring and loving homes would seem to be more encouraging for the animal than be shoved in a cage, in a dark building with little socialization, limited exercise, in a building that is not designed for the purpose of sheltering animals.


There are sufficient resources available to those who want to participate without using the cities property. Please encourage this lobby group to use those resources and stop requesting funding directly or with subsidies.

My city is busy enough providing the services i pay taxes to support. Fire and police and protection. Infrastructure maintenance ( parks, roads, sewer liness)

Thanks for listening.

7:06 AM, January 05, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why do these angels of mercy refuse to bring the animals into their home"

The shelter, according to the recently fired control officer, has had literally hundreds of animals over the last 5 or so years. Are you really under the impression that each volunteer can have 30 to 50 animals in their homes?? Plus, the shelter, she said, took in hawks, raccoons, a ferret, a found guinea pig, and many other "off" types of animals. People who volunteer at homeless shelters are not expected to bring the patrons home and feed and house them, why would animal volunteers be any different?


The animals at these places are also housed in cages, in case you have not visited those facilities. I have been to the Crestwood shelter in the last 2 years. It is a clean, well run shelter with well cared for, social animals. Why the disrespect? Did you have a bad experience there? Please explain.

"Please encourage this lobby group to use those resources and stop requesting funding directly or with subsidies. "

From whom are they requesting funding? The city just cut them off from funding, as I understand it. Has someone come to your door and asked for money? I am truly confused about what you're asking.

11:36 AM, January 05, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The shelter, according to the recently fired control officer, has had literally hundreds of animals over the last 5 or so years. Are you really under the impression that each volunteer can have 30 to 50 animals in their homes?? Plus, the shelter, she said, took in hawks, raccoons, a ferret, a found guinea pig, and many other "off" types of animals."

Where is this documented? The shelter does not have the capacity for 20 animals let alone thirty or fifty.

"People who volunteer at homeless shelters are not expected to bring the patrons home and feed and house them, why would animal volunteers be any different?"

We are not discussing a homeless shelter. You are off topic.

"The animals at these places are also housed in cages, in case you have not visited those facilities. I have been to the Crestwood shelter in the last 2 years. It is a clean, well run shelter with well cared for, social animals"

I visit many of the mentioned facilities frequently. They are far superior to what is offered.

"Why the disrespect? Did you have a bad experience there? Please explain."

What disrespect? I simply offered an alternate solution.

"From whom are they requesting funding? The city just cut them off from funding, as I understand it. Has someone come to your door and asked for money? I am truly confused about what you're asking."

This private club is asking for rent at a reduced cost. The not for profit club should pay market rates.

12:21 PM, January 05, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the same reason why some people join country clubs to play golf and others play on public courses.

It's what they want to do. Some people want to belong to FOCA club, others are ok with the County provided services.

Doesn't mean either is more or less passionate about golf or animals.

12:48 PM, January 05, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We are not discussing a homeless shelter. You are off topic."

You completely missed the point. I was making a comparison, not stating that was the topic. And you didn't address the question. Why in the world would you think volunteers can take in every homeless animal that comes through the door? Do you expect that the volunteers at ASPCA and Humane Society do that? Why the double standard?

"Where is this documented? The shelter does not have the capacity for 20 animals let alone thirty or fifty."

Ask the animal control officer that was just fired. And how do you know the capacity of the shelter in Whitecliff Park? Have you visited it? Were you given a tour? If so, how recently?

"I visit many of the mentioned facilities frequently. They are far superior to what is offered."

In what way? Are the animals loose? They are not confined? And I realize this IS off topic, but why do you visit these facilities frequently? Do you volunteer there? Work there? If so, have you taken home all the animals that you can fit in your car as you seem to expect the Crestwood volunteers to?

"This private club is asking for rent at a reduced cost"

You know this how? Where are you getting your information? Were you present at whatever negotiations took place? You presume to know better than the CA or the mayor what is acceptable? If so, why? Please list your qualifications that make you a better choice for this than Mr. Sime. And while we're on the subject, why do you keep referring to the non profit as a "club"? That is the disrespect I mentioned. Last time I was there(it's been a while, I admit) I did not see anyone running around in mouse ears, singing.

3:04 PM, January 05, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did miss the point. You did.
It is not important to the subject why visit i the facilities.

The article in the paper stated they asked for reduced rent costs. Read the article.

I am very familiar with the Crestwood facility as i have volunteered their many times over the last few years. Stopped volunteering because of the poor conditions in the shelter. Electrical hazards. Poor ventilation. Over crowding.

