Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Public transparency, and why it's so very important to any community.

Please read the editorial by Mr. Mike Anthony who sums up the attempt to block the name of the person reference the revelation that one of our citizens has cost US over $5,000.00 in tax money for a witch hunt that showed nothing!

In the not to distant past we have seen the MCU brought into our community (most of them didn't even live here,) by a faction who support a candidate other than Mayor Jeff Schlink in the coming election.

As we all know the newly appointed (by Mayor Schlink) C / A has cut some positions, and moved some to other departments in order to maximize the revenue that we have coming in.

It seems that the above mentioned group is less than happy with the changes and have decided to try to go back to the duplicate expenditures that were cut from next years budget.

In so doing one of them managed to cost us some hard earned tax monies for what turned out to be nothing! Now that's bad enough, but for a candidate to stand up at a board meeting and try to block the Board from reveling the name of that person is not what I would expect from a person who would be Mayor!

One thing in Crestwood is a constant, and that is the fact that Crestwood politics is not a game for the faint of heart my friends. And, just think, the full roster of candidates for the position has yet to be filed.

Who or what else will we be treated to before the silly season ends in April?

Tom Ford

NO. 3037


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which candidate for Mayor was former Alderman Beezly doing opposition research work for on our tax dollar?

Why did Roby, Wallach and Tennessen want to prevent the tax payers of Crestwood from knowing it was Beezly who cost them over $5000 in legal fees? How are the four connected? Are are four of them connected to the MCU?

How about some full disclosed from Roby, Wallach and Tennessen?
It's not too much to ask from 2 sitting Aldermen and a candidate for Mayor.

Then there is the issue of Roby, Wallace and Tennessen still not understanding the laws they swore to uphold when they became elected officials for the City of Crestwood. For Wallach and Tennessen this is their second go around with the Sunshine Law in less than two years.

Maybe these three believe some laws do not apply to them.

10:13 AM, January 01, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:39 PM BLOGGER: Well by your comments we shoulden't be looking at Mr. Roby either. He served ONE TERM as Alderman as did Mayor Schlink, so no cigar!

I really think you need to get the reason as to why the need for the City Attorney's involvement here as it was needed.

By the way, Mayor Schlink also lives in Crestwood, it's sort of a requirement that our Mayor do so.

I know that your trying to pump ip your boy here but please don't try to do it by knocking someone else, it doesn't show well for your choice, and I will kick it off here unless you want to sign it.

Tom Ford

3:50 PM, January 01, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:39 What a way to start the New Year. Entertaining ... not sure if you're accurate, but you're entertaining.

5:10 PM, January 01, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:39 PM, January 01, 2014\
So using the Sunshine law to get emails between elected officials in an effort to gather dirt for an election is not harassment?
But using the Sunshine law to find out who is making the requests is harassment.
Pretzel Logic.

5:14 PM, January 01, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:39 PM Jan. 1

Please define "served with distinction" as it is a nice description but serves no purpose if it lacks substance. Also, please elaborate as to how Mr. Roby's service as an alderman was superior to Mr. Schlink's service as an alderman.

Just seeking insight as to what informed your opinion.

Martha Duchild

6:55 PM, January 01, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:39 PM Blogger was removed by the blog administrator.

9:56 PM, January 01, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are provisions in the Sunshine law to charge the recipient reasonable cost for the search and for the documentation .(as the Article states),The $5000.00 was because apparently the record keeping was such a mess (e-mails kept in a shoe box under the bed?) legal screening of all documentation was required. There should have been no cost whatsoever to Crestwood had they been organized and efficient in their record keeping. Is any one going to be censured for this debacle???.I wonder if documentation that should be publically acessed but is restricted by non-disclosure agreements a violation of the Sunshine Laws?

6:24 AM, January 02, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:24 AM, January 02, 2014

You are incorrect. The condition of the records that prevented the charging the State allowed fees related to a Sunshine request had nothing to do with the legal fees. Go to City Hall and listen to the tapes (for free) of the BOA meeting in question and hear for yourself.

