Candidates debate tonight at White Cliff 7:00 PM sharp.

The debate is sponsored and conducted by the league of women voters, and as such will be well regulated so that all of the questions will be completed by each candidate minus interruption's.
Please try to attend and see what Mayor Schlink has to say about the last three years in Crestwood.
Oh, and by the way, his opponent will also be in attendance.
Tom Ford
NO. 3050
I will very very interested to see what Mr. Schlink has to say. Very interested.
You and Mike Anthony can take those jabs at Roby(after all it's your blog and his paper), but I'll betcha a majority of Crestwood residents don't agree with how this mayor and this board handled the mall issue. See the notice of auction? Opening bid is $1 million. Whoever ends up with that property is going to get it reassessed just as quick as the ink on the deed can dry. Know what that means? Another decrease in revenue for the city. Let's see, what services can we cut next? Oh yeah, it's still better than a TIF, right?
4:16 PM Blogger: What jabs are you talking about? I never mentioned anyone but MAYOR JEFF SCHLINK!
Look before you leap, re read the post!
Tom Ford
I was at the debate tonight. Mr. Roby refused to say who his contributors were, while Mr. Schlink said he is NOT taking contributions from anyone or any business. He is only spending his own money.
Why would Mr. Roby not want to be transparent with the voters and say who was backing him with money?
Also it was interesting to find that MR. Roby still claimed the BOA bungled the Centrum proposal/TIF by following the Economic Developments Tools policy adopted in 2008. A policy that he voted for in 2008 that limited the amount of TIF to 15% of the cost of the project, (Centrum wanted 33%) and limited the life span of the TIF to 10 years (Centrum wanted 20).
Sounds like the BOA bungled nothing but simply followed the policy that MR Roby voted for in 2008. I don't get his beef?
!2:28 AM Blogger: Well on point one, I understand that former mayor Robinson is a contributor to Mr. Roby so maybe he doesn't want that out.
Point two is simple. Mr. Roby has either forgotten that he voted for that policy, or has chosen to hope we did, either is not good.
There seems to be a pattern developing with respect to forgetfulness on the part of Mr. Roby. In his flyer he omits a 15 year period in which he did ( ? ) for a living.
HIS IS A CAMPAIGN RUN ON EMOTION, not factual ideas or suggestions. Need the old Plaza redone? Hire a rent a mob from the MCU. Want a vote? Say your for the animal control department to stay.
He was an Alderman at one point, a man who was un opposed in 2006, but when it came to reelection time he chose not to run, why?
Why does he seem to want to forget the things he himself voted to do so conveniently when it comes to items now detrimental to his current campaign?
Tom Ford
The mayor was not asked about his disasterous personnel decisions..either ..I noted
7:43 poster:
Don't be silly. Mr. Schlink is innocent of "disastrous" personnel decisions. His city administrator did all that. He had NOTHING to do with those decisions, and he was powerless to stop them. I'm SURE he wanted to.
READ THE CHARTER! We hired a man to do the job of City Administrator, he is doing his job, the Mayor does not (and should not) interfere, period.
More touchy, feely emotions people?
Tom Ford
"The mayor was not asked about his disasterous personnel decisions..either ..I noted"
Well here's your place to list those
"disasterous" personnel decisions for us.
Have at it.
$100,000 plus in settlements and non disclosures .. is chump change.. I guess.
12:08 PM BLOGGER: Clearly you are not familiar with how Crestwood works. The Mayor cannot spend the funds, the BOA must recommend and approve the expenditure of anything above $10,000.
Now as the Mayor can only break a tie vote of the BOA, and since there was no tie apparently how do you come up with your numbers?
If your going to shill for your candidate fine, but get it right or off it goes!
Tom Ford
Gee, why dont you ask some of the former alderman who are supporting Mr. Roby for gthe information that you want about a former city administrator?
I'm sure they will be willing to spill the beans if it will damage Mr. Schlink.
I understand that Mr. Roby, when asked who his contributors to his campaign were refused to answer. In fact, he refused to answer even when given a second chance.