4:06 PM, January 05, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are plenty of other buildings available in Crestwood. Move your stuff out and rent one of the empty facilities available.

6:41 PM, January 05, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I it really nessessery to argue over this? Good grief, both of you just state the facts and leave the emotion out of it!

And for the record, the animal control position was eliminated from the budget, NO ONE WAS FIRED!

Tom Ford

7:32 PM, January 05, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm. You're right. someone being told they no longer have a job isn't being fired. It's simply being eliminated. I should have seen the difference. My bad.

7:59 PM, January 05, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:39PM BLOGGER: Well since you want to play with semantics, tell us all what YOU would rathe have on your résumé or back ground check.

Tom Ford

8:05 PM, January 05, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:51 PM, January 07, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:51 PM BLOGGER: Nice try, stay on topic or find another place to play.

Tom Ford

3:59 PM, January 07, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI to "anonymous": The shelter building has new siding and a new roof because of FOACAR's work. The city still uses half of the building and FOACAR didn't just put roofing or siding on "their" side of the building. The entire building was re-roofed & re-sided.

11:41 PM, January 18, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also to the anonymous person who claims to have volunteered recently: When? The shelter has been enlarged and gets regular, spontaneous inspections by the Dept of Ag, always passing & receiving KUDO's from the inspector. You lie!

11:53 PM, January 18, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Well since you want to play with semantics, tell us all what YOU would rathe have on your résumé or back ground check."

And since you don't seem to acknowledge that fired or not, she is now still unemployed no matter what words will make you feel better about it, I guess what I'd rather have on my record is a job, since you asked.

1:02 PM, January 19, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:02 PM BLOGGER:""Well since you want to play with semantics, tell us all what YOU would rathe have on your résumé or back ground check."

And since you don't seem to acknowledge that fired or not, she is now still unemployed no matter what words will make you feel better about it, I guess what I'd rather have on my record is a job, since you asked."

Well IF YOUR QUALIFIED TO DO................. Go ahead and find your self one (unless you want to admit that the Obama failures have blown that chance.)

A person who takes a position with ANY City knows tat the possibility of their position being eliminated is always on the horizon, so.

If YOU are re lily serious about helping her, have her email me and I will see what I can do (depending on qualifications,) you might be surprised at the people I know.

Tom Ford

1:57 PM, January 19, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. I was just thinking that The city's "eliminating" every possible job was Obama's fault and that it had nothing to do with poor management and lack of foresight on the part of our leaders. I am very glad we agree on that. As for your generous offer to help her find appropriate employment, I shall see that she hears of this. If I were she I would leap at this.

4:28 PM, January 19, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:26 PM Blogger: Your smarmy answer tells all of us that your only interest here is to smear the Crestwood administration.

You have no interest in helping anyone but your choice for mayor, and it shows!

I thought so!

Tom Ford

5:42 PM, January 19, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there's where you're wrong. I have no choice for mayor as yet. I do not care much for the current one, no, but given the circumstances, I have no guarantee that anyone else would have done better. I have not been very please with Mr. Schlink, I'll admit. Why would that offend you? Do you expect every resident in the city to regard him as highly as you do? Or is that a requirement for posting here....everyone must agree with Tom? If that's the case, then my bad. I thought you welcomed divergent thoughts and ideas. If all this blog is is a place to get Mayor Schlink re-elected, then at least have the courage to say so, and turn the reigns over to the mayor for the duration of the "silly season", as you call it. At least we'd be hearing directly from him.

9:04 PM, January 19, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:04 PM BLOGGER: I am for the best person in Crestwood for the job. Do you plan to answer any of the points I made, or are you not interested ?

Tom Ford

9:20 PM, January 19, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what points do you feel I have ignored? I felt as though I have answered you each time. Please clarify.

7:57 AM, January 20, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:57 AM Blogger:

1. "A person who takes a position with ANY City knows tat the possibility of their position being eliminated is always on the horizon, so."

2. " You have no interest in helping anyone but your choice for mayor, and it shows!"

3. "If YOU are re lily serious about helping her, have her email me and I will see what I can do (depending on qualifications,) you might be surprised at the people I know."

All you seem to want to do is attempt to smear the current leadership in Crestwood, you have yet to say what YOU would do, so what else can we take from your post's?

TELL US what YOU can or would do minus the attempts to be "too cute by a half: so we have some idea where your coming from, or just admit that is your agenda.

And in case you don't know it there are several people out of work right here in the region that can be traced to the Obama policies, and Obama care in particular.

Companies are laying off people, cutting hours, and doing what is needed to weather the economic storm they now find themselves in.