There are two different things, although it is interesting that is now the talking point being used by those opposed to current Mayor. All in an attempt to blame someone else for their actions and the costs related to their actions.

The legal fees were incurred for the redaction of the emails by the City Attorney. Beezly's requests were so broad and covered such a large period of time that to release to her the information across the board without first having a legal review of the information would have exposed the city to possible law suits. Simply put the information Beezly asked for included information about personnel matters. Those emails are protected from public review for obvious reasons, that Beezly as a former Alderman should have been aware of.
Further, redaction is done for all Sunshine requests for emails for the same reason, it was not done just for Beezly's request.

The legal fees were over $5000 because of the huge size and span of Beezly's requests. Not because the records were hard to find or in disarray.

My question for former Alderman Beezly and her defenders, Roby, Wallach and Tennessen is what were you looking for, did you find it, and when will you release the information you have had for over 3 months to the citizens of Crestwood who paid for it?

9:35 AM, January 02, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe they can have a press conference at Starbuck's and reveal to the public what they were looking for!

12:27 PM, January 02, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be worth $5000.00 to find out were our $80,000.00 went . Any ideas?

1:36 PM, January 02, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Sorry but were not giving out contact information for former employees on this site.

Tom Ford

4:04 PM, January 02, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This article presents a more nuanced and balanced discussion of the issue than Mike's typically "designed to get a reaction" cheap shot editorials.

Of note:
"Local media outlets and other residents also made requests during that time period."

From this article, it sounds like the legal costs were the total for all requests, and not just Beezly's requests.

Interesting also that the other residents and media outlets were not identified. Maybe Roby's half-joking Sunshine request for all other Sunshine requests should be undertaken. Then we can all harass everyone who requested information from their government (a government which is woefully forthcoming).

6:31 AM, January 03, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what the total legal costs for 2011, 2012 and 2013. where.? perhaps an application under the Sunshine law could clarify that.

City Clerk Tina Flowers, who serves as the city's custodian of records, later told the board the city "typically does charge for records requests, especially something of that magnitude, but because there were significant deficiencies within the IT Department, as the custodian of records I was not comfortable charging anybody for those records.

6:46 AM, January 03, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:46 AM Blogger: "I wonder what the total legal costs for 2011, 2012 and 2013. where.?"

Easy to come by, just go to City Hall and ask.

Tom Ford

7:00 AM, January 03, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A public governmental body is NOT required to charge anyone for anything. While you're up at City Hall submitting a FOIA request for 2011,2012 and 2013 legal bills, you might want to pick up a copy of the Missouri Sunshine Law booklet. Or make it easy on yourself and look it up online.

7:11 AM, January 03, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@6:46 am January 03, 2014

Welcome back finance department employees.

7:26 AM, January 03, 2014  
Anonymous S.W. Malter said...

"It would be worth $5000.00 to find out were our $80,000.00 went . Any ideas?"
Look up former C/A Eastwood and ask her.

"From this article, it sounds like the legal costs were the total for all requests, and not just Beezly's requests."

WRONG!, if you listen to the tapes of the meeting and get your own copies of the requests in question for the time period in question you will discover that Beezly's requests made up 99% of TOTAL requests. It's there for you if you really want to know the truth. You would however have to make the request in person.

"Interesting also that the other residents and media outlets were not identified."

WRONG!! The list of those who made requests included the ALL of their names, not just former Alderman Beezly. So you can forget that false claim along with the one that Beezly is being harassed and end whitewash efforts.

It is what it is. We, the citizens of Crestwood, paid the legal fees incurred to redact the information Beezly requested in her opposition research work for those running against Mayor Schlink in the 2014 election. It was our tax dollars at work.
The efforts to deflect away from this truth are amazing when you consider that what ever Beezly was looking for, she hasn't shared with the people who paid for it.

10:03 AM, January 03, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is provision in the sunshine law for reasonable and customary costs of deliverables and clerical costs...not to exceed a certain amount.

12:19 PM, January 03, 2014  
Anonymous S.W. Malter said...

There is provision in the sunshine law for reasonable and customary costs of deliverables and clerical costs...not to exceed a certain amount.