Oh, wait, he did say that if we wanted to know we could drive over to Sutton Ave. in Maplewood (The Board Of Election's) and file the paperwork to see his reports. Failing that we could also drive to City hall and file a FOIA form.
It struck me that a common thread here was DRIVE! I guess he knows that gasoline is now at $3.30 a gallon and rising, does he not?
Why do we have to do that when our Mayor Jeff Schlink did in fact tell us who his were Mr. Roby?
This is important to me as it illustrates a lack of fiscal leadership on his part (spending other peoples money.)
Mr. Roby, why are you placing the burden on what you hope to be your constituents, why can't (or wont) YOU just tell us ?
Tom Ford
spending other peoples money
He's not spending your money. He was simply giving you an option you didn't like. But he wasn't spending anything by giving you that option.
In some ways, I feel this mayoral election is like the last presidential race--in that there is no way these are the two most qualified individuals for the position, but they are the ones running, so they are the choices.
To his credit, Jeff Schlink has displayed a professionalism and temperament that Roy Robinson sorely lacked, and he seems like a nice enough guy. However, incumbents should be rewarded (or punished) based on their track record, and Jeff Schlink's track record is nonexistent. I can't think of a signature accomplishment or achievement for his first term. The status quo is a steady state of decline. His approach to decision making is passive, and he deals with matters a they come to the board, rather than being proactive in effectuating change or improvement. He displays the paralyzing caution of a middle manager, which he is. I think Jeff enjoys being mayor for the sake of being mayor. I voted for him in the last election, but will not do so again.
In circumstances such as those, the challenger deserves a chance. Gregg Roby has been a regular attendee at BOA meetings, and oftentimes seems to be better informed than the mayor or other aldermen. From what I can recall, he was a reasonable voice on the BOA during his tenure as an aldermen. I am willing to give him a chance, because anyone can sit in the mayor's chair and "go with the flow" like Jeff Schlink does--I would like someone who is willing to put a little more effort into it.
Finally, disturbingly, from what I have seen, both Gregg and Jeff's campaigns are full of broad (non-specific) promises, hyperbole, and background information about their lives. I have not seen a specific proposal to do anything from either one of them, which is unfortunate.
If Jeff Schlink's first term is viewed as a success, then we as a city have set the bar far, far too low.
7:56 AM Blogger: What I said was, "
This is important to me as it illustrates a lack of fiscal leadership on his part (spending other peoples money.)"
What you tried to do was to take it out of context, didn't work!
Mr. Roby only had to tell us who they were, are, and save himself the questions by me and many others. Why did he not do that? Why don't YOU ask him?
Tom Ford
8:24 AM Blogger: Mayor Schlink I believe has placed a position paper in the Call.
I don't know what if anything Mr. Roby has out other than the single sheet flyer that was an insert in the Call.
By the way, has Mr. Roby accounted for the 15 year lapse in the work time line that was missing in that flyer yet?
Tom Ford
9:08 AM Blogger: If your right (and your not,) why then would we want to lower the bar even further by electing someone with less internal working knowledge this time?
Tom Ford
has Mr. Roby accounted for the 15 year lapse in the work time line that was missing in that flyer yet?
black ops?
This is important to me as it illustrates a lack of fiscal leadership on his part (spending other peoples money.)"
There was not one thing I said taken out of context. He did not spend any of YOUR money, or anyone else's. He simply gave an answer that didn't suit you. That's okay by me, I'm just calling it like I see it. Him telling you to "get it yourself" isn't maybe the smartest thing he could have said, but it left the ball in your court to do with as you see fit. It didn't cost you a dime and doesn't have to if you choose. Saying he's "fiscally irresponsible" is a Grand Canyon leap from "I'm mad about his answer", which is what the truth is.
8:24 poster:
I agree with your post and your thoughts. I will NOT vote for Mr. Schlink.
10:22 AM Blogger: Well, I guess that "SEALS" it.
