Friday, April 18, 2014

Public Works Director resigned today, search for replacement probably will start after new Mayor takes office on 4/22/14.

I have been informe that the Director of Public Works has resigned. I believe we will have more information on the search for his replacement after Mayor Roby takes office.

Tom Ford

No. 3057


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another employee leaving? Will the last one out, please turn out the lights.

12:02 AM, April 19, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:02 AM Blogger: But wait, we were told that once we had a new Mayor all would be perfect, no?

Can it be that Mr. Roby will not be able to create the utopia we were told he could / would?

What happened? Is it possible that "the more things change, the more they stay the same?"

Tom Ford

4:46 AM, April 19, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think Mayor Roby can possibly be blamed for this since he hasn't even been installed yet.

It could be that the person's wife got a new job in a different city, or they found a better position at another municipality, or any number of reasons. Most others do pay more.

In this economy, I don't think we will have trouble finding someone to take a job like that pays $75,000+ Life will go on.

Obviously there are trade-offs of budget (and tax rates) vs. employee compensation, and it's up to those in charge to find the "sweet spot". Right now, for better or worse, I think Crestwood is more of a "stepping stone" position for more municipal employees until they move on to greener pastures and higher pay elsewhere since we are on the low end of the pay scale for most positions. The good is that saves us money, but the bad is that we will probably wind up with less long-term high quality employees.

7:57 AM, April 19, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:57 AM, April 19, 2014

Spot on. We are fast becoming a training ground... the best and brightest don't stay. Their is a big difference in a cop who has been on the street one or two years and one who as been working the same street for 5+. Is this what we want to be?

11:27 AM, April 19, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:57 AM Blogger: " don't think Mayor Roby can possibly be blamed for this."

I did that for a reason, and since you bit, the reason is Mayor Schlink could not possibly have been blamed for the inane things the Roby supporters said he did / didn't do either!

Now possibly we can ALL understand that it's not so nice to be the scape goat for whatever your opposition want's to say, is it.

Tom Ford

4:34 PM, April 19, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wells said Tom, but how can you be SURE Mr. Prate leaving is not in reaction to Mayor elect Roby?
You cant be.
Let's run with that for a while

6:55 PM, April 19, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:55 PM BLOGGER: I can't of course, but fear not a Robyite will explain why that is not possible, trust me.

Run with it, why not the E Bunny isn't due till tomorrow anyway.

Tom Ford

7:05 PM, April 19, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was told he got a better job.

8:27 AM, April 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better job that working in Crestwood with Roby as outvelyburesr mayor?

8:36 AM, April 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me try that again
Better job than working for Crestwood with Roby as our mayor?

8:37 AM, April 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

more like: better job in a city that isn't shriveling up and blowing away?

4:48 PM, April 20, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:48 PM BLOGGER: who knows why, we're going to be just fine without him however.

In 45 years I have seen a parade of employees leave, and guess what, Crestwood. Is still here.

Like te man said, " when they find the center of the universe, shome people will be un happy to find it's not them."

We will stay the course, and my money is on Crestwood to prosper!

Tom Ford

5:26 PM, April 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not anymore sports fans, just like Roy, riding into town on a new horse, we have new sheriff under a new hat, in town!

Remember that post made 9 years ago when Roy was 1st elected?

9 years later the other post that was made then has been made again.

"a city that isn't shriveling up and blowing away."

7:53 PM, April 20, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Parade. ...good choice of words...! As in circus?

8:26 PM, April 20, 2014  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:26PM Blogger: No, not as in circus!

The next time you need a fire truck why not call Ringling Brothers and see what happens.

What I meant (and you know it) was we have had employees come and go just like any other business or City.

We are no more a training ground than Ladue or Normandy, what your seeing is a person who no longer want's to work here, nothing more, nothing less.

Since were not going to dissect every exit interview here I suggest if you really want to know, call him at City Hall and ask him.

Tom Ford

6:56 AM, April 21, 2014  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The City of Crestwood is a great training ground for other cities. We have a great city and everyone wants to learn our processes to run a larger city!

3:18 PM, May 03, 2014  

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