The Call opines on the " protesters " at the Crestwood Court's, and to a lesser extent City Halll.
This editorial, as written by Mr. Mike Anthony of the Sun crest Call was contributed by a reader on the thread below. I had gotten some interesting responses so I decided to give it a thread by it's self.
If you wish to comment, please do so, but please remember that NO personal attacks, or name calling will be permitted here under "anonymous." If you wish to do that you will sign your real name or it will be deleted at once.
Now that said, may we have some non emotional factual comment's as to why Mr. Anthony is right or wrong in his assessment? I happen to believe he is right on target here for a number of reasons that I have and will share with you if requested. Now do you have the courage of your convictions to comment and sign your real name to your post so we know that your just not "politicking?"
Tom Ford
NO. 3046
Tom Ford
1:07 PM, February 05, 2014
Anonymous Anonymous said...
From the editorial section of the Suncrest Call this week:
3:33 PM, February 05, 2014
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...
3:33PM BLOGGER: just excellent !
Tom Ford
3:49 PM, February 05, 2014
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm glad the South County Times also provides local news coverage. The Staff Reporters at the Call do a good job, but the editorials are just awful--they make the Post-Dispatch editorial board look well-reasoned.
5:02 PM, February 05, 2014
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...
5:02 PM BLOGGER: I take it you may be a supporter of the MCU or " the man who would be Mayor?"
The Call tells it like it is, sometimes we don't agree, but saying they are like the Post, really, REALLY?
Tom Ford
5:11 PM, February 05, 2014
Anonymous Anonymous said...
They are like the Post in that they are constantly pushing an agenda, facts be damned. They go out of their way to take shots against those they disagree with, and protect those who share their opinion. I like my news fair and balanced.
While Mr. Anthony works on revisionist history now that the project is dead in the water, the fact remains is that he is the editor of a very local newspaper. He has no experience with development projects.
PGAV, who has worked on hundreds of such projects, called out the BOA and the mayor for not understanding the redevelopment process. It wouldn't have cost Crestwood anything to go forward with the TIF commission and see if Centrum could procure leases. When considering who was wrong about the process, I will side with PGAV over Mr. Anthony.
8:39 PM, February 05, 2014
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...
8:39 PM BLOGGER: PGAV had two different ideas in two years for the project, remember? Speaking of "revisionist history," there were three opinions from planners on this and the last one suggested a park!
Did you want a park, did you want a rubber stamp Board, did you want to give up 34 million for nothing, or are you just politicking as Mr. Anthony suggested?
I'll stay ith Mr. Anthony, I think he knows a lot more than the MCU about this.
Tom Ford
9:00 PM, February 05, 2014
Feb 5. 8:39 PM
Your conclusion that the mayor and some aldermen do not understand the redevelopment process is inaccurate.
Martha Duchild
No one knows whether the project will be successful because it isn't happening.
Mr. Anthony, however, accuses some aldermen of not understanding the process , which is funny, considering that was the same charge that PGAV levied against the mayor and certain aldermen. Given the experience differential with respect to development and redevelopment, I think it safe to say that PGAV understands the redevelopment process more than Mr. Anthony, and if they accuse the mayor and some aldermen of not understanding the process, that carries more weight to me than Mr. Anthony's editorial.
Maybe Martha is right, though: maybe the alderman did understand the process and just didn't want to see it through because they hated the concept so much--if that is the case, own it, don't run from it. For Mr. Anthony to say that the aldermen who wanted to proceed with a planning study and TIF commission had no understanding of the process has no basis in fact.
As reported by your Crestwood Call:
"Therefore, based on what I believe to be the board's lack of understanding of the processes associated with redevelopment of a major property of this sort and our desire to no longer be the subject of 'no' votes at your meetings, we are formally withdrawing our proposal to assist the city.
it is clear to us that many of the board's opinions and premises for action — or lack of it — on this project are not based on factual information.
"We have attempted to dispel and correct much of this thinking without success."
1:14 PM Feb. 6
PGAV made a face-saving statement. They failed to secure the necessary votes, so to explain this failure they blamed board members for not understanding the process. Completely understandable from a business perspective, but again, an inaccurate statement.
Odd that PGAV accuses the aldermen of not understanding the process when Mr. Brancaglione used a similar excuse in his attempt to explain PGAV's errors in blighting property in the middle of downtown Clayton. According to his testimony Mr. Brancaglione was unable to explain why his blighting analysis did not conform to changes in the blighting laws.
Martha Duchild
3:02 PM blogger; Read the rules, no name, no post of that sort!
Tom Ford
Hopefully the redevelopment process will eventually result in some redevelopment.
"Hopefully the redevelopment process will eventually result in some redevelopment."
I wouldn't hold my breath.
5:12 PM Blogger: Well the Lord works in mysterious ways (just ask the MCU sign painters.)
Since it's not OUR property, and since Centrum is hot5 to sell it, I am sure something will happen, so........
Tom Ford
The only reason someone would buy the property is to make a profit...I'd like to see how that can happen given the location and the regime in place. Buyers aren't exactly falling over each other to buy.
8:05 AM BLOGGER: We don't know who may be lined up, nor do we need to know until it comes to the P&Z folks.
Then we shall see who is " lined up."
Tom Ford
The only reason someone would buy the property is to make a profit...I'd like to see how that can happen given the location and the regime in place. Buyers aren't exactly falling over each other to buy.
8:05 AM, February 09, 2014
Talk about revisionist history! Whose regime was it when the mall was sold and sat on for 5 plus years?
Not the current one, that is historically provable.
The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
6:30 AM Blogger: Well actually that's the classic definition of insanity according to Sigmund Freud.
Sort of like trying to use a piece of property not owned by the City as a political tool, knowing all along that a Mayor has no power to change the outcome.
Tom Ford
I don't think any of the parties involved over the years have had any mental problems...Tom.
1:24 PM Blogger: I never said they did. I am sure no one would use property not ours as a political tool now would they.
Tom Ford
Funny thing is if the mall redevelopment would have been a resounding success those same politicians that are wringing their hands saying they have no power to do anything would now be taking credit and using it as a tool in their reelection campaign.
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