Tom Ford
8:24 AM Blogger: Well you won't see it no matter what I or anyone else says so enjoy the Kool aid.
Tom Ford
"He was simply giving you an option you didn't like"
That is transparency?
That is a servant of the people?
8:24 AM, March 22, 2014
What evidence do you have to support your high views of Mr.Roby? Been to a lot of BOA meetings? More than Mr. Schlink? NO!
"From what I can recall, he was a reasonable voice on the BOA during his tenure as an aldermen." Do you find it "interesting" that Mr. Roby who has been critical of the BOA in it's handling of the Centrum proposal, the handling that was based on the Economic Developments Tools policy adopted in 2008 and voted for approval by Mr Roby.
"Saying he's "fiscally irresponsible" is a Grand Canyon leap from "I'm mad about his answer", which is what the truth is."
"The status quo is a steady state of decline"
Did you not hear at the debate the latest financial report? Surplus up, tax rev up! And Mr. Roby still claims he was right to have asked for a .35 tax increase in 2006 or else the City would go broke? What kind of ego can claim they are still right when over 70% of the voters/neighbors/peers said he was wrong?
That is not reality based fiscally responsible. This is an example of NOT being able to live in the present. This is an example of someone who was an Alderman over 7 years ago and until 2012 hadn't warmed a seat in the BOA Chambers. This is an example of someone running for office because, as he has admitted, has lots of spare time since he has retired and is upset that his drinking buddy was defeated by Mr. Schlink 3 years ago. This is an example of MR. Roby running from his own past and his own record and hiding important information from the voters, while promising them he will be transparent.
The debate only strengthened my support of Mr. Schlink.
Anyone remember when Mr Roby, in an pre-election act of "transparency", attempted to stop the name of the person who had requested by FOIA, City emails that cost the tax payer over $5000 being disclosed? Remember the City Attorney said the public had a right to know the name? Remember the name of that person was former Alderman Beasley?
Remember that Mr. Roby said, in total "transparency", his unnamed, find our for your self, contributors were former members of the BOA?
Does anyone think one of those former Aldermen contributors might be Ms.Beasley?
Naah, that would be just TOO much of a coincident.
So you are bothered by Gregg Roby deciding that a nonbinding 2008 economic development plan should no longer be followed to the letter in 2014, and yet have no problem with Jeff Schlink flip flopping on the PGAV votes in the same calendar year?
Seems like a double standard.
Plans should be updated regularly depending on changed circumstances. The world has changed a great deal since 2008. About the only thing the 2008 plan would be good for now would be as scrap paper, or TP perhaps.
"Seems like a double standard."
Not at all, for as you pointed out for us changing events require changing responses.
MR. Schlink did not vote for the 2008 law, while MR. Roby who did and claims to be on top of events, said the BOA bungled the way they handled the Centrum proposal.
Mr. Schlink by not breaking a tie, was only following the policy set and voted for by Mr. Roby. Crestwood dodged the Centrum bullet, MR Roby has been on the wrong side of this issue from the get go. Now he is trying to distant himself from the MCU which he supported in their attempt to force the BOA to break the very policy that MR. Roby has voted for in 2008.
That isn't a double standard, that's a simply example of not knowing what you stood for at one time or hoping every one has forgotten.
MR. Roby has not made the case to cause this voter to vote for him.
"MR. Roby has not made the case to cause this voter to vote for him."
That's a fair statement. So why do you need to argue down others who don't share your opinion? The fact is this: Those who are happy with the current mayor will vote for him, and those of us who are not, won't. It really is that simple. No one is going to make me think Mr. Schlink has done a good job because they argue at me, and that goes both ways. Why are we wasting time and energy arguing, when everyone posting here clearly has their decision made? Spend your energy more wisely campaigning for your candidate.
This is a good time to remind EVERYONE that no personal insults are allowed.
While your at it, if you feel so strongly about your remarks, sign your name!
Tom Ford
". To everyone’s surprise, Alderman Tennessen voted NO on PGAV killing the project."