12:19 PM, January 03, 2014

However, the law does not provide the including of legal costs.
Here's the easy way to fix this. Former Alderman Beezly being an upright Crestwood citizen who was upset over Centrum not getting what they wanted which she said would lead to the decline of Crestwood and an increase in our taxes, who was an active citizen in the MCU prayer meetings and who wants real leadership at City Hall, could show us real leadership by writing a check for $5000 to the City of Crestwood.

Now that's leadership.

1:55 PM, January 03, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:55 PM BLOGGER: Mr. Malter, how about the campaign who " benefit's " from this stack of nothing be on he hook for it if she declines?

It really won't be hard to recognize the right one as they will be the one with nothing to show for the "effort."

Tom Ford

3:56 PM, January 03, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe all of the 8 aldermen (some current and some former) who approved an $80,000 settlement with Eastmen each write a $10,000 check to Crestwood?

5:33 PM, January 03, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And why are Beezly's requests attributable to a campaign? With requests from August to October, it sounds like the requests were more geared toward general Crestwood issues and the ongoing Centrum debacle/debate/discussion then specifically targeting the mayoral election. Yet that is the conclusion everyone jumps to. I guess if I was the mayor of a city doing as poorly as Crestwood, I too would be paranoid.

5:37 PM, January 03, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5.33..... Now. .....That's leadership...,! By the way Don,t forget the mayor's the C.A. ' severance fund'

6:00 PM, January 03, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:37 PM BLOGGER: well, if I were living in a "failing city" as you think you are, I would consider moving!

Is there anything we can do to help., pack, put up the for sale sign?

Easy to run the train when you have nothing to do, isn't it!

Tom Ford

8:13 PM, January 03, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Don,t forget the mayor's the C.A. ' severance fund"
Didnt you forget to include contributions for the sitting Aldermen at that time?

6:11 AM, January 04, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

To ALL who feel that their Mayor or Alderman aren't doing the job I ask where oh where is your paperwork to file for office?

I would bet that some of you have never even taken the time to vote much less run for office.

If YOU have the answers why not share them with the community? If you can help, why not do it instead of sitting in the cheap seats telling the coach how to run the team!

Your community needs you, what will YOU do to help, besides complain?

Tom Ford

7:37 AM, January 04, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:11 AM, January 04, 2014

You know full well why the reasons for C/A Eastwood leaving Crestwood are not be made public. Including the income she was given when she left.
Instead of dealing with what you can know IE: about the cost to the citizens that former Alderman Beezly incurred on us, you are using the Eastwood issue as a straw dog.
Do you really think that the relationship and support for Beezly from Roby and vice versa is not clearly indicated by their actions and public statements?
Please! Why are you deflecting from the obvious, what have they have to hide, politically speaking, that you do not want them to be know as political allies? I thought a real leader would proudly support those who are a part of their party? If there was no wrong doing, then why the attempt to distance the two as political allies?
What are they hiding?

2:26 PM, January 04, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are they hiding?

Ummm, obtaining records per a Sunshine request is kind of the opposite of hiding. And there are no "parties" in Crestwood politics.

11:53 PM, January 04, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So why is Roby covering for Beezly?

9:27 AM, January 05, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So why is Roby covering for Beezly?

Maybe Aldermen Roby, Wallach and Tennessen didn't want to see a citizen harassed for invoking their rights under the Sunshine law, a law designed to let citizens make sure their government is not overstepping.

I'm guessing Crestwood didn't tell Ms. Beezly that there would be a $5,000 charge associated with her request at the time she made it--why should there be?

This story is already boring...too many people trying to make mountains out of molehills.

11:29 AM, January 05, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

OK Ladies and Gentlemen, this entire thing (he did, she did) can be chalked up to the "silly season" (election.)

Now since we can go back and forth on this (depending on who backs whom,) it is obvious that enough has been said.


No further remarks will be allowed here on this subject. If you do, I will hit the delete button at once (it has already happened to a post that I was informed was completely false!)

Let's go on to better things please.

Tom Ford

11:47 AM, January 05, 2014  

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