If you don't think that this is a direct result of Obama's line of thinking I suggest you do some reading, try anything except the socialist sites of course.

Tom Ford

8:17 AM, January 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. That would be true of any job, would it not? The instant one takes any position, one is always "on the chopping block", correct? Why would this be specific to a position with a municipality?

2.I already addressed this. I stated I have no choice for mayor as yet, and further suggested that you simply turn this blog over to Mr. Schlink so that we may at least hear directly from him, rather than the Ford filter. So, you are mistaken. I addressed this already.

3.I addressed this too: I stated that I would indeed see that she hears of your generous offer. Again mistaken. I addressed this.

What I would do is moot. The window closed on the mall, and the action would have been before now. Do I know exactly what that action would have been? Not specifically. But then, I didn't run for office under the assumption that I was able to run a city, did I?

I don't care what your opinion of Obama and his policies are, so trying to incite an argument by tossing the I Hate Obama line out isn't effective.

There. Have I addressed all your points?

9:00 AM, January 20, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:00 AM BLOGGER: You have not, however I will waste no further band width pointing out why.

Tom Ford

9:28 AM, January 20, 2014  
Blogger Unknown said...

I finally feel that I must comment since I am no longer a city employee. Whether this comment on your blog is ever printed remains to be seen.
I would like to clarify for everyone, that YES, I was fired. That is the effect of eliminating my position. And yes, I always knew it was a possibility. Doesn’t change the fact that I am now job-hunting.
My job as Animal Control Officer had many responsibilities, only a portion of which was the management of Crestwood's Animal Shelter, which has the capacity for 30-40 cats/kittens and 5-6 dogs, depending on their size, etc. The volunteer group (FOACAR) was allowed to enlarge the facility 3 years ago, using a run-down, dilapidated room the city was using for storage. FOACAR paid for the entire renovation. I would be happy to show anyone around if they would like to stop by on Friday mornings, when I am volunteering.
The city effectively eliminated $51,000 from their annual budget by eliminating my position. However, all additional expenses for the shelter have for years, been paid by donations to Friends of Animals (started by Margie THEISS) and adoption fees for unclaimed animals.
As a matter of fact, the city has been using that donated money to pay for the Dog Waste bags in their parks, for years. That expense will now have to come from the parks budget & parks employees will refill them. City employees will also take over the job of picking up dead animals on city streets, too.
I understand the expense of Animal Control and the argument that it is a redundant service although I think residents will feel the impact of my position being eliminated. What I have never understood is the animosity about the animal shelter. This pre-dates me by MANY years. The expenses of the shelter have always been significantly covered by the adoptions and donations, until December of 2013. Why is the shelter an issue to Mr. Ford or any of his followers? It appears to me to be pure hatred for some unknown reason.
What you have wanted for years has been accomplished. If the city has chosen to rent an old, unused building to FOACAR and there is no cost or liability to the city, why do you care?
Nancy Hunt
Former Animal Control Officer for the City of Crestwood

11:53 AM, January 20, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Ms. hunt, perhaps you have mis read my post, or not read it at all. I stated that I am all for the volunteers renting the shelter.

there is no hatred for it, no iNdeed if they're was I would have not offered to introduce you to people who you might be employed by.

That offer still stands.

Tom Ford

12:25 PM, January 20, 2014  
Blogger Unknown said...

My apologies if that was not your post, but someone else's, but there is frequently so much incorrect information on the blog.

1:42 PM, January 20, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:42 PM BLOGGER: Correct andmost of it is posted by those who will not sign their name to it, but rather choose to be anonymous.

I congratulate you on your courage of convictin as is evidenced by you h signature.

Now if only you could convince others to do The same.

Tom Ford

2:03 PM, January 20, 2014  
Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

3:46 PM, January 20, 2014  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you. One of my complaints about this blog (and others, I suppose) is the bold statements, name calling & pure fabrication done anonymously and then unfortunately, it is taken as gospel by many readers. I feel like I spent 3 years refuting what was spread by this blog.

At any rate, thank you for printing it in its entirety.


3:52 PM, January 20, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

,3:52 PM BLOGGER: thank you, this, like other BLOGS is subject to the "anonymous scourge" that seems to give some a chance to say something.

If and when I find personal attacks, false information that is placed to do other than good, or anything like it, I remove it at once.

My emai address is on the top right header and I ask that if anyone sees something that is wrong, I urge them to tell me about it so I can act.

Again thank you for your post, and now that you know your welcome here, please continue to do it.

PS: If you would send me an email I will discuss the possibilities of helping you to find employment.

Tom Ford

6:07 PM, January 20, 2014  

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