Check the audio of he meeting. Alderman Tennesson seems to be the one that stopped it, not Mayor Schlink.
No flip flop as there was no need to break a tie that night.
Tom Ford
"So why do you need to argue down others who don't share your opinion?"
Tell me how am I "arguing down" Mr. Roby's supporters? Is it my fault that the questions and historical events I present leave them "speechless"?
No one is preventing Mr. Roby's supporters from speaking their mind, they just don't know how to cope with the other side of the story being told. Maybe it's the first time some of them have heard it?
So far no one has any issued personal insults, just historical facts and questions and answers based on those truths.
"Why are we wasting time and energy arguing"?
Why are you trying to curtail what may be the only way I have to campaign? It does seem odd ro you as it does to me, that as soon as former Alderman Beasley was mentioned the "can't we all just get along" crowd jumped in.
Just saying.
6:31 PM BLOGGER: Correct, so far no insults and I appreciate it.
It interesting however that when the loyal opposition runs out of facts they seem to "want to all get along for...."
Well at least their not bringing in the MCU, yet.
Tom Ford
The debate offers two options.
One (schlink). We continue down the path of government as established by the charter. Separated powers.
Two ( roby ). Governing by Roy Robinson/ Roby rules of order. We experienced the anarchy and disorder created by Greer and Robinson. Do not want that experience again.
I clearly stand with choice one.
Why do you equate Gregg Roby with Roy Robinson? That is decently slanderous. Keep in mind that Gregg was the president of the BOA for a while, and I don't recall any bullying tactics or inappropriate behavior ala Robinson. I have seen nothing to indicate that Gregg Roby wouldn't respect the Charter.
Also, for those of you lauding Jeff Schlink for using his own money instead of contributions: I guess good for him, but keep in mind that $10,000 of his money is courtesy of the Crestwood taxpayers...that buys an awful lot of yard signs.
11:43 PM, March 22, 2014
Cry me a river, poor MR.Roby, is he out of money from the former Aldermen who are bankrolling his run for the Mayors job?
Mr. Roby claims on his Facebook page that he has ordered more signs after the 500 he originally order ran out.
I can tell him where to find four signs, look for them stacked next to his brothers garage door.
Voodoo sign economics?
"courtesy of the Crestwood taxpayers" WOW talk about a sour disposition! It's called his pay, something a person earns for the work they do.
Try it sometime, you might find it refreshing.
Mayor Schlink's most notable achievement has been the reduction of traffic on Watson road. He ran last time on a platform of increasing traffic on Watson road...
7:13 AM Blogger: And I guess this is to be lauded as your most notable achievement,? Try the facts!
MAYOR SCHLINK cannot help the fact that Centrum couldn't do it, he is not responsible for the BOA, and the resigned one who voted no on PGAV thus ending the project And if that were not enough, he has no control over the traffic flow anywhere!
Maybe Mr. Roby was a traffic control engineer during the 15 years he omitted from his resume, but OUR MAYOR was working in the financial industry, a job that brings more qualifications to the table than you give him credit for.
In closing, try to stick to the facts and leave the "too cute by a half" schtick to the professional comics.
Tom Ford
Is there some kind of rule about former aldermen backing a mayoral candidate? There are so many nasty remarks about that on here I had to ask. When someone is no longer an alderman, do they forfeit the right to back whomever they wish? I am baffled why many here seem to think that they have no rights to back Crestwood candidates of their choosing. Tell me if I've missed one of Crestwood's many ordinances.
A thought occurred to me reference the Roby campaign doner's. why not ask the treasurer for the Roby campaign who the contributors were and save the employee time to look it up. I believe I saw a sign with the name Mary Duncan (Mimi?) listed as the campaign treasurer, so....
At one point a Roby supporter was not happy with the "fishing trip" at City Hall for Mayor Schlink's emails that cost us so much time and money, so why not go to the source, surely she will tell us, no?
Tom Ford
9:04 AM Blogger: No there is no rule, nor is there a stigma attached to it that I know of.
It is however interesting that three of the four decided not to run for re election as did the candidate.
