Saturday, April 26, 2014

New rules for this Blog that WILL be followed if you expect to post here!

Ladies and Gentlemen, it has long been my rule that if you're going to post disparaging remarks, accusations, and or comment's about a person on this Blog that YOU sign your real name.

Regrettably we have had instances where some have tried to break that simple rule to post what they think will further their agenda without signing their names. The vast majority of those posts have been deleted by me as soon as I saw them, and some have been left on to illustrate the imbecility of the poster.

Effective with this thread I am advising ALL who post here that in order for a poster to make ANY accusations, negative remarks, or personal attacks they WILL have to sign their names period, or they will be removed at once (this includes any and all public officials, here or elsewhere.)

You are fully aware that in order to have a newspaper print your letter you must include your name and address, and the same goes for radio and TV, so were going to do it here as well.

You will note that I as well as several others sign every post we put on here, however I must now require you to do the same thing if you wish to attack anyone else in or out of office (anonymous remarks about City affairs will still be allowed as long as the poster does not mention any names.) I shouldn't allow it, but I will as long as a poster follows the rules.

I expect that you would require nothing less if you were the one on the receiving end of some of the things I have had to remove, and well you should. I can and will find the name and address of anyone who posts these malicious remarks for all the rest of you to see and despise as well.

This has happened recently and I did work with the offended party (who decided not to go public with the name, but he well could have, and in my opinion should have!)To those who have done this I say you're obviously a person who knows no shame, and I really wonder how your family can live with such a craven coward in their midst!

For the rest of us who do enjoy posting here, I thank you for your time and comment's as we have seen some new and exciting ideas emerge from your posts (they have been passed on to City Hall for the Board's consideration.)

Please enjoy posting here and by all means please continue to feed you ideas for the betterment of our town via this Blog as I really do believe the City fathers read and take under advisement many of the great ideas and comment's we have seen here over the years.

To those who can't. won't follow the rules, I bid you farewell, we and the City will not miss you as cowardice has never, nor will it ever be a virtue, and Crestwood is too good a place for you to hide in your self serving shadows!

Tom Ford

NO. 3060


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