Real UN-employment is 37.2%! Wall Street advisor says government is lying!
Well this is interesting no matter which side of the political spectrum your on.
What this advisor is saying, (and what is no doubt the truth,) when you factor in the people who have stopped looking for work, and the people who will not be in the labor force (retirees, disabled, and those on the welfare rolls who have no plans to get off) the Nation is in real trouble!
Add to this the fact that a record 20% of American's were and are drawing food stamp's in 2013, and we have a recipe for total disaster.
We have a problem that MUST be remedied very soon (if it's not already too late,) or the America we knew and loved will deteriorate into a third world country.
What to do? What can the average "Joe six pack" do? Well I recommend that in the November elections we vote out of office EVERY incumbent who have fostered this, or allowed it to happen! In case your wondering who they may be, ALL OF THEM, BE THEY DEMOCRAST, REPUBLICAN, OR INDEPENDENT!
By the way, there is nothing that can be done Plaza wise under these circumstances no matter who runs for Mayor. The economy is what it is, and no candidate can change that, so I suggest we batten down the hatches, and pray for better times ahead.
Your comment's please, and remember no personal insults, or stories that are not backed up with facts, and your real name signed to them.
Tom Ford
NO. 3042
Well this is interesting no matter which side of the political spectrum your on.
What this advisor is saying, (and what is no doubt the truth,) when you factor in the people who have stopped looking for work, and the people who will not be in the labor force (retirees, disabled, and those on the welfare rolls who have no plans to get off) the Nation is in real trouble!
Add to this the fact that a record 20% of American's were and are drawing food stamp's in 2013, and we have a recipe for total disaster.
We have a problem that MUST be remedied very soon (if it's not already too late,) or the America we knew and loved will deteriorate into a third world country.
What to do? What can the average "Joe six pack" do? Well I recommend that in the November elections we vote out of office EVERY incumbent who have fostered this, or allowed it to happen! In case your wondering who they may be, ALL OF THEM, BE THEY DEMOCRAST, REPUBLICAN, OR INDEPENDENT!
By the way, there is nothing that can be done Plaza wise under these circumstances no matter who runs for Mayor. The economy is what it is, and no candidate can change that, so I suggest we batten down the hatches, and pray for better times ahead.
Your comment's please, and remember no personal insults, or stories that are not backed up with facts, and your real name signed to them.
Tom Ford
NO. 3042
This is just the labor participation rate. It is the percentage of those over the age of 16 who are employed. He just highlights the portion not employed, and the government calculates it the other way around, i.e. those who are employed. The number not employed includes students, elderly, stay at home moms, as well as the unemployed.
You can go here for the official statistics, which go back to 1948:
In the 1950s and 1960s, the labor participation rate was under 60%, and so the "true unemployment" would have been over 40%, which obviously included more stay at home moms. In the 1970s, it went up into the 60%s when more women entered the workforce. The high water mark was 67.3% in the year 2000. It was as high as 66% as early as 1988 and as recently as 2008. It is currently 62.8%. Could be a sign of an improving economy actually if more families are earning enough to have one parent stay at home and raise kids, or if some seniors are taking early retirement, both of which would reduce the labor participation rate.
Really, then hy would this be?
Tom Ford
I don't know if those are directly correlated. There are people who work and also receive food stamps (they just make so little or have so many kids they qualify).
SO based on the your position
anonymous 12:22, there is no reason to extend unemployment benefits.
SO based on the your position
anonymous 12:22, there is no reason to extend unemployment benefits.
And out of left field....who said anything about unemployment benefits?
Part of the problem is that there are fewer quality jobs. There are people working retail, fast food, etc., which should be jobs for teenagers and the retired, and not for people trying to support a family.
"Part of the problem is that there are fewer quality jobs. There are people working retail, fast food, etc., which should be jobs for teenagers and the retired, and not for people trying to support a family."
And the reason for this is because of what economic policy's
5:16PM BLOGGER: well we have a dynamic in play that's hard to refute, that being the Obama care, the moving of jobs overseas, and the party in power moving toward socialism.
Tom Ford
Thank you Tom for pointing out the elephant in the room.
8:51 AM BLOGGER: Well said elephant must be in a camo outfit because there are those who can't or won't see it!
May the good Lord keep us from those who would destroy the American way of life!
Tom Ford
"What this advisor is saying, (and what is no doubt the truth,) when you factor in the people who have stopped looking for work, and the people who will not be in the labor force (retirees, disabled, and those on the welfare rolls who have no plans to get off)"
where are the actual numbers and statistics for these people? Who are they? Where are they? Does this man have real numbers on them? are there a million of them? 2 million? Where are the numbers that back up what he's saying? Where is the statistical proof that they are on welfare and refuse to get off, or that they have given up job hunting? Or did you just put this on here because it was in the Washington Examiner, and we are to believe the article blindly because of that? Please clarify, because you stated nothing that isn't backed up with facts, and there are virtually none in this article.
12:31 PM BLOGGER: Mary, all this is available on line from the bureau of labor statistics, Fox News, CNN news, and y.our alphabet stations.
Now if you want to read them for yourself, look them up!
Do you really think that a Nationly recognized person ( other than Obama) would Just make this up?