If they didn't have the time and ideas to put forth, what makes you think their candidate does, and more specifically WHAT IDEAS?
Tom Ford
"Is there some kind of rule about former aldermen backing a mayoral candidate? There are so many nasty remarks about that on here I had to ask."
No there is not such a law/rule, former Alderman Beasley, Pickel, Duncan, Foot or Bland. What you call nasty comments are in fact just telling the truth, or asking honest questions:
a. Beasley's FOIA requests for Mayor Schlinks emails cost citizens $5000.
b. Mr. Roby was didn't want Beasley's name being made known as the requester of the costly FOIA.
c. Mr Roby has said his run for office is being funded in part by former Aldermen.
d. Mr Roby said he is totally transparent.
e. Mr. Roby has refused to disclose the names of the former Alderman who are funding his campaign.
Looking for that nasty remark.
And Jeff's campaign is being funded by all of the current aldermen and former aldermen and anyone else who pays taxes to the City of Crestwood.
Jeff's lucky the mayor's position is salaried, and not merit pay.
2:39 PM BLOGGER: I have had this Blog since 2006 and your post may well be the most rediclious thing ever posted here!
I almos just removed it but decided to allow Crestwoodians to see what depths the Roby supporters have sunk to.
Now, you want to insult me, or for that matter anyone else here, sign your name or save your manicure!
Tom Ford
2:39 PM, March 23, 2014
Holy cow, I was going to vote for Schlink but your post changed my mind due to it's insightful, intelligent political acumen!
3:29 PM BLOGGER: Wow isn't that the truth! The poor mans James Carvil seems to have moved to Crestwood.
Tom Ford
How did Mr. Schlink decrease the traffic flow on Watson Road?
Please provide the documented evidence that traffic has declined and Schlink was the cause?
Rumors do not count.
8:20 PM BLOGGER: unless they had someone in a lawn chair along side Watson Rd. they have no such evidence either way.
Just another case of the emotion based campaign Mr. Roby's staff is running for him.
I woulden't hold your breath waiting for their answer as there isn't one.
Mor of the same, " All hat and no cows!"
Tom Ford
Two ( roby ). Governing by Roy Robinson/ Roby rules of order. We experienced the anarchy and disorder created by Greer and Robinson. Do not want that experience again.
Should Greer and ROBERTSON. Roy fired Greer.
"Roy fired Greer."
Read your copy of the Charter on the removal of a C/A.
Read your copy of the Charter on the removal of a C/A.
OK. Restatement... Roy led the charge to fire Greer.
As happy as one can be when your candidate believes in the 10 foot pole rule.
Roy led the charge to fire Greer.
Getting there, now if you only knew your history you would know that Greer retired from Crestwood.
Roy led nothing of the sort as you claim he did.
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9: 43 AM Blogger: Sorry but we do not discuss employee related issues of that type here. None of us know what actually happened. so it's off limits.
Tom Ford
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@8:02 a.m.
Roy Robinson was instrumental in removing Greer from his position as C/A
10:47 AM BLOGGER: Well you wasted you time, didn't y.ou.
Tom Ford
Now Roy was only "instrumental' in Greer leaving Crestwood.
No longer fired him, or lead the charge.
Gee, isn't history and the Charter a b*tch sometimes?
Greer retired from Crestwood
You made it sound like he voluntarily left the C/A position with a golden watch. At Roy Robinson's insistence, and the BOA's approval, he was removed from office involuntarily.
Greer retired from Crestwood
You made it sound like he voluntarily left the C/A position with a golden watch. At Roy Robinson's insistence, and the BOA's approval, he was removed from office involuntarily.
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6:37 PM BLOGGER: No personal insults unless you sign your REAL NAME. Sorry but it been. Rule here for 8 years.
Tom Ford
Do you realize how wonderfully smart you sound when you say,
"Greer was removed from office involuntarily"?
9:00 PM BLOGGER: "Gee what golden throated prose you utter grandma!"
Play nice now.
Tom Ford
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