Monday, April 28, 2014


From the Call:

I know this is "old news" but I am writing about the ability of the Board to come together when things are right, as this appointment was.

There have been so many comments about a "split Board" that will NEVER be able to get anything done that I thought this is well worth the band width to bring to your attention.

I won't take up your time by evaluating each of the decisions made by each of the Board members, so suffice it to say that when an item comes before them that makes sense, is good for the community, and is viable, their together.

Now, we have a new Mayor, a new Alderman, and possibly a new owner of the old Mall. I think the timing is excellent for a plan to change the Mall that will work for the long hall to be brought forth, evaluated, and IF THE COMMUNITY THINKS A TIF IS WORKABLE voted on by this Board.

I am against any TIF giveaway's for the sake of developing anything (they hurt the School system) but I am willing to listen as I was before. My problem with the last one was that it was a non viable plan that was doomed to failure. and everyone should have known it.

This time out, please forget the emotion, forget the campaign promises that won't take place anyway and let's ALL get behind a project (if it's viable) that will fill that lot with something more than 10 1/4 % tax rate and an "up scale bowling ally."

Congratulations to ALL the Board members for your new found ability to work as a team for Crestwood!

Tom Ford

NO. 3061


Anonymous Tim Trueblood said...

Welcome back to the Board, Alderman Vincent! It will be a pleasure serving with you now, just as it was when we served together in the past.

10:46 AM, April 28, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes welcome Aldermen Vincent. Perhaps the first thing to do is to clarify that you did not vote on a "TIF" for the 66 Drive In Redevelopment. What you actually voted for was a Chapter 353 without tax abatement.

11:29 PM, April 29, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:29 PM Blogger: "What you actually voted for was a Chapter 353 without tax abatement."

Well that's just fine with me, it would seem that we have a person who is NOT willing to give up the farm keys!

Excellent !

Tom Ford

7:27 AM, April 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like the sale is progressing after all

7:27 AM, April 30, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:27 AM Blogger: Well that's good news now isn't it. I wonder if our local developer was the winner?

Now I believe we shall see what the new owner / owners have in mind for that once proud Lady.

Tom Ford

7:40 AM, April 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Key points in the Call article.

"I'm just really surprised at the low number" Roby.

"We enjoyed many good years of income with the mall." Barket

The market place has set the real value of the mall.
Barket enjoyed many good years of income, but Centrum went bankrupt and never put a nickel back into their property to keep it competitive. Really makes me question if Centrums proposal that needed $33 million of tax assistance was just a smoke screen. all bark and no bite? Seems like the free advise from planner said as much.

9:18 AM, April 30, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Anyone need look no further that this for the "low number" reasons.

Tom Ford

9:40 AM, April 30, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

UrbanStreet Group, the Chicago company that’s redeveloping several buildings in downtown St. Louis, revealed itself Friday as the new owner of the empty Crestwood Court mall.

Here is an article about some of their other projects. So far in St. Louis, their projects have been renovation of downtown historic buildings. Dealing with a suburban mall will be new for them (at least in this market).

8:22 AM, May 03, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:22AM Blogger: Excellent, now maybe we have someone who give us a workable solution for the property.

These folks do a nice job downtown, and there is no reason they won't do it here.

Tom Ford

9:30 AM, May 03, 2014  

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