Remember in the case of this administration, figures don't lie, but liars can figure, don't believe me? Just watch Obama on TV,
Tom Ford,
Obamacare is a disaster, but both parties (Republicans more so) have been complicit in the moving of jobs overseas and enacting free trade agreements that have boosted stock prices, but hurt workers and this country.
How many "American" companies are just holding companies with a skeleton staff in the U.S. and all of their physical operations overseas? Huffy Bikes, Hunter Fans, I could list dozens, if not hundreds of once-great American companies that would fit this description.
And the American consumer is not blameless. While in some segments it is impossible to buy American (clothing, electronics), in many cases you can still buy things manufactured in the U.S. if you care--tools, furniture, some household goods, lawn equipment, cars, building supplies, accessories, many plastics, etc. Everyone tries to save 50 cents instead of supporting their fellow American worker and American manufacturing base, and wonder why we are where we are. Hard to feel sorry for the unemployed driving Volkswagons.....that's some Karma for you.
1:26 PM BLOGGER: YEP, I stated in the thread that I recommend we vote ALL OF THEM OUT no matter who they follow.
Tom Ford
Interesting, no?
Tom Ford
And to those who think retail is the answer to the plaza,
Who is going to do that with this looming?
Tom Ford
" all this is available on line from the bureau of labor statistics, Fox News, CNN news, and y.our alphabet stations.
Now if you want to read them for yourself, look them up!"
I shall indeed. But perhaps you should have posted those links rather than an article that states things it then fails to back up. That is the very thing you don't like right here on this blog.
"Do you really think that a Nationly recognized person ( other than Obama) would Just make this up?"
Is that a serious question? Yes, I think a nationally recognized person would make up whatever he felt like. It's happened before and it'll happen again. I do not believe that because it was printed in a publication you approve of it is without blemish. No offense, but the Washington Examiner isn't known for its unbiased writing.
"One big shift in store closings has come from retailers shying away from indoor malls, instead favoring outlet centers, outdoor malls or stand-alone stores."
Rick Caruso, founder and CEO of Caruso Affiliated, said at the recent National Retail Federation convention that without a major reinvention, traditional malls will soon go extinct, adding that he is unaware of an indoor mall being built since 2006."
No doubt the traditional retail world of Sears, JC Penny, et al. is in for a long, slow decline. People buy the stuff sold at those stores online, or will soon enough.
The trick is to develop "retail" that can't be duplicated from behind a computer screen and that people will still leave their house for--grocery stores, gyms, bars, restaurants, ice rinks...
2:10 PM BLOGGER: Mary, unbiased reporting, you mean like the daily kos or salon?
Mary, I put it out for you, if you doubt anything they say, you look it up for yourself, I am not going to do it for you!
Tom Ford
MCU computers are blocked from going to websites that provide infirmat6ion that may be damaging to the liberal cause.
Liberalism is not the solution, liberalism is the problem.
"Mary, unbiased reporting, you mean like the daily kos or salon?"
No, like anyone with a cause to further
8:07 PM Blogger: Oh, like the people who carries signs at the plaza (for TV coverage,) or came up to City hall when they didn't even live in Crestwood?
That kind of cause?
Tom Ford
But wait, this can't be, why this is a liberal icon were looking at here, how dare they lay people off?
Gee whiz, next we will hear that Salon and the Kos are going under!
Tom Ford
"Gee whiz, next we will hear that Salon and the Kos are going under!"
Nah, never happen, the Govt will bale them out, like they fund Planned Parenthood.
"That kind of cause?"
Among others, yes. Good example. I am sure you can see that I do not care what party someone is associated with; lies are lies, and BOTH sides tell them. To indicate otherwise is itself a lie.
#7 was referenced earlier...many of these failures are systematic...Obama and Republicans
6:51 and 7:53 AM BLOGGERS: I agree that ALL PARTIES (D, R, I,) are at fault here.
That's hy I have called for the ouster of ALL OF THEM who come up for re election this November.
Now, how do either, or both of you feel about people from outside Crestwood being involved in OUR elections?
Tom Ford
I have no idea what MCU is, so I will need to be filled in a little before I can comment. Who are these people?
Many of the MCU members (not all) that were very involved in the Centrum discussions were parishioners of St. Elizabeth (and I assume most of them live in Crestwood, or at least nearby enough to care what happens to Crestwood).
I take anyone's participation in elections with a grain of salt. In the past, the fire unions have been very active in Crestwood politics, among others.
The candidates for mayor will have to report all of their donations over $100.00--I guess we'll see what kind of support the two candidates receive from various individuals and organizations. I will reserve judgment on their policies for now, but both men strike me as honorable types who not be swayed to change their opinions based off donations (besides, I don't see anyone throwing around million dollar donations in a Crestwood municipal race).
12:36 PM BLOGGER: You are absolutely correct about both men being above reproach, but I was asking how you felt about people who LIVE OUTSIDE Crestwood being involved in our Mayorial race.
Just because a person attends St. Elizabeth Church doesn't make them a resident.
I am saying that we need to keep ALL but Crestwood residents out of our elections as they have no stake in the outcome homeowner wise.
Your also correct about no funding being involved, so why would a outsider want to be involved in our elections?
Tom Ford
Tom Ford
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